失脚する恐れ 英の予測
00:40 🔶中共両会:GDP目標20年ぶりの低水準
02:57 🔶露「フェイクニュース」法を可決 外媒など停止
04:30 🔶イスラエル首相、露ウの仲介役に
05:55 🔶プーチンがクーデターで失脚する恐れ 英の予測

【紀元ヘッドライン】🔶中共両会:GDP目標20年ぶりの低水準🔶露「フェイクニュース」法を可決 外媒など停止🔶イスラエル首相、露ウの仲介役に🔶プーチンがクーデターで失脚する恐れ 英の予測
00:40 🔶中共両会:GDP目標20年ぶりの低水準 02:57 🔶露「フェイクニュース」法を可決 外媒など停止 04:30 🔶...
Former Russian police captain tears
apart his Russian passport and miliraty ID
Dmitriy Polishchuk has been serving
as a police officer in Russia for 15 years.
But after the start of war that Russia wages against Ukraine,
he could not calmly watch the war crimes and murders.
So he has demonstratively torn apart his Russian passport
and military ID
After that he claimed to have joined
the Territorial Defense of Ukraine
in order to protect the people of Ukraine.

Former Russian police captain tears apart his Russian passport and miliraty ID
Dmitriy Polishchuk has been serving as a police officer in Russia for ...