Finding College Community
Throughout Scripture, Jesus taught his followers that they were beloved children, part of a family of God. They were not designed to be solely independent but rather part of Christ’s living body (the church).
今日、大学生のほぼ 3 分の 2 が孤独感を感じていると述べています。1 孤独感は、人生のさまざまな時期に誰もが経験する感情ですが、神は私たちがこの感情にとらわれることを意図しておられません。ありがたいことに、大学のコミュニティを見つけるための実用的な方法があります。
Today, nearly two-thirds of college students report feelings of loneliness.1 While loneliness is an emotion we all experience during some seasons of life, God did not intend for us to be stuck in this. Thankfully, there are practical ways to find college community.
What Is Community?
Before we can address how to find college community, we first must answer the question, What is community? The best place we can look for wisdom on community is God’s Word. Here are some truths from Scripture we can use to understand God’s vision for community:
励まし: 「ですから、あなたがたは、すでにしているように、互いに励まし合い、互いに築き上げ合いなさい。」(テサロニケ第一 5:11、NLT) 共同体の一員であることは、励まし合い、命を語り合い、他人の重荷を担うことを伴います。
Encouragement: “So encourage each another and build each other up, just as you are already doing,” (1 Thess. 5:11, NLT). Being in community involves uplifting, speaking life and bearing others’ burdens.
責任:「互いに罪を告白し合い、互いのために祈りなさい。そうすれば癒されるでしょう。」(ヤコブの手紙 5:16、NLT)。共同体の中で、私たちは罪を告白し、他の人に責任を求め、正義の道を歩むべきです。
Accountability: “Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed,” (James 5:16, NLT). In community, we are to confess our sins and seek accountability from others, so that we may walk in righteousness.
もてなし:「何よりもまず、互いに深く愛し合いなさい。愛は多くの罪を覆うからです。不平を言わず、互いに親切に接しなさい」(ペテロ第一 4:8-9、NIV)。私たちは、周りの人々に対して謙虚に深い愛と気遣いを示すよう求められています。
Hospitality: “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling,” (1 Peter 4:8-9, NIV). We are called to humbly demonstrate deep love and care for those around us.
祈り:「二人または三人がわたしの名によって集まるところには、わたしもその中にいるのである」(マタイ伝 18:20、NLT)。ここで神は、私たちが祈りに集まるとき、神が私たちと共にいて力強く働いていることを告げています。
Prayer: “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them,” (Matthew 18;20, NLT). God tells us here that he is with us and moving in power when we come together in prayer.
成長: 「鉄は鉄を研ぐように、人はその友を研ぐ」(箴言 27:17、NIV)。神を中心とした関係は、お互いを研ぎ澄まし、洗練し、成長させるべきです。著者のアデル・カルホーンは、信者がキリストの成長を促す本物の愛情ある方法でつながるとき、それは存在すると述べています。2 コミュニティに参加するということは、人類に対する神の愛を育み、祝福し、明らかにする透明な関係に参加することを意味します。
Growth: “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another,” (Proverbs 27:17, NIV). God-centered relationships should sharpen, refine and grow each other. Author Adele Calhoun says it exists when believers connect in authentic and loving ways that encourage growth in Christ.2 Engaging in community means engaging in transparent relationships that cultivate, celebrate and reveal God’s love for humanity.
Importance of Community
Now that we have answered the question, What is community? we must further understand the importance of community. In addition to encouragement, accountability, hospitality, prayer and growth, being in community can produce evident God-given fruit.
Calhoun 氏はコミュニティが提供するものを次のように提案しています。
Calhoun suggests community offers:
Constant company with Jesus
Prevention from isolation
Elimination of pride and self-absorption
Growth in love and concern for others
A relational rather than a functional definition of identity
Forgiveness and reconciliation
Revelation of God’s love
The importance of community is true for not only college students but for believers of all ages. God greatly values our community because he knows the weight it holds.
Practicing Community in College
When we gather with other believers, we become part of something bigger than ourselves — bigger than our own possessions, beliefs or achievements. As a spiritual practice, we can partake in community in numerous ways. Here are some ways we can engage in college community:
Build authentic relationships that connect you to God and his plan to love and serve others
Exercise your gifts in fellowship (encouragement, service, mercy, etc.)
Demonstrate hospitality (bring your friend a coffee, write someone a kind note, invite others to your dorm to share a meal)
Join a small group
Find an accountability or prayer partner
When finding quality college community begins to feel difficult or lonesome at times, I encourage you to be reminded of the ultimate friend and companion we have in Jesus. While there spiritual practices we can put in place, look to him as your source and trust that he will provide you with all that you need.
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