

作业代写:The American deposit insurance system

2019-01-03 17:00:11 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The American deposit insurance system,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的存款保险制度。美国存款保险制度建立80多年来,虽然总体效果理想,但期间还是出现了很多问题。在1980年至1995年,美国的存款保险制度就受到了储贷危机的考验。当时储贷机构监管不力,无法抑制其道德风险;利率市场化、放松管制等宏观经济环境引发的系统性风险超出了存款保险制度的保险范围是储贷危机期间美国存款保险制度失灵的最主要原因。

In 1933, after American government passed the glass-steagall act in response to the impact of the great depression on the banking sector, the federal deposit insurance corporation was established in 1934. In the same year, the federal deposit and credit insurance corporation was established to provide deposit insurance to the savings and credit association. However, it was taken over by the FDIC in 1985.

Since the establishment of the deposit insurance system more than 80 years ago, the overall effect of the deposit insurance system in the United States has been ideal. The first phase, from 1934, when the FDIC was created to 1980, is called the golden age. The total number of fdic-insured bank failures over the 47 years was 480, with an average of more than 10 failures per year, well below the average of 50 failures per year between 1934 and 2014. First of all, this is mainly due to the strict division of business carried out by the us financial industry during this period. During this period, Banks rarely involved in securities and insurance business, and bank transaction account assets accounted for a very low proportion of total assets. Secondly, due to the strict clause Q and the implementation of financial regulation, Banks cannot pay interest for demand deposits, and also set the upper limit of the maximum interest rate for time deposits, and restrict the cross-regional operation of Banks, so the interest rate risk of Banks is low. Finally, during this period, the us economy maintained rapid growth with an average growth rate of 4.74%, and the banking industry lived in a sound macroeconomic environment.

In the second stage, from 1980 to 1995, the American deposit insurance system was tested by the savings and loan crisis. In the 1970s, high inflation and high interest rates in the United States led to a sharp rise in interest rate risk of savings and loan institutions that issued long-term fixed-rate real estate loans through short-term savings deposit financing. In 1982, congress passed a bill that allowed savings and loan institutions to invest in safe and unsafe loans and even junk bonds. In 1986, the us lifted the "Q" clause that sets the upper limit of deposit interest rate, prompting savings and loan institutions to conduct aggressive deposit-taking with high interest rate. The mismatch of the maturity of assets and liabilities and the inversion of deposit and loan interest rates make the savings and loan institutions in the United States, which rely on short-term savings deposits to invest in real estate loans, get into trouble by nearly 30%. Between 1986 and 1995, the FSLIC closed 1,043 savings and loan institutions, more than a third of the total in the early 1980s. The huge cost of bailing out the savings and loan institutions eventually led to FSLIC becoming insolvent and incorporated into the FDIC.

The supervision of savings and loan institutions is insufficient to restrain their moral hazard; Systemic risks caused by macroeconomic environment such as interest rate liberalization, high inflation and deregulation beyond the insurance scope of the deposit insurance system are the main reasons for the failure of the deposit insurance system in the United States during the savings and loan crisis.

In the third stage, the deposit insurance system of the United States is facing another crisis. In April 2007, the second largest subprime mortgage company in the United States went bankrupt, marking the outbreak of the subprime crisis. As the subprime crisis spread, investment Banks and large commercial Banks that were heavily exposed to subprime bonds and related derivatives CDO suffered heavy losses. The FDIC's capital balance was just $34.6 billion over the same period, and the failure of a midsize bank like Washington mutual could drain the FDIC's capital. Against this background, the us government launched a huge rescue plan, injecting more than 300 billion us dollars into fannie mae and Freddie MAC, AIG, citigroup, jpmorgan chase and other large financial institutions to prevent the spread of the financial crisis. Still, since 2007, commercial Banks have failed a total of 516 times, and among the top five investment Banks, bear stearns and merrill lynch were acquired, lehman brothers went bust, and the U.S. capital markets and real economy suffered.

In the subprime crisis, the United States deposit insurance system faced the crisis again mainly because under the mixed operation, the operational risks of insurance and securities companies would be quickly transferred to the trading accounts of commercial Banks through the financial market, resulting in huge writedowns of bank assets, while the assets of insurance and securities companies were not insured. Moreover, nearly 50% of the capital sources of large us Banks are non-deposit liabilities, mainly bonds and notes, which do not need to pay premiums but face greater market and liquidity risks. At the same time, the proportion of trading accounts and off-balance sheet assets of commercial Banks increased sharply under the mixed operation. In the case of financial market turmoil, these assets may suffer huge writedowns, making commercial Banks take higher risks than traditional banking businesses.

Although there are many crises, the American deposit insurance system is undoubtedly the most successful deposit insurance system so far, and it is also a model of the world deposit insurance system. By summarizing its 80 years of practical experience and lessons, it can provide some enlightenment for the implementation of China's deposit insurance system.

Deposit insurance can help normal Banks avoid runs. Although us deposit insurance failed to prevent thousands of Banks from going bankrupt when the savings and loan crisis and the subprime crisis broke out, since the establishment of the deposit insurance system in the us, even in the financial crisis, there has not been a serious run. Deposit insurance system plays an important role in enhancing the confidence of depositors in Banks, especially in small and medium-sized Banks. The establishment of depositors' confidence in Banks can effectively prevent the spread of bank risks and avoid the systemic risks caused by the failure of a single bank.

The deposit insurance system is conducive to the establishment of an effective incentive and restraint system in the banking industry, and to the withdrawal of poorly managed Banks under the circumstances of controllable risks. At present, the implicit guarantee provided by the government to commercial Banks makes some Banks bear higher operational risks. If the government takes unlimited responsibilities for the Banks with poor management, it will not only fail to establish a normal survival mechanism of the fittest in the banking industry, but also greatly increase the burden of the government. The establishment of the deposit insurance system, can make the mismanagement of the bank in the case of a limited impact to the customer in bankruptcy and liquidation, and won't cause depositors panic and run, helps to establish the real market economy mechanism, for the interest rate marketization completely and laying a foundation for the renminbi fully convertible, prompted the formation of internationally competitive banking.

The deposit insurance system can only prevent non-systemic risks in the banking industry. It is unrealistic to hope that it can prevent systemic risks in the banking industry. Like property insurance companies cannot be for a wide range of earthquake, tsunami, etc natural disasters caused by force majeure damage insurance, banking deposits accounted for about 1% of the deposit insurance fund only can never deal with bank failures caused by the financial crisis, therefore, the response to systemic risk responsibility in government, only can't expect too much of a deposit insurance system. At present, China is actively promoting the reform of interest rate liberalization and mixed operation of Banks, which will undoubtedly increase the operational risks of Banks, especially those of small and medium-sized Banks. Such systemic risks are beyond the capability of deposit insurance system. Therefore, in the context of economic growth rate decline, the government should increase the prevention of systemic risks in the banking industry, improve the operating environment of Banks, vigorously adjust the industrial structure, and avoid excessive dependence on the real estate industry, so as to be more conducive to the implementation of the deposit insurance system.

The scope and limit of deposit insurance should be adjusted timely to give full play to the function of deposit insurance system to maintain financial stability. The us deposit insurance fund only covers eight types of deposit accounts of depositors. Before the current financial crisis, the insurance limit was $100,000. To cope with the financial crisis, the insurance limit is now adjusted to $250,000. China's deposit insurance regulations set the maximum amount of deposit insurance at 500,000 yuan, which can cover the deposits of most natural persons. However, for enterprises and social groups, the coverage is insufficient. Therefore, the deposit insurance system may divert some enterprise deposits from small and medium-sized Banks to large Banks, and 80% of the deposits of small and medium-sized Banks come from corporate deposits, which will further strengthen the strong position of large Banks in the market. If the insurance limit on corporate deposits can be raised to a reasonable level, such as 1.5 million yuan, it will help small and medium-sized Banks to achieve relatively fair competition with large Banks.


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作业代写:University administration in the United States

2019-01-03 16:59:49 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- University administration in the United States,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的大学管理。大学最重要的产品不是科技专利,而是它培养出来的高素质毕业生,这是美国大学的教育核心理念,落实于学生培养的全过程。美国大学坚持好的教育是因人而异的教育理念。人的受教育程度并非越高越好,关键是要有针对性,教育要符合每个人的具体情况,对每个人能产生直接的帮助。

The United States is a powerful country of higher education in today's world. Many of its management concepts and experiences have been used for reference by China's higher education. However, in this process, due to the influence of various complex factors in cross-cultural communication, there are many paradoxical problems in people's learning and reference, or they only know some general judgments and few know the in-depth understanding and understanding of these judgments by American universities. Some even misread, some of the fundamental significance of the problem and the extension of the meaning of the problem side by side, resulting in the practice of fundamental significance of the problem is diluted; Some only see one side of the problem, but ignore the other side of the problem, resulting in the practice can not effectively curb some avoidable negative effects. For in-depth understanding of management and operation of the higher education in the United States and Beijing university of information science and technology in recent years the continuous organizational learning and understanding of the mechanism of higher education in the United States operation and management system of the overseas training, specific form for hire, the organization of education industry and related colleges and universities in the United States government regulators, the classroom teaching, communication, and the actual visit and access. The author attended Beijing university of information science and technology in 2012 in the United States at the university of Maryland school of higher education management training, listened to the council for higher education at the university of Maryland, Maryland, Georgetown university, ? George mason university, and the association of American university experts lecture and introduction, visit the clean energy center in Maryland and the eastern U.S. state of several famous universities, have a good feeling, clarified some long-standing misunderstanding, correct some specious problems, deepening the understanding and the understanding of some of the problems. Saw and heard here, the author try to according to the training, the appropriate combination of Beijing university of science and technology information before the training materials, to the American university in talents cultivation, scientific research, technology transfer, social services, and fundraising distinctive some brief introduction of the content of the comb, and slightly on the relevant questions to think, hope for higher education of our country further understanding and derive the beneficial experience of the American college of management, to improve China's university education levels have reference.

Talent training is the central work of universities, which is not recognized in the practice field and academic field of higher education in China, but in fact, the status of talent training center in Chinese universities is always affected by various factors. Among them, there are both cognitive and other reasons. American universities have a profound understanding of the important role of talent cultivation in school work, and the specific practices are also practical. They consciously implement them in a series of links such as teacher teaching, student learning, teaching organization and research activities, which are particularly worthy of in-depth study and reference by Chinese universities at present.

Students are the main body of the university, no students no university. The most important product of a university is not the patent of science and technology, but the high-quality graduates it produces. This is the core concept of American universities, which is implemented in the whole process of student cultivation.

Teaching is the main job of professors. "teaching first, scientific research second" is the unchangeable running idea of American universities. At the university of Maryland, professors must take two classes once a week and two hours once a week for 13-15 weeks of the semester. Before each semester begins, professors write detailed descriptions of the courses offered and upload them to the campus network for students to read. Its content includes course name, teaching hours, each teaching content, reading materials, requirements for reading reports, etc. In class, professors mainly organize student discussions and guide students to develop critical thinking. Teaching is the first duty of a professor. From the beginning to the end of a semester, the professor must guarantee that he/she will give lectures to students and cannot leave the teaching position at will. The research work is mainly carried out on holidays, and the teaching must not be affected by the research work. At other universities the authors visited, professors had similar teaching requirements to those at the university of Maryland. Teaching is deeply rooted in the hearts of American universities and their professors, who must first do a good job in teaching. In American colleges and universities, a decisive condition for the promotion of teachers' professional titles and tenure is that the applicant's teaching must be unanimously recognized by his colleagues and the students he teaches. No matter how good a teacher's other conditions are, as long as this condition is not met, there is no hope for his professional title promotion and tenure.

In Harvard University, take the mathematics class of the school of engineering as an example, the class is held three times a week for one hour, and another three discussions are organized for 2-3 hours each time. Students not only need to finish the homework, but also need to complete 8 research topics in one semester, and the research results need to be presented and presented in class. Psychology major of the university of Pennsylvania, postgraduate students should carefully read a large number of materials designated by the professor before each class. In class, students must actively speak on the basis of in-depth reading of materials, and write a 20-page academic paper to present to the professor and classmates in class. The graduation grade of this major course includes class discussion, research paper, class speech and presentation, etc., of which class speech and presentation score account for a large proportion. Generally, one speech and presentation score is equivalent to about three class discussion scores. At the university of Maryland and other universities, undergraduate students can take 4 to 5 courses per semester, each class to read, a professor at the specified amounts of material, usually is the last lesson must be read more than 9 hours of material, after about 5 page paper to write about book report, a course average writing book report 4 to 5 copies of peace to the class on display at the same time. All students can read the materials carefully before class, some even write a book report, strive for more opportunities to speak in class discussion and better quality of speech. Similar to the psychology major of the university of Pennsylvania, the undergraduate course scores of these schools mainly include class discussion, research paper, class speech and presentation, and class test, etc. Weak performance in any link will affect the final score. Although the nature of the course is different, the specific teaching methods and testing methods will have different characteristics, but to obtain course credits, students must pay all their efforts, the phenomenon of easy credit does not exist. This is one of the important reasons why undergraduates in American universities can only take 4-5 courses in a semester.

American universities adhere to the education concept that "good education is different from person to person". People's education degree is not the higher the better, the key is to be targeted, education should be in line with each person's specific situation, to each person can produce direct help. At the university of Maryland, the top 5% of students who enter the university will be guided by special teachers and divided into corresponding groups to conduct research work and train their ability of research, discovery and writing research reports. For the top 15% of students, the college adopts small classes, with more than 10 students in one class. Students can choose courses from different schools of the university to cultivate a broad horizon. On the basis of a wide range of elective courses, they can discover their interests and determine their professional direction. The top 20-30% of students are divided into different groups as soon as they enter the university to study their major and minor subjects. Scholar program is designed for outstanding students to stimulate their study, work and personal success. Scholar program provides undergraduate supplementary courses and other courses to meet the needs of IT students who already hold junior college or equivalent diploma. In some other similar to American universities to cultivate applied talents in our country, but also pay attention to the comprehensive knowledge base of students according to different preferences, interests, special skills and abilities, classification of teaching content, different students may choose to suit oneself to the content of the actual situation, such as some university mathematics curriculum can be divided into three levels, the lowest level equivalent to the level of high school mathematics in China, the intermediate is equivalent to the requirements of the college mathematics level in our country, the advanced mathematics demands is often higher than the current undergraduate mathematics. To stress is that the United States, a professor at the university of science and research environment, but the supervision over the use of scientific research funding is very strict, colleges, schools have personnel supervision, strictly control the financial department, but also by the government, funding for the strict supervision of research funding to submit an expense account, each invoice must ensure that all real, once fraud is found, the care of the whole academic reputation will be destroyed, from now on in academia. This powerful institutional deterrent ensures the high degree of integrity of American university professors and the high degree of purity of scientific research.

Promoting the transformation of scientific research results into actual productive forces and realizing the combination of production, education and research is an important part of China's strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, as well as the strategic orientation of China's university scientific research and development. At present, Chinese universities are trying to explore this aspect, but in general, there are still many problems to be solved, and the corresponding mechanism construction is relatively weak. American universities began to explore this aspect early, and have formed mature practices, which can provide a good reference for our country.

Take the university of Maryland for example. Before the 1980s, many scientific research patents of the university of Maryland could not go into the society in time and died by themselves. 1980 the U.S. federal government enacted the badu act. This act deals specifically with the relationship between the patentee and the patentee. In order to adapt to the legal system innovation of the government, the university of Maryland established the science park in time and started the industrialization process of scientific research achievements. At a time when the global economy is slowing and the government is spending less on universities because of lower taxes, the university of Maryland is stepping up its efforts to connect with businesses and transfer technology. The university plans to create 325 new businesses over the next five years. To achieve this goal, the university of Maryland has taken an important step: to design a tenured professor of the contract, on the premise of fix attention on academic level requirements, adding a new requirements, namely the development of intellectual property rights and have, concrete is one of the world's leading technical invention patent is equivalent to an important academic papers published. In the past, professors had no interest in obtaining invention patents. Now, obtaining invention patents has become a powerful driving force for scientific research.

To strengthen ties with businesses, the university of Maryland has turned its technology businesses into an international incubator, now home to more than 70 domestic and foreign companies. The university has set up a technology industrialization office, which is specially responsible for the entry of enterprises into the science and technology park. There are two types of enterprises in the science park: one is the enterprise registered by teachers in the school, and the other is the enterprise outside the school. The office of technology industrialization accepts enterprises to enter the park in three situations: for enterprises that can obviously make money, have strength and have a promising future, a small amount of entrance fee will be charged; For enterprises with no current strength but potential development prospects, a small fee will be charged after a period of operation in the park; For enterprises with no future and no way to make money, they refuse to enter the park. Currently, the university of Maryland generally has a ratio of 3:1 applicants to actual entrants. University scientific research are fundamental research, in order to promote enterprises to YuanHou of science and technology and the teacher the patentee effective cooperation, reduce the investment risk of the enterprise, improve the enthusiasm of enterprise investment, the university of Maryland to Maryland government every year to apply for a research funding, each project investment of $100000, led by a teacher two students for advanced research, after two years of time, research into corresponding patent products, enterprises and large-scale investment, implement the patent product of industrialization.

The profit distribution of enterprises in science and technology parks benefits three parties. A scientific research patent, through the school early stage hatching, the enterprise invests to realize industrialization, sell a product finally or whole enterprise sells after getting profit, undertake distributing between the enterprise and patent droit owner namely the university above all, the enterprise pays patent royalty to the school by contract agreement, the rest belongs to him control. The school allocates the patent royalty paid by the patentee with the patentee again. Generally speaking, the patentee receives about 50% of the patent royalty and the rest belongs to the school. Such profit distribution, not only to ensure the development of enterprise, school, fund raising, and ensure the teachers' income levels increase, greatly improve the economic status and social status of professor, professor in order to further stimulate the scientific research enthusiasm, to strengthen contact with enterprise, promoting transformation of scientific research achievements, serve the society directly provides an important power.


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2019-01-03 16:59:20 | 日記

1) Introduction:Introduction包括Topic的背景介绍和文章要解决的主要问题。一般占总字数的10%左右。

2) Main Body:这是论文主体部分,占总字数80%左右。如果题目中作了具体要求,就根据题目提到的几个方面来逐一讨论就可以了。有的题目没有作具体要求,就根据自己的构思来写,但必须有逻辑性。

3) Conclusion:字数大概也是占10%,在这一段里把文章中的主要观点用一到两句话概括出来。

4) Reference:Reference是导师最看重的,所以请一定特别注意!绝对不能出现编造的情况,一定要真实。国外对这个问题查得很严。一旦查出有作假或抄袭情况,会直接挂科,甚至开除学籍。一般来说,Reference包含两个部分,report怎么写,一种是In-text reference 也就是在文章里的reference,一种是在文章最后出现的reference,也就是reference list。一篇论文须要包含文中的In-text reference和文末的reference list.论文有明确要求几个Reference的,根据要求来把握;没有明确说明个数的,一般按照每千字3-4个。



Paper代写:The Venezuelan hyperinflation effect on globalization and trade

2019-01-03 16:57:49 | 日記
本篇paper代写- The Venezuelan hyperinflation effect on globalization and trade讨论了委内瑞拉的恶性通货膨胀。恶性通货膨胀在委内瑞拉长期肆虐,对委内瑞拉的经济发展和生活水平产生了非常严重的负面影响。恶性通货膨胀破坏了富裕阶层的稳定,这种影响的严重后果是财富的再分配。在恶性通货膨胀条件下,迅速上涨的物价失去了市场导向的作用,造成生产系统的混乱。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Hyperinflation runs rampant in Venezuela for a long time. It is negatively affected income and living standard of Venezuela. Hyperinflation destabilizing wealthy class. Serious consequence of the impact is the redistribution of wealth. Under hyperinflation, rapidly rising prices lose the function as the guiding principle of the market and generate chaos in production system. The frequent change in commodity prices leads to trouble in the consumer spending. The purchasing power of currency is falling incredibly fast. In this period of economic turmoil businesses are unable to function as normal. The value of saving falling, as the result, fewer people want to reserve currency (Conway, P. 2000). The current cannot satisfy the most basic functions, as a medium of exchange, also lose the exchange value, lead people to lose confidence in the currency, lack confidence in the financial sector. Enterprise reference prices in local currency, but the correct change quickly. Because the worthless currency, the use of foreign barter or exchange occurs with high frequency.

Due to the rising prices, the speculative motive and demand is reduced. When supply is larger than demand on the foreign exchange market, the main form of exchange rate fluctuations. In the international market, the value of Venezuelan currency is decreased.

Because of the unstable country's exchange rate and continues to value loss of Venezuelan. , foreign companies which have branch in Venezuela are forced to cut down the domestic business and close their company branch. This action generates a high unemployment rate. Without work, the demand decreased again. The foreign exchange reserves and foreign exchange supply stress are increasingly, which negatively affect the foreign trade import ability. At the same time, seriously negative effect the import and export order, disrupt the financial order. The imported goods become incredibly costly while because of the high value of the Venezuelan currency, the output goods lose competitive ability at international market. This is also generating the broken of the Venezuelan company, reduce the employment rate and economic growth. The falls economy make people must be careful about the risks associated with the life (Grossman, P.Z. & J. Horváth 2000). Most of the people with higher education will prefer to leave this country to look for better life and future. Brain drain weaken the innovation and creativity, then decrease the economic growth and the development of the economy.

In a word, hyperinflation is a vicious cycle (Gumbe, S. & N. Kaseke (2011). The devastating impact on the Venezuelan economy generates a negative impact on the world economy, reduce the national competitiveness, international status, and reputation, at the same time sharply weaken the fiscal policy and monetary policy.


Conway, P. (2000) 'Financial Repression in Transition: Output Reduction and Hyperinflation in the Former Soviet Economies

Grossman, P.Z. and J. Horváth (2000) 'The Dynamics of the Hungarian Hyperinflation, 1945-6: A New Perspective'

Gumbe, S. and N. Kaseke (2011) 'Manufacturing Firms and Hyperinflation-Survival Options: The Case of Zimbabwe Manufacturers (2005-2008).', Journal of Management & Marketing Research 7.


Essay代写:Reform of the house of lords

2019-01-03 16:35:47 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Reform of the house of lords,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了英国上议院的改革。在1997年英国工党重夺执政权之后,上议院经历了前所未有的变革。按照《工党宣言》,英国上议院的改革将分为两个阶段。在第一个阶段,把世袭贵族的数量减少为92人。随后,政府将成立由韦瀚勋爵领导的皇家专门调查委员会进一步推进改革,同时明确声明不会成立一个所有或绝大多数议员经由民主选举产生的上议院,避免和下议院互相钳制。第一个阶段的改革已在1999年顺利完成,而以建立一个更民主更具代表性的上议院为目标的第二个阶段改革却依然缺乏行之有效的方案,成为了一个充满争议的话题。

Since Labour regained power in 1997, the Blair government has embarked on a series of major constitutional reforms, including decentralisation, the bill of rights, party funding and information liberalisation. As one of the two houses of parliament, the house of lords has undergone unprecedented changes. According to the Labour manifesto of 4 April 1997, the reform of the house of lords will be divided into two stages. In the first phase, the number of hereditary nobles was reduced to 92. The government will then set up a royal commission of inquiry, led by Lord vahan, to press ahead with reform, while making clear that it will not create a democratically elected upper house of parliament, with all or most MPS, to avoid mutiny with the lower house. While the first phase of reform was completed in 1999, the second, aimed at creating a more democratic and representative upper house, remains a contentious issue with no effective plan.

A look at the composition and functions of the house of lords before reform makes it clear that reform is needed. The house of lords consists of ordinaries and secular members. The Canon consists of the archbishop of Canterbury, the archbishop of york and twenty-four other senior bishops of the church of England. Secular members of parliament are divided into three parts, namely, hereditary aristocrats, life aristocrats who assist in the performance of judicial duties and other life aristocrats, of which the number of hereditary aristocrats accounts for about 60 percent. Almost half the aristocracy belonged to the conservative party, and 30 percent to the neutral party. After the first stage of reform in 1999, the house of lords was composed of 92 hereditary peers, 548 lifelong peers and 26 bishops and bishops of the Anglican church. Judging from the composition of the upper house of parliament at that time, the proportion of hereditary aristocrats has been greatly reduced, and more than 600 hereditary aristocrats have lost the upper house of parliament. Because their titles can be inherited from generation to generation, hereditary aristocrats are considered to be the least democratic and representative part of the house of lords.

The specific functions of the house of lords are divided into the following aspects. One is to review proposals for new laws; Second, supervise government administration; Third, debate major issues. Fourth, safeguard the rights and interests of the public and individuals. In short, the function of the house of lords is to integrate the rich experience of MPS into the legislative process. It mainly helps to improve and amend legislation, rather than antagonising the house of Commons, where the real legislative power lies. The house of lords may not alter its financial proposals or obstruct the passage of any bill by the house of Commons for more than two consecutive sessions.

It is generally believed that compared with the house of lords, the house of Commons is more powerful and its dominant position is guaranteed by law. However, the role of the house of lords cannot be ignored. In the context of "the rights of the house of lords and the traditional", the author Dennis carter is pointed out that the house of lords, as one of the legislature, in fact rights is bigger and more powerful, more capable of correction and delays the proposal and the Cambodian government behavior rules in the legislative process. Carter also cited specific data. In the five sessions from 1997 to 2002, the house of lords had 639 differences on bills, of which 164, or 25%, were compromised by the government. In the same period, the house of Commons was divided on 1,640 bills. The government did not compromise together. Between 200I and 2002. The house of lords has won 65 votes in a divided bill. When the anti-terrorism, crime and security act was discussed in 2001, the house of lords devoted 53 hours over eight days, leading the government to make a huge compromise, while the house of Commons devoted only three days. Moreover, the government has an overwhelming majority in the lower house of parliament. Therefore, in terms of regulating the government's behavior, considering the current legislative process, it is the upper house that can play a more effective role. So some experts and scholars are deeply puzzled by the call for the power and effectiveness of the house of lords. In fact, it is not just a call to expand the power of the house of lords. But also to improve its legitimacy. Because the house of lords has great power, it should be exercised by more democratic and representative members of parliament, not just appointed members of the nobility, who cannot represent the interests of the majority. In this sense, the old house of lords is no longer applicable to contemporary British politics.

At present, most British citizens believe that the reform of the house of lords is necessary. However, the reform method is full of controversy and the reform process is difficult. As cavanagh points out, there are proposals to reform the composition or powers of the house of lords, or both. But because there is not enough support for either proposal at the moment, this means that the reform of the house of lords, apart from reducing the number of hereditary peers, will not be implemented. Vernon Mr Bogdanor in the house of lords reform: skepticism that is now the reform of the house of lords in general there are three ways: through the nomination, through elections, or a combination of these two methods set up the election and appointment of unregular house of lords.

The house of lords may consist of representatives directly elected by region. Unlike the house of Commons, which represents individual voters, the house of lords will represent the countries and regions of the United Kingdom. The advantage of this approach is that it takes into account local power expansion and reduces the risk of the United Kingdom splitting into several countries. In their book, ivor ? Richard and damian ? method will put forward a new idea of the house of lords. Two-thirds of the 450 members of the new upper house are elected on a regional proportional basis, as has been the case in the European parliament since 1999. The remaining third is neutral and will be appointed by the new appointments committee. Richard and wilfart argue that the new house of lords would strengthen Britain's sense of regional identity and allow England to enjoy greater benefits. But there are problems with this approach.

First, it would replicate the partisan struggle in the house of Commons. Most members of the house of Commons are professional politicians. They are more concerned with the interests of the party than with the welfare of the people. Because be restrained by party discipline. They must conform to the party's principles in order to keep their jobs. Bogdanor pointed out that if elections for the upper house of parliament were held on a proportional basis. Party discipline is even more restrictive than in the house of Commons. In this model, the upper house constituency is larger than the lower house constituency, and there is little contact between the elector and the candidate. As in Australia, the senate, which is supposed to represent the states, has become a battleground. And proportional representation creates a balance of power between the parties, which makes MPS more disciplined. Therefore, the upper house formed under this model would be more strictly controlled by party politics than the lower house, and would not represent the interests of all countries and regions in the United Kingdom. Second, the house of lords has a hard time getting talented people. Capable people are keener to fight in the house of Commons than the losers. Only the losers are interested in a seat in the house of lords. Therefore, the supervision and review function of the house of lords will be greatly reduced.

Some scholars argue that it is easier to form an upper house by indirect election, because it does not challenge the dominance of the lower house. The direct election of the lower house of parliament guarantees its dominance of the upper house and higher legitimacy. His book in the British journal of decentralisation, Vernon Mr Bogdanor is proposed according to the German way of the house of lords to form the house of lords, decentralized local government gives formal opportunity to participate in legislation. He proposed that the house of lords would be made up of representatives from local authorities in Scotland, wales, Northern Ireland and England. English MPS will be chosen from among the London authorities and representatives of the local councils, who in turn will be elected from among the local authorities.

But this approach has also been questioned. Some scholars argue that this reform is not appropriate for Britain's political situation. First of all, Britain has not become a federalist country similar to Germany. Decentralization only makes Britain a quasi-federalist country with uneven distribution of power. Local councils in England are non-statutory, indirectly elected bodies that do not have the legitimacy of Germany's federal states. Therefore, the so-called "representatives" of England do not have the legitimacy of representatives directly elected by Scotland, wales and Northern Ireland. In addition, an indirectly elected upper house of parliament would likely reopen the debate over west lozion, intensifying protests over Britain's decentralisation inequalities.

The mixed election and appointment system of the house of lords consists of elected and appointed members. It is not hard to imagine that such an upper house would face many thorny problems. What if the opinions of elected members conflict with those of appointed members? The danger is that the former is seen as more legitimate than the latter. Once this happens, the former vote will be considered less effective than the latter. Who chose you? Is that what happens when unfortunate appointees vote against elected colleagues?

The reform of the house of lords should first adhere to the principle of the following house as the leading body, so as to maintain the stability of the current British political system. Reform should be a gradual process and not at the expense of the current system. If this principle is not adhered to, the British political system will only become more and more complex, with many unpredictable problems.

Most of the proposals so far have argued that direct elections must be inserted if a more democratic and representative upper house is to be formed. But as analysed in the first model, neither FPTP nor proportional representation can ensure that the upper house is free from partisan politics and selects the most talented members. Reform of Britain's house of lords is in a quandary.

But at least some of the direction is clear. First, the house of lords should continue to reduce the number of hereditary aristocrats, the least democratic component of the house of lords, until it is completely eliminated. If hereditary aristocrats continue to exist, their differences with parliamentarians who enjoy greater legitimacy cannot be reconciled. In addition, policies should be introduced to reduce the influence of party politics on the upper house of parliament. Maintain its independence. For example, if a member of the house of lords holds a joint office in the government, he or she shall immediately resign from the government; Members shall abstain from voting in the general election; Members should be guaranteed long-term stability in their terms of office, typically more than 10 years, and their salaries should not be subject to changes like judges can make through annual budgets and parliamentary debates.

In general, reform of the house of lords should move towards a neutral, intelligent body, free from the shadow of partisan politics. It should neither challenge the authority of the house of Commons. Nor should it merely copy the work and partisanship of the house of Commons. As bogdanor argues, the reformed upper house should continue to participate in legislative amendments in a moderate way, especially those related to constitutional and human rights. In fact, the function of the house of lords is to undertake some tasks that cannot be effectively implemented by the house of Commons and fill the gaps in the existing system, which is the direction of reform of the house of lords.

