

人物立花孝志 ぶっ壊れそう

2024年12月16日 | Weblog
With the slogan ‘Destroy NHK,’ he continued to attract attention and remained the center of attention. However, cracks in his persona became visible, and it seemed he was nearing his limits.
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場所沖縄 のどかな島の闇

2024年12月16日 | Weblog

場所沖縄 A region with a high percentage of illegitimate children is Okinawa Prefecture. Nationwide, the proportion of non-marital births is about 2%, but in Okinawa, it is approximately 4%, higher than the national average.

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場所南アフリカ 淀んで行く ダイヤモンドの光と影

2024年12月16日 | Weblog


In South Africa, the diamond mining industry has had detrimental effects on local communities. Mining activities have led to soil contamination, making it difficult for crops to grow. 

Additionally, stagnant water in abandoned mining pits has become breeding grounds for mosquitoes, causing outbreaks of malaria.


Deforestation has a detrimental impact on biodiversity, leading to the loss of many species. By the way spreading false information can be detrimental to public trust and social harmony.

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人物消えたあの人 フワちゃん

2024年12月16日 | Weblog
Fuwa-chan calumniated Yasuko by making a derogatory post on social media, which stated, “You’re not great, so go die” in response to Yasuko’s positive message. She was socially culled from the entertainment world, leaving her feeling isolated. Fuwa-chan is known for her free-spirited character and has been active on television, but she has suspended her entertainment activities due to this scandal.
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京都見聞録 異形の嵯峨野アパート 京都風情

2024年12月16日 | Weblog

Kyoto offers a captivating atmosphere, blending historical charm with cinematic allure. The city has inspired films that explore the intricate and subtle dynamics of human relationships, capturing its mysterious beauty. Life is fleeting—embrace love and the enchanting spirit of Kyoto.

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