

場所大阪市肥後橋 朝日新聞

2024年08月17日 | Weblog

場所大阪肥後橋の名称は、近くにあった肥後藩の蔵屋敷に由来します。江戸時代、蔵屋敷がありました。現在は朝日新聞社がある。Aiming for sensation, the mass media stirred up that news. Media bias is often unavoidable. The media blow things out of proportion. We are surrounded by skewed sources of information


We are surrounded advertising signs are everywhere. We should read coverage in multiple outlets. We are neglecting the connection close to us.  The Asahi Shimbun spread misinformation and biased reporting like that of comfort women. 偏向報道 biased coverage // His whole testimony had been faked [concocted]. ] stretch the truth 大げさに言う;誇張して言う  make a mountain of a mole-hill. 産経人物 reputable paper 信頼できる新聞 朝日新聞 untrustworthy paper 掛け値のない(信頼できる)男 a sterling fellow  信頼できない情報源 an unreliable source of information 二枚舌を使う人 two-faced person 二枚舌を使う政治家

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