Discuss challenges and benefits of vaccination of adults including high risk groups.
Discuss potential implication of vaccination of adults on vaccine supplies in Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMIC).
2 safety issues:– Serious adverse events (SAEs)– Mortality
Reported increased risk of mortality in older women
Mortality: death is the worst SAE
Who completes the death certificate?
Always at least 8 times higher than natural infection -> highly immunogenic
Clinical relevance or impact on protection unclear
One-dose study, especially in LMIC? Looked at all girls receiving 1 dose only. Lower levels than 2 or 3 doses, but still much higher than non-vaccinated girls
From prevalence to incidence, based on average age at sexual debut
A plateau is reached by age 35, regardless of age at sexual debut
Don’t underestimate the impact of a message to pause/delay the use of a valuable vaccine, may have a negative effect on vaccine acceptance in HIC, the language must be much clearer.
Find a small population, preferably on an island, give everybody 1dose, this should have a profound impact on transmission. Assess the potential for elimination.
Given the limited vaccine supply, do not compete, the need for vaccine is in younger cohorts first, especially in LMIC, as that is where the burden is highest
今のところ、 #HPVワクチン を接種することで命が救われるという科学的なデータはありません。むしろ接種を受けた人たちは "さまざまな理由での死亡率が高い" というデータがあるらしく、HPV Prevention and Control Board の昨年11月の会合では問題として取り上げられています。
— 🌸 中谷康一 Koichi Nakatani (@knakatani) September 18, 2020
Conclusion のスライドの6枚目に書いてあるだけです。これを議論したセッションの資料は非公開でしょう。
— 🌸 中谷康一 Koichi Nakatani (@knakatani) September 18, 2020
6枚目に "Understanding the causes of this mortality excess should be a priority" との記載があります。#HPVワクチンhttps://t.co/bobQC8t0ru
— ずかし (@ZukashiT) September 18, 2020
— ずかし (@ZukashiT) September 18, 2020
Mortality: death is the worst SAE
ただ、自慢じゃないですが TOEIC 900点越えの視点でものを言っているので、英語があまり分からない人の考えることが分からないことは自認しています。
— 🌸 中谷康一 Koichi Nakatani (@knakatani) September 18, 2020
— ずかし (@ZukashiT) September 18, 2020
— 🌸 中谷康一 Koichi Nakatani (@knakatani) September 18, 2020
Understanding the causes of this mortality excess should be a priority
— ずかし (@ZukashiT) September 18, 2020
— ずかし (@ZukashiT) September 18, 2020
— ずかし (@ZukashiT) September 18, 2020
— ずかし (@ZukashiT) September 18, 2020
— ずかし (@ZukashiT) September 18, 2020
— ずかし (@ZukashiT) September 18, 2020