

12/12 Last evenig I saw a delivery of housekeepong

2020-12-12 11:00:58 | 動物の心理

12/12 Last evenig I saw a delivery of housekeepong

then I remembered chefs could come to your house

to make dishes.

There are many chefs who can't work in their restaurant.

I heard this on december 8 at Takero about 7:30

From 6.800 yens for a time, they make 12 dishes.

Not expensive.

If you are interested, check net sites.

It's an excellent idea for chrismas and new year meals.


12/12 Tolea erased Japanese

2020-12-12 10:58:13 | 動物の心理

12/12 Tolea erased Japanese

Yesterday I suceeded to installer Firefoxlish and mcafee

Then I closed my PC after subscribing (OK?) my blogs.

Tolera's attacks persistent and to very detailed parts.

This morning I found no Japanese.

He thought this way I would not.be able to write my blog.

Just now my mouse moved alone and try to erase Japanese word above

I can recavery again but don't and for a while I will use English.

My readers can read English.