

北美作业代写:The complexity of the market economy

2018-09-26 16:18:13 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The complexity of the market economy,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了市场经济的复杂性。市场经济是开放的自发生成系统,是学界的一个定论。市场经济虽然是自组织系统,却与自然界其他的自组织系统有所不同,其根本区别就在于它是自组织的属人系统。市场经济虽然与自然界其他的自组织系统有所区别,但在复杂性上却不仅与之相同且有过之而无不及。

Through the practice test of human economic activities, the market economy is superior to other ways of organizing economic life such as relying on tradition or administrative order in realizing the efficient allocation of resources. In the spring tide of reform and opening up, the Chinese nation confronted with the rapid transformation of economic society and rationally chose market economy to realize modernization. In this case, it is necessary to have a deep understanding of its nature in order to more consciously control their own destiny. Market economy has expanded into the world system in the present era, and global integration is the globalization of market economy in the final analysis. People seem to have become familiar with the nature of the market economy that has been ignored. However, whether the market economy is essentially a "simple" mechanical system or a "complex" self-organizing system remains to be further studied and discussed. On the basis of some basic consensus in the academic world, this essay intends to make a brief analysis of its essential complexity by referring to the modern complex system scientific paradigm, in order to initiate a more in-depth discussion.

Although the market economy is a self-organizing system, it is different from other self-organizing systems in nature. Market economy is an economic system generated spontaneously in the course of human social history, and a self-organizing system generated "collectively and unintentionally" in the practice of consciously satisfying one's own needs. Man, regardless of whether he is motivated by absolute self-interest or not, has infinite rationality or limited rationality, and is always the subject of market economic activities. In other words, the fact that the market economy is human may not be controversial.

Market economy, as a kind of self-generated personal system, has to contain many attributes of human. Among them, the greatest influence on the system is human's conscious initiative. In fact, similar to the later market economy, people's conscious initiative is also spontaneous, unconscious generation. About 2.5 million years ago, some members of the australopithecine branch of the anthropoid ape family began pounding one stone against another and, intentionally or not, perpetuated the practice. In any case, there was no such thing as conscious awareness, and there was no future design or planning for the space shuttle. However, it is in this initial "unconscious" activity that people and their conscious awareness gradually emerge, and gradually develop with the development of practical activities. Even after entering the civilization era, it gradually became one of the most remarkable symbols that distinguish people from other things. And affect all activities including market economy activity. "The self-generating system is an amazing antinomy." Man is half an angel and half a beast, as the sages say, and his intellect and beast, reason and irrationality are always interwoven, and always affect his choice and behavior, either implicitly or explicitly. The animality and irrationality of man correspond to the spontaneity of market economy. So, for the market economy, on the one hand is because of its spontaneous generation and inherent in the design, general purpose, on the other hand is due to the participation of people and then to rational control them and generate a planned way, specific purpose, and the two aspects of opposites and coordination, became the people one of the basic contradiction of self-organization system.

Although the market economy is different from other self-organizing systems in nature, it is not only the same in terms of complexity, but also better. As a self-organizing system, the market economy has all the complexity of the undesigned open system in nature, while human nature makes it "more complex" by generating more dimensions than other self-organizing systems. To be specific, it can be analyzed from the following aspects at least.

A rational, which is higher than other animals the advantage of power, and control the essence of the natural and social strength, however, with the man with a consciousness generated in its practice, also generated out of the world and the natural world, spiritual world and material world, the subject and object, subjective and objective, theory and practice in the nature of opposite and coordination problems. These problems are embodied in the market economic activities, which are the antagonism and conflict between the economic rationality or purposiveness of different people and the spontaneity or non-design of the market economy, as well as the resulting contradictions. Such as the specific purpose of contradiction between the individual rational economic man, the specific purpose of contradiction between different economic groups, the specific purpose of contradiction between different countries or government, individual rational economic man, economic groups, governments of the specific purpose of contradiction between each other, and the targeted individuals and groups with the market economy, the contradiction of the "invisible hand" and so on. These contradictions are not only non-linear, uncertain and non-reductive, but also actively generated, self-winding, different from person to thing, difficult to balance, and therefore more complex. Furthermore, because people are rational, they can recognize and make use of natural and economic laws. With more and more success in using law, the use of law to control nature and economic activities is gradually internalized into people's inner drive for rational control. We might as well call it human's "civilized instinct". However, practice has proved that human reason can only be limited as it has to be subject to the eternal restriction of social and historical conditions and self-cognition ability, and his understanding level and utilization degree of natural and economic laws can only be limited. In other words, the ever-expanding "known" is always the growing "ignorance" that people have to face. To be able to distinguish between "known" and "ignorant", and to know one's own "ignorance", is a unique ability of man. But as popper says: "science can be wrong. Because we are people and people make mistakes. When people are excessively obsessed with the "unlimited" power of instrumental rationality and rational construction and indulge in harnessing the law to change the fruits of nature, they will forget that the power of rationality also lies in critical reflection and correction of errors, and forget that what they do not know cannot be designed and controlled, thus falling into the "fatal conceit". Besides, nature and natural law, economic law will never take the initiative to meet the needs of the people, in particular, the rule only in "negation" has absolute sense, and is regulated in "certain" sense a possibility space, but the people of bounded rationality can't fully grasp the possibility space, he is often ready to pursue what he likes to those who can, and often they are not within the potential space of law norms, this is one of the basic source of all sorts of mistakes. In this way, the market economy adds an unavoidable dimension of "rationalization error" and becomes more complicated.

Different from the needs and choices of the animal instinct, the needs of human beings are consciously aware of the needs, and the needs are multifaceted, including material, spiritual, moral, interpersonal, etc., so their choices are also conscious choices guided by specific values. There is no denying that people's needs, values and their choices have some commonness or unity and homogeneity. There is no denying that people's needs, values and their choices have more characteristics or diversity and heterogeneity. Just as the latter cannot deny the former, neither can the former deny the latter. But when it comes to practical issues, people are more likely to face the latter. It needs to be pointed out here that market economy activity is the activity that people consciously pursue interests, among which, "everything people strive for is related to their interests." It is well known that, on most occasions, it is difficult to reach a consensus or a common standard on matters of interest, unless one is faced with life or death or other irresistible pressures. Because, from the perspective of human history and social reality, "interests" are basically irrational. Logical reasoning and patient persuasion alone are of little use. And no interest group, no matter how powerful, can force everyone to accept their standards of interest with conviction, especially for individuals who have developed a sense of subjectivity in a market economy. In this way, the opposition and coordination of different interests, including between individuals, between individuals and groups, between different groups, and between short-term interests and long-term interests, has become a very complicated issue. In addition, as a social being, man has also generated a unique moral system to regulate interpersonal relations in his own practice. Why do people also pursue social reputation, pay attention to integrity and praise virtue in the market economy activities centering on regulating interpersonal material interests? Because following these norms, at least, reduces transaction costs and benefits people in the long run. In this sense, morality can finally be equivalent to utility. However, similar to the utility, the moral concept also varies from person to person. Therefore, in the regulation and evaluation of economic man's behavior, there will be diverse, different, uncertain, difficult to force unification and other complex attributes. Because "egoism" and "sympathy", derived from "self-love", also have the complexity of self-entanglement and lead to the self-entanglement of "egoism" and "altruism" in human economic behavior. In addition, limited rationality such as conscious needs, expectations, interest demands, values, moral norms, rules and restrictions will not exclude irrationality based on emotion, will, passion, intuition, insight, etc., and human choice is far beyond the animal's instinct of "seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages" in terms of complexity. If other natural self-organizing systems only follow the law of natural selection, then the market economy, which belongs to the self-organizing system, has the dimension of human's conscious choice. Not to mention the complexity of human error which is unavoidable under the guidance of limited rationality or irrationality, the complexity of human's conscious choice is jaw-dropping if carefully analyzed. The instinct of animals to "seek the good and avoid the evil" is only for the immediate and immediate situation, while the conscious choice of human beings is not only for the present, but also for the past and the future. On the one hand, it contains the accumulation of all knowledge in the past and the expectation of the future; on the other hand, it also contains irrational factors and even some minor effects. The critical moment must not be lost on the subtleties, for "even the smallest fluctuations can make a decisive choice between different evolutionary paths. This chaotic, non-classical process of decision is called system 'bifurcation'.

The tool system created by man in his own practice, including the material tool system and the language system, is a miracle in the evolution of the universe and adds a dimension of tools that cannot be ignored to the human world. By creating and using tool systems, man is the most powerful species in nature. The production and ever-expanding and innovative reproduction of these tool systems not only play an important role in the generation and evolution of the market economy, but also play an unprecedented role in the generation of the market economy system and exert an unpredictable influence on its further evolution. In view of the obvious innovative function of the material tool system, this essay only focuses on the huge innovative function and complexity of the "software" system of language and words. Is only the creation of the unique language system, is associated with the life the most novelty, natural objects could not spontaneously generated by the "symbol" system, its internal structure and contains "meaning world" in the interaction of various elements, associated, iteration, the winding, beyond, novel creation, etc., are inseparable with people conscious, therefore, like the human brain, is to be transferred in complexity. "The real human symbol is not in its uniformity, but in its multifaceted nature," cahill notes. It's not stiff, it's flexible." "In the process of mastering language, people always hold a dynamic and creative attitude." Relying on the "objective knowledge" or "world 3" of language and character system or "symbol", it not only has complex interaction with "world 1" and "world 2", but also has its own unique evolution process. The remarkable feature of this process itself is the novel creation that is hard to predict and control. In a certain sense, all innovation of modern market economy is closely related to the development of world 3. The emergence of such concepts as "information society" and "knowledge economy", as well as the strength of media advertising, online banking and e-commerce, is a reflection of this internal correlation. In the modern market economy, information is one of the most important resources, both for profit and innovation, while the inherent information asymmetry, incompleteness and "white noise" of the market economy add more uncertainties, unpredictable and difficult to control, etc. for selection, evaluation, decision-making and innovation. Innovation is the inexhaustible power of market economy evolution. "Evolution is not destiny but opportunity, and the future is not foresight but creation. Opportunities come and go, innovation is hard to predict or control, and its complexity is obvious. In addition, so far, the market economy is to scatter personal knowledge to make full use of the most effective mechanism on innovation, and the existence of itself is self-conscious beyond, more protruding formation, the characteristics of market economy, because, as hayek put it: "humanity has the infinite diversity - there is a wide range of personal ability and potential differences - is one of the most unique human truth." It is not hard to see, personal ability and potential infinite differences, dispersed the infinite variety of knowledge, symbols and meaning combination of infinite possibility, infinite and open to the growth of knowledge, combined with their mutual combination in the open market economy system and form innovation unlimited prospects, cannot but make the complexity of the market economy is far more than any other system of self-organization.


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Assignment代写:Heterogeneous expectation

2018-09-26 16:17:45 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Heterogeneous expectations,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了异质预期。异质预期,指的是不同的主体因信息的不对或由于认知局限,或使用的预测模型不同等而形成不同的预期,是一个与理性预期相对的新经济学范畴。除了信息、初始认知外,学习是影响异质预期形成的一个重要因素。在存在异质预期的环境中,经济结果取决于所有参与者的预期。

Heterogeneous expectation refers to the different expectations formed by different subjects due to incomplete information, asymmetry, cognitive limitations, or different prediction models used. It is a new economic category that is opposite to rational expectation. In addition to information and initial cognition, learning is an important factor influencing the formation of heterogeneous anticipation. In environments with heterogeneous expectations, economic outcomes depend on the expectations of all participants. Compared with rational expectations, heterogeneous expectations are a more complex transmission mechanism, which will strengthen and amplify the underlying transmission mechanism of the economy, breed economic fluctuations, and increase the durability of inflation. Expected heterogeneity enhances the role of monetary policy, and we should give full play to the stable function of monetary policy.

Expectations are an integral part of economic activity. Economic subject in a consumption investment decision some key variables that must be expected when these expectations is a view of the future, on the basis of faith, and faith is the result of the understanding of reality, is a driving force of each economy, finally these has the qualities of psychological factors affecting the economic and social product service demand and investment will, produce material results. An important feature of expectation is its predicted self-fulfillment. Under the support of belief, expectation dominates people's behavior, and the change of behavior will promote the realization of the expected result, thus confirming the expectation and strengthening the belief as the basis of expectation. So in extreme cases, expectations can have a very powerful effect on the overall performance of the economy, either destroying a healthy economy or maintaining a deteriorating economy.

As a result of the anticipated impact, economic society is considered to be an area of "material and transcendental intersection". The research of economics on expectation is also deepening, including many aspects such as how the expectation is formed and how it changes. It is found that the formation of expectations is a process, and the economic system, especially the monetary system, depends on each other strategically. Contemporary monetary economics puts forward the thought of heterogeneous expectation, believing that under heterogeneous expectation, one of the main tasks of monetary policy is to manage expectation.

The theory of expectations has gone through the stages of static expectations, extrapolated expectations, adaptive expectations and rational expectations. In the 1970s, the rational expectation hypothesis came into being, which has established the position of the expectation theory in macroeconomics, and it has occupied the dominant position of the expected formation paradigm.

The rational expectations hypothesis holds that expectations for economic variables are equal to the best predictions made using all available information. In other words, the subject USES the mathematical expectation formula to form the expectation, and assumes that the expected value of the period t+1 is consistent with the actual value of the period t+1. Therefore, in modeling associated with it, economists generally assume that the subject has complete knowledge of the real random process of the variables to be predicted. Rational expectations provide an elegant and powerful framework that has long dominated thinking about the dynamic structure of the economy and the evaluation of econometric policies. According to the rational expectation hypothesis, most studies involving dynamic macroeconomic models involve rational expectation, assuming that the economic subject's expectation is homogeneous.

Although the rational expectation category fundamentally corrects the deviation of the classical expectation theory which ignores the current information and puts forward the principle that the subject will effectively use all available information in the formation of the expectation, it overdoes it and goes to the extreme in some aspects. The limitations of information processing and cognition are not recognized. "The rational expectations model gives much more knowledge to the subject within the model than the econometrician, the econometrician faces problems of calculation and inference, and the subject in the model tries to solve these problems." It can be seen that "rational expectation" implies strong information assumption, is a special expectation, and is the "super-intelligent economic man expectation", including the standard assumptions of complete rationality, limited uncertainty, homogeneous information and common knowledge.

In addition to information, beliefs, cognition, and learning also affect the formation of expectations. The rationality and irrationality of economic man, the uncertainty of environment, the finiteness of knowledge and information constitute the main problems of the contemporary theoretical research on expectations.

Any form of anticipation is a learning mechanism. Learning has been a topic of discussion in the field since the rational expectations revolution swept through macroeconomics. In recent years, the development of evolutionary game theory and game learning theory has accelerated the spread of heterogeneous anticipation in the field of economics.

Deductive learning takes place in psychological time and describes the reasoning process. Because the reasoning process can be instantaneous, the immediate coordination problem of deductive and stable rational expectation equilibrium is generated. On the contrary, adaptive learning refers to the subject learning from the past experience, constantly improving the knowledge, correcting the mistakes made in the past in the expectation of economic activities, and updating the prediction. This learning method is carried out in actual time. The subject has prediction rules, and the rules are updated according to the prediction error. Generally, it is assumed that the parameter estimates are updated according to the least square method or other statistical methods.

In the stochastic framework, least square method and similar learning rules are the most widely used adaptive learning rules. It Is found that under the standard adaptive learning rule, from the static solution of many standard models, the economy will converge to REE, such as the inflation model of Cagan, the is-lm - PC model of Sar - gent-wallace, the Samuelson iterative model, and the actual business cycle model.

Evolutionary learning, in which the subject USES genetic factors to update beliefs that use evolutionary principles to produce beliefs that are inefficient, is replaced by beliefs that are efficient. Subjects try different beliefs, either a synthesis of their own beliefs with other subjects, called "crossing", or just random changes in beliefs, called "mutations". According to a new set of beliefs, the subject makes new decisions, and new results are produced. Gene method emphasizes the mode of transmission of information in economy and the nature of information transmission is based on the assumed attribute of gene factors. It means that learning dynamics, as a whole, describes searching for equilibrium from the initial almost arbitrary behavior of the subject, finding "good" solutions to complex problems without knowing the optimal solution.

In reality, most learning comes not from any kind of statistical regression, but from the spread of information between people. Important economic judgements spread from person to person, often allowing different people in a group to develop different beliefs. The initial belief of the subject is different, that is, the belief is initially heterogeneous, and it will imitate the people around and other subjects to update the belief. Therefore, evolutionary learning is also called social learning. In evolutionary learning, subjects can learn from others, while in all adaptive heterogeneous learning models, subjects update their beliefs without knowing what others are doing or how they are doing. Accordingly, for learning REE, the social aspect is important.

How do expectations come about? In the early stage of macro-econometric modelling, expectations are modeled as simple extrapolations of recent experiences, and then, in the "rational expectations" revolution, they are modeled as accurate predictions of the future economic environment. Now, economists' understanding of how expectations are formed has changed dramatically, modeling expectations as the result of a learning process that is well-informed intellectual activity that is not always correct, and that may take some time, even if the subject eventually abandons the expectation of poor information and wrong thinking.

On the basis of learning, the formation of expectations is endogenous, and the subject will change the formation of expectations according to the understanding of basic economy. For example, the subject may dynamically transform and use different prediction tools based on the latest prediction error; Or do not change forecasting tools, but look at predictive utility, and use weighted averages to dynamically adjust their weight based on the relative performance of the forecasting tools. Generally speaking, there are two ways to model heterogeneous anticipation. Second, the benefit of learning.

In the future, they have process rationality, their behavior is an adaptive process of continuous learning, and their expectation is also dynamic, and they are constantly adjusting and changing.

Anticipation formation is a learning process. How do economic actors learn and renew their beliefs? North believes that learning is an accumulation process that depends on a number of elements.

In this process of accumulation of learning, will the economy converge to REE? Or, by learning, does heterogeneous expectation converge to rational expectation? There is no doubt that convergence depends on whether the initial expected error decreases or magnifies as the economy evolves and the accumulation of learning. On the one hand, due to the limited rationality of the subject, or the incomplete information and knowledge possessed, errors appear in the formation of expectations. Through learning, these errors will disappear within a certain limit, and the expectations gradually change into complete rationality. Under certain conditions, if all economic subjects continuously improve their knowledge, the economy will eventually converge to the state of complete knowledge, that is, REE; , on the other hand, the convergence is a complex process, depending on the established system of all the economic parameters, including the policy parameters, which depends on the structure of the economy as a whole, under the effect of learning this feedback process, the forecast error may be amplified, heterogeneous expected not to convergence, REE in gradual continued, the rational deviation may be bigger than before. Moreover, although the economy will converge to REE through learning under certain conditions, it will not happen until the subject has accumulated enough economic knowledge. During the transition period, the economic results depend on the adaptive learning process.

The main idea of heterogeneous anticipation theory is that economic subjects are not completely rational due to cognitive limitations or information defects. Under the limited rationality, they will change their behaviors with the change of results. In a heterogeneous expected environment, economic outcomes depend on the expectations of all economic actors.

Expected heterogeneity is a key factor in economic fluctuations. Compared with the economy under rational expectations, the range of economic stability will be greatly reduced in an incomplete and heterogeneous knowledge environment. Even if an economy is not impacted by exogenous impact, it may fluctuate due to the expected heterogeneity caused by the subject's knowledge difference and adaptive learning process. First of all, belief, like utility and endowment, is an important source of economy, but also the main communicator of fluctuations. Faith helps determine the key variables associated with the future level of implementation, if economic agents have different beliefs, will the interpretation of the information, under the decentralized "belief", expected inevitably is heterogeneous, resulting in a "optimistic", "pessimistic" subject, the former will economic activity expanded to more than normal, while the latter is opposite; Second, learning is a trial-and-error and progressive process, which is a complex process in which economic subjects revise their mental models based on feedback from the economic environment. In the process, these data generated from the actual economy itself will also be fed back into the update of beliefs, causing the adjustment of economic behavior.

Compared with rational expectation, heterogeneous expectation is a more complicated transmission mechanism, and the impact caused by it, namely economic fluctuation or adjustment, is a response to learning, which is "implicit" economic variability. By forming expectations, learning breaks the tight connection between economic variables and the basic state of the economy, thus bringing about additional fluctuations. Usually, in the decentralized decision-making of economic society, subjects only know their own goals, constraints and beliefs. In order to understand the overall economic status, they use observational data to continuously learn and update beliefs. And belief has this property: it affects the process by which the real data of the economy is produced, and the latter in turn affects its formation. Under the condition of the economic relationship between the autocorrelation, belief for the future of key economic variables influence their current level, and the levels of these variables are in turn reinforce beliefs, which result in the level of variable now contains information to reduce future economic situation, the uncertainty of future economic increase, produce fluctuations in the real economy.

Heterogeneity is also expected to strengthen and amplify the underlying transmission mechanisms of the economy. In the process of learning, the revision of the belief and the change of the expectation of economic subjects will produce the impact of endogenous aggregate demand, which will not only transmit but also amplify the impact of exogenous economic changes. Heterogeneous expectations can directly trigger fluctuations in market confidence, resulting in fluctuations in the form of demand-driven financial markets or the real economy, or slowing the rate at which supply shocks disappear. More seriously, when expected heterogeneity accumulates to a certain extent, the entire economic system explodes away from the steady growth path and falls into ineffective, decentralized multiple equilibria.

Inflation durability is an important aspect of macroeconomic durability. Under rational expectations, the persistence or inertia of the economy is generally attributed to consumption habits, the indexation of lagging inflation in price adjustment, rule of thumb behavior, or various adjustment costs. In heterogeneous anticipation, learning is another important factor in the generation of economic persistence, different from the "automatic" factors of habituation and indexation.

Heterogeneity is expected to increase the durability of the inflation process. Under rational expectations, inflation expectations are equal to the linear combination of macroeconomic variables. In the context of incomplete heterogeneous knowledge, economic subjects do not fully know the exact structure of the economy, the preferences of policy makers, or the size and nature of economic shocks. The uncertainty caused by incomplete information and asymmetric information in the formation of these expectations will force them to keep learning. Learning this gradual process leads to dynamic changes in inflation expectations, resulting in a greater sequential correlation of inflation, thus increasing the persistence of inflation. The size of this dynamic change and the degree of sequence correlation increase with the increase of learning benefits. Learning will not only amplify and prolong the response of inflation to shocks, but may even lead to marked, persistent and endogenous deviations from rational expectations, such as inflation fears and stagflation. A sustained increase in inflation would raise the price of disinflation.


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2018-09-26 16:17:28 | 日記
国外大学的英文论文写作,是非常讲究细节的。像“old”这种词,能少用就尽量少用,或者换成更加高级的表达。把“old”替换后,我们还可以用in order to …和… while …这两个句型去完善句子,下面就给大家详细讲解一下。

1. second-hand/ worn / used

原句:There are more channels for old goods transactions.

换 old:There are more channels for second-hand goods transactions.

扩展:In order to reduce waste and pollution to the environment, there are more channels for second-hand goods transactions, while very few are actually participating in recycling for the inconvenience in exchanging used items and convenience and low cost in owing a new one.

2. past / bygone

原句 : The dilapidated area recalls memories of old days.

换 old:The dilapidated area recalls memories of bygone days.

扩展:In order to remind people of the importance of cautious use of nuclear power, the dilapidated area recalls memories of bygone days, while the public now seem to be more concerned with high energy production rather than safety.

3. outdated/ old-fashioned / traditional

原句:At present, too many women face old workplace policies that hold them back.

换 old:At present, too many women face outdated workplace policies that hold them back.

扩展:In order to compete with their male counterparts, many females choose to work full time and try to become financial independent, while at present, too many women face outdated workplace policies that hold them back.

4. timeworn

原句: The teacher gives students the same old speech about the need to work hard.

换 old:The teacher gives students the same timeworn speech about the need to work hard.

扩展:In order to prevent students from addiction to online games, the teacher gives students the same timeworn speech about the need to work hard, while the young seem to turn a deaf ear to the sermon.

5. antique

原句:Some people like to have old furniture that is of historical significance.

换 old:Some people like to have antique furniture that is of historical significance.

扩展:In order to keep economic value, some people like to have antique furniture that is of historical significance, while they fail to foresee the high cost of maintenance and transport each time they change their residency.

6. ancient

原句:The people in the village still observe the old customs of their ancestors.

换 old:The people in the village still observe the ancient customs of their ancestors.

扩展:In order to inherit the culture and wisdom, the people in the village still observe the ancient customs of their ancestors, while the visitors only treat the tradition as a recreational performance, showing very little respect.


照旧:remain unchanged

忆旧:recollect the past

山河依旧:the mountains and rivers remain as they were before.

重操旧业:take upone’s former trade again

废弃旧习:discard outdated customs

旧习难改:old customs die hard

衣服穿旧了:the clothes show signs of wear

旧事重提:bring upan old case; recall past events

承袭旧制:follow the old system

旧址:the site of the former …

重修旧好:renew cordial relation/ bury the hatchet


辞旧迎新:ring out the old year and ring the new

旧情难忘:unforgettable old friendship



Paper代写:Limitations and protections of privacy

2018-09-26 16:17:09 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Limitations and protections of privacy讨论了隐私权的限制和保护。隐私权是指人们享有的私人生活安宁与私人信息秘密依法受到保护,不被他人非法侵扰、利用和公开的一种人格权。现行的新闻自由权和舆论监督权对人们的隐私权形成一定冲击,使大家的隐私权受到一定限制,但并不等于剥夺了大家的隐私权,应当对大家隐私权进行一定的限制和保护。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

The right of privacy refers to the personal right of peace and privacy of private information enjoyed by natural persons, which is protected according to law and protected from illegal intrusion, knowledge, collection, utilization and publicity by others. The current right of press freedom and the right of public opinion supervision have certain impact on the privacy right of public figures, which makes the privacy right of public figures subject to certain restrictions.

The right to privacy is a right for every citizen. What about state officials, celebrities? Don't they have privacy? Scandal after scandal in the entertainment industry is exposed, should it be, or is it an invasion of privacy? Through the development of the right of privacy, the coordination between the right of privacy and the public's right to know tells the restriction and protection of the right of privacy of public figures.

Privacy has a long history. Early human life due to a lack of written materials, but what is clear is that in ancient times people have made from animal skins, leaves, hemp pieces and "clothes", wrap some parts of the body or hidden, to later, linen, silk, cotton, wool, chemical fiber, blending and now each big brand clothing, this may be in order to keep out the cold, in order to look good, but in the summer people also want to be wrapped in some places for clothes. From this, it seems safe to assume that people wear clothes not just to keep out the cold and look good, but to cover certain parts of the body.

The theory and practice of privacy rights originated in the United States. The first appellate court to negotiate a privacy issue in 1881, the Michigan high court accepted a woman's tort suit in the same year: may v. Robert, the court awarded damages to the plaintiff. The case arose from the fact that the defendant observed the birth of a woman without her consent. Justice marston argued on behalf of the court: "at this time the plaintiff has a legal right to the privacy of her residence, which is protected by the law by requiring others to respect her rights and prohibiting the violation thereof."

China did not have laws on the protection of human rights between 1949 and 1986, nor did it adopt the concept of privacy. In 1986, the general principles of the civil law were formulated. For the first time, the right of spiritual personality, the right of name, portrait, reputation and honor were stipulated, but the right of privacy was not specified. In April 1988, the supreme people's court promulgated the opinions on the implementation of several issues concerning the implementation of the general principles of the civil law of the People's Republic of China (>), which stipulated in article 140 that "the privacy of others shall be publicized in written and oral form..." If a certain impact is caused, it shall be deemed as an act infringing upon the citizens' right of reputation. Article 8 of the supreme people's court's interpretation of several issues concerning the trial of cases of reputation rights in July 1998, stipulates that the right of reputation shall be considered as infringement if the medical and health care unit arbitrarily discloses that the patient has a sexually transmitted disease and other conditions which cause damage to the patient's reputation rights. These judicial interpretations reflect the indirect protection of privacy rights. However, only some privacy interests in private activities can be protected, and other privacy interests such as private information and private space cannot be protected. In March 2001, the supreme people's court clearly stipulated in the interpretation of several issues concerning the determination of liability for civil tort spiritual damages that those infringing upon privacy interests could directly file a lawsuit with the court for the remedy of liability for spiritual damages. This is the turning point of our country's shift from indirect protection to direct protection of privacy, although the right to privacy has not been directly recognized as a right of personality. Article 42 of the law on the protection of women's rights and interests amended in August 2005 clearly states: "women's right of reputation, right of honor, right of privacy, right of portrait and other personal rights are protected by law." Although this provision stipulates the personal rights of women, this is the first time that the right of privacy is specified as a specific personal right in Chinese law, and the right of privacy is officially recognized as an independent personal right. At present, China's legislature is formulating the civil code. In the draft civil code's personality rights law, it clearly stipulates that citizens enjoy the right of privacy, and that their private information, private activities, private space and the peace of personal life belong to the scope of protection.

The legislator is not the superman who anticipates everything that may happen and plans people's behavior accordingly. Despite his best efforts, he still leaves a lot of gaps and blind spots in the law. In this sense, any law is full of holes. There are also defects and deficiencies in the protection and limitation of the right to privacy of public figures in China. China's general principles of civil law only indirectly protects citizens' privacy through judicial interpretation and protection of the right of reputation. When a citizen's right to privacy is violated, but does not constitute a violation of the right of reputation, the law has no way. Therefore, the right of privacy should be recognized as an independent right of personality in the constitution and the civil code, and the protection of citizens' right of privacy should be formed with the constitution as the core, the civil code as the focus, and other laws and regulations as the auxiliary direct protection.

Public figures are also citizens, and it has not been reported that the law of any country directly excludes public figures from the protection of privacy laws. Just because of the need of public interests, the current right of press freedom and the right of public opinion supervision have a certain impact on the privacy right of public figures, making the privacy right of public figures subject to certain restrictions, but it does not mean that the privacy right of public figures is deprived. Li renyu said in one class: "the work phone number of a star is not private, and the phone number of a private friend is still private. It is an invasion of privacy for anyone who has a camera outside the star's house."

Therefore, the privacy rights of public figures should be restricted and protected as follows:

The protection and limitation of the privacy of public figures are stipulated by separate legislation, which is based on the constitution. The constitution provides for citizens' right of criticism and suggestion and the right to appeal, accuse or report to state organs and functionaries, but there are no detailed rules of operation.

China's press law has been brewing for a long time, but has not been introduced. With the acceleration of the rule of law and China's accession to wto, it is necessary to perfect the press legislation. The protection of the right of supervision of news public opinion, the realization of citizens' right to know, and the protection and restriction of the privacy of public figures are stipulated by law.

In order to better solve the conflict between political power and the privacy rights of government officials, more than 40 foreign countries have enacted unified and complete information disclosure laws, such as the United States' freedom of information act of 1966, Canada's information disclosure law of 1982, and South Korea's public agency information disclosure law of 1996. However, China has only issued relevant information disclosure laws in guangzhou, shenzhen, Shanghai and chengdu, and no formal government information disclosure legislation has been issued, and the draft regulation on government information disclosure is still in preparation. Therefore, we should learn from foreign legislative experience and formulate the information disclosure law in accordance with China's national conditions.

In order to ensure the honesty, efficiency and high public prestige of party and government officials, it is necessary to make public the personal knowledge, work experience, property and family members of the main party and government officials at all levels, listen to public feedback, and then give comprehensive consideration. Such a public notice system will promote the formation of a supervision mechanism for party and government officials to conduct clean politics in accordance with the law.

The public media can disclose the public figures' crimes, violations of law, discipline and ethics. Public figures, whether in their official activities or in their private lives, will affect the public interest of the society. In particular, their bad behaviors will pose more serious harm to public order and good custom of the society.

People have a desire to be "voyeuristic," and they are especially interested in the privacy of public figures who are on a quarterly basis. However, even if the publicity of public figures needs to be sacrificed for some privacy, it does not mean that public figures should be exposed to the public naked. The right of privacy is the right granted to every citizen by law and should be protected legally. Public figures are no exception. Therefore, public figures must be treated with tolerance and the media must be self-disciplined. Only in this way can public figures and media coexist in harmony and the right to privacy and the right to know coexist.


Essay代写:Peter bruegel's artistic style

2018-09-26 15:59:47 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Peter bruegel's artistic style,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了彼得·勃鲁盖尔的艺术风格。风景素描是勃鲁盖尔艺术生涯的起源。在勃鲁盖尔的作品中,经常运用高视点构图法来进行创作,会将视平线描绘的非常高,将大片前景空出来,用于人和物的描绘。通过远近透视恰如其分地处理,使画面的空间感和空气感更耐人寻味。勃鲁盖尔的作品能带给人强烈的震撼,这离不开画家对色彩使用方面的良苦用心。勃鲁盖尔绘画作品能够将大自然真实地表达出来,这也是人们对他的作品比较欣赏的原因。

Art has been playing an extremely important role in people's life and work and occupies an extremely important position. As an important pioneer in the field of art, Peter bruegel is one of the bright jewelry, its in the development of art history, pioneered in the field of fine arts painting made outstanding contributions, the drawing of the "peasant" extremely breath, give people a deep impression, also for future development in the field of fine arts, as well as the generation of populist works bring inspiration, become the realism art in the Netherlands and Flanders important founder of national art. To understand Peter bruegel's works, we must walk into the life and development of Peter bruegel to truly feel the origin of his art style, and to make the important role and distinctive features of his works shine more brightly.

The record of Peter bruegel's life is not exhaustive. He was born in the small village of bruegel, near hertkinburg, brabant province, north of the Netherlands. He was born in the village of yorom. He went to Antwerp in 1540 ~ 48, and in 1502 ~ 1550, followed the painter Peter? Cook learned to paint. In 1550, just two months before the end of his studies, the painter Peter? When cook died, he became a painter, as well as a printmaker and painter called herronius Delphinus. Corker is a teacher. Corker paid great attention to the folk art tradition and had a profound influence on bruegel's art career. Corker has copied his oil paintings into lithographs and distributed them. In 1551 bruegel completed his studies and was fortunate to be a member of the Antwerp society of painters. From 1551 to 1553, he went on a study trip to Italy, passing through Rome and napoli, and on his way back, he made a short stop in France. In 1553, bruegel returned to Antwerp to work in the painting shop of engle corker. In 1563 he married marley, the daughter of cook, the first teacher, and they settled down in Brussels. Bruegel died in Brussels on 5 September 1569.

Landscape sketching is the origin of bruegel's artistic career. In bruegel's works, the high viewpoint composition method is often used to create works, which will depict the horizon line very high and empty out the broad foreground for the depiction of people and objects. Sometimes the person can arrange quite full, but it is orderly, black and white is interspersed with each other, have distinct level, dimensional distribution is very reasonable, will move feeling and dimensional feeling are highlighted, concerned art scientist says this kind of composition method is called "incomplete composition". For example, the landscape painting "hunters in the snow", in which there are human activities, has profound significance. This work is more traditional in style, and USES the panorama painting of petunia school. It seems that the painter stands on the top of the mountain overlooking the people under the mountain, and through the hunter, the whole scene is viewed from a distance. Using diagonal lines, the slopes and horizons are intersected and then extended toward the treacherous slopes of the valley floor. Through the appropriate treatment of near and far perspective, the picture's sense of space and air more intriguing.

Bruegel's works can give people a strong shock, which is inseparable from the painter's good intentions on the use of color. In the aspect of ornament and echo, he often USES red to do so. Red is leaping and can bring people a strong sense of inspiration. It plays the most important role in vision mobilization and concentration, which is what bruegel is most good at. In addition, a similar effect can be achieved with white. By using the comparison between red and white, the transparency and brightness of the whole picture can be improved. Although the use of these colors may be related to the local costume customs, it can still reflect the subjective tendency of the painter to enhance the color effect. "Farmers' wedding banquet" can best represent the use of color. In this work, transparent colors are set off layer by layer through the brightness of the background color, and yellow and red are used as the primary colors, rendering out the festive atmosphere appropriately. Very calm black and white, to red and yellow play a very good foil, at the same time, also symbolizing the peasant life is very simple. By careful arrangement, in combination with the naturalistic depiction technique, the image of the rustic, stout and ungainly peasants in the remote countryside is depicted, which makes them vivid.

Bruegel was in the final stages of the nederlands' rule of Spain, and had shown strong dissatisfaction with the dark reign of Spain and the rampant brutality and corruption of the Catholic church. Because of the social unrest at that time, the practice of directly expressing one's feelings is extremely dangerous. Bruegel recognized this deeply. The authoritarian ruling class and the rebellious populace and the callous people were caught in it. On the spiritual level, bruegel was in a dilemma. On the artistic level, the most serious difficulty he faced was how to find an ideal way to express his true feelings, and how to enlighten the nigran people by criticizing the current situation. Proverbs are widely spread among the people, characterized by sarcasm, humor and implication. In bruegel's painting works, drawing from folk proverbs is the best creative carrier, which can skillfully avoid potential dangerous factors and at the same time truly express the voice of one's heart. Besides, bruegel often depicted the lives of the lower classes, not just the peasants. In layer A, the characters with distinct plots are also the objects depicted. However, through his paintings, bruegel not only wanted to reproduce the scenes of rural life at that time, but also wanted to convey some life philosophies and attitudes to people. There are many works of his type, the most representative of which is the "nederland proverb" written in 1559. This work describes the daily life of people living on the coast. In fact, it describes the characters according to different nigran proverbs. Many philosophies of life are expressed through proverbs

Bruegel's paintings can truly express nature, which is also why people appreciate his works. His works are loyal to nature and are aimed at creating realistic techniques. The use of realism in painting, the imagination and yu yu color is particularly obvious, deeply influenced the romantic genre in the 19th century. Assimilating traditional Nordic mysticism and clearly outdid bass's painting. In his painting works, the composition method is different. The spatial structure and color structure are carefully set, and metaphor, symbol, exaggeration and other painting techniques are skillfully used to portray the characters vividly. In the European Renaissance, artists, whether based on emotion or reason, can combine reality and non-reality. There are generally two or more modes of thinking coexisting. Among bruegel's many paintings, most of them belong to the category based on subjective feelings. They are able to organize and arrange the images by themselves according to relevant needs and requirements, and do not consider whether the position of characters in the pictures is logical. In most of his paintings, his figures are treated with exaggeration and distortion. Although some work has been done, the relevant contents can still be expressed accurately, which plays a certain role in strengthening the character modeling language.

In early writings, Peter bruegel's painting style package west to the inheritance, by the hands of the brush will be the middle of the 16th century Netherlands revolution and social life of the broad picture drawing, deeply sympathize with the Spanish rule oppression of farmers, through paintings, hope to the Netherlands, farmers have very good education and incentive effect, hope the broad masses of farmers to awaken the Netherlands, also attacked Spanish rulers. In his works, the painting style is relatively simple, about painting color, with heavy sophistication, most of the works are based on folklore and proverbs, some of the works are directly selected from the works of baoxi. The same as the package of west, pay attention to absorb the essence of Italian art, but in the process of the creation of the paintings, very different from Italian art style, it does not pay attention to the perfect character and ideal fantasy socialism were portrayed, but farmers image joined in the work, and focus on it, will directly depicting the real life and nature, as the Netherlands landscape painting and genre painting opens up a new situation, and carries forward the democracy, the Netherlands, art tradition of realism.

In Peter bruegel's paintings, he inherited the high viewpoint painting method of patinir. Standing on the top of the mountain, looking down and raising the horizon, can expand the painting performance space. Pay special attention to the description of every detail, and combine the wonderful details into an organic whole, avoiding the early assumptions and pieces, so that the whole work becomes more interesting, thoughtful and thought-provoking. For example, the hunter in the snow, as we said earlier, is a typical example. In Peter bruegel works for this kind of situation is not uncommon, Peter bruegel life very casual, it is often a rural dress, with her friends to rural festivals and farmers wedding, making it has very profound experience rural life, the creation of the "peasant dance" in 1567 provides a rich material, in the work to change the traditional high point of view, try for the first time through the close shot using large size composition in the form of the full performance the happy scene of people, and for the joy of harvest. Throughout the work, the farmer's body is in the center, and the sound of heavy shoes echoes in the audience's ears, which is a very fitting expression of the farmer's character. "A gallows dance" and "blind" is Peter bruegel's late works, his marks its creation into a new stage, in their works penetrates a pessimism of the strong, become the important work of thought and thought, also illustrates the Peter bruegel enters into a new field of thinking, it has a sense of social responsibility in his works also show.

In the life of Peter bruegel, there are less than 50 paintings and prints left, but his contribution to the development of European art is obvious to all. In his works, he is closely associated with the life of farmers, which is called "farmer's bruegel".

Although Peter bruegel's life is short and his works are not large in number, his contribution to the history of art cannot be ignored, and needs our attention. In particular, the "peasant" style in his works can be said to be a pioneer in the art of painting, bringing endless space for future generations to display creation. We also need to deeply study his works, feel his art style is unique and unique, constantly enrich the creation space of my works, and provide conditions and foundation for the better development of the art field.

