

目に見えないものを信頼する Trusting the Unseen

2024-11-21 13:55:11 | 日記
コリント人への第二の手紙 4:16-18 NIV [16] ですから、私たちは落胆しません。たとえ外側は衰えていても、内側は日々新しくされているのです。[17] 私たちの軽い、つかの間の苦難は、それらすべてにまさる永遠の栄光を私たちにもたらすからです。[18] ですから、私たちは見えるものではなく、見えないものに目を留めます。見えるものは一時的であり、見えないものは永遠だからです。
2 Corinthians 4:16-18 NIV [16] Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. [17] For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. [18] So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Trusting the Unseen

経験豊富なパイロットによると、飛行する上で最も困難で危険な状況の 1 つは、霧や雲に完全に囲まれていることです。視覚的な基準点がないため、方向を見失いやすくなります。パイロットは、上昇しているのか、下降しているのか、さらには逆さまに飛んでいるのかさえわからないと報告しています。調査官は、この種の混乱が、1999 年にジョン F. ケネディ ジュニアとその妻を死に至らしめた飛行機墜落の原因であると考えています。ケネディはパイロットとして VFR (有視界飛行方式) の資格しかありませんでした。しかし、飛行機は霧に巻き込まれて墜落し、乗員全員が死亡しました。
Experienced pilots say one of the most difficult and dangerous conditions for flying is being completely surrounded by fog or clouds. With no visual points of reference, it is easy to become disoriented. Pilots report not being able to tell if they are climbing or falling, or even flying upside down. Investigators believe that this kind of confusion was responsible for the plane crash that killed John F. Kennedy, Jr. and his wife in 1999. Kennedy was only rated for VFR—visual flight rules—as a pilot. But the plane was caught in fog and crashed, killing all those on board.

It is very difficult for us to move forward when we cannot see the path clearly. But God calls us to live by faith in what we cannot see. The Bible and church history are filled with examples of people who simply took God at His word, despite not having any tangible indication that what He promised was even possible. No one who has trusted what God said has ever been let down.

We sometimes think that we would trust God more if He showed us part of His plan or if we could figure out for ourselves how things might work out. But God’s plan does not work that way. We have the instruments of the Bible to follow, and when we cannot see anything else and do not know which way to go, we must simply follow His Word.

成長の原則: 神の働きが見えないからといって、神が私たちの生活に積極的に関与していないということではありません。
Growth Principle: Just because we cannot see God at work does not mean that He is not actively involved in our lives.

