私達の業界でFGPといえば fundic gland polyp 胃底腺ポリープです。見出しの写真もFGPですが、これは我らが胃粘膜を通過して、膵臓の腫瘍からFNAで得られた組織で、FGP;foamy gland pattern の像を示しているそうです。Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomaを示唆しています(Am J Surg Pathol. 2000 Apr;24(4):493-504. PMID: 10757396) 。
In our small world, the term FGP refers to gastric "fundic gland polyp". The picture in the headline is also an FGP but is specimen from a tumor in the pancreas, obtained by FNA passing through the gastric wall. We can see FGP "foamy gland pattern", suggesting pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (Am J Surg. Pathol. 2000 Apr;24(4):493-504. PMID: 10757396).

Sorry for the out-of-the-gate (synonyms: out of specialty, out of field) article, but the abbreviation FGP sympathized me.

信楽の狸が静岡出張中です(2021.06.20, 神尾駅)。
The Shigaraki raccoon dog is on a business trip to Shizuoka (2021.06.20, Kamio Station).
In our small world, the term FGP refers to gastric "fundic gland polyp". The picture in the headline is also an FGP but is specimen from a tumor in the pancreas, obtained by FNA passing through the gastric wall. We can see FGP "foamy gland pattern", suggesting pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (Am J Surg. Pathol. 2000 Apr;24(4):493-504. PMID: 10757396).

Sorry for the out-of-the-gate (synonyms: out of specialty, out of field) article, but the abbreviation FGP sympathized me.

信楽の狸が静岡出張中です(2021.06.20, 神尾駅)。
The Shigaraki raccoon dog is on a business trip to Shizuoka (2021.06.20, Kamio Station).