

場所千代田区有楽町一丁目 東京ミッドタウン日比谷

2024年08月17日 | Weblog

「有楽町で逢いましょう」という歌が懐かしいが、ミッドタウン日比谷で待ち合わせして、スタバでおしゃべりして、銀座を歩いた。「二人の銀座」Is it errant to go on a date with a married woman while being this close and holding hands? If this is a relationship between "a man and a woman", it might be called an escapade, but she is important person and we cherish the memories of our friendship from the past and are still good friends now.  I was feeling like I'm walking on air. I was feeling like a million.  I'm exhilarating, a burst of energy that ignites the spirit and lifts the heart. Every moment feels alive with possibility, as if the world is a canvas waiting for vibrant strokes of creativity. はじめての鳩居堂

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場所鳥取 鳥取県岩美郡岩美町 東浜海水浴場

2024年08月17日 | Weblog

The transparency of sea water on the Sea of Japan Coast is absolutely higher. Seto Inland Sea has lower transparency. So once you swim here, you'll surely get hooked on swimming on the Sea of Japan Coast in Tottori. Shoring up local tourism is essential for economic recovery after the pandemic. 海岸だけにテコ入れするのだ

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人物松田聖子 神田沙也加

2024年08月17日 | Weblog

I feel the depth of the estrangement between Sayaka Kanda and her mother, Seiko Matsuda. Seiko's history with men, and Sayaka's pitiable and lonely childhood. Seiko did not attend Sayaka's graduation ceremony, and conversely, she was not invited to Sayaka's wedding. Seiko, like a monster, prioritizes her own career.

羽生結弦 prioritizes his own image. 


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場所岡山市あくら通り 温羅じゃ 桃太郎が主役ではない

2024年08月17日 | Weblog

In Okayama, the Uraja Festival, which focuses on the demon Ura rather than Momotaro, is held in the summer. It is crowded with dancers and spectators. You'll always find a way out.  I received acclamation from the audience for my outstanding performance.

アクラメイション 『あくら』岡山市の市の木『クロガネモチ』


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場所京都のイメージ 滋賀 日本一珈琲を飲みパンを食べる

2024年08月17日 | Weblog

The residents of Otsu City in Shiga Prefecture are the biggest bread consumers in Japan. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications' household survey, Otsu City ranks first nationwide in bread consumption. In terms of bread purchase amount, Kyoto City is at the top, followed by Kobe City.

Additionally, the residents of Kyoto Prefecture are the biggest coffee drinkers in Japan. The household survey indicates that Kyoto City has the highest coffee consumption per household nationwide. The high coffee consumption in Kyoto City is attributed to its tea-drinking culture and the presence of many universities, which foster a culture of drinking coffee for relaxation and information exchange.

Kyoto residents are known for their fondness for new things. Incidentally, the "Salad Bread" produced by "Tsuruyapan," a bakery in Nagahama City, Shiga Prefecture, is a type of prepared bread that sandwiches pickled takuan mixed with mayonnaise in a koppe bread. In 1951, the founder's wife developed a bread using cabbage mixed with mayonnaise. This bread was named "Salad Bread," using the word "salad" to match the trend at the time. However, the cabbage caused the bread to become soggy, leading to a switch to takuan in 1962. Takuan is long-lasting and has a texture similar to cabbage. Furthermore, Shiga Prefecture residents are the biggest beef consumers in Japan. According to the ranking of beef consumption by prefecture, Shiga Prefecture (Otsu City) ranks first.

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