

Reflection Essay写作技巧分享

2018-09-07 17:38:58 | 日記
相信在英国留学的小伙伴对Reflection Essay肯定不会陌生,毕竟Reflection Essay这种反思类作业是英国大学必定会被要求写的一种作业。其写作内容主要是回顾之前的学习生活或者回顾Reading,从而得到什么样的经验和教训。目的是检测你对自我过去表现的评价,并且有助于提高自我的批判性思维。那么Reflection Essay该怎么写呢?下面就给大家分享一下Reflection Essay的写作技巧。

Reflective Essay简单来说就是反映你的见解,观点和观察,更重要的是要表达自己的观点。


首先,你需要知道什么是Reflective Essay,它应该是什么样的。这会对写好一篇Reflective Essay有很大的帮助。 Reflective essay作业通常是关于你个人的观点和见解,与学术论文不同,它可以出现第一人称(如: “I”,“my”,“Our”等),也相对来说比较简单,同学们只需要清楚的表达自己的想法。



反思报告(Reflective Essay)简单的来说就是反映你的见解,观点和观察。你可以使用引用,但是反思报告不仅仅是引用别人的观点,更重要的是要表达自己的观点。


Experiential Reflective Essay

在一些热门的专业里,像商科,护理和教育,反思报告是连接理论和实践的重要部分。 当你被要求反思以往的经历时,不要仅仅只是描述它,而是要结合课程的idea或理论,深入的讨论评估它。你可以基于课程的理论和方法,用专业的技能去评估一个现象,从而提升自己的知识和技能。反思报告是给你一个机会去思考,反思你的选择和行动。

Reading Reflective Essay


以上就是关于Reflection Essay的写作技巧讲解,同学们要是遇到这类作业的话,那么就可以按照上面这些方法技巧去写,基本就没什么问题了。



北美作业代写:We-media credibility

2018-09-07 17:38:34 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- We-media credibility,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了自媒体公信力。自媒体就是个人媒体,是传播者以现代化、电子化的手段向不特定的大多数或特定的单个人传递信息的新媒体的总称。随着互联网的快速发展,自媒体的门槛变得非常低,所以自媒体失实的现象非常严重,自媒体公信力的缺失俨然成为其发展的一大问题。自媒体要想继续发展,那么必须得重视自媒体公信力的问题。

With the rapid development of the Internet, we have stepped into an era of "we media" where everyone is a microphone. The phenomenon of "indiscriminate release" of speech subjects is common, and the lack of credibility of "we media" has become a major problem. This paper first gives a brief overview of "we media" and "we media", and then analyzes the reasons for the lack of "we media" credibility from the three aspects of the public, the government and "we media" platform, and puts forward corresponding Suggestions.

In this era when weibo has become the most dynamic social media in the world, people will search for various hot news and various personal information when opening sina weibo. People can share what they see and hear anytime and anywhere, and express their opinions and strive for public acceptance of their views. Therefore, we media platforms like weibo and QQ space in China and facebook and twitter in the United States are becoming more and more important in people's lives. Although the public demand drives the rapid development and popularization of "we media" platforms, the weaknesses of these "we media" platforms are gradually exposed, such as the negative impact of the random release of false information on people and society. Even the British economist, on November 4, 2017, wrote "social media threatens democracy?" Therefore, the construction of we-media credibility has become an important topic of social concern.

We media, also known as "personal media", is the general term for new media that disseminators use modern and electronic means to deliver normative and non-normative information to an unspecified majority or a specific individual. That is, the carriers used by citizens to release events they have seen and heard with their own eyes, such as blogs, weibo, WeChat, baidu official post bar, BBS \ BBS and other online communities. The characteristics of "we media" such as popularity, personalization, interactivity, rapid transmission, low threshold and easy operation make it rapidly popularized among the public, and now it has become an indispensable social platform in People's Daily life.

Media credibility refers to the internal power of news media itself, which is trusted by the public. It is a measure of media's authority, credibility and social influence, as well as the media's ability to win over audiences. Therefore, for the media, credibility is the cornerstone of its existence and further development, the core of future competition. For the public, the enhancement of media credibility can provide a good information communication environment for the public.

At present, China's we-media credibility is at a low level. As the main body of communication changes from traditional mainstream media to ordinary people and the absence of "gatekeepers", some information in the we-media platform tends to be entertaining and vulgar. At the same time, the excessive pursuit of timeliness by some media in order to catch the public's attention and its divisive communication mode leads to fragmentation of we-media information transmission, flooding of fake news and reversing the frequency of news. Take microblogs as an example. According to a survey by the institute of journalism of the Chinese academy of social sciences, nearly 60 percent of fake news started on microblogs. Data from a survey of 1, 775 people conducted by the social survey center of China youth daily via and yipai consulting show that the most concentrated areas of false information are food safety, personal safety, health maintenance and disease prevention. Why do these rumors on we-media platforms persist? Some respondents believe that everyone can publish information, making rumors cheap. Respondents also pointed out that some public accounts and big vs create rumors for profit. It can be seen that the credibility of "we media" such as weibo is being seriously challenged.

As a highly socialized communication platform, "we media" platforms like weibo have a low entry threshold, and everyone can participate, which is characteristic of diversified communication subjects. At present, the mass media literacy level in China is uneven, most of them do not have professional news information judgment ability, and it is difficult to effectively judge false information. At the same time, they are easy to be limited by their own experience or knowledge to make wrong speech or even extreme speech. When this group is large enough, it will affect the judicial judgment and form the media trial. As a result, rumors sometimes run faster and attract more attention than the truth. For example, in February 2016, a fake news report named "Shanghai girls escape from rural jiangxi province" caused a heated discussion, but it was actually the personal catharsis of the source. In addition, due to the concealment of the virtual environment of the Internet, it greatly weakens the moral and legal sense of the communication subject, and makes the appearance and dissemination of various false information and information more unscrupulous.

We media, such as weibo, have been rapidly popularized because of their interactive communication mode and their great ability to meet the information needs and expression needs of the public. Yet compared with the traditional media, the media platform regulation of relevant laws and regulations are obviously couldn't keep up with the needs of the development of society, the government formulated in laws and regulations such as delay the sex and the media platform itself control capacity limitations caused by the lack of supervision and control mechanism, to get some people use the media platforms such as weibo rumor, in order to realize their own interests need to deliberately spread false news misleading behavior is less than the corresponding punishment. Due to the low cost of suppressing rumors, as well as the lack of supervision and crackdown by the government on this aspect, it is easy for the "we media" platform to be abused. For example, there are still online records of the "salt snatching incident" in China caused by the nuclear disaster caused by the Japanese earthquake in March 2011, which was caused by the rumor that salt could prevent radiation. Therefore, the lack of government supervision and legal guarantee mechanism for we-media platforms is also one of the main reasons for the declining credibility of we-media platforms like weibo.

Rumors that directly affect the credibility of "we media" such as weibo are often closely related to people's lives. In this regard, the lack of strength of public opinion guidance of the government and the microblog platform is also the reason for the easy spread of rumors. Hu yong, an associate professor at the school of journalism and communication at Peking University, pointed out that the more important the event itself is, the less open information is, and the more rumors are likely to be spread. As long as there is asymmetric information exchange between the government and the public, it will be difficult to eliminate false rumors. For example, the news of "applying for family planning incentive fund" on the Internet led many residents to believe it and sign up to the neighborhood committee, which staff knew nothing about. In addition, the function of microblog platform is relatively single, which only serves as a platform to provide information dissemination. However, when rumors are flying and people are led maliciously, the microblog platform fails to play its role of public opinion guidance. The poor guidance of the government and weibo and other "we media" platforms has led to the fact that the truth and falsehood of the news are hard to identify, and rumors are flying. As a result, the credibility of "we media" has been questioned.

To improve the credibility of "we media" such as weibo, first of all, relevant laws and regulations should be improved. Since we media such as weibo have only developed and expanded in recent years, China is currently short of relevant laws and regulations on the management and operation of we media platforms. The original laws and regulations adapted to the traditional media clearly do not meet the needs of the rapid development of we-media platforms. Without a clear and effective legal standard as a reference, we cannot timely punish and curb those malicious rumors and spreading behaviors. Therefore, while paying attention to the development of we-media platforms, the government should keep up with the development of The Times to ensure that there are laws to establish the credibility of we-media.

To improve the credibility of "we media" such as weibo, we need to strengthen the responsibility of the platform, improve the management system of "we media" such as weibo, and establish an effective content control mechanism and disciplinary mechanism. We media operating teams like sina weibo are responsible for the content that appears on their platforms like publishers, the accounts that are registered on the platforms are verified by their real names, and effective disciplinary measures are implemented for users who publish rumors, false information and bad behaviors, such as timely cleaning public accounts that have recorded rumors. At the same time, the preparation and response plans for common rumors, through timely and effective management means, will produce good results in the process of improving the sound environment of we-media platform and enhancing the credibility of we-media.

To improve the credibility of "we media" such as weibo, we should also enhance the media literacy of the public. We should strengthen the publicity of network ethics and morality, so that everyone can have a correct attitude when accepting and disseminating the information of "we media", be cautious about their words and deeds, believe no rumors and not spread any rumors. Before sending the news, we should consider whether the information we have published is true or not, and whether it will cause bad influence on others. Even the President of the United States to fake news is that trump, and he has repeatedly accused the fake news words and deeds, "fake news" has been included in the Collins English dictionary words in 2017, when the general public in the release information to keep enough reason, often in the heart is a yardstick, constantly enhance their sense of law and morality.

First of all, in terms of the government, local government administrative departments can timely disclose public affairs information through online platforms, so that the public can know about national political and economic policies and various policies to benefit the people at any time through convenient channels such as "we media". But the discovery of some false statements can lead people to judge right and wrong, not to be misled by rumors. In addition, the mainstream media and we-media platforms should play their higher influence and play the positive role of opinion leaders. The authoritative part and the media can release accurate information in a timely manner, so many rumors will lose the breeding ground, thus making the we-media platform more credible. It is gratifying that more and more government and public departments have realized that a timely voice on a wide range of we-media platforms is conducive to direct interaction with the public and promote social development, so as to open a special online platform and actively guide the trend of social public opinion.

In "micro blog changes everything," "li said that micro blog has changed people's life model, media's communication model, and business's marketing model. Yes, in today's highly developed Internet, we media such as weibo are closely related to people's lives. People cannot allow the phenomenon that damages the credibility of we-media platforms to become a stumbling block to their development. The poet gibran said that "the greatest thing in the world is creation and communication". As long as the public, the government and the we-media platforms attach importance to the healthy development of the credibility of we-media such as weibo, then we media, as a new form of communication, will create a better future.


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2018-09-07 17:38:11 | 日記







6.Materials and Methods(材料和方法)描述实验材料和实验的流程及方法,尽可能详细,所用的物质、含量、时间、对照等都要描述清楚,在这个部分不要写实验结果。








Paper代写:Communication management in international cooperation

2018-09-07 17:37:41 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Communication management in international cooperation讨论了国际合作中的沟通管理。在国际合作中,项目沟通计划是确定利害关系的信息交流和沟通要求。而作为沟通计划依据之一的沟通技术是指与项目干系人沟通或他们之间互相沟通的方法,以书面或口头形式。国际合作中的良好沟通是项目顺利进行的重要保证,所以如何处理好沟通问题是国际合作过程中的重要一环。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

With the rapid development of China's space industry, in recent years, driven by the national level, China and other countries have been cooperating more and more in space. Based on the author's specific practice in international cooperation projects, this paper analyzes and studies the communication and management problems in international cooperation projects, mainly analyzes the problems and solutions the author encountered in the communication and management of ZK project cases, and puts forward improvement Suggestions on the communication and management in the follow-up cooperation of projects.

With the development and expansion of China's space industry, China's space industry has gone abroad, and some related technologies and ground facilities have been exported. The mode of jointly developing products with foreign space technology powers has been launched. A remote sensing camera was developed by a cooperative method of joint development between China and foreign countries. How to cooperate and communicate with foreign parties with great differences in culture, language and background on engineering projects is of great importance. Therefore, based on the specific practice of ZK project, I briefly analyzed and studied the communication and management problems and solutions in international cooperative projects.

The project communication plan is to determine the information exchange and communication requirements of the stake. Planning communication is designed to respond to stakeholders' information and communication needs, such as who needs what information, when, how and by whom. Communication techniques as one of the basis of communication plan refer to the methods of communicating with project stakeholders or among them to form written, oral, email, formal status report, meeting, online data, etc.

ZK project has stipulated the work content, time and the form of results that both parties must form in each meeting interview in the whole cycle of the project when signing the business cooperation contract. Due to the characteristics of its international projects, it is impossible for all parties to carry out face-to-face communication frequently. In terms of communication technology, the important work nodes are selected for meeting interview and regular fax communication. However, as the ZK project is jointly developed by both parties, there are a large number of interfaces, development specifications and program design, which require multiple personnel exchanges between both parties to be determined. The simple fax communication at ordinary times cannot meet the requirements of the project development. And generally speaking, send an expert, need two months to deal with all sorts of formalities, and need expert oneself to deal with, the fastest also want 20 days or so, this affects development work seriously. Therefore, adjust the cooperation of both sides communication technology, added a communication technology, the cooperation to set up a special network channel and install SKP software, combined with camera can implement online meeting and contact, so can the online communication meeting regularly, so that early detection problem, participants including all project team members, including at least each department personnel to participate in, so that to make up for not often meet with problems, also can increase the number of bilateral exchanges, in the back of the efficiency in the implementation of design and ensure the project smoothly according to the development node.

Release information refers to the process of providing relevant information to project stakeholders as planned. The problem of language has always existed in international cooperation and communication, especially in technical cooperation in the field of engineering technology. Only when both parties overcome the communication barriers caused by language can they ensure that the information is properly sent and received and the feedback received.

ZK project business responsibilities stipulated in the contract for our technology unit, in addition to completing part division is responsible for product development work, also need to foreign product technical scheme and product quality review, the two sides developed product interface also needs to sign both sides through technical files, because the language is different, the foreign party to provide all the technical documents for foreign language, this needs to translate technical documents provided by the foreign party, ensure the accuracy of translation is a big challenge. In the previous international cooperation projects, due to the translation of engineering technical documents provided by foreign parties, the understanding of the technical program is not comprehensive, which affects the coordination and grasp of the entire technical program and interface, resulting in the repeated production and processing in the follow-up process, seriously affecting the progress node of the project.

Therefore, since the negotiation of the business contract of ZK project, we have set up a dedicated translator to follow up the translation of project documents and on-site translation of various conference exchanges. In the process of project progress, translators should consult the project engineering design documents at the early stage to have a preliminary understanding of the product composition, technical status and development process of the project. The technical exchange documents of foreign parties are also translated on the basis of repeated discussions and full understanding of the principles by translators and technicians to ensure the accuracy of the translation. In addition, the typesetting of the translated text is prepared in accordance with the bilingual Chinese and foreign languages, which is convenient for technicians to proofread and examine the translated text against foreign languages when there is any objection. At the same time, we pay attention to the training of the translation team, and give lectures on the basic professional knowledge of remote sensing camera to new translators, and conduct practice tests with various technical reports to improve the professional technical translation level.

Managing stakeholder expectations is the process of communicating and collaborating with stakeholders to meet their needs and resolve the issues that arise. Therefore, on the basis of fully understanding the needs of stakeholders, we should flexibly apply the communication method and use the problem register as a tool.

For ZK project cooperation to all kinds of meeting communication very frequently, after every communication must make clear information cooperation of both sides, so every time a project status review meeting, problem solving and communication technical project review meeting we will communicate the content of the records, the formation of communication protocols, and confirm with the foreign party by fax, register with the question way to clarify the problems in engineering and statements, dispatch engineering problems to solve, and date of the solution of the problem, to avoid due to problems unresolved conflict with project delays. This helps all parties to have an understanding and confirmation of the communication situation, so that the entire communication has a better beginning and ending. We will also confirm and follow up the results in the notes. For example, if the project team has reached five consensus and formed the meeting minutes at a regular meeting, then the project manager needs to confirm whether the five consensus has been effectively implemented. Is it necessary to report the performance to the relevant stakeholders? Until communication results are performed as expected to meet stakeholder needs.

At present, the most used information communication of ZK project is meeting and fax, while in the actual work, there are usually large capacity files such as three-dimensional design model to be transmitted. This is unable to pass the above two kinds of communication way, because of security problems, usually is such file carved into a CD by the embassy or to other project to visit the company to carry on both sides, but this kind of communication method is restricted by many conditions and low efficiency, so it is necessary to establish a compatible with each other, stability and security of database or FTP sites effectively, let the team members, between different areas to effectively communicate and transfer data between project stakeholders. Of course, this kind of database, as it involves network security issues, must adopt special confidentiality and security technology, and through network authorization, the user of existing authority can download or upload data to the database through password connection.

ZK project has completed the preliminary program design work and entered the stage of product engineering implementation. It is particularly important to timely and accurately grasp the project performance. Therefore, both sides should make full use of the benefits brought by modern communication equipment and Internet to reduce the frequency of direct communication. To strengthen the efficiency of performance report, can consider in other countries to establish communication and liaison office, we can send out as a technology personnel in the other countries, is responsible for the supervision of the foreign research progress, once found a larger project problems or potential problems, timely communication with the other project leader, and report back to the domestic project director, both to get to know each other, both countries can avoid cross work again.

Good and smooth communication in international cooperation is an important guarantee for the smooth progress of the project. How to deal with the problem of communication is an important part of the project management process. This is just my work through some practice on international cooperation project communication management in this paper, the international cooperation project communication management though it also pays attention to specific issues specific analysis, according to the different situation flexible implementation of the project, but it also has many common, we need to continue to practice to explore learning.


Essay代写:Technological hegemony

2018-09-07 17:37:13 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Technological hegemony,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了科技霸权。随着科技的发展,如今科技优势已是霸权国的力量之基,标准霸权则是霸权可持续性的保障。经济全球化与互联网经济的发展,使得国际标准竞争成为国际政治、经贸博弈的焦点,国际标准的制定权决定了相关产业的主导权,最终内化为一国的竞争优势,并作为对他国设置国际贸易壁垒的载体。而发达国家纷纷将科技先发优势转化为标准优势,将标准战略作为其综合优势的核心战略。

Scientific and technological superiority is the base of the hegemony, while the standard hegemony is the guarantee of the hegemony sustainability. With the development of economic globalization and Internet economy, international standard competition becomes the focus of international political, economic and trade game. The right to establish international standards determines the dominant power of related industries, which is ultimately internalized into the competitive advantage of one country and serves as the carrier for setting international trade barriers to other countries. Developed countries have turned the advantage of scientific and technological initiative into standard advantage and taken standard strategy as the core strategy of their comprehensive advantage. The right to set international standards has become the core game between the existing and emerging powers. This paper analyzes the real threat of western hegemony to emerging countries, explains the basic situation of asymmetric game of international standards, and puts forward the realistic challenge and solution path of China's internationalization of scientific and technological standards. The core motivation for China to win the game of international standards in the era of industrial revolution 4.0 must be rooted in the deepening reform at the institutional level and the aspiration of national culture for self-improvement.

The process of globalization has been asymmetric, driven by individual countries or groups of countries, which ensnare most of the weak. It is not so much that the world is flat as that "the world is being flattened by some force" which is the standard of technology. With the development of economic globalization and Internet economy, international standard competition becomes the focus of international political, economic and trade game. The right to establish international standards determines the dominant power of related industries, which is ultimately internalized into the competitive advantage of one country and serves as the carrier for setting international trade barriers to other countries. Developed countries have turned the advantage of scientific and technological initiative into standard advantage and taken standard strategy as the core strategy of their comprehensive advantage. China started its industrialization late, and its standard system is not perfect. Although it has the advantage of demand for many high-tech products, it is at a disadvantage in the competition of international standards. The right to set international standards has become the core game between the existing and emerging powers. Since scientific and technological progress can promote power transfer in international political structure, how can established powers defend the hegemony of scientific and technological standards? Is there an opportunity for the latecomers to catch up, and where is the node of this opportunity?

The power gathering in the era of globalization has gone beyond the enclosure colonization in the era of great voyages and increasingly relied on the global expansion of scientific and technological advantages. The major powers in the international community usually obtain the broad recognition of their status through the dissemination of foreign ideologies, the provision of regional or global public goods, and the establishment of rules and regulations leading to international norms. However, the external features of the legitimacy of these great powers do not exist in isolation, but are integrated through an invisible chain between each other. This is the globalization of the standard system based on scientific and technological advantages. The rise of any great power inevitably follows the growth path of scientific and technological innovation -- internationalization of domestic standards -- providing regional and international public products -- dominating international public opinion, so as to build the legitimacy foundation of compound great power and even hegemony.

Since the reform and opening up, China has adopted an export-oriented economic model and encouraged products made in China to go around the world. China has also transformed itself from a subversive and revolutionary international economic system into a participant and builder. What followed, however, was a protectionist backlash against the developed world. Developed by setting the strict technical standards to ban imports of Chinese goods, especially the use of the WTO "agreement on technical barriers to trade regulation related industrial manufactured goods technical regulations and rating standard, set environmental protection barriers for Chinese exports, such as information technology barriers, through multiple marking commodity anti-dumping investigation, survey and so on production process, the" China threat "goods, bring the" made in China "credibility crisis, greatly weakened the international competitiveness of Chinese products.

On the face of it, China's exports of labor-intensive and resource-intensive products do have the characteristics of low added value, and some of the cheap goods do not meet the technical indicators of the importing countries. The problem, however, is that less than 1 per cent of Chinese exports do not qualify, and China's growing share of the overseas market indicates international recognition of Chinese manufactured goods. In addition to the well-known motives of trade protection, are there any deeper political intentions behind the rising technological standards of western countries such as the United States and Europe in their exports to China?

The answer is to maintain the industrial and technological hegemony of developed countries. The hegemony of industrial science and technology refers to that the existing powerful countries make use of the first-mover advantage of science and technology to monopolize the standard system of various industries in the global industrial chain and prevent the latecomer countries from building the standard system independently, so as to maintain their own technology monopoly advantages in various industries. 3. In the era of knowledge economy, scientific and technological progress promotes the accelerated evolution of global industrial pattern. Competition among countries is increasingly concentrated on the extent to which knowledge-intensive industries dominate the national economy. Countries with scientific and technological advantages will be located at the upstream of the international division of labor system, holding the leading role in scientific and technological innovation, and through the internationalization of technical standards, squeezing the space of scientific and technological research and development in developing countries, and weakening the advantages of natural and human resources in developing countries, so as to maintain the intergenerational gap of scientific and technological development between rich and poor countries. The international power distribution pattern based on the advantage of scientific and technological first mover is more favorable to developed countries. In a sense, the essence of human industrial civilization is the country discrimination based on the hegemony of science and technology, and the logical end of science and technology advantage is bound to lead to the centralization of international politics.

It is a long road from the production of industrial material to the production of industrial civilization to the hegemony of international political discourse. When scientific and technological advantages are used by specific countries as tools to seek for international political power, and science and technology as functional attributes of intelligent elements of productivity are alienated and become subservient to international politics. The combination of scientific and technological advantages and national politics leads to the highly exclusive scientific and technological nationalism. In the evolution of human industrial civilization, the main historical axis of the rise and fall of great powers always centers on the gains and losses of scientific and technological hegemony. On the whole, the scientific and technological hegemony of big countries mainly affects the global political and economic system from three aspects: the global industrial chain, international trade and international politics.

In the field of the international industrial chain, the hegemony of science and technology is reflected in the use of the right to set international scientific and technological standards to safeguard the competitive interests of the country in the industrial chain. In industrialized today, each industry is based on several industry technical standards. The standardization process of the industrial chain has improved the compatibility and connectivity of transnational production, not only expanding the market demand scale of the industrial chain, but also reducing the risk of technology transfer and transaction cost. First-mover countries, taking advantage of their own technological advantages, have been competing for the right to set scientific and technological standards in order to control the global industrial chain and suppress competitors. The impact of such standard hegemony on latecomers is mainly shown in two aspects. The property right effect requires latecomers to pay patent tax and use their intellectual property for compensation. The binding effect is that when a technology standard is adopted by a late-developing country, it must be applied to all patents covered by that standard. Late-development country of the technology standard hegemony means: to enter is controlled by both the power of the industrial chain, we must accept the unequal distribution of intellectual property rights relationship, not only the default both powers in the privileged position in the standard system, more is locked in the international industry chain downstream position, as both power subservient to the hegemony of science and technology.

In the field of international trade, the hegemony of science and technology is to prevent the transfer of high technology to the developing countries. This is reflected in three aspects: one is to control the export of high-tech equipment to later-developing countries, which hinders their researchers' access to high-tech products and production chains. Second, we will strictly examine the safety of science and technology of domestic enterprises that invest in later-developing countries, and those that invest in later-developing countries, and strictly guard against the flow of their high technologies to later-developing countries. Third, using scientific and technological advantages to force latecomers to implement high-intensity intellectual property protection policies, carry out intellectual property examination and litigation on latecomer national high-tech enterprises, and squeeze the space for r&d of latecomer national independent science and technology. Through domestic legislation, promulgation of industrial regulations, establishment of industrial censorship and other means, the existing big powers, on the one hand, use their scientific and technological advantages to occupy the market of developing countries and squeeze the market share of industrial competitors. On the other hand, strict technical and technological standard barriers are set up to hinder the commodity export of later-developing countries, so as to protect domestic industrial interests and domestic market. This approach not only maintains the monopoly advantage of big countries in science and technology, but also restricts the flow of high-tech value-added products to latecomers. It also serves the dual purpose of expanding the international market and closing the domestic market.

In the field of international politics, the hegemony of science and technology is the legitimacy of the hegemon's identity. Global institutional norms are the legal basis of hegemonic states. The domestic industry standards of hegemons have extensive international effects and are the dominant force in regulating international actors. Hegemons make use of the normative force of the standard system and take factors such as technology, specification and quality as the restrictive conditions for the production and circulation rules of products, thus influencing all aspects of international politics. For example, in the field of international security, hegemons take advantage of the dominance of advanced science and technology to formulate rules and regulations in the field of arms control and arms verification. In the field of international organizations, hegemony countries by the international organization for standardization and international electrotechnical commission, the international telecommunication union and other international standards, international standards, domestic technology standard can be converted to gain legitimacy standard hegemony, this system can not only forced to promote their own standards, prompt and internalization, obey the standard system, most countries can more greatly weakened the coma technology hegemony countries oppose hegemony countries international appeal. At the level of global governance, scientific and technological superiority is the core ability of hegemons to provide international public goods. On the one hand, the international transfer of science and technology itself is an important part of international public goods, the late-development country due to many limiting factors, such as history, geography its spontaneity hard to conduct a comprehensive scientific and technological innovation, have to rely on both the power of science and technology assistance to promote the economic development, and the asymmetric dependencies of science and technology, once formed, it is hard to change it. It is because the technology transfer of hegemons meets the economic development needs of the international community that hegemons are able to internationalize through the standard system and turn their scientific and technological advantages into strategic benefits.

To sum up, the foundation of the hegemony of science and technology is the advantage of science and technology, the formation path is the internationalization of the standard system of science and technology, and the expression form is the continuous dependence of the international community on the public products of science and technology of the hegemonic power. The ultimate goal is to maintain the legitimacy of the hegemonic power status. It can be seen from this that the transformation from scientific superiority to scientific hegemony is a process of "scientific and technological politicization", while the establishment of scientific and technological hegemony to hegemonic status is reflected in the process of hegemonic obtaining "demand-type legitimacy".

