Dear my best and the most respectable friend Johnny,
Thank you very much for your wonderful message.
Our HMAJ has a task to inherit your brilliant accompaniment from your original HMA that you build up in all those years.
It only started now, before learning anything enough yet and, we are never close to your original one, but, we are eager to follow your great principal and grow our HMAJ project up to the better and to the best step by step.
It was my honor and dream-come-true that we could have you as our honorary chairman while I am starting HMAJ. Nothing else can be so honorable as having you here.
Hawaiian music is a miracle, having been produced by Hawaiians, introduced to us Japanese and the whole world before the gods, to impress entire the earth.
As a matter of fact, Hawaii and Japan have bonds of friendship trusting and uniting each other.
In 1881, March, the King Kalakaua arrived by chance in Yokohama Japan on his way around the world. Then, the Japanese welcomed the King, with the Japanese navy orchestra playing this national anthem of Hawaii kingdom 'Hawaii Ponoi'.
It is said that the King was moved to tears then for the surprising reception and for his honor of listing to the song, in a foreign country, which was written by the King himself.
So I thought up of welcoming you by the anthem with our respects and hospitality for you coming all the way from Hawaii.
You impressed me Johnny, when I saw you singing Hawaii Ponoi in the most majestic way, I moved to tears.
What a beautiful scene it was!!
As being the president of HMAJ, I do respect you as the best from the bottom of my heart and appreciate you the most, and also, wish the best luck on your new project such as Brown Bags To Stardom and Hula Girl Festival.