な中、今年初の"The POWERPUFF TWICE"な今回は、"Feel Special"をチョイス(爆&汗&笑)!!!??
...って神曲(MV)過ぎですよね、"Feel Special"...(爆&悦&笑)。
な中で発表された"Feel Special"の楽曲を聴いて、MVの演出を観て、"あ、きっとTWICEは大丈夫だ..."って、めちゃ安堵したんだと思います。
ので今回のタイトル、"the POWERPUFF TWICE ~Feel Special~ Dramatic Ver."な訳です(爆&笑)。
"the POWERPUFF TWICE ~Feel Special~ Dramatic Ver."っ!!!!!
【Episode1 ~Endless beautiful girls~】
☆POWERPUFF TWICE "Feel Special" CHAEYOUNG ~Sleeping beauty~
White, bright and narrow room.
I have repeated cold sleep in this room for hundreds of years.
I forgot the purpose of cold sleep.
But I understood that only I was in the world.
Because of the super weapon war that happened earlier.
And awakening again.
The atmosphere of the room is different from usual.
The outer wall system stopped with a gentle alert sound, and several cavities began to form.
Outside is a dark forest that is dark and dark.
However, there was a beautiful girl standing there.
It was.
The reason why I continued cold sleep was for this encounter!!!

☆POWERPUFF TWICE "Feel Special" MINA ~Crawling beauty~
Black and dark deep forest.
I wander in this forest for several hundred years.
I forgot the purpose of walking.
But I understood that only I was in the world.
Because of the magic war that happened earlier.
And I wander today.
The atmosphere of the forest is different from usual.
Then the darkness collapsed with a gentle tone and many cavities began to form.
Inside is a white, bright and narrow space.
However, there was a majestic girl there.
It was.
The reason why I continued wandering in the forest was for this encounter!!!

【Epilogue1 ~Sleeping beauty × Crawling beauty~】

【Episode2 ~Two lonely girls~】
☆POWERPUFF TWICE "Feel Special" TZUYU ~Lonely doll princess~
The child was crying every day.
Because I lost my important parents.
I could only listen to her story.
I'm a "doll" ...
One day she made a fine house for me.
She smiled and told me about her everyday.
However, a lonely profile that sometimes shows.
It looks like she has no friends other than me.
I regret not doing anything.
The feelings for you are so full.
I am a doll.
I wish I could become her true power ...
One day, a miracle happened.
I smiled at her looking into me with a surprised face.
And I walked away.
"Momo" !! I'm alive !!!

☆POWERPUFF TWICE "Feel Special" MOMO ~Lonely millionaire girl~
The people around me saw only "my property", not me.
Because I inherit the enormous legacy of my parents.
The only person I talk to is “Tzuyu”, a doll that has been with me since childhood.
I used some of heritage to make some great dollhouses for her.
There is also a fine collection room that houses the dollhouse.
Adults accuse me of spending a lot of money, but I don't care.
For my important best friend.
"Tzuyu", I wish you would become my real friend, not a doll ...
One day, I knew a surprising fact at the dollhouse.
A small figure that smiles at me.
"Tzuyu"!!? Are you alive!!!??

【Epilogue2 ~Lonely millionaire girl × Lonely doll princess~】

【Episode3 ~Strong heart and weak heart~】
☆POWERPUFF TWICE "Feel Special" JEONGYEON ~Lonely maiden~
I am a lonely being
Since when was it?
From a long time ago, I was alone in this world.
But I have lived in my own right.
But I used to have a weak heart that fears loneliness.
I hated that weak heart.
One day, I drove the weak heart out of me with the whole spirit.
Since then, I have been more firmly and noble in this world.
However, I'm worried about the weak mind that was kicked out.
Where is she doing now? ...
At that time, I felt like I heard a voice from somewhere.
"To noble me. I'm fine. You look fine too."

【Epilogue3 ~Weak maiden × Lonely maiden~】
☆POWERPUFF TWICE "Feel Special" JEONGYEON ~Weak maiden~
I was lonely.
Since when was it?
From a long time ago I was alone in the world.
I came alive alone scared.
But most of me was dominated by strong will not fear loneliness.
I was depressed by its strong will.
One day I was driven out of the world with a strong will.
Since then, I have been living with many friends in a busy world where many people come and go.
But I am worried about the strong will that kicked me out.
Is she still alone?
At that time, I felt like I heard a voice from somewhere.
"To me who was weak. I'm fine. You look fine too."

【Episode4 ~Important emotions~】
☆POWERPUFF TWICE "Feel Special" SANA ~Sadness girl in the rain~
Oh, why did you quarrel with you?
I mean, why did you quarrel ????
I'm just feeling sad.
I'm just getting depressed.
Surely you are carefree enough to be amazed.
However, it seems like it ’s not good without you.
I can't move anymore.
I want to meet you again.
In front of my thoughts, her figure standing with an umbrella !?
......Was good.
"joy" spreads in me.

☆POWERPUFF TWICE "Feel Special" DAHYUN ~Joyful girl in the rain~
Oh, why did you quarrel with you?
Why did you become a quarrel?
A feeling that I can't say spreads in me.
I can't explain this feeling to me who was thinking about all the fun.
Surely you are a darker person.
However, after all it seems that it is useless if you are not there.
Where did you go?
I want to meet you again.
Her figure sits in the rain in front of my eyes!
...... I understand.
I was "sad" to break up with you.

【Epilogue4 ~Sadness girl & Joyful girl in the rain~】

【Episode5 ~Cyber world~】
☆POWERPUFF TWICE "Feel Special" NAYEON ~Virtual Singer~
My name is "Lim Na-Yeon".
A super diva that hangs around the world.
However, I have no substance.
Because everything is a programmed virtual singer.
Today I'm showing off its performance, accessed by hundreds of millions of people around the world.
But it's just my data.
No one has real access to me.
No one understands me deeply ...
However, a message written directly to my program from somewhere on that day.
"You are not alone. I'm always watching ...".

☆POWERPUFF TWICE "Feel Special" JIHYO ~Internet Monitoring System~
My name is "Park Ji-Hyo".
There is no substance, but it is the name of a system that monitors data on the Internet all over the world.
I have been monitoring for many years since the system was built, but the monitored side is unaware of my presence.
I know the world, but the world never knows me.
One day, I noticed the existence of data encountered all over the world.
"Lim Na-Yeon".
This is virtual singer data that is being accessed extensively from all over the world.
And I found a strange fluctuation in her program.
She seemed to suffer from loneliness.
I had been monitoring for a while, but gradually became sympathetic to the loneliness.
He tried to access her program directly.
Then I received a reply from her.
"Thank you, you're not alone".

【Epilogue5 ~Virtual Singer × Internet Monitoring System~】

今回は、今までの"the POWERPUFF TWICE"とは、かなり雰囲気を変えての掲載と成りました(爆&笑)。
やっぱし、それだけ"Feel Special"が、私にとって特別な楽曲ってコトなのかな...(笑)???
そして今回も、フォトアルバムの"TWICE OVER!!!??"に纏めたので、そちらも宜しくお願いしま〜す♪

そして、"ジョンヨン"のドラマチック・シーンの一コマ目に、何気にメンバー全員が描かれてるんですが、いうても普通に"POWERPUFF TWICE"を描く力量で9人描いてるので(爆&笑)、しかも、その割には全身が見えてなかったりなので(汗&笑)、折角だから、1枚に纏めて載せときます(笑)。

そして歴代の"POWERPUFF TWICE"の中でも、筆頭に時間が掛かりました、描き終わるまで...(爆&汗&笑)。
で今回も、フォトアルバムの"the POWERPUFF TWICE"にも"DramaticVer."の14点を纏めたので、そちらも宜しくお願いしま〜す♪
そして以下は、過去過去に掲載した歴代の"the POWERPUFF TWICE"へのリンク集です(笑)。
☆OOH-AHH하게 〜Student Ver.〜
☆OOH-AHH하게 〜Fighter Ver.〜
☆CHEER UP 〜wild fancy Ver.〜
☆TT 〜Costume Ver.〜
☆KNOCK KNOCK 〜PJ's Party Ver.〜
☆SIGNAL 〜Season High School Ver.〜
☆SIGNAL 〜Esper Ver.〜
☆Heart Shaker
☆HeartShaker ~W/B~
☆Merry & Happy 〜Eve at the Christmas Party〜
☆What is Love? 〜entered the movies Ver.〜
☆Dance The Night Away_Enjoy♪Ver.
☆The Best Thing I Ever Did(올해 제일 잘한 일)
☆Feel Special ~Dramatic Ver.~
☆ACUVUE define
☆#Dreamday ~Everyone's dream~
☆TT Japanese Ver.
☆Candy Pop 〜Love Live! Ver.〜
☆BDZ ~Scenario Ver.~
☆Happy Happy RadicasseVer.
☆Breakthrough RadiCasseVer.
☆Breakthrough PalaceVer.
な中、今年初の"The POWERPUFF TWICE"な今回は、"Feel Special"をチョイス(爆&汗&笑)!!!??
...って神曲(MV)過ぎですよね、"Feel Special"...(爆&悦&笑)。
な中で発表された"Feel Special"の楽曲を聴いて、MVの演出を観て、"あ、きっとTWICEは大丈夫だ..."って、めちゃ安堵したんだと思います。
ので今回のタイトル、"the POWERPUFF TWICE ~Feel Special~ Dramatic Ver."な訳です(爆&笑)。
"the POWERPUFF TWICE ~Feel Special~ Dramatic Ver."っ!!!!!
【Episode1 ~Endless beautiful girls~】
☆POWERPUFF TWICE "Feel Special" CHAEYOUNG ~Sleeping beauty~
White, bright and narrow room.
I have repeated cold sleep in this room for hundreds of years.
I forgot the purpose of cold sleep.
But I understood that only I was in the world.
Because of the super weapon war that happened earlier.
And awakening again.
The atmosphere of the room is different from usual.
The outer wall system stopped with a gentle alert sound, and several cavities began to form.
Outside is a dark forest that is dark and dark.
However, there was a beautiful girl standing there.
It was.
The reason why I continued cold sleep was for this encounter!!!

☆POWERPUFF TWICE "Feel Special" MINA ~Crawling beauty~
Black and dark deep forest.
I wander in this forest for several hundred years.
I forgot the purpose of walking.
But I understood that only I was in the world.
Because of the magic war that happened earlier.
And I wander today.
The atmosphere of the forest is different from usual.
Then the darkness collapsed with a gentle tone and many cavities began to form.
Inside is a white, bright and narrow space.
However, there was a majestic girl there.
It was.
The reason why I continued wandering in the forest was for this encounter!!!

【Epilogue1 ~Sleeping beauty × Crawling beauty~】

【Episode2 ~Two lonely girls~】
☆POWERPUFF TWICE "Feel Special" TZUYU ~Lonely doll princess~
The child was crying every day.
Because I lost my important parents.
I could only listen to her story.
I'm a "doll" ...
One day she made a fine house for me.
She smiled and told me about her everyday.
However, a lonely profile that sometimes shows.
It looks like she has no friends other than me.
I regret not doing anything.
The feelings for you are so full.
I am a doll.
I wish I could become her true power ...
One day, a miracle happened.
I smiled at her looking into me with a surprised face.
And I walked away.
"Momo" !! I'm alive !!!

☆POWERPUFF TWICE "Feel Special" MOMO ~Lonely millionaire girl~
The people around me saw only "my property", not me.
Because I inherit the enormous legacy of my parents.
The only person I talk to is “Tzuyu”, a doll that has been with me since childhood.
I used some of heritage to make some great dollhouses for her.
There is also a fine collection room that houses the dollhouse.
Adults accuse me of spending a lot of money, but I don't care.
For my important best friend.
"Tzuyu", I wish you would become my real friend, not a doll ...
One day, I knew a surprising fact at the dollhouse.
A small figure that smiles at me.
"Tzuyu"!!? Are you alive!!!??

【Epilogue2 ~Lonely millionaire girl × Lonely doll princess~】

【Episode3 ~Strong heart and weak heart~】
☆POWERPUFF TWICE "Feel Special" JEONGYEON ~Lonely maiden~
I am a lonely being
Since when was it?
From a long time ago, I was alone in this world.
But I have lived in my own right.
But I used to have a weak heart that fears loneliness.
I hated that weak heart.
One day, I drove the weak heart out of me with the whole spirit.
Since then, I have been more firmly and noble in this world.
However, I'm worried about the weak mind that was kicked out.
Where is she doing now? ...
At that time, I felt like I heard a voice from somewhere.
"To noble me. I'm fine. You look fine too."

【Epilogue3 ~Weak maiden × Lonely maiden~】
☆POWERPUFF TWICE "Feel Special" JEONGYEON ~Weak maiden~
I was lonely.
Since when was it?
From a long time ago I was alone in the world.
I came alive alone scared.
But most of me was dominated by strong will not fear loneliness.
I was depressed by its strong will.
One day I was driven out of the world with a strong will.
Since then, I have been living with many friends in a busy world where many people come and go.
But I am worried about the strong will that kicked me out.
Is she still alone?
At that time, I felt like I heard a voice from somewhere.
"To me who was weak. I'm fine. You look fine too."

【Episode4 ~Important emotions~】
☆POWERPUFF TWICE "Feel Special" SANA ~Sadness girl in the rain~
Oh, why did you quarrel with you?
I mean, why did you quarrel ????
I'm just feeling sad.
I'm just getting depressed.
Surely you are carefree enough to be amazed.
However, it seems like it ’s not good without you.
I can't move anymore.
I want to meet you again.
In front of my thoughts, her figure standing with an umbrella !?
......Was good.
"joy" spreads in me.

☆POWERPUFF TWICE "Feel Special" DAHYUN ~Joyful girl in the rain~
Oh, why did you quarrel with you?
Why did you become a quarrel?
A feeling that I can't say spreads in me.
I can't explain this feeling to me who was thinking about all the fun.
Surely you are a darker person.
However, after all it seems that it is useless if you are not there.
Where did you go?
I want to meet you again.
Her figure sits in the rain in front of my eyes!
...... I understand.
I was "sad" to break up with you.

【Epilogue4 ~Sadness girl & Joyful girl in the rain~】

【Episode5 ~Cyber world~】
☆POWERPUFF TWICE "Feel Special" NAYEON ~Virtual Singer~
My name is "Lim Na-Yeon".
A super diva that hangs around the world.
However, I have no substance.
Because everything is a programmed virtual singer.
Today I'm showing off its performance, accessed by hundreds of millions of people around the world.
But it's just my data.
No one has real access to me.
No one understands me deeply ...
However, a message written directly to my program from somewhere on that day.
"You are not alone. I'm always watching ...".

☆POWERPUFF TWICE "Feel Special" JIHYO ~Internet Monitoring System~
My name is "Park Ji-Hyo".
There is no substance, but it is the name of a system that monitors data on the Internet all over the world.
I have been monitoring for many years since the system was built, but the monitored side is unaware of my presence.
I know the world, but the world never knows me.
One day, I noticed the existence of data encountered all over the world.
"Lim Na-Yeon".
This is virtual singer data that is being accessed extensively from all over the world.
And I found a strange fluctuation in her program.
She seemed to suffer from loneliness.
I had been monitoring for a while, but gradually became sympathetic to the loneliness.
He tried to access her program directly.
Then I received a reply from her.
"Thank you, you're not alone".

【Epilogue5 ~Virtual Singer × Internet Monitoring System~】

今回は、今までの"the POWERPUFF TWICE"とは、かなり雰囲気を変えての掲載と成りました(爆&笑)。
やっぱし、それだけ"Feel Special"が、私にとって特別な楽曲ってコトなのかな...(笑)???
そして今回も、フォトアルバムの"TWICE OVER!!!??"に纏めたので、そちらも宜しくお願いしま〜す♪

そして、"ジョンヨン"のドラマチック・シーンの一コマ目に、何気にメンバー全員が描かれてるんですが、いうても普通に"POWERPUFF TWICE"を描く力量で9人描いてるので(爆&笑)、しかも、その割には全身が見えてなかったりなので(汗&笑)、折角だから、1枚に纏めて載せときます(笑)。

そして歴代の"POWERPUFF TWICE"の中でも、筆頭に時間が掛かりました、描き終わるまで...(爆&汗&笑)。
で今回も、フォトアルバムの"the POWERPUFF TWICE"にも"DramaticVer."の14点を纏めたので、そちらも宜しくお願いしま〜す♪
そして以下は、過去過去に掲載した歴代の"the POWERPUFF TWICE"へのリンク集です(笑)。
☆OOH-AHH하게 〜Student Ver.〜
☆OOH-AHH하게 〜Fighter Ver.〜
☆CHEER UP 〜wild fancy Ver.〜
☆TT 〜Costume Ver.〜
☆KNOCK KNOCK 〜PJ's Party Ver.〜
☆SIGNAL 〜Season High School Ver.〜
☆SIGNAL 〜Esper Ver.〜
☆Heart Shaker
☆HeartShaker ~W/B~
☆Merry & Happy 〜Eve at the Christmas Party〜
☆What is Love? 〜entered the movies Ver.〜
☆Dance The Night Away_Enjoy♪Ver.
☆The Best Thing I Ever Did(올해 제일 잘한 일)
☆Feel Special ~Dramatic Ver.~
☆ACUVUE define
☆#Dreamday ~Everyone's dream~
☆TT Japanese Ver.
☆Candy Pop 〜Love Live! Ver.〜
☆BDZ ~Scenario Ver.~
☆Happy Happy RadicasseVer.
☆Breakthrough RadiCasseVer.
☆Breakthrough PalaceVer.