

NATO allies carry-out military drills in armoured tanks in Latvia

2022-03-12 10:33:08 | 日記

NATO allies carry-out military drills

in armoured tanks in Latvia


NATO allied forces carry-out military drills in armoured

tanks in Latvia, as crisis in Ukraine shows

no signs of deescalating.

The Ukraine conflict underscores the importance of NATO

deployments to the eastern flank and the alliance's

military drills, Latvian and Canadian commanders said

on Friday (March 11) as exercises took place

at the Adazi military base.


Tanks and other armoured vehicles with flags of various

NATO member states, participated in target practice and

other exercises, as military airplanes and helicopters

practiced flybys.


Latvia's Chief of Defence Leonids Kalnins said that they were

studying what is happening Ukraine carefully and the tactics

that could be used in the event of a potential attack.


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NATO allies carry-out military drills in armoured tanks in Latvia

NATO allied forces carry-out military drills in armoured tanks in Latv...




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Ukraine invasion - An in-depth look into how to deescalate Putin's war machine

2022-03-12 10:22:22 | 日記

Ukraine invasion - An in-depth look into

how to deescalate Putin's war machine


It’s been just over two weeks since President Putin invaded

Ukraine and the war has seen possibly its most significant

atrocity yet.

A maternity hospital in Mariupol bombed by Russian forces.

As the West condemns this action as a war crime. It comes

after Ukraine's president reiterated his repeated calls for

a no-fly zone over the country.

Roman Abramovich is sanctioned by the government and

the home secretary announces a streamlined visa process

but only for Ukrainians who hold passports.

The Sun talked to Benjamin Loughnane a Bow Group

Migration & Foreign Policy expert about the latest

developments. Report by Valerie Browne


The Sun newspaper brings you the latest breaking news

videos and explainers from the UK and around the world


Ukraine invasion - An in-depth look into how to deescalate Putin's war machine

It’s been just over two weeks since President Putin invaded Ukraine an...




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2022-03-12 10:13:48 | 日記





#ジャベリン #対戦車ミサイル #Javelin #FGM-148F



ジャベリン」 その最新型であるFGM-148Fの運用が

間も無く開始される 最新ジャベリンの基本性能を紹介




#ジャベリン #対戦車ミサイル #Javelin #FGM-148F アメリカ軍がウクライナに支援した歩兵携行式対戦車ミサイル「ジャベリン」...




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🔴 Ukraine War - Combat Footage From Kyiv Area Gives Closer Look At Armament Of Ukrainian AT Squads

2022-03-12 09:39:18 | 日記

🔴 Ukraine War - Combat Footage

From Kyiv Area Gives Closer Look

At Armament Of Ukrainian AT Squads


Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty released a very interesting

video that gives a closer look on the armament of

a Ukrainian anti-tank squad. The scenes were filmed

during a skirmish between Ukrainian and Russian forces in

a undisclosed village in the area of Kyiv.


The footage shows the Ukrainian soldiers advancing towards

the village when a firefight broke out. According to reports

a group of Russian soldiers and tanks entered the village and

the Ukrainian forces were sent in to push them out.


The weapons we saw in this video range from regular RPG-7s

over to Panzerfaust 3s, NLAWs, possible RPV-16 and even

M141 BDMs. Machine guns mostly were PK variants and



For small arms the video shows

a mix of mostly AK variants with ironsights.


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🔴 Ukraine War - Combat Footage From Kyiv Area Gives Closer Look At Armament Of Ukrainian AT Squads

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty released a very interesting video that...




この動画は、The Sunのカメラマンが撮影した映像に



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【Playback】「日焼け止め」と「肌断食」│ 宇津木龍一さん(形成外科医/『シャンプーをやめると、髪が増える』著者)【Talk.3】

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