ヘリコバクター菌属のうち胃に感染しうるH. pylori以外の菌 non-Helicobacter pylori Helicobacter (gastric NHPH)に対する総称としてH. heilmannii sensu lato (広義のハイルマニイ菌)がよく使われています。1984年にH. pyloriが発見され,1987年にはHeilmannらがヒト胃に感染するH. pyloriとはいえない螺旋菌を報告しました。当時のHeilmannらの論文は独文でしたが,1991年にGut誌に発表した英文論文が世界中に知れ渡りました。この論文の責任著者が私の留学中の恩師で,彼から「ハイルマニイ菌はFusilliというショートパスタ(下の写真)に似ているよ」と教わりました。
I found many Heilmanii bacteria, so I took a picture.
H. heilmannii sensu lato (broadly defined Heilmannii bacterium) is often used as a generic term for non-Helicobacter pylori Helicobacter (gastric NHPH). H. pylori was discovered in 1984, and then Heilmann et al. reported a non-H. pylori spiral bacterium that infects the human stomach in 1987. The paper by Heilmann et al. was written in German at that time, but the English paper published in Gut in 1991 became known all over the world. The corresponding author of this paper was my Chef in Germany (Franz Borchard), who taught me that "H. heilmanii looks like Fusilli a kind of short pasta (shown below)."
The histological characteristics of H heilmanii are;
longer and larger than H. pylori.
forming thicker coil of 4 to 8 laps.
difficult to attach to the surface of foveolar cells.
invading into the secretory tubules of parietal cells (seen by EM)
Macroscopic appearance of Fusilli. Click!
陸の王者C622号機。梅小路で静かに余生を過ごしています。今週末は苗穂で弟のC623に会ってきます。Click the photo.
Land King C622, spending his rest quietly in Umekoji, Kyoto. This weekend, I will meet his younger brother C623 at Naebo, Hokkaido.
苗穂でC623に会えました。今にも動き出しそうです。Click the photo.
I met his younger brother C623 at Naebo. He is about to run.
ヘリコバクター菌属のうち胃に感染しうるH. pylori以外の菌 non-Helicobacter pylori Helicobacter (gastric NHPH)に対する総称としてH. heilmannii sensu lato (広義のハイルマニイ菌)がよく使われています。1984年にH. pyloriが発見され,1987年にはHeilmannらがヒト胃に感染するH. pyloriとはいえない螺旋菌を報告しました。当時のHeilmannらの論文は独文でしたが,1991年にGut誌に発表した英文論文が世界中に知れ渡りました。この論文の責任著者が私の留学中の恩師で,彼から「ハイルマニイ菌はFusilliというショートパスタ(下の写真)に似ているよ」と教わりました。
I found many Heilmanii bacteria, so I took a picture.
H. heilmannii sensu lato (broadly defined Heilmannii bacterium) is often used as a generic term for non-Helicobacter pylori Helicobacter (gastric NHPH). H. pylori was discovered in 1984, and then Heilmann et al. reported a non-H. pylori spiral bacterium that infects the human stomach in 1987. The paper by Heilmann et al. was written in German at that time, but the English paper published in Gut in 1991 became known all over the world. The corresponding author of this paper was my Chef in Germany (Franz Borchard), who taught me that "H. heilmanii looks like Fusilli a kind of short pasta (shown below)."
The histological characteristics of H heilmanii are;
longer and larger than H. pylori.
forming thicker coil of 4 to 8 laps.
difficult to attach to the surface of foveolar cells.
invading into the secretory tubules of parietal cells (seen by EM)
Macroscopic appearance of Fusilli. Click!
陸の王者C622号機。梅小路で静かに余生を過ごしています。今週末は苗穂で弟のC623に会ってきます。Click the photo.
Land King C622, spending his rest quietly in Umekoji, Kyoto. This weekend, I will meet his younger brother C623 at Naebo, Hokkaido.
苗穂でC623に会えました。今にも動き出しそうです。Click the photo.
I met his younger brother C623 at Naebo. He is about to run.