


2018-09-27 16:29:18 | 日記


根据维基百科的解释,批判性思维(Critical thinking)可以理解为














In the reading test, the five children who were taught to read using phonics performed better overall than the five children who were taught to read using the whole word method. This shows that the phonics method is a better choice for schools.





2、“performed better overall”是什么意思?








Browning (2005) found that children taught to read using phonics did better in a reading test than children taught using the whole word method. However, the study was small(评估the sample like characteristics, size or sampling method), the test rather limited(评估The methods used in the study), and the subjects were not closely matched either for age or gender(评估the sample). A further limitation was that there was no pre-test to determine participants’ existing skills(评估The methods). An examination of Browning’s test scores reveals that, although the mean score of the phonics group was higher, two of the highest scorers in the test were whole word learners(评估The way data was analysed). Since this indicates that the whole word method is effective for some learners at least, Browning is perhaps over ambitious in his claim that ‘the phonics method is better for schools’ (89)(评估Claims made by the author ).

Adapted from: Wallace, M. and Wray, A. (2011).Critical writing and reading for postgraduates. London: Sage.






以上就是给同学们分享的关于掌握critical thinking的方法,希望这对同学们的英文论文写作有帮助。



作业代写:The financial analysisv

2018-09-27 16:28:56 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The financial analysis,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了财务分析。财务分析报告从编写的时间来划分,可分为定期分析报告和非定期分析报告。严格的讲,财务分析报告并没有固定的格式和体裁,但要求能够反映要点、分析透彻、等要求。尽管财务分析报告没有固定格式,表现手法也不一致,但并非无规律可循。

Financial analysis has nothing to do with mastering the essentials. Care about operation process and know operation result. Think hard and be good at summarizing. You'll be able to do it.

Be able to reflect the financial idea, comprehensive quality, expression ability and communication ability of the reporter.

Financial analysis reports can be divided into two types according to the time of preparation: regular analysis reports and non-regular analysis reports.

Periodic analysis reports can be divided into daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual reports, which are specific according to the management requirements of the company.

Content written can be divided into three categories. First, comprehensive analysis report, second, special analysis report and third, project analysis report. A comprehensive analysis report is an analysis and evaluation of the company's overall operation and financial status. The special analysis report is a part of the company's operation, such as the analysis of capital flow and sales revenue variables. The project analysis report is an analysis of the bureau of the company as an independent operation project.

Strictly speaking, there is no fixed format or genre of financial analysis report, but it is required to reflect the key points, be thorough in analysis, have solid evidence, have distinct views and meet the requirements of the objects submitted.

In general, financial analysis reports should contain the following aspects: summary, explanation, analysis, evaluation and recommendation. It's usually referred to as five-paragraph. However, in the actual writing of analysis, there should be a choice based on the specific purpose and requirements, not necessarily including five parts.

In addition, financial analysis report can adopt some innovative methods in terms of expression, such as the combination of word processing and chart expression to make it easy to understand, vivid and vivid.

The first part of the summary paragraph, that is to summarize the general situation of the company, so that the financial report recipients have a comprehensive understanding of the financial analysis.

The second part is the introduction of the company's operation and financial status. This part requires the text to be expressed properly and the data to be quoted accurately. The absolute number, comparison number and composite index number can be properly used in the explanation of economic indicators. Pay special attention to the current focus of the company's operations. The company has different priorities in different stages and months, and needs different financial analysis focuses. If the company is engaged in the production and market development of new products, the financial analysis report that all levels of the company need to analyze the cost, payment collection and profit data of new products.

The third part is the analysis of the company's operating conditions. While explaining the problem, it is also necessary to analyze the problem, find the cause and cause of the problem, so as to achieve the goal of solving the problem. Financial analysis must be well-founded, and the indicators should be detailed and decomposed, because some data in the statements are relatively vague and general, and they should be good at using tables and diagrams to highlight the contents of the analysis. Analysis of problems must be good at grasping current key points, more reflection of the company's operating focus and easy to ignore problems.

The fourth part of the evaluation paragraph, after financial statements and analysis, for operating conditions, financial status, earnings performance. Fair and objective evaluation and forecast should be given from a financial perspective. Financial evaluation should not use irresponsible language such as paradoxical, progressive, regressive and left-right. It should be conducted from both positive and negative aspects. The evaluation can be conducted separately or interspersed with the explanation part and analysis part.

That is, the opinions and opinions formed by financial staff after analyzing the operation and investment decisions, especially the improvement Suggestions for the problems existing in the operation process. It's worth noting. The recommendations in the financial analysis report should not be too abstract, but should be specific. It is better to have a set of feasible solutions.

Establish ledger and database. Accounting documents, accounting books and accounting statements are formed through accounting. However, it is often not enough to write financial analysis reports based on the data of these vouchers, books and reports. For example, when analyzing the reasons for the growth of the ratio of operating expenses to operating income, it is often necessary to analyze the relationship between income and expenses realized by different regions, different commodities and different persons in charge, but these data cannot be directly obtained from the account book. This requires analysts to do a lot of statistical work. To analyze the project by nature, use, category, region, responsible person, according to the monthly, quarterly, annual statistics. Establish a ledger so that it can be documented when preparing financial analysis reports. At present, the company's ERP software data acquisition is not a problem.

Focus on what's important. Financial personnel should make a record of major changes in business operation and financial status, and record the time, plan, budget, responsible person and influencing factors of the changes. Analyze and judge immediately if necessary. Classify and file the documents of various departments.

Focus on operations. Financial personnel should try to attend relevant meetings as much as possible to understand production, quality, market, administration, investment, financing and other various situations. Attend meetings and listen to opinions from various parties, which is conducive to financial analysis and evaluation.

Collect reports regularly. In addition to collecting some data in accounting, financial staff should also ask relevant departments of the company to timely submit available other statements, which should be carefully reviewed, timely found out and summarized, so as to form the habit of thinking more and studying more.

Most corporate financial analysis is usually done by the financial manager, but the report notes are provided by the financial staff of each position. Therefore, all financial staff should be required to develop the habit of analysis on their own work, which can not only improve personal quality, but also benefit each post to learn from each other. Only when problems are found and analyzed by each position can a comprehensive and in-depth financial analysis report be prepared.

Although the financial analysis report has no fixed format and the presentation technique is inconsistent, it is not random to follow. If the analysis work guide is established, the routine analysis project will be written, standardized and institutionalized, and a series of analysis instructions such as cash flow, sales collection, production cost, procurement cost change, etc., the result will be twice the result with half the effort.

In order to explain the quantity relation and quantity difference between financial information. The comparative analysis mainly includes the ratio between actual and budget, the ratio between current period and last year. This enterprise and the industry related enterprises ratio.

It is to reveal the changes in financial status and operating results, as well as their causes and nature, to help predict the future. The trend analysis mainly analyzes the trend of enterprise production and operation and predicts enterprise development from the change of absolute value and the change of ratio and percentage.

Factor analysis is to analyze the degree of influence of several related factors on a certain financial index, usually by means of difference analysis. From the perspective of each factor. Understanding the influence of various factors on the production and operation of an enterprise can help to make reasonable and effective decisions.


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2018-09-27 16:28:30 | 日記




The flight began on June 18, 1983, and lasted six days.


The flight ended in June 1983 and lasted six days.



Kathy Sullivan, too, is a famous astronaut.



Claude said, “Sally Ride received her doctor’s degree from Stanford University in 1978.”



Julia is a beautiful, happy, intelligent child.



My cousin Ken, who lives in California, works as a film editor.



Dear Dad,



Dear Mrs. Santiago:

1.7.直引时,直引的内容要和【谁说he said/she said等】以逗号间隔。但是逗号要在前引号外面,在后引号里面


Victoria said, “I hate school.”

“She finally came back,” Tom added.




No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main…Any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind. —John Donne




My roommate calls clumps of dust “dust bunnies.”




My boss said to do the report tout de suite.



My fiancé bought me a bottle of cologne.

fiancé cologne就不需斜体




pages 263–268

from 1941 to 1945

between 7:35 and 9:15 A.M.



Paper代写:Corporate financial crisis management

2018-09-27 16:28:05 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Corporate financial crisis management讨论了企业财务危机管理。财务危机是指企业由于营销、决策或不可抗拒等因素影响,导致企业经营循环和财务循环无法正常持续进行或处于停滞的状态,具体表现为持续性亏损、无偿付能力、违约或破产。面对如今复杂且动荡的经济环境,企业的经营活动经常面临着或大或小的财务危机,如何化解企业在发展中遇到的财务危机,促进企业的稳定发展,保持竞争优势,是企业必须重视的问题。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Financial crisis refers to the situation that the business cycle and financial cycle of an enterprise cannot continue or stay stagnant due to the influence of marketing, decision-making or irresistible factors. With the continuous development of society and economy, the trend of economic globalization has become more and more obvious. Meanwhile, the financial environment of enterprises has also undergone tremendous changes. Compared with the previous relatively simple and stable environment, it no longer exists, and the competition between enterprises is becoming increasingly fierce. Facing such a complex and volatile environment, the business activities of enterprises are often faced with large or small financial crises. How to solve the financial crisis encountered by enterprises in development, promote the healthy and rapid development of enterprises, and maintain the competitive edge is a problem that every financial manager must pay attention to.

Financial crisis refers to the situation where the business cycle and financial cycle of an enterprise cannot continue or remain stagnant due to the influence of marketing, decision-making or irresistible factors, which is manifested as continuous loss, insolvency, default or bankruptcy. Market economy made many enterprises, but also eliminated numerous enterprises, under the condition of market economy, enterprise management is full of risks, if things get bad for business development, and become a trend and can not get timely rescue, the crisis will inevitably occur, so the enterprises should strengthen the consciousness of crisis, nip in the bud.

With the continuous development of society and economy, the trend of economic globalization has become more and more obvious. Meanwhile, the financial environment of enterprises has also undergone tremendous changes. Compared with the previous relatively simple and stable environment, it no longer exists, and the competition between enterprises is becoming increasingly fierce. Facing such a complex and volatile environment, the business activities of enterprises are often faced with large or small financial crises. How to solve the financial crisis encountered by enterprises in development, promote the healthy and rapid development of enterprises, and maintain the competitive edge is a problem that every financial manager must pay attention to. This paper will briefly introduce and discuss the financial crisis management of enterprises.

Enterprise financial crisis management refers to that with the turbulence of operating environment, various unexpected emergencies often have an impact on enterprises. In order to effectively prevent and cope with various crisis events and guarantee the financial security of enterprises, various measures must be taken to manage the emergency that endangers the financial security of enterprises. Financial crisis is a fundamental crisis that threatens the sustainable operation of an enterprise. Financial crisis management is an important part of enterprise crisis management. Strengthening enterprise financial crisis management has important theoretical significance and practical value for Chinese enterprises in the starting environment of market economy. On the one hand, it can effectively control and prevent the occurrence of financial crisis. On the other hand, through research and analysis, we can find out the methods and measures to get enterprises out of the financial crisis.

The emergence of corporate financial crisis is closely related to the changes in the internal and external environment of the enterprise. Business activities and financial activities are closely linked. Companies, on the other hand, create value in the cyclical flow of cash. Accordingly, the financial crisis mainly has the following five characteristic

Financial crisis is not a matter of one day, but a gradual process from light to heavy. Accumulating of the financial crisis is the product of financial risk accumulates to a certain extent, in general, the emergence of the crisis is not caused by a wrong decision, but rather a series of decision-making errors is not correct, finally resulting in inability to save the situation, make the enterprise in a certain period of cash inflows cannot meet the needs of capital expenditures, also is what we usually call the financial crisis.

The occurrence of financial crisis is affected by many factors, some of which can be grasped and controlled, but most of which are accidental and difficult to control. For example, all previous financial crises have brought many enterprises into crisis or even bankruptcy. Therefore, the financial crisis has a sudden change.

Financial crises, though many, can be catastrophic for a company, whether technical, corporate, or anything in between.

The diversity of corporate financial crisis is mainly reflected in two aspects. The second is the diversity of financial crisis symptoms. The diversity of causes of financial crisis is determined by the objective nature of the enterprise. The enterprise is a complex system, which is affected by both external environmental factors and internal management factors. The process and reasons are complex and diverse. The symptoms of financial crisis are falling income, poor sales of goods, loss, deteriorating financial ratio, cash shortage, etc.

The life of an enterprise can be changed artificially. It reflects people's will and the life of an enterprise is reversible. In the case of financial crisis, effective reorganization can save the enterprise from crisis. Even when the enterprise enters the stage of bankruptcy, there are some cases of companies that have been reborn after bankruptcy reorganization.

Since the emergence of corporate financial crisis is a gradual process, there must be some warning signs before the occurrence of financial crisis. Just as the so-called "halo and wind, halo and rain", the formation of financial crisis usually has various early performances, mainly in the production and operation, sales and finance.

There are two main aspects: blindly expanding enterprise scale and abnormal inventory changes. For example, during a certain period, the company's fixed assets increased significantly, but its production capacity and marketing capacity were not fully coordinated, which could easily lead to a large amount of capital precipitation and reduced working capital. However, during a certain period, enterprises have a large increase or decrease in inventory, especially the unplanned inventory overhang is an abnormal performance of inventory.

Sales is an important link of capital inflow and a way to achieve profits. Although the causes of the crisis vary, the decline of sales always takes the first place. Therefore, enough attention should be paid to the phenomenon of unexpected decline of sales, deterioration of transaction records, extension of average collection period and weakening of product market power

The key of enterprise financial crisis management lies in establishing a set of procedural financial crisis management system suitable for enterprise development. Its structure mainly includes crisis awareness, organization, early warning mechanism and treatment method.

Enterprises should pay attention to the establishment of advanced crisis theory and strong crisis awareness on the strategic height, and integrate it with the corporate culture, so that it is deeply rooted in the corporate culture, so that every employee can be remembered. Many well-known enterprises in the world have a strong sense of crisis. For example, Microsoft's "bankruptcy is only ten months away" and huawei's "born in trouble and died in comfort" all tell us the importance of building a strong sense of crisis.

Enterprise financial crisis management work by specialized organization should be unified deployment, therefore enterprise should set up headed by enterprise top leadership, by the relevant departments at the grass-roots level management personnel and all departments, exclusively for members of the organization, the head of the enterprise crisis prevention and discovery, and are in danger to a unified deployment, to ensure the safe and stable development of the enterprise.

The establishment and improvement of the financial crisis warning mechanism is conducive to the timely discovery of the signs and symptoms of the crisis, and the eradication of the crisis in the bud, to achieve the purpose of preventing the crisis in the future. The formation of effective early warning mechanism mainly includes the following three aspects: first, select the sensitive early warning indicators in an optimal way, which includes two indicator systems: qualitative and quantitative. Second, improve the statistical analysis system of early warning indicators; Third, strengthen the study of enterprise crisis management, timely identify and judge the symptoms of crisis, and timely take effective measures.

Due to the uncertainty and diversity of financial crisis, it is impossible for us to completely eliminate all financial crises. Therefore, it is not terrible for an enterprise to have a financial crisis. What is terrible is that after the financial crisis, the enterprise does not have a correct method to deal with it. A correct treatment method is very important for an enterprise. It can reduce the property loss of the enterprise as much as possible, solve the crisis as soon as possible, and even turn the crisis into the development opportunity of the enterprise.


Essay代写:E - business audit risk

2018-09-27 15:59:17 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- E - business audit risk,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了电子商务审计风险。相较于传统行业的审计风险,电子商务审计风险所涵盖的内容更多,也更复杂,需要更全面的控制。因为电子商务审计风险不仅是由审计对象和主体带来的,还可能是由于审计环境中存在的问题而导致产生的。 因此电子商务审计风险的具体表现形式有审计环境风险,审计对象风险及审计主体风险。

The economic environment has an important impact on the survival and development of each industry, and the e-commerce industry is more affected. This is because e-commerce no longer follows the traditional channels of production, purchase and sales, but based on the high-tech network technology, networking multiple links of business activities, enabling the market of the e-commerce industry to expand and even globalize. As the market expands, the factors that e-commerce enterprises must consider when making decisions will increase, and the impact of the economic environment will be greater, which will increase the possibility of business failure of e-commerce enterprises. This will also lead to increased business risks of enterprises, which will lead to audit risks.

Auditing is a kind of social and economic activity, which is subject to the law, and the law also guarantees the rights and interests of auditors, which is the legal environment. Compared with other industries, certified public accountants in the e-commerce industry should follow the e-commerce law when conducting auditing work. In this way, auditors are faced with greater litigation risks in e-commerce auditing. This is the predisposing factor of the legal environment to audit risk. This often leads certified public accountants to issue improper audit opinions and produce false audit reports to avoid litigation risks. Audit risk arises.

The auditee is the object of the audit work, and the information about the auditee collected by certified public accountants in the audit process can be summarized as the economic activities of the auditee. If there is any error in the data and information bearing the economic activities of the audited entity, it will lead to major misstatement risk, that is, risk of the audited object.

The definition of internal control risk refers to the possibility that the internal control of an audited entity fails to prevent, discover and correct in a timely manner when there is a wrong report in a certain identification, whether the wrong report is considered separately or together with other wrong reports constitutes a major wrong report. It mainly includes whether the internal control is designed reasonably, the category of internal environment, whether the relevant personnel of the supervising organization has indeed performed their duties, and whether the orders of the management and governance of the audited unit have been implemented.

The characteristics of e-commerce make the transaction process of enterprise business more simple. More responsibility, relatively, is also more dependent on it, so it inevitably increases the risk of internal control.

In an e-commerce environment where workers are complicit in fraud, internal control may be difficult to play a role. Because the audit evidence obtained in the audit work of e-commerce is mostly electronic documents or computer records, if the staff of the audited unit directly tampers the operation on the computer, the internal control cannot play a role, thus increasing the risk of internal control.

In the audit of e-commerce, the audit personnel shall not only include the original documents and books manually entered in the traditional mode, but also the electronic data generated under modern technology. And data risk is further increased because of the diversity and complication of audit content.

The audit work of e-commerce has led to the change and even disappearance of the original audit clues. When the certified public accountants collect audit evidence, they are often unable to obtain direct information, so they have to search or consult online. Compared with traditional paper materials, the credibility of electronic information on the Internet is low, which makes it more difficult to obtain accounting data.

The audit subject is the certified public accountants who accept the audit and the certified public accounting firm where they work. When auditing work, auditors do not fully follow professional standards, which will lead to inspection risk, that is, the risk of audit subject. Therefore, the risk of audit subject is only controlled by the audit personnel. The risk of audit subject mainly includes the risk caused by backward auditing technology and methods and the risk of auditor's operation.

Audit techniques and methods are all the techniques and means used by the auditors to reach the audit objective and reach the audit conclusion. With the rise of e-commerce auditing, auditing software has been updated accordingly, and enterprises have more choices of auditing software. However, this also makes it more likely for enterprises to choose the inappropriate auditing software. If they choose the inappropriate auditing software, the audit quality will be reduced and the audit risk will be increased. And the current auditing software has not fully met the requirements of e-commerce auditing, the current auditing technology and methods need further development.

With the widespread application of electronic commerce audit, the audit software of constantly updated, for operators to audit system of software and hardware configuration and the operation requirements is increasing day by day, require operators have solid professional knowledge and ability to solve practical problems, which requires the auditor has a high professional quality. However, due to the imperfect training of auditors in the current era and the lack of systematic training methods and approaches, it is impossible to fundamentally avoid operational risks and on the other hand increase operational risks.

Besides, on the basis of adequate professional competence, the audit staff of e-commerce should also have a certain understanding of the transaction process of e-commerce. However, the current situation is not optimistic. The e-commerce industry is still a new industry, and most of the audit practitioners are relatively unfamiliar with it, which leads to the emergence of e-commerce audit risks.

Different from the traditional business model, e-commerce is a new development model of enterprise operation, which improves the participation of enterprises with its own characteristics. With the electronic business audit to the CPA brought not only opportunities, but also risks. The analysis of the form of audit risk of e - commerce is helpful to prevent it.

