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キーボード配列QWERTYの謎 その仮説は本当に正しいか 猫式トロンキーボード TRON風キーボード はじめてみようμTRONキーボード


いまどこ ―冒頭表示2

キーボードの2段めと3段目はなぜ互い違いになっていないの - 教えて!goo: に答えてってな形で部分統合しようかナとも思う。 ​http://blog.goo.ne.jp/raycy/e/c11db5b33d4a1d67900e568ab0dc6273ではちょっとスレ違うと思う。
http://www6.atpages.jp/~raycy/Q/ を  http://www6.atpages.jp/raycy/blog2btron/door やらの作業経過を取り入れつつ、ふくらませるようなかんじで、、

Simulating a skilled typist

2008-07-15 22:31:17 | LinkRecords
Simulating a skilled typist: A studyof skilled cognitive-motor performance
安藤 明伸1)、川野 常夫2)、田村 博3)、長谷川聡4) 、宮尾 克5)

 英文タイピストについての過去の報告[12]では、有意味文字列と無意味文字列の入力速度は有意に違っており、文字入力は単語単位で認識されて入力されるというRumelhart & Normanのメンタルモデル[13]が受け入れられてきた。しかし、このモデルは一人の職業タイピストの動作解析から導かれたものであり、現時点では再検討が必要であろう。少なくとも日韓ケータイ・手書き文字入力には適用できないことが明らかになった。日韓文字入力では、文字列を読むのではなく、一文字ずつ見て入力していると理解される。このことは文字入力のメンタルモデルを考える上で大切な違いである。

[12] Shaffer, L.H. (1973) Latency mechanisms in transcription, In S. Kornblum (ed.) Attention and performance, IV, New York: Academic Press
[13] Rumelhart, D. E. & Norman, D. A.(1982)Simulating a skilled typist: A study of skilled cognitive motor performance, Cognitive Science, vol. 6, pp. 1-36.

Rumelhart Norman typist
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Keyboard layout doesn\'t matter much. VS―Matter

2008-07-15 21:08:06 | LinkRecords

Keyboard layout doesn't matter much.
Why Alphabetic Keyboards Are Not Easy to Use: Keyboard Layout Doesn't Much Matter

Rumelhart, D. E., & Norman, D. A. Simulating a skilled typist: A study
of skilled cognitive-motor performance
. Cognitive Science, 1982,
5, in press.

Alphabetically Biased Virtual Keyboards Are Easier to Use
– Layout Does Matter

Metropolis Keyboard

山田尚勇はノーマンに不言及だなあ、なぜ? 山田尚勇 ノーマン OR norman

[ ]Okadome, T., et al, 1986, A pipeline model of information processing during typing task. Invited paper, ICCC86, Beijing, China, October.
[ ]岡留剛小野芳彦,山田尚勇,1986,タイプ作業認知モデルの脳科学的知見, 情報処理学会第33回後期全国大会論文集, 2K-8, pp.1797-1798.
[ ]岡留剛,小野芳彦,山田尚勇,1986,タイプ入力作業の構成要素間に起こる干渉,情報処理学会論文誌,27(3):304-311, 3月.
[ ]Okadome,T.,and H.Yamada, 1990, A comparative study of input methods for Japanese text typing,
Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages, 4(4): 275-294.
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2008-07-15 19:49:58 | LinkRecords
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Samuel Francis’ “Literary Piano,”

2008-07-15 19:49:44 | LinkRecords
The Rutherford Journal - The New Zealand Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology:

What makes the QWERTY example so compelling in network economics is that unlike other standards (such as the railway gauge or mains voltage) there would have been almost no manufacturing cost in supplying an alternative keyboard―it was largely a matter of which letter was attached to which type bar, and it was very easy to modify the production process.

Samuel Francis’ “Literary Piano,”
Beach’s Type-Writing Machine
In both machines the keys were arranged alphabetically.

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“Why Alphabetic Keyboards Are Not Easy to Use: Keyboard Layout Doesn’t Matter Much,”
# Manuel, T.
Molding computer terminals to human needs.
Electronics (June 30, 1982), 97-109.

Inverted "T" configuration of arrow keys is the most usable.

Defunct Keys and Odd Commands Still Bedevil Today's PC User

New York Times article describing PC keyboard layout and its history.

# Nakaseko, M., Grandjean, E., Hunting W. and Gierer, R.
Studies on ergonomically designed alphanumeric keyboards.
Human Factors 27, (1985), 175-187.

# Conrad, R., and Hull, A.
The preferred layout for numeral data entry keysets.
Ergonomics 11, (1968), 165-174.

# Norman, D.A., and Fisher, D.
Why alphabetic keyboards are not easy to use: Keyboard layout doesn't matter much.
Human Factors 24, (1985), 509-515.

# Noyes, J.
The QWERTY Keyboard: A review.
Int. J. Man-Machine Studies 18, 265-281

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セン パレート最適

2008-07-15 19:49:18 | LinkRecords
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