


2018-09-29 17:05:04 | 日記




撰写literature review时常犯的一个错误就是评论你阅读的所有内容,而不管其与自己论文的相关性如何。

一份好的文献综述的结构应该包括introduction, main body以及conclusion。

1. Introduction

在literature review的introduction部分不仅要简要介绍以前的文献和关键术语的定义,还要概括你的观点。



2. Main Body


Theme 1: students’ characteristics influencing students’ attitude.

Theme 2: product attributes influencing students’ attitude.

Theme 3: Promotion tools influencing students’ attitude.



在副主题(theme)要有明确的主题句也就是topic sentences以及你的想法的展开。

在这里,每一个引用的文献中间要用连接词如Similarly, In Contrast,来贯穿每个文献间以及每个文献与你观点的逻辑关系。


3. Conclusion

Literature review中的结论简单来说就是要包括以往文献中主要主题或观点的摘要以及任何特别重大的研究发现或争议,此外还要包括你所引用所有文献中的gap与你接下来的研究中的关系。


这里再次强调下gap,也即,以往文献中的局限性或者没有关注到的观点或者观点有歧义的部分,这是整片literature review中最重要的部分。



2. 精炼的总结所选的文献。



最后,在这里总结一下literature review中常用的用语:

Useful Phrases for the Introduction of literature review

Previous literature has addressed/examined / dealt with...

Much of the previous literature has focussed on...

One of the most significant areas the literature has focussed on is...

However, there has been some debate surrounding...

While some studies have concentrated on...., more recent studies have investigated....

This literature review will focus on....

The aim/purpose of this literature review is to... ...provide an overview of...

...examine the factors which...

...examine the themes of....

Firstly, X will be outlined / discussed / examined /defined...

Useful Phrases for the Conclusion of literature of review

From the review of the current literature, it can be seen that.....

While much of the previous literature has focussed on...., there have been few studies which examine.....

However, the research to date has tended to focus on X rather than Y.

However, there have been comparatively few studies examining....

Therefore, there is scope for further research which...

Therefore, this study aims to...




作业代写:The accounting information

2018-09-29 17:04:46 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The accounting information,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了会计信息。会计信息是企业会计信息系统的产出,具有强烈的技术属性,但是同时其也具有重要的社会属性。会计信息蕴含着很多权利,对于不同的利益相关者会带来不同的经济后果。会计信息是企业的会计信息系统的产出,它的存在是由于所有者的需要,是管理层经营企业的经济结果的体现,所以尽管会计信息是由企业的会计人员生产的,但是会计信息的产权必然是企业的所有者。

Accounting information is the output of enterprise accounting information system. It has strong technical attributes, but it also has important social attributes. Accounting information contains many rights and has different economic consequences for different stakeholders.

In the modern enterprise system, ownership and management rights are often separated, which means that the owner of the enterprise does not directly manage the enterprise, but employs professional managers to manage the enterprise. Therefore, accounting information is the output of an enterprise's accounting information system. It exists because of the needs of owners and reflects the economic results of management's operation of the enterprise. Therefore, although accounting information is produced by the enterprise's accountants, the property right of accounting information must be the owner of the enterprise.

Externality refers to the behavior of one subject or person, directly or indirectly affecting other subjects or individuals.

Accounting information property right is the dislocation of externalities, and the externality of accounting information is a two-way street, on the one hand, management may through the control of enterprise accounting personnel to the enterprise surplus manipulation, whitewash financial statements, the disclosure of false information, or concealing important information shall be disclosed, which can lead to stakeholders to make bad decisions, suffer great economic losses; On the other hand, the requirements of relevant stakeholders on accounting information are too high and excessive, which will also increase the production cost of accounting information of enterprises, and at the same time may reveal business secrets of enterprises and reduce the competitiveness of enterprises.

The property right misplacement of accounting information leads to the external uneconomy and the loss of relevant stakeholders. To reduce the external uneconomy, we need to internalize the external uneconomy, and one feasible way is the marketization of accounting information.

Accounting information has always existed in the form of public products. If accounting information is marketized, it will no longer be a public product but a commodity.

In solving this problem, the current rapid development of IT technology provides us with a positive answer. With the popularization of computers and networks, the dissemination of information has been very fast and convenient, and e-commerce has also developed rapidly. Almost nothing can not be traded online, and the cost of online transactions is very low, fast and convenient. This provides a good foundation for the marketization of accounting information. As an information commodity, accounting information can be traded on the Internet just like other commodities. It is simple, convenient, fast and costs very low.

Firstly, the accounting standards establishment department and the supervision department shall formulate the minimum disclosure standard, production standard and method of accounting information; Secondly, the accounting service company compiles the accounting information according to the original economic data of the enterprise and provides the accounting information to the owner of the company. The company pays the service fee to the accounting service company. Thirdly, the company shall hire an accounting firm to audit the accounting information and issue an audit report after the audit is completed. Finally, the company provides accounting information to the network media for the sales of accounting information by the network media. Consumers who need accounting information purchase accounting information through online transactions, and the sales proceeds are Shared by the company and the network media.

The marketization of accounting information can effectively reduce transaction costs, mainly in the following aspects.

The enterprise accounting information produced by independent accounting services company, and after independence of certified public accountants audit, after multiple control and separation of duties, the management tried to increase the difficulty of the implementation of accounting information fraud, guaranteeing the independence and reliability of accounting information, effectively protect the rights of all stakeholders.

On the basis of ensuring the minimum disclosure standards and the principle of protecting the business secrets of enterprises, enterprises may provide personalized accounting information according to the needs of different information demanders and meet the diversified needs of stakeholders.

The enterprise accounting information becomes a commodity, which can be sold freely on the Internet, thus making the enterprise gain profits, which can compensate the cost of the enterprise producing accounting information, improve the enterprise's enthusiasm to provide accounting information, and reduce the information asymmetry.

Although the marketization of accounting information can reduce agency costs, reduce transaction costs and improve the utility of various stakeholders, there are still many problems in the specific implementation process.

Since the accounting information of an enterprise is produced by an external accounting service company, it is necessary to provide the accounting service company with original economic information, which makes the accounting service company have a clear understanding of the enterprise's internal financial status, and then the business secrets of the enterprise are also mastered by the external accounting service company. Therefore, how to ensure that the accounting service company will not disclose the customer's business secrets is the key to the smooth implementation of accounting information marketization.

At present, the accounting personnel of an enterprise are under the management of the management and lose their independence, so the financial work results of the enterprise are responsible by the management, which is also the reason why the management needs to sign the financial report. However, after the marketization of accounting information, accounting service companies are independent of the accounting information produced by the management, and they need to be responsible for the results of their work -- the accounting information of the enterprise, rather than the management, because at this time the management has no control over the production of accounting information according to their own will.

The provisions of the securities law and the interim regulations on the administration of stock issuance and trading are too general and lack of further explanation. The general principles of civil law, which existed before the establishment of the securities market, did not involve securities violations.

At present, the civil compensation for small and medium injured investors lacks proper litigation mechanism, resulting in the fact that the investors cannot get compensation.

"In the listed companies subject to the punishment of information disclosure violations, the punishment of information disclosure violations does not increase the cost of violation and prevent recurrence".

At present, the characteristics of China's accounting information disclosure supervision are: decentralization is clear, information disclosure rules are in the charge of the CSRC, and the formulation of accounting standards, auditing standards, and CPA association are under the control of the ministry of finance. On the surface, it seems that China's laws and regulations are sound, forming a good situation of multi-pronged joint management. However, from the actual effect, it is not completely true, and there are many political policies.

The property right of accounting information belongs to the shareholders of the enterprise. However, as the equity of the enterprise is relatively dispersed at present, the shareholders have a "free ride" in the supervision of the management layer, which makes the residual control right and the residual claim right of the shareholders not equal, but makes the management control the residual control right.

Of course, the marketization of accounting information is only an idea, and many problems will arise in the implementation process, such as the leakage of commercial secrets and the joint fraud of management, accounting service companies and accounting firms. The solution of these problems requires further improvement of the market and the establishment of the legal protection system.


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2018-09-29 17:04:28 | 日記






The men heard a loud sound.


a) The young men heard a pounding on the door.

b) The tired-looking men heard the blare of trumpets in the distance.

c) The men heard a tumultuous noise from outside, their heart rising to their throats.


On her first visit to Paris she was delighted with the sound of people speaking French. She was also excited about the grandeur of the architecture. In addition, she likes the delicious feeling of being away from home.


On her first visit to Paris she was delighted with the sound of people speaking French, the grandeur of the architecture, and the delicious feeling of being away from home.

又比如怎样将词句衔接(transition),写好感官描述(sensory details),运用修辞(如比喻,拟人),写topic sentence, 围绕一个主题展开陈述,各个细小的练习既是写作基本功的积累,也是练习想象力和逻辑性的机会。

很多写作指导书,如The Elements of Style 和 100 Ways to Improve Your Writing对各种技巧有具体清晰地讲解。




写作中有多种文体包括 personal narrative, descriptive essay, expository writing, creative writing, news report等等,就像建筑物分公寓楼,写字楼,别墅,教堂等。尽管很多技巧相通,但设计理念不同,侧重点不同。

Personal narrative 强调作者本人的某段经历或某件小事的描述和由此引起的思考和领悟,这类文章细节描写和人物刻画尤其重要,故事生动真实才能让读者带入情节中,从而理解作者的感悟。比如一次歌唱表演的经历,和好朋友的一次争吵,或是一次意外的比赛失利,这些看似无奇的事件如果选好切入点并加以具体生动的描述往往更能引起读者的共鸣 (毕竟大多数人都是普通人)。

Descriptive essay 重在对情景,物品,或人物的描写,尤其需要触动读者感官的描写(视觉,听觉,触觉,味觉,嗅觉) ,增强画面感。内容可以是一个温馨的咖啡馆,一台老式收音机,一位唱着民谣的路边歌手,或是一座云雾笼罩的山峰。很多descriptive essay也有作者的感受,但不像narrative essay那么具有故事性。

Expository writing 则强调阐述个人观点并清晰地对这个观点提出有力的证据, 注重严谨的逻辑和准确有效的论据。Creative writing是放飞想象,讲述虚构的故事,包括人物(characters),情节 (plot),环境(setting),并制造冲突(conflict),逐步引入故事高潮(climax),再过渡到出结局(resolution)。 News report则把重点放在5W (who, what, when, where, why) 和 1H (how)上。






Paper代写:Vanuatu sand painting

2018-09-29 17:04:11 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Vanuatu sand painting讨论了瓦努阿图沙画。所谓沙画,就是在露天的沙地、撒满火山灰或泥土的地面上,用一只手指直接勾画出的各种图形。瓦努阿图沙画不仅仅是一种古老的艺术表现形式,而且还是一种存在于中部和北部岛屿之间的一种实际运用的交流方式。瓦努阿图沙画的题材,多源于一些神话传说的遐想,也有的是对现实生活景物的即兴描绘。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Vanuatu is a republic country that became independent in 1980, which is located at the southwest Pacific Ocean. The land of the country is consisted of 13 big islands and 70 small islands, forming a island chain of “Y” shape and the regulated water area is about 850,000 square meters. The land area is about 13,000 square meters and is mainly mountain land covered with jungles.

According to research, the ancestors of Vanuatuans migrated here through Indonesia from Northeast Asia about B.C. 3000 years ago. Now the population is about 200,000. 98% of the nation’s population is Vanuatuans, which belong to the Melanesian race. The constitution after the independence stipulates that all land of the state belongs to indigenous Melanesian people and their decedents. People in Vanuatu are very nice and the kind-hearted indigenous Melanesian people disperse and settle in the islands in the units of family and tribe and they speak 115 different dialects. Every family has a land that handed down from the ancestors or allocated by the chief of a tribe, and people from generation to generation live a life of Adam and Eve type in this garden of Eden on earth by “eating under a tree and wearing a piece of cloth”.

The sand painting is to draw kinds of figures by a finger on the outdoor sand or ground full of ash or clay. It is the “unique technique” passed down by the generations of indigenous Melanesian people and is better than that in other regions around the world. The paintings are more in the northern islands, especially in Abrym Island, Pentecote Island and Malakula Island. Such as, in Abrym Island, there are found 180 types of sand painting patterns. The sand paintings drew by primitive tribal artists with their fingers has become a famous world tourist scene.

Vanuatu sand painting is not only an ancient way of art expression, but also a practicable communication method in middle and northern islands. This multifunctional way of “writing” is based on the background of religious rites, meditation and communication. About 80 tribes speaking different dialects live in the middle and northern islands, and the sand painting appears as a communication tool among various tribes. They are also tools for recording and spreading religious rituals and myths and provide people a lot of information to know about the local history, cosmology, tribal system, scientific phenomenon, page songs, livestock feeding technique, architecture and manual skill and choreography.

Most of the sand paintings have many meaning and function: they could be an art work for “reading”, could tell stories, could be codes for understanding some secret groups, could be a proof for owning a land or a spell of some kind of magic, and could just be for the massage conveying or the casual work in meditation. Through long-term development and evolution, it has already become a rich and energetic traditional drawing pattern. Since sand painting is not only a “picture”, but also a precise network interwoven by songs, stories and knowledge that with inner connections. Sand painting artists should not only be skillful at painting, but also understand well about their meanings. Besides, they should tell the audiences the implication inside.

Sand painting also is used in recording property record and delivering the knowledge of ritual and myths and lots of oral information about local history, techniques and culture, such as: local cosmology, system relative relationship, scientific phenomenon, songs medley, technique cultivation, architecture and process design and dance art design. Vanuatu sand painting is not only a “picture”, but also songs connected to each other and delicate network of stories and knowledge.

The subjects of Vanuatu sand painting are stem from reveries of myths and improvised description of scenery in real life. They draw eye-dazzling geometric figures by fingers with exquisite composition and almost all symmetrical line segments. The even more amazing thing is the most practiced local artists can draw a whole sand painting by one stroke from start to finish.

Currently, the traditional Vanuatu sand painting exists in various communities of its middle islands, and the most ordinary design has been widely used in Vanuatu bill and stamp for popularization. In 2003, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization declared Vanuatu sand painting as the “master work of human oral and intangible cultural heritage”.


Essay代写:Impressionist music art

2018-09-29 16:46:55 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Impressionist music art,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了印象乐派音乐艺术。印象乐派音乐起源于十九世纪末,是受象征主义文学和绘画的影响而出现的一种音乐流派。印象乐派音乐带有一种完全抽象的、超越现实的色彩,是音乐进入现代主义的开端。印象乐派音乐的音乐形式、织体、表现手法、基本美学观点以及所追求的艺术目的和艺术效果都与古典和浪漫主义有着很大的分歧与差别。

Impressionism music came into being at the end of 19th century. It is a music school influenced by "symbolist literature" and "impressionistic painting". Impressionism music with a kind of completely abstract, surpasses the reality color, is music enters the modernism beginning. Its music form, texture, expression technique, basic aesthetic point of view as well as the artistic purpose and the artistic effect it pursues all have the very big difference with classicism and romanticism.

Influenced by impressionism painting, at the end of the 19th century, French composer Debussy founded music impressionism school, which was connected with naturalism, hedonism, intuitionism and empiricism in aesthetic thoughts, and represented school poets in artistic concepts to pursue the subtle effect of rhetoric and rhyme. The in focus light and shade on the theme of the game, and all the beauty, joy, and can give a person to enjoy things, the pursuit of nature scenery in the instantaneous alternation and change, with particular emphasis on color contrast between light and heavy, light and shade levels and the shading of the emphasis on music, create a hazy with changeable atmosphere, with wonderful harmony, tone to show it.

According to Debussy, music can put the impressionistic ideal into practice more effectively than painting, painting can only show the static state of light, while music can express the flow change of light. While monet needed a series of drawings to create different effects of light in the same scene, music was able to create an uninterrupted flow of light in the same piece. In terms of writing techniques, his melodies are mostly developed by fragmentary fragments or short sentences. He prefers to use dissonant chords, parallel 4 to 5 degrees, parallel chords, scales used in diatonic, pentatonic and mediaeval forms. Harmony on the function as far as possible, enhance its color. The range of tonality is greatly expanded through the use of frequent detaching and transposition. The music style is mainly a trilogy style, and more innovations are made in the genre. Instead of copying the traditional music style, the music style is applied more liberally. The dispenser technique is delicate and exquisite, and the color is flickering and unpredictable. He is good at capturing the dynamics of light, shadow and water color, using visual images to express auditory fantasy. All of these techniques are used to create the misty, ethereal, empty and secluded artistic conception peculiar to impressionism.

Debussy's piano music art summarizes the music characteristics of impressionism. From the introduction of the first piano piece Bohemian dance music in 1880 to the publication of 12 piano etudes written by pure music in 1915, Debussy co-wrote 92 piano pieces including the dance drama music toy box published in the form of piano solo. His piano works have the following characteristics in terms of artistic expression:

Music is the most abstract in various art forms. Influenced by the impressionist school, Debussy used a lot of sound materials in his works to "paint scenes". The island of joy was created by Debussy based on the famous painting sailing to the island of sidale by the French painter walter at the Louvre in Paris. "Happy island" is just like the "sound painting", song zhongdyer island charming lake and mountain scenery leap before your eyes.

In Debussy's music, the important factors is color stereo, in Debussy's many works, we can feel rich sound, such as "image collection" the first "of the" right in the middle area continued use of chord arpeggio, like a gentle wind, the water ripples of ripples, was she shake ground water reflection radiant with rainbow sparkle in the sunshine. This piece of music "combined" natural scale, chromatic scale and diatonic scale in the scale material, Debussy is known as "harmonist chemist". In the piano suite "image collection", we seek the combination of sound color effect and human subjective feeling, and create a dreamlike atmosphere and hazy sound effect. Another example is in "the bell in the leaves" not only heard the rustle of leaves, but also heard the distant bell, the bell reverberated in the woods.

Some impressionistic paintings are similar to ancient Chinese literati paintings. In these paintings, abound intense emotion color and individual character characteristic, strong adornment interest and highly artistic form aesthetic feeling, especially the splashed ink and big freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting, with the expression form of French impressionism, have certain and interlinked place. The first "tower" was inspired by Debussy's 1899-1900 world's fair in Paris, where he heard calumny in Java and music in China. A pentatonic scale theme is repeated throughout the whole song in different rhythmic forms, and its expression is influenced by music in the east, more of which is a holistic freehand style.

Some works, such as "children's paradise" is Debussy's specially written piano suite for his daughter xiu xiu. In the music, he is still a child, dreaming and dreaming with his daughter. The second "elephant lullaby" depicts the hero holding a toy elephant in his arms, reading a lullaby with his mouth, and finally falling asleep together.

Some works, such as Debussy's "etudes", imitated Chopin's "etudes", are a kind of art of skill and artistic skill.

Debussy created the piano music with impressionistic technique, and put forward a new topic for the piano performance technology. Debussy was a pianist and composer who, after Chopin, tapped the inner acoustic potential of the piano. He advocated forgetting that the piano was a clavichord instrument and striving for a subtle and varied "nuance" in tone. In "playing the piano with Debussy," his frequent collaborator, Margaret long, wrote: "how could I forget his soft, caressing, deep touch, when his fingers glided lightly and through the keys, he also gained a particularly expressive tone with subtle pressure." Playing Debussy's work requires the use of extremely soft touch keys to create a floating sound. When playing finger often need keys, or hardly left key, give a person a kind of the feeling of endless, sometimes need to highlight the same in the quiet background foil in the music of the weak and thin lines, at this point, the play need to relax and the fingertip force like dragonfly water touch key, control to the right, the tone should be fully, feminine.

Pedals are called the soul of the piano, Debussy at the foot of the state to achieve a transcendent. First of all, you should use the right delay pedal carefully, and treat it according to different sound colors and levels of music. Sometimes may need to lift when not completely clean, keep some necessary sound; Sometimes a quick light pedal is needed for clarity and clarity; Sometimes the same pedal may be used in a dissonant continuation of harmony; It is sometimes possible to run the pedals through the rest and staccato for special effects. Debussy's work is also heavily used on the left side of the weak tone pedal and the middle pedal, making the acoustic colors more unpredictable.

