k-sun's Blog



2023年08月19日 11時29分52秒 | Weblog


up and running :〔病気などの後で〕元気に動き回って、活発に動いて
It's all yours. :すべて任せましたよ。好きに使っていいからね。
That's not the point. :そういう問題じゃない。
clinch :~に決着[片]を付ける、~を確定する
kale :ケール、緑葉カンラン◆地中海原産のアブラナ科アブラナ属のキャベツの
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Daily Routine

2023年08月19日 10時28分55秒 | Weblog
Push-ups :0 times
Walking :0 minutes
Standing on one foot :0 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
Jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes

I have been able to do without smoking for twelve
years and two hundred and fifty-three days in a row.
I have stopped doing any physical exercise for the
third successive day due to the gout pain and low
back pain.

It is mostly sunny and sometimes cloudy in Nagoya.
Although today's highest temperature is forecast to
be 37 degrees, the current temperature is still about
30 degrees, which has reminded me that Japan is
surely in the season of lingering summer heat or Zansho.
To my great relief, the pain in the big toe and on
the low back is getting milder to the extent that I
can manage to go about my daily life as long as I take
a LOXONIN pill three times a day.
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