なお、ホワイトフィッシュに最近できたレストラン「Little Red Caboose」(カブースの形をしているそうです!)には、グレートノーザン鉄道の写真等が飾られているそうですが、オーナーは天然氷関係の写真を5枚持っている上に、当時使われていた器具(ice saw, tongs etc.)も保存されているそうです。
March 03, 1956:
New method of loading ice in the annual harvest from Whitefish Lake under way now at the city beach. A small electric motor on the framework above the trucks powers two friction winches so that the huge blocks of ice, weighing approximately 350 pounds, are drawn up on the truck ready to be slid into place with no further handling. The contract is to supply more than 9,000 tons needed by the Western Fruit Express Company. The method of loading, much quicker and safer than those used in previous years, was devised by the contractors.