And I never thought I'd feel this way
And as far as I'm concerned
I'm glad I got the chance to say
That I do believe I love you
And if I should ever go away
Well, then close your eyes and try to feel
The way we do today
And then if you can remember
Keep smiling, keep shining
Knowing you can always count on me, for sure
That's what friends are for
For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for
[Stevie Wonder]
Well, you came and opened me
And now there's so much more I see
And so by the way I thank you
[Elton John]
Whoa, and then for the times when we're apart
Well, then close your eyes and know
These words are coming from my heart
And then if you can remember, oh
[Stevie Wonder]
Keep smiling, keep shining
Knowing you can always count on me, for sure
That's what friends are for
In good times, in bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
Oh, that's what friends are for
[Gladys Knight]
Keep smiling, keep shining
Knowing you can always count on me, for sure
That's what friends are for
For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for
[Elton John]
Keep smilin', keep shining
Knowing you can always count on me, oh, for sure
'Cause I tell you that's what friends are for
For good times and for bad times
[All 4 singers]
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for (That's what friends are for)
I see trees of green, 緑の木々が見える
red roses too. 赤いバラの花々も
I see them bloom, 咲いているんだ
for me and you. 私と君のために
And I think to myself, そしてひとり思うんだ、
what a wonderful world. なんて素晴らしい世界だと。
I see skies of blue, 私には青い空が見える、
And clouds of white. 白い雲も
The bright blessed day, 輝き祝福された日
The dark sacred night. 暗い神聖な夜。
And I think to myself, そしてひとり思う
What a wonderful world. なんて素晴らしい世界なんだ
The colors of the rainbow, 虹の色は
So pretty in the sky. 空で綺麗に見えるけど
Are also on the faces, 通り過ぎる人々の
Of people going by, 表情にもその美しさがある
I see friends shaking hands.友達同士が握手してるのが見える
Saying, “How do you do?" 「ごきげんいかが?」って言ってるよ
They’re really saying, 彼らは本当は言ってるんだ
“I love you". 「愛しています」って
I hear babies cry, 赤ちゃんが泣いている
I watch them grow, 彼らは大きくなって
They’ll learn much more, 多くの事を学ぶだろう
Than I’ll ever know. 僕が知り得る事以上に
And I think to myself, そして僕はひとり思う
What a wonderful world. なんて素晴らしい世界なんだ
Yes, I think to myself, そう 僕はひとり思う
What a wonderful world. なんて素晴らしい世界なんだ
Some of you young folks been saying to me.
"Hey Pops, what you mean 'What a wonderful world'?
How about all them wars all over the place?
You call them wonderful?
And how about hunger and pollution?
That ain't so wonderful either."
"Well how about listening to old Pops for a minute.
Seems to me, it aint the world that's so bad
but what we're doin' to it."
And all I'm saying is see what a wonderful world
It would be if only we'd give it a chance.
Love baby, love. That's the secret, yeah.
If lots more of us loved each other
we'd solve lots more problems.
And then this world would be gasser.