

ビジョンから行動へ From Vision to Action

2024-11-29 16:20:32 | 日記
From Vision to Action

Jackie Pullinger has spent her life working with the poor and destitute, triad gang members, heroin and opium addicts. She has helped thousands to come off drugs through the power of the Holy Spirit. She has seen transformation in numerous lives and has made a huge impact on the city of Hong Kong. Jackie wrote, ‘I have spent over half my life in a dark, foul smelling place because I had a “*vision*” of another city ablaze with light, it was my dream. There was no more crying, no more death or pain. The sick were healed, addicts set free, the hungry filled. There were families for orphans, homes for the homeless, and new dignity for those who lived in shame. I had no idea how to bring this about but with *“visionary zeal”* imagined introducing the Walled City people to the one who could change it all: Jesus.’

Vision is a ‘holy discontent’ – a deep dissatisfaction with what *is,* combined with a clear grasp of what *could* *be.* It is a picture – ‘a mental sight’ – of the future that inspires hope. Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision is a nightmare! But *vision combined with action* can change the world.

箴言 29:10-18 NIV [10] 血に飢えた者は誠実な人を憎み、正しい人を殺そうとする。[11] 愚か者は怒りを爆発させるが、賢者は最後に平穏をもたらす。[12] 支配者が嘘に耳を傾けると、その役人は皆悪人になる。[13] 貧しい者と抑圧者には共通点がある。主は両者の目を見るようにされる。[14] 王が貧しい者を公平に裁くなら、その王座は永遠に堅固になる。[15] むちと叱責は知恵を与える。しかし、躾けられていない子供は母親を辱める。[16] 悪人が栄えると、罪も栄える。しかし、義人は彼らの没落を見る。[17] あなたの子供たちを躾けなさい。そうすれば、彼らはあなたに平和を与え、あなたが望む喜びをもたらすでしょう。 [18] 啓示がなければ、人々は抑制を捨て去ります。しかし、知恵の教えに従う人は幸いです。
Proverbs 29:10-18 NIV [10] The bloodthirsty hate a person of integrity and seek to kill the upright. [11] Fools give full vent to their rage, but the wise bring calm in the end. [12] If a ruler listens to lies, all his officials become wicked. [13] The poor and the oppressor have this in common: The Lord gives sight to the eyes of both. [14] If a king judges the poor with fairness, his throne will be established forever. [15] A rod and a reprimand impart wisdom, but a child left undisciplined disgraces its mother. [16] When the wicked thrive, so does sin, but the righteous will see their downfall. [17] Discipline your children, and they will give you peace; they will bring you the delights you desire. [18] Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint; but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom’s instruction.

The importance of vision

‘Where there is no vision, the people perish’ (v.18, KJV).

The Hebrew word used can be translated as ‘revelation’ (NIV) or ‘vision’ (KJV). It refers to God’s communication to his prophets. Where there is no revelatory vision from God, there is often spiritual and political anarchy – ‘the people cast off restraint’ (v.18).

ビジョンと自制心は両立すべきです。ビジョンを駆り立てる情熱と道徳的憤りは、「制御不能な怒り」につながる可能性があります。しかし、著者は「愚か者は怒りを爆発させるが、賢者は自らを制する」と述べています (11 節)。ジャッキー・プリンガーは、マーティン・ルーサー・キング、ウィリアム・ウィルバーフォース、その他多くのリーダーと並んで、ビジョンと自制心の間の緊張をうまく保つリーダーの優れた例です。
Vision and restraint should go together. The passion and moral outrage that drives vision can lead to ‘uncontrolled anger’. But, says the writer, ‘Fools give vent to their anger, but the wise keep themselves under control’ (v.11). Jackie Pullinger, alongside Martin Luther King, William Wilberforce and many others, is a superb example of a leader holding together the tension between vision and restraint.

In the rest of the passage we see the results of both good and bad leadership. ‘When degenerates take charge, crime runs wild’ (v.16, MSG), whereas ‘leadership gains authority and respect when the voiceless poor are treated fairly’ (v.14, MSG).

Lord, please help me to hear your voice. Give me a fresh revelation of who you are today.

ヨハネの手紙一 2:28-29 NIV [28] ですから、愛する子供たちよ、主が現れるときには、主が来られるとき、わたしたちが主の前に確信を持ち、恥じることなくいられるように、主にとどまりなさい。[29] 主が義なる方であることを知っているなら、義を行う者は皆主から生まれたことも知っているでしょう。
1 John 2:28-29 NIV [28] And now, dear children, continue in him, so that when he appears we may be confident and unashamed before him at his coming. [29] If you know that he is righteous, you know that everyone who does what is right has been born of him.

ヨハネの手紙一 3:1-10 NIV [1] 父が私たちにどれほど大きな愛を注いでくださったか、考えてください。私たちは神の子どもと呼ばれています。世が私たちを知らないのは、神を知らなかったからです。[2] 愛する者たちよ。今私たちは神の子どもです。私たちがどうなるかは、まだ明らかにされていません。しかし、キリストが現れるとき、私たちはキリストに似た者となることを知っています。私たちは、キリストのありのままの姿を見るからです。[3] キリストに対してこの希望を抱いている者は皆、キリストがきよいように、自らをきよくしなさい。[4] 罪を犯す者はみな律法を犯します。罪とは不法です。[5] しかし、キリストが現れたのは、私たちの罪を取り除くためであったことを、あなたがたは知っています。キリストには罪がありません。[6] キリストのうちに生きている者は、だれも罪を犯し続けません。罪を犯し続ける者は、だれもキリストを見たことも、知ったこともありません。[7] 愛する者たちよ。だれにも惑わされてはいけません。義を行う者は、キリストが義であるように、義なる者です。 [8] 罪を犯す者は悪魔から出た者です。悪魔は初めから罪を犯してきたからです。神の子が現れたのは、悪魔の働きを滅ぼすためでした。[9] 神から生まれた者は、だれも罪を犯すことはありません。神の種がその人のうちにとどまっているからです。彼らは神から生まれたので、罪を犯すことはできません。[10] だれが神の子で、だれが悪魔の子であるかは、こうして分かります。善を行わない者は神の子ではありません。兄弟姉妹を愛さない者も神の子ではありません。
1 John 3:1-10 NIV [1] See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. [2] Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. [3] All who have this hope in him purify themselves, just as he is pure. [4] Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness. [5] But you know that he appeared so that he might take away our sins. And in him is no sin. [6] No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him. [7] Dear children, do not let anyone lead you astray. The one who does what is right is righteous, just as he is righteous. [8] The one who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work. [9] No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God. [10] This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not God’s child, nor is anyone who does not love their brother and sister.

The power of vision

Jesus had a very clear vision for his life and he combined that vision with action: ‘he appeared so that he might take away our sins’ (3:5).

John goes on to say, ‘The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work’ (v.8). Through his death and resurrection, Jesus has taken away your sins and destroyed the devil’s work.

Do you realise how much God loves you? ‘How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! (v.1).

God had a very clear vision in sending his Son to die for you. He wants to lavish his love on you. His vision for you is that, one day, you will become like Jesus and see Jesus ‘as he is’ (v.2).

God has a vision for your life. You too should have a vision for your life. Your overarching vision should be to become as much like Jesus now as possible (v.3, MSG).

You become like the God you worship. If we think of God as anger, we become more angry, if we think of God as judgmental, we become more judgmental, if we worship a God of love, we become more loving. When we experience God’s love lavished on us, we will love like him.

‘The one who won’t practice righteous ways isn’t from God, nor is the one who won’t love brother or sister. A simple test’ (v.10, MSG). Love and right living are the two indicators that you are a child of God.

Joyce Meyer writes, ‘I used to be a full-time sinner, and once in a while I “accidentally” did something right. But now that I have spent many years developing a deep, personal relationship with God… I still make mistakes, but not nearly as many as I once did, I am not where I need to be, but thank God, I am not where I used to be. I do not do everything right, but I do know that the attitude of my heart is right.’

Your vision should be to stay close to Jesus: ‘stay with Christ. Live deeply in Christ... with no cause for red-faced guilt or lame excuses when he arrives’ (2:28, MSG).

This should be your primary vision for your life. It is possible to focus on specific things that we (usually rightly) believe God has called us to do, and yet neglect this overarching vision for our lives. God is much more concerned about how you live your life than what you achieve. Our individual callings are good and important – but our primary vision for life should always be to draw nearer to Jesus.

Lord, thank you for your amazing vision for me – that one day I will be like Jesus and I will see him as he is.

ダニエル書 8:15-9:19
Daniel 8:15-9:19
ダニエル書 8:15 新共同訳 [15] わたしダニエルは、この幻を見ながら、意味を知りたいと願っていた。その時、見よ、わたしに向かって勇士のような姿が現れた。

The fulfilment of vision

ダニエルは、言葉の両方の意味で「先見の明のある人」でした。彼は神の啓示(「先見」 - ダニエル書 8:15-27 に 7 回登場する言葉)を受け、人生に先見の明のある目標を持っていました。
Daniel was a ‘visionary’ in both senses of the word. He received divine revelation (‘vision’ – a word that appears seven times in Daniel 8:15–27) and had visionary goals for his life.

In the first half of today’s passage, Daniel is given the interpretation of his vision (divine revelation) by the angel Gabriel (v.16, this is the first place in Scripture where an angel is mentioned by name). Gabriel explains to Daniel that the vision he has seen ‘concerns the time of the end’ (v.17). ‘This vision... is accurate... It refers to the far future’ (v.26, MSG).

There is both a historical fulfilment of this vision and a long-term fulfilment. The historical fulfilment is probably to be found in a particularly dark period in Jewish history. Between 175 and 164 BC they were ruled by a foreign king, Antiochus IV Epiphanes. He persecuted the Jews, outlawing the worship of God, desecrating the temple and killing thousands. But the spirit that possessed Antiochus and allowed him to achieve earthly success (vv.23–25) is the same spirit that will inspire the final antichrist in the last days (see 2 Thessalonians 2:3–8; Romans 13:11,14).

ダニエルは「彼は滅ぼされるが、それは人間の力によるものではない」と予言しました(ダニエル書 8:25)。アンティオコスの軍隊はエルサレムに進軍し、8万人のユダヤ人を虐殺し、ゼウス崇拝を強要しました。彼は紀元前164年に原因不明の病で突然、予期せず亡くなりました。この予言は、イエスが再臨し、「口の息で」悪魔を滅ぼすときに最終的に成就します(テサロニケ人への第二の手紙 2:8)。
Daniel prophesied that ‘he will be destroyed, but not by human power’ (Daniel 8:25). Antiochus’ troops marched into Jerusalem and massacred 80,000 Jews and enforced the worship of Zeus. He died suddenly and unexpectedly in 164 BC from an unknown disease. This prophecy will find its final fulfilment when Jesus returns and destroys the devil ‘with the breath of his mouth’ (2 Thessalonians 2:8).

ダニエルは別の意味でも先見の明のある人物でした。彼は「聖書から」理解しました。「私ダニエルは、聖書を黙想していました...神が預言者エレミヤに語った言葉のとおりに」(ダニエル書 9:2、MSG。エレミヤ書 25:11–12、29:10 も参照)、捕囚は 70 年間続く(つまり紀元前 587 年から神殿が再建された紀元前 516 年まで)ことを理解しました。
Daniel was also a visionary in the other sense. He understood ‘from the Scriptures’: ‘I, Daniel, was meditating on the Scriptures... according to the word of God to the prophet Jeremiah’ (Daniel 9:2, MSG; see also Jeremiah 25:11–12; 29:10), that the exile would last seventy years (this is, from 587 BC to the rebuilding of the temple in 516 BC).

神にあなたの人生に具体的なビジョンを与えてもらいたいなら、この聖句から、2 つの重要な鍵があることがわかります。第一に、すべての神のビジョンは「聖書」の理解から生まれ、その理解に基づいている必要があります。第二に、ビジョンの実現は祈りから始まります。ダニエルは祈りの中で主に頼りました (ダニエル書 9:4)。
If you want God to give you a specific vision for your life, we see in this passage that there are two essential keys. First, all godly vision needs to come from, and be earthed in, our understanding ‘from the Scriptures’. Second, fulfilment of vision begins with prayer. Daniel turned to the Lord in prayer (Daniel 9:4).

It was a free-flowing outpouring of his heart to God. He was conscious throughout of God’s greatness and mercy and his own unworthiness. But he was also confident of God’s ability to answer his prayer.

God longs for you to talk to him about what is on your heart. You don’t need to hold back or censor what you talk to him about or try to come across as something you are not. He already knows everything about you; he wants to hear it from you and to talk it through with you. Be yourself with God when you pray – not the way you think you should be.

Daniel confesses that they have sinned in every way imaginable, ignoring God and doing what they please. They are filled with guilt and shame (vv.3–16, MSG).

Yet Daniel knew that God would never give up on those who love him (v.4, MSG) and that ‘compassion is our only hope’ (v.9, MSG).

On that basis, he prayed for his city and his nation (vv.17–19). Daniel’s prayer was answered. You too can cry out to God for your city and nation, and believe that God will answer your prayers and fulfil the vision he gives you.

Lord, give me a vision for my city and my nation: For the sake of your Name have mercy on us, O Lord. Revive us and heal us. Glorify your Name.

ヨハネの手紙一 3:1

Pippa Adds
1 John 3:1
‘How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!’

‘Lavish’ is such an extravagant word.

