k-sun's Blog


Daily Routine

2023年10月31日 09時40分08秒 | Weblog
Push-ups :21 times
Walking :a total of 4 hours 10 minutes
Standing on one foot :0 minutes each
Cigarettes :0
Jogging-on-the-spot :0 minutes
Plunk :1.5 +0.5=2 minutes

I am super-tired from the 4-hour walking I carried out yesterday
and I have no energy to be here any more today.
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2023年10月31日 09時26分27秒 | Weblog
Did you like English classes during your school days?
Tell me why or why not.

Well, actually, I liked English classes.
When I was a junior high and high school student, having a good
command of a foreign language was my dream in those days.
Even though I was not so good at English, studying the language
actually made me feel a little excited.
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