The Green or Common pheasant was adopted as the national bird of Japan in 1947. (フェズント) 南浦和駅を出て、すぐ近くの小高い丘に大谷場(おおやば)氷川神社がある。背後の入り口を登っていくと、本殿が見えてくる。そして神社の入り口の方に逆に向かっていくと、狛犬ではなく、雉の像が並んでいる。雉は日本の国鳥であり、雄は華やかであり、勇敢で桃太郎のお供をしているし、雌は地味だが、子育てをし、複数の雛を育てる。異形な神社だが、よく考えたら、このあたりに雉がいて、この丘にも生息していたのだろう。
浦和はウナギの名所らしく、イメージキャラクターは「おむすびまんの娘」?かと連想させられたが、「浦和うなこちゃん」である。Urawa is famous for eel because it developed as a post town along the Nakasendo during the Edo period, serving travelers and tourists. The surrounding marshlands provided an ideal habitat for eels, which were abundant and caught locally. These eels were prepared as kabayaki (grilled eel) and became highly regarded for their flavor, contributing to Urawa’s reputation as a destination for eel dishes.
浦和はウナギの名所らしく、イメージキャラクターは「おむすびまんの娘」?かと連想させられたが、「浦和うなこちゃん」である。Urawa is famous for eel because it developed as a post town along the Nakasendo during the Edo period, serving travelers and tourists. The surrounding marshlands provided an ideal habitat for eels, which were abundant and caught locally. These eels were prepared as kabayaki (grilled eel) and became highly regarded for their flavor, contributing to Urawa’s reputation as a destination for eel dishes.