


2024年12月20日 | Weblog

Kyoto Tower, completed in 1964, stands as a symbol of Kyoto City, reaching a height of 131 meters, inspired by the Yokohama Marine Tower,” is mostly clear but contains a factual inaccuracy. Kyoto Tower was not inspired by Yokohama Marine Tower; its design was inspired by a candle flame, symbolizing hope and illumination. 

The Yokohama Marine Tower was built in 1961 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the opening of Yokohama Port and was known as Japan's tallest lighthouse at that time, standing at 106 meters. 

人物島崎俊郎68歳没 謎のポリネシア人「アダモステ」サッカーではインターハイ選手京都代表 

When he was a child, his father worked as a master plasterer on the construction of Kyoto Tower. So he was a craftsman-like comedian with an adamant temperament.