

Writing Sample写作解析

2018-09-01 17:58:04 | 日記
Writing Sample是申请国外大学材料的一种,其作用就是为了证明申请者的学术能力。相比于其他条件,招生官可能会更看重学生的学术能力,因为这是留学生最薄弱的地方。那么Writing Sample该怎么写呢?下面就给大家讲解一下。

Writing Sample考察什么







美国大学的申请并非像中国只看分数,而是看学生通过整体申请材料展现自己的能力。PS如此、推荐信如此,Writing Sample也是如此。

Writing Sample一般都要求和研究方向一致,即使不一致也要相关,因为要考虑到和学校的项目设置进行一个match。如果你在PS中已经提及了你的研究方向,那么在Writing Sample中也要进行相关的展开来进行支持。

不同的Program对Writing Sample会有不同的要求。新闻专业的申请者是要写新闻稿的,PhD会要求写research proposal。普通的实践类的master,通常没有特殊要求。但还是回到上面说的第三点,既然要写,为什么不写能体现自己专业素养的内容呢?

怎么写Writing Sample



引述USC-Communication Management对Writing Sample的要求:

The writing may take various forms: a report for your organization, press releases for clients, news articles, a set of substantial memos to your superiors successfully arguing for a particular position, or an academic paper for a college or university course. The writing sample should not exceed 10 pages.

如果Writing Sample不直接反映研究的方向,至少也是相关的,如果你选择了某个题目,而该题目和学校的方向设置相差很远的话,在审核材料的时估计会有保留意见;另一方面,如果已经在PS 里明确了自己的研究方向,最好能有一个这个方向的Writing Sample支持。但是最重要的是,无论如何选题,都不要犯非常低级的常识性的错误,那会给录取委员会很坏的印象。

选题无非就是几个因素之间的有机平衡:既有的研究成果、其中的问题和分析的学术水平、与项目要求以及申请材料制作整体的配合度。这样一个排列不是随意之举,它们之间存在一个序列关系,一般而言,制约Writing Sample写作的程度从高到低。



选定了研究主题甚至是既有的论文成果后,真正关乎材料产出质量的,仍然是具体写作的过程。基于整个申请材料的分工定位,Writing Sample是为了集中展现学术能力,但同时也是一份申请材料,要遵循申请项目的各种规定。


写作结构依旧是“汉堡”理论的总分总,即introduction+ body+ conclusion。开头点题、明确表明观点,中间部分呈现所有的论据和论点来支持开头的观点,结尾部分总结观点并提出更深层次的反思。写一个段落时永远要去想它的目的是什么、如何为论证服务、如何总领和收束,写下一个段落时永远要去想它如何跟上文衔接并开启下文。对,这不光是英文能力,还是语文能力。另一方面,注意文章的流畅性与逻辑性。





以上就是关于Writing Sample的写作讲解,因为同学们大多都没写过英文学术论文,所以Writing Sample对大家来说难度非常大,同学们必须要多花时间去准备Writing Sample。



北美作业代写:Ecological ethical design

2018-09-01 17:57:36 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Ecological ethical design,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了生态伦理设计。生态伦理,就是人类处理自身及其周围的动物、环境和大自然等生态环境的关系的一系列道德规范,通常是人类在进行与自然生态有关的活动中,所形成的伦理关系及调节原则。基于生态伦理的产品再设计,有助于企业未来产品战略的发展,对人类生存环境的改善具有积极意义。

Ecological ethics refers to a series of moral norms that human beings deal with the relationship between themselves and their surrounding animals, environment and nature, which is usually the ethical relationship and regulatory principle formed by human beings in the activities related to natural ecology. Relevant research shows that the product redesign system based on ecological ethics is helpful to the development of enterprise product strategy in the future and has positive significance to the improvement of human living environment. Based on the interpretation of the concept of ecological ethics, this paper applies relevant research conclusions to specific product design from the aspects of function, form, structure and materials of product redesign, and takes ecological ethics as the basis of product redesign, which is also of great significance to regulate and restrain design behavior.

With the rapid development of economy and the improvement of scientific and technological level, human society is experiencing unprecedented prosperity and also facing challenges.

The high development of industrialization and the excessive discharge of waste residue, waste gas and waste water by factories have overloaded the self-cleaning capacity of the ecological environment, directly causing serious environmental pollution in many countries, and not only did not stop but also continued to develop towards worse forms.

In recent years, the greenhouse effect, ozone hole, acid rain and other severe weather have seriously affected global development. These are also self-inflicted consequences. As CO2 is continuously released to the earth, large forests are cut down, resulting in higher and higher atmospheric CO2 concentration, warming climate and rising sea level. Large amounts of chlorinated and brominated compounds gradually spread into the atmosphere, creating holes in the protective ozone layer. In addition, too much SO2 released by industrial production will lead to acid rain, which will damage plants, soil, water quality, etc., and affect people's quality of life.

The level of economic development is rising rapidly, the population base is getting larger and larger, people are demanding more and more resources, and mankind is facing a resource crisis. The reduction of freshwater resources, serious water pollution, the gradual shrinking of arable land available, the soaring global energy consumption, the overexploitation of mineral resources and the unsustainable development of some resources have become major constraints on energy.

Globally, biological species are gradually disappearing, with thousands of species dying out every year. The main reason for the extinction or mass reduction of species is the loss of habitat on which plants and animals depend, which is also caused by the increasing frequency of human activities. The loss of species breaks the balance of natural ecology.

As a result of indiscriminate clearing of land, deforestation, destruction of plants, soil erosion, reduction of forest and grassland area and degradation, a number of natural disasters that could have been avoided have occurred, further causing soil desertification. Once the soil desertification will aggravate the situation of soil erosion and eventually lead to a vicious circle of ecological environment.

Production of products based on ecological ethics is in conformity with the historical inevitability, due to the traditional economic model has shortcomings, product design through two industrial revolution, human beings create enormous wealth, thus for human dilemma of industrial civilization, more and more ignored the importance of the harmonious development of man and nature, as a result, the design of the traditional economic products or exposed a lot of disadvantages.

Traditional product design is to use resources for production to meet consumption, and finally waste emission of the design idea. The use of resources is extensive and disposable, so that resources are wasted, and many natural resources are finally exhausted with the shortage. Another design idea is to excavate materials and energy with high intensity. Regardless of whether the product is finally discharged in the form of pollutants or wastes, the available product resources are constantly turned into garbage and pollute the environment, causing an irreparable cost to the natural ecology. The ultimate consequences of this traditional product design method are far beyond the scope of the definition of ecological ethics, with insufficient resource supply capacity, insufficient environmental self-purification capacity, and increasingly acute contradiction between product design and nature.

Traditional product design method without considering the consequences the resources into a waste, the wound for the premise to realize the economic growth is not a wise choice, it ignores the product itself and other ecological environment coexistence relationship, ignore the product design in the economic system and the ecological ethics of energy and information between each other, circulation of the law, gradually formed a kind of extensive mode of product design, development and utilization of resources and blindly regardless of the consequences of economic production mode. In such a design concept, what kind of technical means and policies and regulations can not make this product design sustainable development. Since the design line is in conflict with the policy of sustainable development and is based on the premise of resource destruction, it is of no significance to change the internal model in the concept of design products. However, under the guidance of modern information age, the productivity of this product has been improved, and the intensity of ecological consumption and pollution emission has been alleviated. However, the problem of resource utilization has not been solved at the source. Traditional product design is based on industrial infrastructure and abundant energy and resource supply. Instead, it reduces economic growth.

The traditional product design model aims to pursue the highest profit and wealth, while the increase of social wealth and the consumption of natural resources are carried out at the same time. Driven by the profit and wealth of the enterprise, under such a price system of environmental priceless and low resource price and high product price, the product manufacturer cannot improve the utilization rate of resources, let alone recycle the waste brought by the product. At the same time, the gradually assimilated lifestyle and consumption habits also make manufacturers pursue to expand profits and wealth, and finally make the contradiction between product design and ecological resources and environment become increasingly acute. The result is that ecological ethics cannot be balanced, environmental resources are overwhelmed, and the design based on ecological products cannot be sustainable.

Ecological ethics is the moral standard between people, between people and nature, as well as the standards and norms to coordinate such relations. It includes many aspects and is a complex and changeable comprehensive system. By analyzing from the ecological ethics of economics and making full use of the analytical methods in economics, the application of ecological ethics is analyzed and summarized. Economics provides strong support for ecological ethics. The analytical methods of economics are diverse, and the ecological ethics itself is complex. Therefore, the re-design of products cannot be analyzed by ecological ethics economy with a single idea and means. The ecological ethical methods and methods related to product re-design are as follows:

Ecological ethics based on the design of the product of economic analysis, based on ecological ethics refers to a product, the application of ecological economics equilibrium analysis method, through analysis the market demand of this product, according to their ecological ethics, the basis of the design can solve the ecological imbalance of new design products, to the concept of ecological ethics as a product redesign and foundation, which is based on the consideration of ecological ethics itself, any product design from the perspective of ecological ethics, make products to play its role effectively, product efficacy of ecological ethics, mainly based on ecological ethics as a fundamental, Product design can improve and maintain the stability of the ecosystem. Product design based on ecological ethics not only protects the interests of non-human, but also protects the interests of the whole. The efficacy of these products fully indicates that ecological ethics can be used as a service product with public product characteristics.

Grasp the concept of ecological ethics and conduct economic analysis on the products of ecological ethics from the perspective of product redesign. The product redesign has the following specific aspects:

First of all, the unique characteristics of the redesign of ecological ethical products are summarized. Ecological ethics is refers to the moral relationship between man and nature and criterion, this kind of moral relations as one kind of the concept of product design again, so you can begin from product efficacy, are analyzed based on the characteristics of ecological ethics of public products, and its own unique characteristics, the characteristics of this product mainly shows the characteristics of the ecological ethics resources, product resources are scarce, affecting the ecological sustainability and global, it is in the form of diversity.

Secondly, it is convenient to use product design to analyze it. Based on ecological ethics, product design analysis is mainly based on the balanced analysis method to analyze the demand of this product.

Finally, it is helpful to find out the problems existing in ecological ethics. Through the analysis of factors affecting the supply and demand of ecological ethics, the reasons causing the imbalance state of ecological ethics are found out, and the answers are found for product design.


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2018-09-01 17:57:15 | 日記
很多初到国外留学的同学们都会遇到这种情况,就是在写作essay 的时候,发现自己的注意力根本无法集中,导致写作效率非常低。其实essay写作是有技巧的,这些技巧可以很好地帮助我们解决注意力的问题,下面就给大家分享一下。



1.第一天花最多的时间弄清楚作业的所有要求,从内容具体到格式把client提供的资料和上课的ppt全都大致浏览一遍,很多同学不愿意认真对待作业要求,也不愿意去看附件资料,没有对作业要求进行深刻解读,拿到题目一知半解就开始写,然而最后因为一些要求没写到 被打回来重写是常有的事


3.完成这两个步骤后,第一天还可以把Introduction给写好,顺便把body部分几个段落的第一句main idea给写出来



这类long essay不想上面的1000字essay可以在一天两天内完成,时间线一般拉在5天-7天左右,我们大多数留学生是不可能在七天内完成,但是不建议大家拖到超出7天,一旦超过一星期大家就会容易失去动力,以至于内容发挥受到限制,逻辑思考出现漏洞,所以写这种long essay一定要趁热打铁!



2.完成以上的准备工作后,可以开始整理结构,用前2天时间把论文从标题到Appendix所有副标全部列出来,应具体到每一part的小标题 即Literature Review部分打算分成几个部分介绍,Methodology部分相关一系列副标全部列出





Paper代写:Informatization of American supply chain

2018-09-01 17:56:54 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Informatization of American supply chain讨论了美国供应链的信息化。供应链管理对制造业至关重要,在当前制造业转型升级的环境下,倡导制造业和物流业的融合之路,是物流业转型升级发展的根本所在。美国物流供应链产业在信息化科技进步和物流管理技术创新的驱动下,经历了从量变到质变的过程,全球物流已经进入供应链年代。供应链是物流管理在深度和广度方面的扩展,不仅是理论的发展,更是时代的变革所需。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Supply chain management is critical to manufacturing. In the current environment of the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry, it is essential for the transformation and upgrading development of the logistics industry to advocate the way of the integration of the "two industries" of the manufacturing industry and the logistics industry.

Driven by the advancement of information technology and the innovation of logistics management technology, the American logistics supply chain industry has gone through the process from quantitative change to qualitative change. Global logistics has entered the age of supply chain. Supply chain is the extension of logistics management in depth and breadth, which is not only the development of theory, but also the need of The Times. The stones from other countries can attack the jade, and the experience of the United States can be used for reference at home.

At present, American logistics information service industry is composed of three aspects, supply chain software provider, information intermediary and online market. Supply chain software providers in the United States can be roughly divided into three categories, one type provides logistics function management software such as WMS and TMS. The second is to provide supply chain management plan and implementation system software business; The third is to provide ERP on the basis of upstream and downstream into enterprise resource management software vendors. These software vendors integrate industry standards, optimized processes and business intelligence into the software system, so that customers can choose a complete set of industry solutions and can first select a part of modules according to actual needs.

Information middlemen mainly improve specialized information infrastructure. To realize supply chain integration between logistics service providers and customers, it is impossible for them to build their own information platform. Therefore, information intermediaries are used to provide such services. That is, through the establishment of a public information platform, buyers, suppliers, logistics service providers, carriers, customs, financial services and other institutions. Through this platform, exchange data and complete logistics service.

With the rise of e-commerce, online transactions are constantly emerging, among which logistics, especially transportation online transactions are increasingly active. Transport online transactions take various forms, including the merger of third party providers; Neutral traders, including industry also provide transport capacity and the demand of automatic matching and optimization, management site trading all kinds of transport, in order to provide participants with the flexibility of trading, creating special and orientation of market, providing customers with a custom transport management system software package all of the benefits, and don't need to buy, install, and as far as possible with existing staff.

The biggest characteristic of American logistics informatization is to apply advanced information technology to actual logistics business effectively. Firstly, the Internet is widely used to build logistics information platform. The development and standard management of the Internet, especially the development of security software and technical equipment, provide a good environment for the construction of logistics information system. Secondly, the optimized logistics operation process is integrated into software to form mature standardized and modular logistics and supply chain software products, providing technical support for the construction of logistics information system. Third, the development of public logistics information platform has created conditions for information communication among enterprises and application service mode to reduce informatization cost. In recent years, China's understanding of the importance of logistics informatization from the government to enterprises is constantly improving, and the gap with the United States is mainly in application. At present, the construction of logistics information system in China is still dominated by special lines, which is not convenient for the connection between information networks. Due to the lack of practical and reliable mature logistics software, enterprises are afraid to invest in the construction of logistics information system. The lack of public logistics information platform also makes the enterprise logistics information system an isolated island of information, and the small and medium-sized enterprise logistics information is difficult. Therefore, creating a good application environment of logistics informatization and improving the application level of logistics informatization is the key to promoting China's logistics informatization.

Service is the core of logistics informatization. Logistics informatization has become the basic means for American industrial and commercial enterprises to reduce logistics cost, improve customer service and enhance enterprise competitiveness, and has become the precondition for logistics enterprises to provide third-party logistics services. Therefore, American enterprises take satisfying customer service needs as the starting point of logistics information system construction, and realize information communication and sharing among supply chain partners by adopting advanced information technology. In particular, logistics enterprises take the information service content provided for customers as the important basis of information system construction.

However, most Chinese enterprises do not attach strategic importance to logistics informatization. They usually start from satisfying the internal management of enterprises to build logistics information system and neglect the construction of customer logistics information service. This concept gap has seriously affected the input intensity and implementation effect of logistics information system. Therefore, it is necessary to take service as the core of logistics informatization, transform logistics management mode and operation process around providing customer service level, and build qualified logistics information system based on this as business demand.

At present, American logistics information service, including pre-delivery notice, delivery sign and receive feedback, order tracking query, inventory status query, goods in-transit tracking, operation performance monitoring, management report, etc., has become the basic content of third-party logistics service. Logistics companies assume increasing responsibility for customer finance, inventory, technology and data management, thus playing a strategic role in customer supply chain management. Logistics outsourcing is the biggest factor that influence the supply chain management data management, for enterprises and their supply chain partners widely accepted the format of the maintenance and extract data in order to realize the visualization of supply chain is a huge challenge, logistics enterprises need not only to larger input on the technical side, but also need to have the ability to continuously improve, exception management and process reengineering. Therefore, the investment in technology, talent and information infrastructure has become an important means for logistics enterprises to distinguish competitors. For example, UPS spends $1 billion a year on informatization, and its website receives an average of 115m hits per day and 7.9m online queries per day.

With the improvement of customers' integrated logistics service demand and the enhancement of logistics enterprises' information service capability, the fourth party logistics service based on logistics information platform provides comprehensive supply chain solutions by integrating and managing its own resources, capabilities and technologies supplemented by other service providers. In addition, in order to promote logistics information, seizing the high ground by eliminating the restriction in the United States, advocating competition, promote the construction of network infrastructure, a series of strategic plan, strengthen the research and development of information technology, and establish the strategic goal of e-government construction, gradually improve services, actively developing e-commerce, enhance the security of network, increasing consumers' trust, the network will intensify protection of intellectual property rights.

The ministry of industry and information technology issued a guideline on promoting logistics informatization on January 9, specifying that by the end of the 12th five-year plan, a logistics informatization system that is compatible with and coordinated with the country's modern logistics system will be initially established, laying a foundation for informatization to drive logistics development. The introduction of opinions will accelerate the pace of China's logistics informatization system construction.

Dong baoqing, deputy director general of the informatization promotion department of the ministry of industry and information technology, held a seminar on the issuance of opinions. He stressed that the importance of promoting logistics informatization should be fully recognized. "Traditional logistics needs to be re-created through informatization before it can move towards modern logistics. Logistics is important activities through the global economic development and social life, and informationization is penetrated and merged into the field of logistics activities, the core of the modern logistics has become the most important characteristics and characteristics of era and advance logistics informationization, and informationization deepening integration is to make the modern logistics activities, the process of continuous innovation."


Essay代写:The green bonds

2018-09-01 17:43:41 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The green bonds,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了绿色债券。绿色债券的兴起源于欧洲投资者对于气候变化和环境问题的关注和重视。作为一种募集资金专门用于符合规定条件的绿色项目的债券工具,如硬要说绿色债券是一种金融创新产品,那么可以看作是在普通债券前加上一个“绿色”的标签,即通过绿色债券募集来的资金只能用于绿色项目或者为绿色项目进行再融资。

Limited by factors such as high market access threshold and single financing channels, the initiative and enthusiasm of social capital to participate in the green bond market has not been effectively stimulated, resulting in a high proportion of government finance and state-owned capital in the green bond market and a low proportion of social capital.

The 18th national congress of the communist party of China has integrated ecological civilization construction into the overall layout of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Pointed out in the report to the communist party of China (19 "construction of ecological civilization is the sustainable development of the Chinese nation one thousand plan", "to provide more high quality ecological products to meet people's increasing needs in beautiful ecological environment", this shows that the construction of ecological civilization, protect the ecological environment not only have the importance and urgency of reality, more strategic significance and long-term value. But at the same time, the report also stresses that "ecological and environmental protection has a long way to go".

For a long time, the concept of environment without price and cost has led to the tragedy of "public land" of ecological environment in China. Marketization mechanism is an effective way to solve the problems of insufficient investment in environmental protection, low investment efficiency and aggravation of environmental pollution in China. As an important means of internalization of environmental external effects, green finance has received more and more attention. "Developing green finance", proposed at the 19th national congress of the communist party of China, is to give play to the functions of financial guidance, restriction and leverage, expand the financing channels of green enterprises and green projects, and lead the withdrawal of credit resources from the "two high and one low" industries.

As an important part of green finance, China's green bond market has developed rapidly since its official launch in 2016. Strictly speaking, green bonds are not a novelty as a vehicle to raise funds specifically for green projects that meet the requirements. If we insist that it is a financial innovation product, we can regard it as adding a "green" label to ordinary bonds, that is, the funds raised through green bonds can only be used for green projects or to refinance green projects.

The rise of green bonds stems from European investors' attention to climate change and environmental issues. In 2007, the European investment bank issued the world's first green bond. CGN wind power is China's first green bond market to eat crab enterprises. In May 2014, CGN issued China's first "carbon bond" in the inter-bank market, taking the first step of developing the green bond market from the perspective of practical exploration. In September 2015, the central committee of the communist party of China and the state council issued the overall plan for the reform of ecological civilization system, which clearly pointed out that "green bond market is an important part of the green financial system". With the issuance of documents by the people's bank of China, the national development and reform commission, and the China securities regulatory commission, the institutional framework of the green bond market has been further clarified.

China has become the largest green bond issuing country in the world as the government and the society pay more and more attention to environmental issues. As of the end of June 2017, China's green bond issuance totaled $11.52 billion, up 34 percent year-on-year, accounting for 21 percent of the global share, according to China green bond market 2017 semi-annual report released by China national debt. But at the same time, the green bond market also presents problems such as imperfect market development, unreasonable issuance structure and imperfect service system. First, the market is underdeveloped, mainly due to problems in practice, such as different judgment standards, fewer private investors and less willingness of the public to invest green. Second, the issuance structure is not reasonable, which is mainly reflected in four types of structural problems, namely, the proportion of green bonds over 7 years or more is relatively small, that of green corporate bonds and green corporate bonds is relatively small, that of small and medium-sized enterprises and private enterprises is relatively small, and that of the central and western regions and the northeast regions is relatively small. Third, the unsound regulatory services, the unsound domestic professional intermediary service system and the lack of third-party rating and evaluation agencies are the main shortcoming of the high-quality development of China's green bonds.

The above problems of the green bond market are directly related to the deficiencies of the current investment and financing system. Limited by factors such as high market access threshold and single financing channels, the initiative and enthusiasm of social capital to participate in the green bond market has not been effectively stimulated, resulting in a high proportion of government finance and state-owned capital in the green bond market and a low proportion of social capital.

The green bond market is of great significance to the development of green economy and the coordinated development of economy, society and environment in China. According to the people's bank of China, during the 13th five-year plan period, the annual investment demand of China's green industry will exceed 2 trillion yuan, and the size of China's green bonds is expected to reach 5.7 trillion yuan by 2020. In this sense, the construction of a new type of investment and financing system for green bonds and the encouragement and guidance of social capital to participate in the green bond market are the inevitable requirements and important support for the sustainable and healthy development of the green bond market. To this end, Suggestions:

We will strengthen top-level design and build a green bond capital system with broad social participation. We will speed up the improvement of institutional arrangements, market regulation and guarantee services in terms of defining standards, fiscal and tax incentives, subsidies, information disclosure, government guarantees, and so on, and create a sound system and market environment for social capital and foreign capital to participate in green investment. We will encourage and support institutional investors such as the silk road fund, the social security fund and the enterprise annuity fund to actively invest in green bonds on the basis of good policy research and risk assessment. We should strengthen investors' green investment in education, create a good awareness and social atmosphere of paying attention to and investing in green bond products, and encourage and guide investors to invest in green bond products. We will accelerate the opening of the green bond market, lower the threshold for social capital to enter the green bond market, and further open up channels for foreign capital to enter the domestic green bond market.

We will foster a green bond market system featuring regional pooling and diversified benefits. Of policy Banks, commercial Banks, green bonds issued by a local government, large enterprise to take the principle of "paying equal attention to encourage innovation and standardize the development", at the same time for small and medium-sized enterprises and the "three rural" issue green bonds doing moderate tilt, encourage and support small and medium-sized enterprises and the "three rural" to participate in the green, the bond market, establishing diversified green bonds market main body. We will accelerate the development of the green bond market in the central and western regions and northeast China, and promote the coordinated development of the green bond market regionally.

We will improve the professional and standardized green bond service system. The regulatory authorities conduct regular monitoring, evaluation and reporting on green finance projects to improve project transparency and credibility; We will speed up the process of "standardizing the quality requirements for green bonds assessment by third-party certification agencies", clarify the qualification requirements and entry requirements of third-party rating certification agencies, and further standardize third-party rating certification agencies through relevant business guidelines. We will vigorously promote the development and innovation of green index and the application of investment, and improve direct financing products such as green financial bonds, green corporate bonds and green corporate bonds.

