BN 976006 is the former X1828. The car was originally received by GN from Barney & Smith on 2/9/1910 as 7122, a diner. It was steel sheathed and received a steel underframe in the 1923-1925 time frame. On 7/3/1926 it was renumbered as GN 1021(2nd), still a diner. On 7/22/1936 it was rebuilt to baggage 455(4th). GN/BN records then indicate that the car was renumbered as X1828(2nd) in 7/1964. They then show that it was renumbered as 455 and then back to X1828 in 9/1964 (this is possibly a clerical error in the records, but it is what they show). They then show it as retired in 5/1970, but then renumbered as BN 976006 in 8/1970, and finally retired in 5/1971.