

Essay代写:College credit system

2019-01-14 17:27:17 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- College credit system,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了西方高校的学分制。学分制的产生和发展遵循一定的内在逻辑。学分制的产生源于德国的选修制,选修制被引入美国,在美国得到了发展和完善。而选修制在发展过程中所遇到的难题又有赖于英国导师制的帮助。因此,学分制是德、美、英三国教育理念和教育文化的结晶体。

The emergence and development of credit system follow certain internal logic. The purpose of exploring the origin of things is to see through the essence of the credit system and the thought of university. As Robert b. eklund, jr., an American scholar, said, "studying the past for lessons or insights may be the most rewarding. Humans can only judge where they are now by where they were... We ignore history at the cost of not understanding ourselves. The credit system originated from the elective system in Germany, which was introduced into the United States and developed and improved in the United States. However, the difficulties encountered in the development of the elective system depend on the help of the British tutorial system. Therefore, credit system is the crystallization of education concept and education culture of Germany, America and Britain.

In the 18th century, German universities generally showed signs of decline and lost their foothold in society. Prussia's then education minister, William Humboldt thinks: "university is a supreme means, through it, Prussia to win respect from the world and around the world, so as to achieve the real enlightenment and spiritual world leader." The university of Berlin was born under the spirit of German rationalism.

In the early 19th century, European universities generally adopted the model of class organization. The curriculum, schedule and content selected by students are all arranged by the school, and students lack initiative and autonomy in learning. With the rapid development of social economy and science and technology, the unified training specifications and teaching management model have been difficult to meet the needs of reality. Humboldt, then President of the university of Berlin, advocated "freedom of teaching" and "the combination of teaching and scientific research" in the face of the severe situation of the whole European university education. Under the guidance of the new trend of thought, Humboldt initiated the "elective system" at the university of Berlin.

Thomas Jefferson created at the university of Virginia in 1825 and as President. Jefferson applied the ideas of academic freedom of Berlin university to teaching management. At the university of Virginia, students are allowed a certain amount of freedom to choose between courses offered by the eight departments of classical languages, modern languages, mathematics, natural philosophy, natural history, interpretation, and medicine, moral philosophy, and law. However, once a student has chosen a major, he or she is no longer allowed to choose a course in his or her respective department. The curriculum reform of the university of Virginia has triggered a reflection on the traditional education management system. Many American universities try to implement "parallel courses" and "partial courses". But at the same time, the early elective system was also opposed by conservatives. In 1828, Yale President John dey and Yale professor of Latin and Greek kingsley wrote the famous Yale report, which represented a resistance to the reform of the British classical traditional college. In 1827, quincy, then President of Harvard University, opposed the conservative idea and believed that the reform of elective system was reasonable and feasible. Under his initiative, in 1839, harvard allowed students to take courses such as science, modern languages, and history after their first year of college instead of the Latin and Greek required. Although quincy was a strong advocate of the elective system, he was not fully realized at that time when the country was in the civil war and the conservative power was strong.

In his inaugural address in 1869, Eliot, then the young President of Harvard University, declared that "the university shall make unremitting efforts to establish, improve and promote the elective system". Eliot took the elective system as the main approach to the modernization of harvard courses and gradually implemented it. In 1872, harvard abolished all the required courses for the fourth grade. In 1885, it greatly reduced the required courses for the first grade. In 1897, the required courses for the whole Harvard University were only for the first grade of rhetoric. At the same time, the number of new courses and new teachers increased. From 1870 to 1871, a total of 32 professors at harvard offered 73 courses for 643 students, and from 1910 to 1911, 169 professors offered 401 courses for 2,217 students. Thanks to Eliot's bold reforms, Harvard University has taken on a new look. Harvard's reforms were not without problems. In 1885, President McCosh of Princeton university and President porter of Yale university argued openly about the advantages and disadvantages of the system with Eliot. McCosh even mocked Harvard University in a public meeting. But this does not affect the learning system with its unique advantages and advanced nature in the United States to flourish, 1893, even the most conservative Yale university also canceled the compulsory courses of undergraduate 2 to 4 years.

In the late 19th century, after the comprehensive promotion of elective system in American universities, a new problem was encountered, that is, how to measure students' academic progress. In schools with elective system, students of the same department have different courses and learning progress, so the teaching management mode of academic year system is no longer applicable. In order to master the learning situation of students, and to review the enrollment, transfer, graduation and other matters, it is necessary to establish a unified standard to measure the learning situation of students. All credit systems emerge as a measurement unit to measure the learning amount of students' courses. In 1871, Harvard University published a list of all its courses, which were converted into "credits" based on the difficulty and time spent on each course. In 1872, the credit system was officially implemented in Harvard University. Whether a student can graduate or not depends on the lowest academic score he/she gets. Students can graduate in advance or later, which ensures students' freedom of learning. In the short 30 years since Eliot took office, the elective system and credit system have transformed harvard from a rather small local college into a modern university.

In 1903, a Harvard University credit system survey found that 55 percent of students took only entry-level courses. 75% of students don't have a center; Students rarely consider knowledge structure when choosing courses; The curriculum system is not systematic, appears fragmented. This kind of completely open and free elective system once led to the chaos of teaching, and students could not meet the requirements of "specialty", nor the purpose of "doctorate", which affected the quality of learning. In 1909, Lawrence Lowell replaced Eliot's harvard President position and a series of reform of the credit system. First, the establishment of professional and minor, centralized and distribution systems. That is, harvard undergraduates are required to focus on one major field in at least 6 out of 16 courses throughout the year to ensure focus; "Distribution" of at least six subjects in the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences to ensure the universality of knowledge; Students are free to choose the rest of the course. Second, introduce the tutorial system. Thirdly, the honor degree system should be implemented.

Harvard University combined the German free elective system with the British tutorial system to form the unique characteristics of the American credit system. Lawrence's reform improved the credit system.

In 1933, he succeeded Lawrence as President of Harvard University and continued to reform the credit system. The focus of credit system changes from curriculum system to curriculum content. In 1943, konanke set up a special committee to study the general education curriculum reform. In 1945, the committee published a special report, general education in a free society, which divided education into general education and special education. College students should have the common knowledge foundation of human beings. The essence of general knowledge education is liberal arts education, which is the foundation of professional education. Harvard divides its courses into four groups: 1-99 lower level courses, 100-199 intermediate level courses, 200-299 advanced level courses, and 300-399 advanced level courses.

In 1971, the dean of harvard law school became President of Harvard University, and continued to reform the curriculum in order to improve the credit system. In 1977, Harvard University published the "core curriculum plan", and in 1981, it published the "public basic curriculum plan" and launched the "core curriculum system". The core curriculum system was basically formed. It requires all students to study basic knowledge in the five fields of literature, art, history, science, foreign culture and social analysis, accounting for one-third of the total credits. The entire core curriculum is set at 80-100 courses per year, with an average of 8-10 courses in each field. The core curriculum differs from the general education in that it does not require the acquisition of a set of great works and the digestion of a specified amount of information, but rather allows students to understand the ways and means of acquiring knowledge. At present, there are six courses in Harvard University: English writing, mathematical statistics, foreign languages, core courses, major courses and elective courses. Compared with general courses, core courses are more suitable for the rapid development of science and technology and The Times, indicating scientific methods and laws for the formation of college students' knowledge and ability.

From the university of Virginia principal Thomas Jefferson, the introduction of Germany's "elective system" to the President of harvard elliott implementation of credit system for the first time in 1872 at Harvard University, make the theory of free education is able to realize and has the specific units of "credits" quantitative indicators; Harvard University President Lawrence Lowell ? after the introduction of Britain "tutorial system", set up major and minor, make both pay attention to the students in the process of implementing credit system free elective, and there was a "mentor" of professional guidance, make an elective system under the credit system is not blind; Conan focus on general education courses, Derek ? blog launched the articles of association of the core curriculum, the focus of the credit system elaboration to the curriculum structure and curriculum content. The reform of all the presidents of American universities is based on the previous reform achievements, which is not only the collective wisdom of the presidents, but also the continuity of the credit system reform process. Based on this, the continuity of the reform is the core factor of the successful implementation of the credit system in Chinese colleges and universities.

The essence of education thought of credit system is "academic freedom", including the freedom of lecturing and research of university teachers and the freedom of learning of students. "Freedom to learn" means that students should have the freedom to choose what to learn, to decide when and how to learn, and to form their own ideas. Among them, the freedom of students to choose courses is at the core. Therefore, the credit system reform should follow the idea of academic freedom, and the core of its reform is to establish the whole system of free course selection. Simplify the course selection process, listen to students' Suggestions on course selection, and provide diversified course selection areas.

Kenanke reformed the credit system of Harvard University and changed his focus from the course system to the course content. In 1945, a special committee set up by konanke studied the curriculum reform of general education and published a special report "general education in a free society", which divided education into general education and special education. It is pointed out that college students should have the common knowledge foundation of human beings, and the essence of general knowledge education is liberal arts education, which is the basis of professional education. Harvard divides its courses into four groups: 1-99 lower level courses, 100-199 intermediate level courses, 200-299 advanced level courses, and 300-399 advanced level courses.

In 1977 and 1981, Harvard University published the "core curriculum plan" and "public basic curriculum plan" respectively, and launched the "core curriculum system". The core curriculum system was basically formed. It requires all students to study basic knowledge in the five fields of literature, art, history, science, foreign culture and social analysis, accounting for one-third of the total credits. The entire core curriculum is set at 80-100 courses per year, with an average of 8-10 courses in each field. The core curriculum differs from the general education in that it does not require the acquisition of a set of great works and the digestion of a specified amount of information, but rather allows students to understand the ways and means of acquiring knowledge. At present, there are six courses in Harvard University: English writing, mathematical statistics, foreign languages, core courses, major courses and elective courses.

Conant's reform paid attention to general education and focused on the breadth of course content. While Derek bok put the center of the elective system in the formation of students' knowledge system. Based on this, in the reform of the credit system of colleges and universities in China, the first thing is to establish a reasonable curriculum system for the curriculum setting, and the second thing is that the content of the curriculum should be based on the wide range of courses and core courses with depth and breadth.


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Assignment代写:The unconstitutional review system in the United States

2019-01-14 17:26:46 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- The unconstitutional review system in the United States,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的违宪审查制度。违宪审查制度,指的是具有违宪审查权的机构对违反宪法的行为进行合宪性审查,以裁定其是否违宪的法律制度。美国的司法审查制度被誉为世界上最为有效最成功的违宪审查制度之一。美国联邦法院进行司法审查的对象,既包括国会通过的一切法律、法令,也包括政府制定的一切行政规章、行政命令。从实践上看,违宪审查主要是对联邦法律和州法律的审查。

The unconstitutional review system refers to the legal system in which the institutions with the right to review the violation of the constitution conduct a constitutional review to determine whether it is unconstitutional. The unconstitutional review system is of great significance to the constitutional construction of a country. If there is no such mechanism, the constitution is just a "death law" in a sense. In other words, it is a mere sham. Since 1803, the us Supreme Court chief justice John Marshall pioneered by the case of marbury v. Madison's decision to establish the system of judicial review, judicial review is not only become a question of constitutional theory, but also the major problems found in the constitutional practice highly attention. Especially after the World War II, more and more constitutionalist countries established and continuously improved their unconstitutional review system, which made the unconstitutional review of the United States have international significance. It is estimated that by the early 1990s, more than 139 countries in the world had established unconstitutional review systems. The U.S. Supreme Court of the unconstitutional review power, rooted in the "separation of powers, checks and balances each other" the spirit of the constitution and the traditional colonial period of judicial review, and the Supreme Court for judicial review of unconstitutional is established through their acceptance of a case in 1803, the famous "marbury v. Madison" case.

As we all know, the constitutional code of the United States does not expressly stipulate the unconstitutional review system, but because its precedent is one of the main sources of law, marbury v. Madison passed the constitution as the highest law of the United States; The entity that interprets and implements the constitution is the judiciary; The court's interpretation has binding effect on other branches of government, thus expanding the judicial jurisdiction of the Supreme Court and giving it the power to examine whether congressional legislation is unconstitutional. Since then, the judgment of the marbury case has become a judicial precedent. Courts at all levels have the right to examine whether the laws and decrees promulgated by the government are unconstitutional. Among them, the Supreme Court has the final say in cases involving the interpretation of the federal constitution. At this point, the judicial review power of the court was gradually recognized and became an important political system in the American legislative system. In accordance with the federal constitution and the 1789 judicial act, the United States established federal courts at all levels. The judicial power, which has always been regarded as weak, finally gained a firm foothold after a painful struggle. The three powers were divided, and the balance of power developed more smoothly on this basis.

In the United States, judges enjoy the highest status and are respected by the people. At the same time, the political idea of "superior judicial power" is rooted in the hearts of Americans. In fact, the Supreme Court of each state in the United States is also exercising judicial review power. The United States unconstitutional review exists in the entire judicial system, is the so-called "decentralized", ordinary courts can implement the unconstitutional review.

The content of unconstitutional review varies greatly in different countries due to different modes of selection. The judicial review conducted by the federal court of the United States covers all laws and decrees passed by the congress as well as all administrative regulations and orders made by the government. The Supreme Court of the United States has the power to review not only laws enacted by the congress, but also state laws and orders issued by the President of the United States. However, the Supreme Court does not take the initiative to review laws, decrees and orders and regulations of the government passed by the congress, nor can it review on the basis of hypothetical facts. In practice, unconstitutional review is mainly about the review of federal law and state law.

In the way of bringing up the review, the unconstitutional review is more often brought by individuals. That is to say, the parties actually filed an ordinary lawsuit became the premise of the court to start the constitutional procedure, that is, the court to exercise the right to review the violation of the constitution to the occurrence of specific cases as a condition. As specific case occurs, the parties if they think a legislation in congress or the state that a law unconstitutional and therefore infringe on their own legal rights, you can ask the court to the requirements of the law unconstitutional censorship, or in situations where the parties did not put forward, the court at the trial related laws may involve unconstitutional, can the initiative of the law review. In other words, the court can only review the law involved after someone brings an ordinary lawsuit. Therefore, the American unconstitutional review method is also known as the ex post review.

From the perspective of the procedure of unconstitutional review, the Supreme Court of the United States "conveniently" reviews the constitutionality of relevant laws when trying specific cases and follows certain judicial procedures. The basic approach is that ordinary courts review the normative documents such as laws, regulations and administrative orders involved in specific cases. After review, the court has the right to reject the application in its judgment if it considers it unconstitutional. That is, if a law or order is ruled to be unconstitutional, its effect is not to revoke the law or order, but to declare that the law or order is not applicable to the case. There is no substantial difference between the Supreme Court's procedure for examining the violation of the constitution and the ordinary procedure.

First of all, by exercising judicial review power, the Supreme Court ensures the supreme authority of the constitution, maintains the supremacy of the constitution, maintains the unity of the legal system, and promotes constitutional construction. Secondly, the court, as the patron saint of the constitution, maintains the basic rights of the people protected by the constitution by exercising the right of judicial review. Therefore, in a certain sense, it can be said that "the existence of judicial review system is the need for the implementation of mass democracy and the protection of minority rights under the democratic system to prevent the formation of majority autocracy. Finally, the judicial review system in the United States limits the legislative power and administrative power through judicial power. By limiting the legislative power and executive power, it maintains the political structure of separation of powers and checks and balances, and promotes and promotes the development of American politics and political forms. As tocqueville said, "the federal constitution of the United States and its judicial review system are like a beautiful work of art created by a skillful craftsman, which can only make the inventor famous and rich, and become useless if it falls into the hands of others."

First of all, the unconstitutional review system in the United States allows a few people to declare that laws enacted by the legislature are invalid, which to some extent violates the principle of democracy. Some scholars have raised the question of "are a few professionals smarter and wiser than hundreds of representatives of the public". Secondly, since the judgment of the unconstitutional review organ is final and binding on all state organs, it is dangerous to some extent to judicial despotism, which is likely to lead to unimpeded unconstitutional phenomena outside the judiciary and is not conducive to the development of constitutional national legal system. Finally, the unconstitutional review process can only be filed by the case, the judicial passivity is determined by the passivity of unconstitutional censorship in the United States, the judicial censorship faults have strong hysteresis, if no one to prosecute, so even though the law unconstitutional and will not be able to review, but only to take "not to ignore the negative, is not conducive to advance prevention, also go against the stability of law and order.

There are several reasons for the importance of unconstitutional review in American constitution. First, because American democracy was acquired under the oppression of patriarchalism and absolutism, and democracy occurred after constitutional government, this led to a more profound concept of equality. Secondly, because the American legal system belongs to the common law system, which makes American courts have the potential legislative function. Finally, the judicial branch in the structure of the separation of powers in the United States needs to have the right to review the violation of the constitution to counter the threat and infringement of the legislative branch and the executive branch, so as to maintain the state of mutual restriction and balance.

Comparatively speaking, the unconstitutional review mode of judicial review has no foundation and ability to operate in our country. Because after more than two thousand years of feudal society and nearly a century of semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, people's democracy has an irreplaceable position in the hearts of the Chinese people. In addition, China belongs to the continental law system. Although the judicial functions are exercised by the courts and procuratorates, they are also subject to the legislative organs.

In China, since the NPC is the power organ of the state and all the power is derived from the NPC, it is impossible for us to abandon the current political system and constitution and talk about the establishment of an independent unconstitutional review body with the spirit of a scholar. Instead, we can only build this system bearing the constitutional ideal on the basis of reality. Although we are civil law countries, but the judicial system is closer to the common law system, which also provides us with a necessary link to learn from the unconstitutional review system of the United States. Based on the above analysis, we can imagine whether the unconstitutional review model can change the previous single form and adopt compound form? The NPC, the constitution committee and the Supreme Court should share the responsibility of reviewing the constitution. The constitution committee, elected by the first plenary session of each National People's Congress, shall, of course, be an independent body enjoying high political status and exercising its functions and powers independently in accordance with the law, and shall not be subject to interference by any other organ or individual. The constitution committee is responsible for reviewing all laws and resolutions adopted by the standing committee of the National People's Congress and whether normative documents of the state council and its departments are unconstitutional. Our courts, as specialized agencies of law application, can also carry out necessary review of the violation of the constitution. Its advantage is that judicial review by the Supreme Court can promote the implementation of the constitution and stimulate people's awareness of rights. The Supreme Court's interpretation of constitutional issues can also avoid frequent revision of the constitution, thus promoting the stability and authority of the constitution. First of all, the "constitutional court" was established in the supreme people's court to examine and judge the unconstitutional cases. Using the experience of the United States, we can use attached review mode, to the parties concerned in the process of judicial review by courts at all levels offered and court judge found unconstitutional sexual problems for oneself, if the courts think of constitutional law under review, can make a decision, on the contrary, the case shall be submitted to the supreme people's court, step by step by the constitutional court trials to determine whether laws unconstitutional.

China has not established the system of unconstitutional review in the real sense, and there is still a long way to go before the realization of constitutionalism. However, the construction of the unconstitutional review system is a process of the same destination, and there is a universal model for reference. Therefore, the review of building China's unconstitutional constitution should be carried out step by step on the basis of adhering to the system of people's congress and the principle of democratic centralism.


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2019-01-14 17:26:19 | 日記







Paper代写:Economics of life

2019-01-14 17:25:59 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Economics of life讨论了生活中的经济学。经济是一种生活方式,不同的习惯、文化观念自觉地驱动着所有人的经济行为,不断影响着大部分人的经济选择,悄悄地改变着整个社会的内部经济运行方向。在现实生活中时时处处都有经济学的掠影,经济学的理论也与我们所处的社会生活不断介入。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Economy is a way of life. Its different habits and cultural concepts consciously drive the economic behaviors of all people, constantly influence the economic choices of most people, and quietly change the internal economic operation direction of the whole society. As a way of life, economics sometimes originates not from the promotion of a lofty realm, but from the characteristics of national culture and the mode of cultural education and transmission.

In most cases, economics is regarded by many people as a very research-oriented subject. In fact, it is a kind of thinking idea from the perspective of People's Daily behaviors. Although economics is a profound subject in many cases, it can be easily popularized in daily life. In real life, there is always a shadow of economics everywhere, and the theory of economics is also involved in our social life.

When we book air tickets online, in many cases, we will find that part of the air tickets are discounted, the remaining seats are still available before the plane takes off, and the price of the air tickets is sometimes lower than the train tickets. At this time, buying tickets is often the most economical. For the average person, they may think the airline has lost out by booking fares so low. If we know economics, we will understand that the cost of a flight is basically determined when the plane leaves in a few hours. If the remaining tickets can be sold at this time, the airline will only gain revenue and not lose money. From an economic point of view, this has become a behavior that can maximize the benefits of both sides of the transaction.

When we go shopping in the mall, we may often find that many goods are on sale or some businesses will choose to send some low-priced gifts to attract customers and take the market share for their own products. For example, in the ceramic expo in tangshan, many ceramic appliances will be lower than the normal price, many of the original price of several hundred yuan of goods, in the exhibition site may be as long as dozens of yuan can be bought. This will often give consumers a psychological hint, let them think they used a very low price but got a high value of goods. But the seller always has a grasp of the value of their goods, they often choose a balance point, the price and cost control in a reasonable range, even if the goods sold at a low price can also make a lot of profit, but also can fully stimulate the buyer's strong desire to buy. In fact, the seller goods with low price promotion himself out after occupied the existing market, at the same time improve their brand publicity effect and the size of the market, and in this case, the seller can also reduce inventory at the same time, reduce the risk of the capital, increase the efficiency of the debt-collection and reinvestment, improve their operation and economic growth.

Today's society has entered an economic society with rapid development. With the transformation of industrial structure and the upgrading of consumption, the dominant position of the market has been constantly highlighted. Every member of the society has become an important part of today's market, and is constantly promoting market upgrading and capital maximization. For example, everyone's daily needs can be met by the market, and people of different social classes can enjoy the convenience of the market. High-income people can earn high wages through their wisdom, and low-income people can also meet their daily needs through manual labor. In general, contemporary society is a life economy where everyone buys and everyone sells. People play the roles of both consumers and producers in economic growth.

Material capital is a necessity in modern life, and everyone is thinking about how to get some extra income through financial management. Many countries have different economic concepts for different markets. For example, some policies of the United States are enacted to continuously expand the domestic market and commodity export and stimulate domestic demand. Through these policies, the U.S. economy has been in a leading position in the world and maintained a good and stable development trend. However, the capital strength of China is far less than that of the United States. The reason is that China's economic development is based on a low level and started late. Although China has the world's largest population and has the natural advantages of a market, it is not in a very good economic situation due to some weak links in the economy. Chinese people have a strong reserve ability and developed reserve business. To a large extent, they can obtain a large amount of idle capital. The deposits of ordinary people can also provide them with certain material basis for their lives.

Maybe many people are not clear about the concept of financial management. The main form of financial management consists of income and interest. How to save money and how to live a more delicate life are the hot economic issues in our life. In many cases, a family's total income minus all of its expenses gives the final balance at the end of the period. There's a measure in economics called the engel's coefficient which is the ratio of a household's food expenses to its total expenses. If the engel coefficient of this family is not high, although can accumulate a few savings, but the material basis that lacks lets oneself this family economic level get promotion very hard. Therefore, a family needs to increase more sources of income and increase its total income to have a better quality of life and meet other spiritual needs besides food and clothing. This shows that only open source can fundamentally improve the state of life. Of course, rational cost-saving is also essential. The planning of daily income and expenditure is also the embodiment of basic economic principles in reality.

The Matthew effect is simply an economic law that says the poor get poorer and the rich get richer. Its name comes from a story in the new testament: "whosoever hath, to him shall be given more; No, take away even what he has. "simply put, the" Matthew effect "is a phenomenon in which the capitalist who keeps the money has everything. It makes the money get more extra income from people who already have a lot of money. The Matthew effect of origin story brings us enlightenment in economics is: if someone is full of confidence in his field, and in the field of invested a great deal of time and effort, he could at the time and energy consumption of a long-term promotion, through the steps again and again, he can obtain a more satisfactory results. On the contrary, if a person does not achieve a good result in his own field and treats it negatively, it will only make him constantly lose confidence and eventually be surpassed. This is also one of the main reasons for the difference in student performance.

If there is a positive attitude, then the people tend to get a good enough results, get the best results after he will get great satisfaction, will be on the other hand, encourage his enthusiasm, so as to get extra spirit and material reward, so keep repeatedly, can show the positive impact of the Matthew effect. Attitude, in short, when we learn, is the main factor to determine how we will get in return, we own different study habits, is the most valuable experience and resources, through the quality of these advantages, will be continuously accumulated advantage constantly change and improve our own ability, can let us in a virtuous cycle.

In economic theory, there is an economic effect called "marginal effect". It describes that when other inputs are fixed and continuously increased, the added output or income will gradually decrease. In other words, when the increased input exceeds a certain level, the output per unit of added input will decrease. This economic effect, for many learning methods that want to save time to maximize benefits, is crucial because the different stages of allocation are related to the final result. We regard the cognition of different subjects as different consumption time behaviors. If the learning effect of a subject is at a high level, its marginal benefit is not high. Thus, for a rational student, the best course of action is to give up the investment in the subject and choose to spend time on other subjects, so as to maximize the marginal benefit.

Most of our students have uneven academic performance, so we should allocate more time to weaker subjects. The marginal effect tells us that unreasonable time allocation can't make the final benefit reach the optimal effect. Only through appropriate allocation of time, not all disciplines are the same, measuring the time allocation of different disciplines, will make the final effect and learning efficiency significantly improved.

The barrel effect is also known as the short board effect. It describes that if a wooden board of a barrel has a long or short length, the amount of water contained in the barrel will be bound by the shortest board. Therefore, the short board becomes the "restrictive reason" for the amount of water contained in the barrel. Replace the short board with the long board or lengthen the short board to increase the total capacity of the barrel. In most economic activities, the overall benefit is often limited by the weakest link, so we should pay attention to the weak link in resource allocation, so as to achieve the optimization of resource allocation. Overall results for the current pursuit of middle school students, to their own grade as a bucket of total water amount, the different board as different disciplines, so only average grades in different disciplines and together in a rising state, the existing short board effect can be restricted, finally promotes total water namely overall performance improved significantly. If we only focus on the performance of a certain subject, but give up the attention of other weak subjects, then the overall performance will not be improved, and it will lead to the continued worse of the weak subject and ultimately the overall performance will not be improved. No matter how good a subject is, it will not make a difference if it is not changed for the worse subjects.

Partial subjects are a common phenomenon for many middle school students, but according to the bucket effect, if weak subjects are left to their own way, it will lead to a decline in the overall level that even the dominant subjects cannot make up for. To solve the weak links, is to promote the overall performance of the most effective measures.

These are not the only economic effects in our lives. They change our lives all the time, and these economic effects often lead us to make the best choices. For a middle school student, when we are learning natural science, we should also understand and try to apply some simple laws of economics, which can not only improve the learning effect, expand our horizons, but also greatly improve our comprehensive quality. When faced with different choices in new situations, we can all make choices based on the viewpoint of profit optimization.

Economics has become a vital link in modern life and a determining factor in the exchange of goods. Economic theories are displayed everywhere in our life. No matter in the study or in our family's basic expenses, as well as in the family income and financial management, most of them are the concrete demonstration of economic theories and the results of economics. It could also be said that life itself is a compendium of basic economic principles.

All the thinking and ideas of economics itself follow different laws. At a deeper level, economics is not a collection of data, a complex set of mathematical formulas, a rational thinking, or even a solution to a problem. Economics is a kind of culture, a kind of spirit, an art derived from life and higher than life.


Essay代写:Wallace and gromit

2019-01-14 17:03:51 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Wallace and gromit,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了超级无敌掌门狗。在《超级无敌掌门狗》的系列动画片中,机械一方面为华莱士和阿高的生活提供了便利,另一方面是机械被坏人利用而成为其帮凶,如《错误的裤子》中的机器裤子被企鹅大盗利用来偷窃钻石。在轻松诙谐的故事中,机械吸引人们关注剧情发展并不著痕迹地引导观众反思机械与人类的矛盾关系。

Clay animation is a kind of stop-motion animation, which is to obtain the continuous motion pictures of the clay model by shooting the spatial position changes of the model in a grid-by-grid-manner, and to generate the active images visually through the continuous projection and shooting of the pictures. Clay animation as a comprehensive art form, it contains modeling, action, language, painting, sound and many other performance techniques. Wallace and gromit, a series of clay animations produced by adman animation, has won two Academy Awards for best animated short film, one for best animated feature, and many other British Academy Awards. Parker grasps the characteristics of stop-motion animation, so that the work not only embodies the beauty of the rhythm of animation, but also contains the static beauty of sculpture, with unique artistic charm.

In the course of general linguistics, saussure proposed the concept of signifier and signified. The relationship between signifier and signified is corresponding and indivisible in a symbolic entity. Wallace and gromit's animated series is rich in symbolism. The signifier refers to the image in the animation and the symbol refers to the symbolic symbol behind the image. The arbitrariness of the symbol and the multidimensionality of the signifier make the signified have deeper meaning and deeper imagination space. In animation, the symbols used in different contexts bring us new meanings, which in turn influence the processing of symbols and films.

Wallace is the main character in the Wallace and gromit series. In the film, he wears a white shirt, a green sleeveless sweater and a red tie, and his slightly stiff appearance is the image of a polite and reserved gentleman in Britain.

In the animation, Wallace's signifier is simple and clear: a bald head without hair, facial features exaggerated and crowded in the face, huge palm, awkward posture. Wallace, less adroit but optimistic, was given the image of an ordinary Englishman. Wallace likes mechanical inventions, designed many strange mechanical devices, is the film indispensable line. About this image, Nick? "Wallace was inspired by my father," parker said. He's just a guy who likes to tinkle and invent with a hammer."

The cultural symbols of successful classic animation images are abundant and formed from the most appropriate reading perspective. Wallace and agao bring typical British life to the audience with the help of props and scenes as they take on exciting adventures. The lifelike prop models in the film become numerous signifiers. This way of creating symbolic elements in the coding symbols of animation stories further increases the "reading saturation" of animation stories.

The cultural connotation and value characteristics of the animated image are produced by its symbols. Cheese and black tea are symbols of British food culture. Wallace, who loves cheese and black tea, transcends the simple form of clay animation and becomes a symbol of British culture and tradition.

Cheese is a traditional English food, symbolizing warmth, nature and pastoral. Wallace's signature morning ritual of getting up and sitting down to a cheesy breakfast has become a staple of the film. Cheese also appears frequently in the camera as an important prop. The first short film, "the moon picnic" (1989), was even more cheesy. During the vacation, Wallace and agao made rockets by themselves and flew to the moon to find cheese. In English legend, the moon is a huge piece of cheese. They eat cheese on the moon, meet a mysterious robot and return to earth after an interesting story.

Wallace has a special liking for black tea, a cup of black tea at breakfast, leisure time and a high tea together. British people endows black tea with elegant image and colorful and various drinking ways, and has formed a black tea culture with rich connotation for a long time. Black tea has become a British way of life and spiritual enjoyment, this full of cultural symbols not only fullness of Wallace's image, and the appropriate way to express the British traditional culture.

Wallace does not have superman's extraordinary ability, not as well equipped as batman. He is ordinary, because the trivial things in life and joy and sorrow. He has his own interests and often makes mistakes. Of the success of the Wallace and gromit series, viewers say: "he was a faithful reflection of British life. Although they are cartoon characters, they are not always smiling, they are flesh and blood. They have a lively look on their faces, and they have a good sense of humor in their dialogue and actions. Wallace is a portrait of an English man, and every English man sees himself in him.

Roland? In film, television, and advertising, meaning depends on the system of interactions between images, sounds, and glyphs, barter notes. Partnership is an important symbol of the Wallace and gromit franchise, and like doraemon and wild bikoff, donkey and shrek, agol and Wallace are the vehicles for partnership. This pair of partners in the face of setbacks and challenges, showed optimism, open-minded, the quality of mutual trust. These qualities are not only the common symbols recognized by the director and the audience, but also the British spirit the director intends to convey to the audience. Just as the tall, white-haired, bowl-hatted uncle Sam represents the American spirit of honesty and hard work.

In the animation, the dog agao has personified feelings and personality. Although he is not good at expressing, he is calm and brave. In the animation, agao plays the role of Wallace's protector, tolerates Wallace's willful act, and helps Wallace solve problems when he encounters difficulties. Even in "wrong pants" Wallace by penguin bandit blind, agao was left out of the cold run away from home; "Bread and death incident" found miss pyra plot is high love infatuated Wallace locked up, but high still regardless of grievance, selfless to help Wallace. Loyal, witty and brave, the dog symbolizes the image of a good friend to the British people.

Agao can't speak and USES changes in his eyes and eyebrows to show emotion. Clever and taciturn, he was more like an English gentleman than Wallace, who often talked. The acute and insightful agao discovers the stolen sheep in razor's edge through the wool left by Sean, and in bread and death, through the intact brake handle, he discovers the murder plot of miss perla. "The moon picnic" high and Wallace together to build a moon rocket; In the curse of the rabbit, they work together to catch rabbits. Bread and death's masterful delivery. We can see the partner symbol they represent from these carriers. This is an implied meaning of emotional value: Wallace and dog agao are intimate, loyal partners. Its signifier is the tacit gesture of two characters when they are together.

In the Wallace and gromit series, the mechanical side of things facilitates the lives of Wallace and Argo. On the other hand, machines are used by bad people and become their accomplices. For example, the machine pants in wrong pants are used by penguin thieves to steal diamonds. In light-hearted and humorous stories, machines draw people's attention to the plot development and lead the audience to reflect on the contradictory relationship between machines and human beings without any trace.

In the curse of the rabbit, Wallace and agao adopted a humanitarian stance to make a rabbit catching machine, which was not aimed at destroying life, but an externalization of the values inherent in the British mind. The doctrine of the supremacy of technology is one that many people believe in. But Nick? Mr Parker is boldly sceptical. In "the curse of the rabbit," Wallace and agao invent various rabbit traps, alarm devices, vacuum cups, and even mind-altering machines to stop rabbits from destroying vegetables. But instead of stopping the rabbits from destroying the vegetables, the machines trapped themselves. At the end of the animation, humans and rabbits get along well with each other, which is a questioning of the supremacy of science and technology. The cold machine becomes a warm symbol full of humanistic connotation and thought depth.

Machinery in the improvement of human life at the same time, but also imperceptibly change interpersonal relations. In wrong pants, Wallace makes walking machine pants as a gift to agao, with the intention of taking agao out for a walk with him. Clever a gao is dismissive of this of course, give an opposition with his method. On the one hand, the emergence of machinery reflects that Wallace became lazy under the convenience provided by machines, just like the lazy laziness gradually bred by human in modern society. On the other hand, Wallace later snub agao laid the groundwork.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, wan brothers opened the prelude of Chinese animation. Through the unremitting efforts of several generations of animators, Chinese animation has made many remarkable achievements and produced many high-quality works. Tracing back to earlier animations in China, such as the 1955 film the proud general directed by tway, the short film quotes facial makeup symbols from Peking Opera, such as the painted face of a general and the white face of a eater. The paper-cut created by wan gutoad created a new form of stop-motion animation, and the combination of shadow puppetry and folk paper-cut in "fishing boy" and "jigong fighting cricket" gave a good play to the form accumulation of national culture. "Magic brush", "midnight chicken crow" and other films have absorbed the essence of the Soviet union and Czech puppet films, and have also made good use of Chinese cultural symbols. Tadpole finds his mother and the shepherd's flute successfully apply Chinese ink symbols and push Chinese humanistic spirit to the world stage. These successful animations are a model of symbolic creation, integrating realistic and surreal symbols. In the rapid development of animation in today's world, Chinese animation is in trouble, and many domestic animations blindly learn foreign animation without getting the point. The Wallace and gromit series can give us some inspiration.

The Wallace and gromit series presents our world with a gentle and unsentimental perspective, and USES ordinary symbols to express admiration for life. The director skillfully used the symbolic meaning of the British cultural symbols and paid attention to the extension of the connotation of the symbols, which enabled the audience to touch the tranquil happiness of life from the simple laughing dialogue and see the beautiful pious yearning in the tiny life clips. On the contrary, the Chinese animation lotus lantern selects classical story themes and imitates the production mode of the lion king, trying to render the value theme of growth and self-salvation. However, it ignores the excavation of the connotation of Chinese cultural symbols, making the film like a Disney animation in a cheap tang suit. The simple binary opposition between the brave aloes and the evil villain Erlang shen makes the characters flat and weak. Agalloch eaglewood and the little monkey are just the relationship between the hero and the pet, rather than Wallace and agao, who have inherent spiritual compatibility.

Black tea, cheese and other symbols in the Wallace and gromit series from the outside to the inside, seems to be handy but just right. It not only shapes the plump animation image, but also promotes the story development extremely well. Under the surface of the harmony between traditional culture and modern life, it is a reflection metaphor of friendship, ideal, responsibility and life. The success of animation is a model of the perfect integration of traditional values and modern appreciation habits. Domestic animation "kuiba" also tries to achieve the integration of tradition and modern, but deliberately imitate the Japanese animation traces obviously, the improper use of Chinese traditional cultural symbols makes the film neither fish nor fish. In the Japanese story background structure, the design of characters, scenes, props and many other details also a lot of imitation of Japanese animation. The protagonist, manji, has big eyes in the style of Japanese animation, and practices kung fu, similar to Chinese martial arts, in miyazaki's characteristic villages.

Wallace's machinery is always silly, let the audience can not help but laugh, but laughter people can not help but calm thinking. There is reason in humor, and there is wisdom in a light tone. Parker's real intentions. Similar to the Wallace and gromit series, the success of kung fu panda is based on superb production standards, but also on its deep interpretation of eastern culture and rendering of Chinese humanistic spirit. From "Epiphany" to "zen", dreamworks' well-planned moves have made Chinese animation "moebius" lose ground to the latter, who blindly pursues gorgeous visual effects and ignores the real emotional accumulation and humanistic feelings.

Animation has its own unique symbol system, including visual image, color, auditory aspects of music and so on. Symbols are interrelated and aggregated in the film, thus forming artistic works of expressiveness. The skillful application of the symbol system contributes to the artistic essence of animation. Wallace and gromit series has a simple style, familiar symbols and humanistic reflection and philosophy. Wallace is full of British traditional cultural symbols and full of vitality, agao contains the feelings of partners and mechanical symbols brought by the profound thinking also makes the film more tension. In view of the plight of Chinese animation, Wallace and gromit series animation is an enlightening case worthy of in-depth interpretation by semiotics. The use of symbols and the way of animation image building are of great benefit to the creation of Chinese animation. Semiotics is of great significance for understanding the characteristics of animation art and grasping the creation rules of animation art. Also opens a new level for the current animation theory research.

