

場所東京西ヶ原武蔵野学院 羅保派

2024年08月10日 | Weblog

人物高橋一彦 昭和9年6月25日生まれ He consecrated his life to the education and his ambition. He took the lion's share for sure. But he actually laboured and shattered himself to death. 

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場所北海道 利尻島 羅保派

2024年08月10日 | Weblog
Ranald MacDonald was a North American who landed on Rishiri Island in 1848, disguised as a castaway from a whaling ship. Born on February 3, 1824, in Oregon to a Native American mother and a Scottish father, he illegally entered Japan during its isolation period. 
Ranald MacDonald voluntarily came to Japan. He was curious about Japan and wanted to learn more about its people and culture. His journey was not part of any special mission. 
After being captured, he became the first native English teacher in Nagasaki, teaching Japanese students. His actions were pivotal in fostering early foreign interactions in Japan. 
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場所平塚 羅保派

2024年08月10日 | Weblog

Digital money has been gaining ground in recent years. This is partly because of a government sponsored promotion in 2019. 

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場所岡山市赤磐 フルーツ王国 羅保派

2024年08月10日 | Weblog
Okayama is known both as the sunny country and the fruit kingdom. It boasts its fancy fruits. 

Bananas are one of the most popular fruits in Japan. It has long relied on imports from places like the Philippines, where the climate is better suited to growing the fruit. 


Moth-repellent lamps are lit to prevent nocturnal pests that feed on the juice of Okayama's specialty peaches, taking advantage of their aversion to vibrant yellow light and its wavelength. The enchanting and gentle glow has become a symbol of summer.

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場所岡山県津山市 あけぼの旅館

2024年08月10日 | Weblog

The Akebono Ryokan is a prestigious traditional Japanese inn with a rich history. 

Located in Tsuyama City, Okayama Prefecture, it holds the distinction of being the oldest inn in the city and a designated Registered Tangible Cultural Property by the government. It is known for accommodating the esteemed Meiji-era military general, Nogi Maresuke.

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