gngoatにスペリオール湖鉄道博物館のイベント企画が発表されています。9月に行われるもので、メインはSOO Lineのファンの方々です。グレートノーザン鉄道ファンにとって興味深いのは、9月9日(土)に予定されるダルース~トゥハーバー間で運行される混合列車です。GNカラーのNW5(No.192:写真)が牽くボックスカー、カブース等の編成です。
Great Northern Fans,
After much discussion, approval has been given to run a Railfan Weekend out
of Duluth this September as a fundraiser for the Lake Superior Railroad
Museum. As you may know, the weekend after Labor Day this year is the same
weekend as the Soo Line convention in Duluth. This complicated things since
the museum staff is very busy with that group.
Here's what we have lined up, which I think GN fans will find interesting:
Friday, September 8, 2006
In conjunction with the Soo Line group, we will hold a night photo session
in Superior at the Soo Line passenger depot with either Soo GP30 700 or FP7
2500, or possibly both. As you may know, the large neon Soo Line dollar sign
emblem was recently restored on the depot, and of course we will work that
into the shot.
Saturday, September 9, 2006
We will operate a simulated Great Northern "mixed" train from Duluth to Two
Harbors and return. Consist will be NW5 192 in GN colors, a GN wood boxcar,
DM&IR combine W-24 redone with GN lettering, and possibly the museum's GN
caboose. As always, your ticket will include a box lunch and beverages.
Everyone also gets a cab ride too. If you've ridden with us in the past you
know we do several run-bys all properly lighted. Expect to depart at 830 am
and return about 7 pm. We MAY have another engine to also work one direction
if I can work it out, but I can't promise this (yet).
Sunday, September 10, 2006
As has been our tradition, we will pull out several diesels and possibly a
steam engine or two for photography at the depot during the morning hours.
The Soo Line group will also use the FP7 to run up to Marbles, close to Two
Harbors. The only problem with this is they plan to use one of the two
bi-level commuter coaches in the consist! There are a couple of places where
you can cut out the cars, such as at Tischer Creek in Duluth's east end, so
you may want to shoot this train, which I believe will leave around 9 am.
We will finish up around noon, but if some of you from out of town want to
get a "steam fix" Milwaukee 261 will be running out of Wayzata, MN on
September 10, so you could always cut and run to go and see it if you wish.
The cost of this year's event will be $125, a little less than in year's
past. The "catch" here is we need 30 people to attend to make this event
happen. I will hold your checks until we get enough people, if we don't get
enough attendees then the event will be cancelled and I will return your
check. I'd like to make the final "go/no go" decision by mid-August so
people will have time to purchase air fares and such.
Feel free to e-mail me if you think you are coming, but the only way to hold
your spot with certainty is to send me a check at the following address:
Steve Glischinski
180 Dennison Avenue
Shoreview, MN 55126
If you have questions you can always e-mail me back at srg180@... or
give me a call at 651-481-9919.
Thanks, and we hope to see you in September!
Steve Glischinski