


2021-10-20 20:32:26 | 心理学


聞いてください、シスター、聞いてください。聖なる男性の呼び声が聞こえませんか?彼のエッセンスはあなたの周りにあります。彼は苦しんでいます、シスター。それはあなただけではありません。家父長制は、彼の善良さと大胆さを、戦う価値のあるものから切り離してしまったのです。あなたと 私たち。精神です。聖なる全体性です。
彼は自分のすべてをあなたに与えたいと思っているのです。彼はあなたに与えたいと切望しています、シスター。目の前で戦斧を振り回しているのに、どうしてそんなことができるの?あなたは聞いてもいないのに ご存知でしたか? あなたのエッセンスのバームが 彼の魂のネクターになることを? あなたの愛情のこもった配慮は彼の心に幾千もの太陽の光をもたらす栄養素なのです あなたの誠実な愛のためなら、彼は自分の命を捧げるでしょう。

He is a lover par excellence. But he understands – balls to bones – that love does not imply pacifism. His love is his honor, his honesty, and his sincerity in an otherwise dishonorable, dishonest, and insincere world.
Militaristic men beware; the time for congratulating yourselves on being conquerors of the world will soon be at an end. Your unsustainable ideals and parochial idols are fast disintegrating all around you. Soon there will be nothing left of your so-called invulnerable constructs of power. It’s time to make way for the healthy New Man, the vulnerable New God, and the truer power of the sacred masculine.”
Redefining the Sacred Masculine

[…] And hear me now. Patriarchy does not equate to Masculinity. What we are fighting is not men, Sisters. Maybe you think you know this. But do you really? If you do, let it be known through your actions. Put down your daggers, put down your spears against the Masculine. For after you have had your righteous rage (and yes, I grant that you must have it), there is work to be done. The rage without ending is not the solution, Sisters. Stop!
Stop brandishing knives around your aura, and keeping at bay the good men you sorely yearn to unite with. Stop callously offering up to a false altar the hearts of the Lovers, Kings, Magicians and Warriors as the wrongful and bloody sacrifices for the historical mistakes of us all.
Patriarchy is a paradigm, my Sisters. A paradigm which both men and women have allowed to be. For far too long, each side of the gender coin has forgotten itself, forgotten its power and its sacredness. The patriarchal paradigm was a co-creation. Misogyny is a co-creation. To deny this is to deny your own power, to cast yourself into a space of victimhood which is getting old, Sisters. So old. We cannot, and will not, be both Goddesses and victims.
We must choose the path of highest and deepest truth.
The war against the Sacred Masculine must come to an end, Sisters. Awaken your powers of listening and compassion which are wise beyond measure. Centuries of patriarchal oppression does not require centuries of penance, Sisters. Feel this. Do you know your essence is an all-encompassing, healing, sacred balm? We cannot be in our fullness until we understand this.
Listen, Sisters, listen. Can’t you hear the Sacred Masculine calling? His essence is all around you. He is in pain, Sisters. You are not the only one. Patriarchy has separated his goodness and his boldness from the one thing worth fighting for. You. Us. Spirit. The Sacred Wholeness.
Get off your narcissistic Goddess high horses and listen. You say you want a Warrior. You say you want a Shiva to your Shakti. Then bring him into you. He is yearning for you, he profoundly aches for you, just as rawly and wildly as you ache for him — with a staggering ardor and devotion that knows no bounds.
He wants nothing more than to give you his everything. Universes he yearns to give to you, Sisters. How can he do that when you wield battleaxes before him? You are not even listening. Did you know that the balm of your essence is the nectar of his soul? That the grace of your loving attention is the nutrient which sparks a thousand sunshines in his heart? He would give his life for your honest love.
Stop wasting time, sisters. Both yours and his. If you cannot organically give the man before you the honor of your fullness, have the heart to turn yourself to the one you can. Even if this means being alone for some time, and waiting in radiant expectation for your One. Do not ask the beautiful man before you to pay penance at your feet for the disempowered mistakes of your grandmothers and grandfathers. Quit that blame game.
The dance between the Divine Masculine and Feminine is not a transaction. There can be no tit for tat. Stop asking your men to fill a bottomless cup.
You are the Great Mother. Can you imagine the contraction you cause when you cast your sons into the role of Sinner? How can he ever reach you when you have damned him to purgatory?
Instead, open, Sisters. Allow the men around you to be worthy. See their radiant worthiness. Many ask, Where are all the good men? Many think men are not evolved enough. You think they can’t handle all of you? That you are too much woman for them? I call bullshit, Sisters. This says more about your blindness than their faults.

女神よ、あなたの高い馬を降りて聞いてください。聖なる男性性が呼んでいるのです。| レベレソサエティ
女神よ、高貴な馬を降りて聞いてください。聖なる男性性が呼んでいる。| レベレソサエティ
女神よ、高貴な馬を降りて聞いてください。聖なる男性性が呼んでいます。| リベル・ソサエティ

男性は力を与えられていますが、満たされてはいないのに、またしても男性を被害者にしています。優先順位というものがあります。第一の優先順位は、家父長制の中で力を失っている人々、つまり女性の搾取と抑圧を終わらせることです。男性は、女性を従属させ、軽視している限り、バランスを取り、内なる女性性を受け入れることはできません。アンドリュー・ビールの言う家父長制とは、5000年以上にわたって支配されてきた社会システムのことです。その定義は以下の通りです。"家父長制の定義は、「一族や家族の中での父親の優位性、妻や子供の法的従属性、男系の世襲や相続の計算によって特徴づけられる社会組織」であり、広義には「男性による不釣り合いに大きな力の支配」である。" 出典は以下の通りです。メリアム・ウェブスター あなたが私をブロックし、要求されてもそのブロックを解除しようとしないのは、あなたが言うところの家父長制に合致した行動です。





😅 それは説明してもらわないと困るな。家父長制理論」とはどういう意味で、どのように論破されたと考えているのでしょうか。


J Or
Fire in the Belly: 男性であることについて」本著:サム・キーン
お腹の中の火。お腹の火:男であることについて by Sam Keen
Fire in the Belly: On Being a Man book by Sam Keen: サム・キーン著「男であることについて

The Sacred Masculine is everywhere, Sisters, longing to be welcomed into your hearth, to be warmly embraced in the intoxicating divinity of your velvet purity. Let go of the excuses. Give him safe harbor. Give him grace. Open your arms. See him. You have nothing to prove, and everything to give.
Underneath it all, beneath the centuries of war, fighting and separation, all he wants is what you want too. The hieros gamos — the divine marriage of opposites. His dissolution into your arms, and you into his. He wants to be the hero in the story, Sisters. He wants to be your White Knight. But he cannot do that while you are blind with rage and fear. Open your eyes.
Grace him with the presence, the love and the affection which will exalt him into that greatness. He will not fail you. He is only inches away from you every second of every day. He is behind you. He is beside you. He has protected you in ways you will never know of or appreciate. He has offered you his life essence. Welcome him into you, Sisters. […]
Goddess, Dismount Your High Horse and Listen: The Sacred Masculine Is Calling. | Rebelle Society
Goddess, Dismount Your High Horse and Listen: The Sacred Masculine Is Calling. | Rebelle Society
Goddess, Dismount Your High Horse and Listen: The Sacred Masculine Is Calling. | Rebelle Society

, Again this makes men the victim when it is men who are empowered, however not fulfilled. There are priorities, the first priority is to end the exploitation and suppression of those who are disempowered in a Patriarchy, i.e., women. Men will never achieve balance and embrace their inner feminine as long as they subjugate and disrespect women. Patriarchy, Andrew Beal, is a social system that has dominated for more than 5000 years. It is defined as follows: "Patriarchy definition is - social organization marked by the supremacy of the father in the clan or family, the legal dependence of wives and children, and the reckoning of descent and inheritance in the male line; broadly: control by men of a disproportionately large share of power." Source: Merriam Webster. The fact that you have blocked me, and, on request refuse to remove that block, is an action consistent with patriarchy as you describe it.

Radical feminism is destroying the masculine rather than upholding sacred male archetypes, which are timeless. Patriarchy theory has been debunked so many times and in so many ways, we need to consider other reasons for systemic oppression.

What's lacking is Intelligent Co-operation. radical feminism is sadly too large a swing in the opposite direction. I choose to honour the male - my son is one and I never wish to denigrate him

i’m a member of a small spiritual group on FB. There’s a lady in the group, intelligent, university degree... seems a decent human being in so many ways. But any man who makes a comment about a female... and this could be entirely positive as there are no female put down in this group... but this fiercely intelligent woman flies into the men and deconstructs almost anything that is said... it does get quite tiresome after a while.
I used to be very supportive of feminism... but over the years, i must admit, that socio-political feminism, seems to lack Soul.

A swing in the opposition direction... where they want all men declawed or feminized in order for them to feel safe.

"Patriarchy theory has been debunked"
😅 You're going to have to explain that one. What you mean when you say "patriarchy theory" and how you think it has been debunked.

Feminism is the result of generations of women having an extended conversation about how gender has been constructed throughout history, and making a new way for the future. Men need to engage in the same process. But not just as a reaction to feminism with a victim mentality. Feminism started the conversation, as men we have an opportunity to undertake our own exploration.

J Or
Fire in the Belly: On Being a Man book by Sam Keen
Fire in the Belly: On Being a Man book by Sam Keen
Fire in the Belly: On Being a Man book by Sam Keen


「最終的には、愛とは、私たちが語るような感傷的なものではありません。単に感情的なものではありません。愛とは、創造的で、すべての人に対する理解ある善意です。それは、いかなる個人をも打ち負かすことを拒否することです。あなたが愛のレベル、その偉大な美しさと力のレベルに到達したとき、あなたは邪悪なシステムを打ち負かそうとするだけです。たまたまそのシステムに巻き込まれた個人は、愛するが、そのシステムを打ち負かそうとする。~マーティン・ルーサー・キング・ジュニア 1957年11月、モンゴメリー

"私たちの誰もが、人類の黒い集団の影の外に立っていない。" ~カール・ユング CW10 297ページ パラ572


人が人間性に戻る道を見つけるもう一つの方法は、自分の罪が集団と共有されていると感じることであり、自分の罪を国家化することであり、そうすれば彼らは国家的なコンプレックスを持つだけである ~カール・ユング、『現代心理学』第1巻、133ページ

"現代の大きな問題は、世界に何が起こっているのかを理解していないことである。私たちは、自分の魂の闇、無意識に直面しています。まるで、個人的なものから元型的なものまで、私たちの影が私たちをつかみ、無意識の中で自らを演じながら、その姿を現しているかのようです。このプロセスは無意識のうちに起こっているので、特に危険です。自分が何をしているかを意識せずに無意識を形にして行動すると、それは常に破壊的なものになります。自分の性格が同じ悪に染まってしまう危険性を揺るぎなく確信していない限り、誰も全国的な悪に対する免疫を持っていません。いつの間にか眠ってしまい、知らず知らずのうちに闇の手先になってしまう可能性を認識することは、自己失調症という悪しき虫の餌食にならないための心理的な免疫を得ることなのです。" ~カール・ジョン-CW10

[you seek only to defeat evil systems. Individuals who happen to be caught up in that system, you love, but you seek to defeat the system]
"In the final analysis, love is not this sentimental something that we talk about. It’s not merely an emotional something. Love is creative, understanding goodwill for all men. It is the refusal to defeat any individual. When you rise to the level of love, of its great beauty and power, you seek only to defeat evil systems. Individuals who happen to be caught up in that system, you love, but you seek to defeat the system." ~Martin Luther King, Jr. Montgomery, Nov. 1957

“None of us stands outside humanity’s black collective shadow.” ~Carl Jung, CW 10, Page 297, Para 572.

“The mistake you make, don't you see, is in thinking one can live in a corrupt society without being corrupt oneself. After all, what do you achieve by refusing to make money? You're trying to behave as though one could stand right outside our economic system. But one can't. One's got to change the system, or one changes nothing. One can't put things right in a hole-and-corner way, if you take my meaning.”
~George Orwell, Keep the Aspidistra Flying

Another way by which people can find their way back to humanity is to feel that their sins are shared with collectivity, to nationalize their sins and then they have only a national complex! ~Carl Jung, Modern Psychology, Vol. 1, Page 133.

“The great problem of our time is that we don’t understand what is happening to the world. We are confronted with the darkness of our soul, the unconscious. It is as if our shadow, both personal and archetypal, has gripped us and is revealing itself to us as it plays itself out through our unconscious. This is particularly dangerous because this process is happening unconsciously. When we act out and give shape and form to our unconscious without being consciously aware of what we are doing, it is always destructive. Nobody is immune to a nationwide evil unless he is unshakably convinced of the danger of his own character being tainted by the same evil. Recognizing our potential, at any moment, to fall asleep and unwittingly become an agent of darkness is to become psychically immunized from falling prey to the malevolent bug of egophrenia." ~Carl Jung- CW 10



2021-10-20 20:31:04 | 心理学








In the present crisis in masculinity we do not need, as some feminists are saying, less masculine power. We need more. But we need more of the mature masculine. We need more Man psychology. We need to develop a sense of calmness about masculine power so we don't have to act out dominating, disempowering behavior toward others.
There is too much slandering and wounding of both the masculine and the feminine in patriarchy, as well as in the feminist reaction against patriarchy. The feminist critique, when it is not wise enough, actually further wounds an already besieged authentic masculinity. It may be that, in truth, there never has been a time yet in human history when mature masculinity (or mature femininity) was really in ascendancy. We can't be sure of that. What we can be sure of is that mature masculinity is not in the ascendant today.
We need to learn to love and be loved by the mature masculine. We need to learn to celebrate authentic masculine power and potency, not only for the sake of our personal well-being as men and for our relationships with others, but also because the crisis in mature masculinity feeds into the global crisis of survival we face as a species. Our dangerous and unstable world urgently needs mature men and mature women if our race is going to go on at all into the future.
Because there is little or no ritual process in our society capable of boosting us from Boy psychology into Man psychology, we each must go on our own (with each other's help and support) to the deep sources of masculine energy potentials that lie within us all. We must find a way of connecting with these sources of empowerment.“
~Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette; King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine
When the #DivineFeminine is again honored, to a greater degree, by the #DivineMasculine, there will be no more guard needed against the #toxicpatriarchy(有毒な家父長制). The #reveredpatriarchy has been so helpful to assist and support the mostly #AbusedWomen, who started the #FeministMovement , to accomplish rediscovering and REestablishing the #MysteriumConionctionis in Western Cultures, as Jung proposed. Namaste 🙏

 It’s a common misconception that all we need to do is wait for the divine feminine to return… but that’s not going to happen until the divine masculine is first healed and returns. That’s the misunderstanding, that just the divine feminine is suppressed. No. It’s BOTH the divine feminine and the divine masculine that is missing from our social world. They’ve both been trampled into the mud by the advancement of Empire. But most people are stuck in their proud political parties that block them from seeing how Empire rolls and how it controls both political parties using them to Divide the indoctrinated masses and keep them fighting brother against sister.
The divine masculine has to return first in order to pave the way for the divine feminine.

Thanks ❤️‍🩹Fortunately for me, I have been privileged and blessed to know many of the #ReveredPatriarchy, with their revered partners.
So, for me, the #MysteriumConiounctionis between the genders is known, as it is humanely possible. See Jung Vol 14.
“THEY” are here among us, if too few and far between, and they co-create together: splendid role models like Emma and Carl Jung, and Joseph Campbell and Jean Erdman, his wife. 🙏
Namaste 🙏

 I have no idea what you're trying to say. Can you explain it another way?

 When there is mutual respect, as well as love, between marital partners, and lived out in aspects of their lives, everyone benefits.
Such couples are excellent role models, as parents, as well as co-creating citizens, out side their home.
The role~modeling of these blessed couples has guided me along my life journey from the time of more gender differentiation, during child-raising, up through my later years as a co-creator of later life creative projects. Hope that is clear… 🙏

That’s better, thank you for communicating in plain English...

You mentioned “mutual respect”… and yes, that’s so important when communicating in relation to one another. And yet as I have explained to you a few times before in discussion where I explained how I am unable to understand you when you write in your hashtag use and your emojies, etc., and yet you continue to do so regardless of my concerns… so how is that any sort of “respect” to continue after I’ve explained that it’s like speaking in a foreign language. If I can’t understand you how can there be respect?
Is it so hard – to just use plain words like everyone else is doing?


[...] MW:昔の話です。両親も忘れているし、祖父母も忘れています。それは文化的な状況です。最悪の形では、ナチス・ドイツで起こったことです。彼らはスーパーマンの種族を作ろうとし、この種の理想に導かれていたのです。その硬直した概念に適合しないものは殺された。私は今、このような理想に縛られて苦しんでいる人たちの夢を聞く立場にありますが、彼らの夢にはナチスの強制収容所が出てきます。彼らはナチスの強制収容所の中で生活している。その夢の中では、兵士が女性を皆殺しにし、女の赤ちゃんはレイプされ、動物や女性は手足を引きちぎられています。本能も歪められているんですね。


[…] MW: Long ago. The parents have forgotten it, and the grandparents have forgotten it. It’s a cultural situation. In its worst form, it’s what happened in Nazi Germany. They sought to create a race of supermen, and they were guided by an ideal of this kind. Anything that did not fit in with that rigid concept was killed. I am now in the position to hear the dreams of people suffering from subjection to this kind of ideal, and their dreams are full of Nazi concentration camps. They are living their lives in a Nazi concentration camp. In these dreams, soldiers are killing all the women, baby girls are being raped, animals and women are having their limbs torn off. You see, the instinct is being distorted as well.
In the feminine side of our being is a much slower, less rational side, a part that moves in a much more spontaneous, natural, and receptive way, a part that accepts life as it is without judgment.
For me, perfection is a patriarchal word that splits everything into contraries: black or white. You are then living in constant conflict, and integration is not possible. Even the language is split, so that I find people who cannot endure words such as masculine and feminine. They go into a rage at the word masculine, or a word like penetration, or words like phallic thrust, because they have been so outraged by what they call “the masculine principle.” I don’t call it the masculine principle; I call it the power principle—that’s what it really is. But certainly, in the patriarchy of the business world and in many homes, what’s operating is power—”You be like I want you to be,” and “I love you so much that I know exactly what you ought to be,” and “You will do it, or I will not accept you. I will reject you.” And so people are living in terror of rejection.
P: It leads to compulsive behavior, and then the fury at the denial of most of themselves is projected back out onto their parents?
MW: Or on to men, or on to the culture. People think of the culture as being violent—they have a great fear of violence, but the violence is inside as well. They are afraid of what would happen if they let that rage out. They feel they would actually destroy other people if they did, so they have to keep it down.
P: Is the root of this situation a mental one? It seems to come from an idea in the mind that compels people to live according to a certain picture of themselves.
MW: It’s an image of what life should be but is not. So it’s worship of an illusion. It simply is not real. You can see that with an anorexic, for example. She has an image of what her body should be, and she treats herself as a Nazi officer would have treated her in a concentration camp. She kills her femininity in order to force herself into a rigid ideal, which is delusion.
P: The taking in of this ideal from the outside is so destructive to the individual—and yet it is taken in and embraced with gusto. Why do we embrace it if it is so self-destructive and causes so much suffering?
MW: If you are raised in a home that is based on the power principle, that’s the only reality you know. You have no other world to judge by. Terrified of being left alone, the only reality you understand is pleasing other people, and you have within yourself no individual standpoint. You don’t even know such a thing exists—that’s the tragedy. And then you treat other people the way you were treated, so you raise your kids the same way. You know it’s all wrong that essentially you are not happy, but you have no other model for reality, so the pattern is repeated.
P: Where did the power principle come from? Is it a distortion of spirit?
MW: Very distorted—and we have to remember that women are trapped in this power principle just as much as men. Matriarchs are very often more authoritarian than men. What I would say is that in the hero-consciousness of the Greeks, the hero was fighting unconsciousness and trying to get a little glimmer of consciousness. For two thousand years there has been an attempt to become more and more conscious, and the hero archetype has ruled—in the Western world, anyway.





P: But you’re not speaking of a very developed, complete form of consciousness, are you?
MW: Absolutely not, because it fell under the sway of an unconscious desire for power. In terms of the evolution of our culture, the worship of goddesses in the prehistoric past gradually shifted to the worship of gods—a movement from lunar to solar consciousness. Now what’s happening is that people are conscious of the power of the mother and the father complexes, and they are saying, “Who am I?” We are moving into an adolescent period, leaving behind the power of those two great archetypes and trying to move into what in an individual life looks like adolescence; and adolescents are pretty confused. They are dependent on the parents, and they don’t want to be. And we are trapped by the complexes. We know what we’re trapped in, and we want to get out. So we keep falling back in, and pulling out. That conflict is going on. It happens in the individual as he or she matures, and I see it in terms of the macrocosm as well.
P: So you see this as a critical point in history.
MW: Absolutely; if we don’t make the critical transition into adulthood, we may very well destroy ourselves. We are adolescents with a hydrogen bomb and without a sense of the love that can use that energy creatively. I would say, however, that the addiction keeps a person in touch with the god—what I mean by this is that as in AA, for example, the first thing you have to admit is that you can’t control your desire for alcohol, and you have to surrender to a higher power. At the very point of the vulnerability is where the surrender takes place—that is where the god enters. The god comes in through the wound. If you’ve ever been an addict, you know that you can always be an addict again, so it’s at that point that the energy, if opened to, becomes available again and again.

MW: It’s an amazing thing, but when one person makes the breakthrough, a movement starts in other people’s unconscious. I think that there is such a thing as a cultural move toward consciousness. Certainly when one person in a room is more conscious, it changes the consciousness of everyone in that room. And in a family, if one person is coming into consciousness, everyone in the household is going to be changed.
Something is happening on a large scale—there are radical changes in male-female relationships, and there is an enormous interest in spirit and matter in the fields of science, psychology, and biology. I think many people are doing a lot of inner work; they are really trying to understand what is going on inside themselves. A lot of people are using dance to try to connect with the body. There is an interest in painting, in creating for yourself, in contacting nature. More and more people are trying to save nature from patriarchal exploitation. I know many people who are keeping journals. Many people are writing down their dreams and reconnecting with their inner self. They are questioning and bringing themselves to consciousness, and no matter how they are doing it, they are contacting that symbolic world. That’s how I see it. And without that, the addicts are right, life isn’t worth living.
Worshipping Illusions: An Interview with Marion Woodman | Parabola Conversations
Worshipping Illusions: An Interview with Marion Woodman | Parabola Conversations
Worshipping Illusions: An Interview with Marion Woodman | Parabola Conversations

“But buried in the rot and decay are the seeds of a new way of being a man in this world, a reawakening of our awareness of the sacred brought on by the reemergence of the divine feminine. No amount of armor can suppress it. No amount of weaponry can keep it at bay. The New Shiva is growing robust and powerful alongside the New Shakti. The world may not be ready for this New Man to emerge, but emerge he must, if we are to continue living on a planet which is demanding that a healthier more sustainable man appear.
He uses this energy to create rather than destroy, to catalyze rather than militarize, to heal instead of injure. He understands, as Andrea Gibson wrote, “We have to create. It is the only thing louder than destruction.” And so he continually creates ever-changing arenas for further creation. For thousands of years mankind has been afraid of the light. Even Plato recognized it in his day, saying, “We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.” No more.
Together with the Sacred feminine, this New God is prepared to engage with the world in a way never before seen. He is Whitman’s multitudes, Goethe’s Faust, Shelly’s Prometheus, Camus’ Sisyphus, and Nietzsche’s Übermensch.



2021-10-20 20:27:31 | 心理学






We are so accustomed to making fun of Fathers or attacking men in general that we've forgotten their value. Taking something for granted allows it to fall into the shadow, where it becomes soulful and tainted with darkness. There are negative things associated with fathers and men, sure. But I'd give almost anything to talk with my father for a few minutes. A good man is good to have around.


スザンヌ・ワグナー 女性と現代女性の問題についてですが、イスラエルにはフェミニズム運動のようなものがありますか?




We are so accustomed to making fun of Fathers or attacking men in general that we've forgotten their value. Taking something for granted allows it to fall into the shadow, where it becomes soulful and tainted with darkness. There are negative things associated with fathers and men, sure. But I'd give almost anything to talk with my father for a few minutes. A good man is good to have around.

 This might sound weird, but I am a Father and I don't always like how people speak about the Patriarchy(家父長制). Father, Pater, Padre, they are all connected in some way. And it is like you wake up in the morning and go on Facebook and there is the cry that goes out all over the land - the Patriarchy is Evil. 
And sometimes it feels like the only thing that some people know how to say is(the patriarchy is evil). And sometimes it feels like it has been said so many times that no-one knows what it means, anymore. Or that it is like an abstract concept or just the current ideological stance. And this might also sound weird, but we probably need Mothers and Fathers. And the feminine can still rise up without attacking father's all day. And archetypally speaking,  there are powerful images of both the Mother and the Father.

It’s a loss of eros problem. Animus possession projection.
Suzanne Wagner: The subject of women and the problems of modern women, is there something of a feminist movement in Israel?
(Kluger gives a deep sigh)
Mrs. Rivkah Kluger: a loss of eros (with the feminists/women’s movement)
I could tell you so many stories out of my analysis practice where women are so destructive, and they think they are “feminine”… its a danger! Its a danger for the structure of life, which carries the meaning, namely the Individuation. A woman would be someone who integrates her animus and vice versa.
...and what is eros? It is a bringing together.
~Sept. 21, 1979 interview.

“Feminism has driven women to their animus, into a compensatory behavior. Imitating men, behaving in brutal, in animus-like ways because they have no self-assurance within their own femininity.
Jung was really struck when he was in Southern India, which is matriarchal in their basic structure.
The women are beautiful, full of dignity going around in their saris. There, it’s a bit too much on the other side.
In every big family, the grandmother sits at the top of the table, and rules the whole thing. There, the women are proud of themselves, and bare themselves beautifully.
And with us, you have to try to be as much as possible a man to be halfway recognized.
The only thing to do is to get the animus out of the way and the rest comes by itself.
Then femininity recovers by itself in a natural way.”
~Marie-Louise von Franz, Remember Jung, 1977

I don't recall ever hearing fathers made fun of. Give an example please. Being critical of the Patriarchy is not criticism of individual men to be taken personally. Men are not the primary victims of this society which is indeed patriarchal, women, children, vulnerable people of all genders, and animals, are those who pay the price. The patriarchal social structure nonetheless is hurtful to men too. If men feel that they are "attacked", and I trust you mean verbally, I expect it is deserved. Men are in position to change the imbalance of power in which they dominate, and most will not.

I find it frustrating when people confuse criticism of the patriarchy with an extreme, ‘feminazi’ sentiment towards men generally.
The patriarchy is where social, economic and political structures and systems are organised to favour men. It is about the unequal treatment of men and women, where women are considered, and treated as, the weaker sex.
In patriarchal societies, outcomes for women are worse across all three metrics (social, economic and political) over the average woman’s lifespan than they are for men. The patriarchal system enabled men to treat women as property, and (for a long time) denied them the right to vote.
If anyone is interested in knowing more, read some women’s studies texts. There is a lot of available information, including on the origins and true nature of feminism (which is not about hating men, but about equality).
If women in corporate scenarios (or other arenas) are viewed as being too masculine and aggressive, that’s usually because those masculine behaviours are rewarded.









Women can afford to be more feminine in matriarchal societies because their inherent value is recognised and respected. Women in these cultures already have power — they don’t have to try to wrench it from powerful men.
As far as ‘feminazi’ extremists go, they are like any off-shoot that uses an existing platform to pursue their own agenda. They are not truly representative of feminism (just as ISIS isn’t truly representative of Islam). Extreme example used for illustrative purposes.
I am a feminist as I believe that men and women are equally valuable and deserve equal rights. I don’t hate men, and I too wish I could have one more day with my beautiful father. He had a profound influence on my beliefs and politics, and I miss him dearly.
The patriarchy, though, is something altogether different and destructive to womanhood.
My father understood that for a society to be truly strong and democratic, it needs to respect, value and empower its women so that they can fully embody their rightful place socially, economically and politically. This is one reason why educating girls is so important. An educated woman can more fully participate in the life of her community snd influence outcomes for other women. This is one of the reasons the Taliban does not want girls to be educated — it makes them harder to subjugate and control.
This is such a huge subject that I can’t adequately tackle in this forum. I would need to write an essay to even scrape the surface.
Please know that this conversation about women’s rights and equality must include male voices. Men are part of the solution, but only when they choose to be.

You added a lot here to expand the discussion of this topic. The post surprised me. This is about those in power seeking to be viewed as victims and that is a sub-category of men, men who are not only unwilling to join with women to work for justice and balance of power, to right the wrongs women are subjected to in this social system, but they seek to deflect responsibility, to gain even more.

thanks for your generosity re: my comment. It was a bit all over the place I think.
It’s such a massive subject and so difficult to discuss properly if people don’t have a basic grasp of women’s issues (a prerequisite I think). Otherwise it’s just a verbal ‘tennis match’.

This page could be a perfect place to unravel this if there could be a genuine discourse without ego uprisings.


Patriarchy is not about men only, nor fathers.
Patriarchy is about a culture of dominance that has lost touch with the sacred feminine. It’s about inflated toxic masculinity. Men that complain about the exposure of the evil that patriarchy implies have lost touch themselves with the sacred feminine within and outside, which had fallen in the shadow. Out of reach, out of sight. These men operate from the eagerness to keep power at any cost. And they think highly of themselves thus their sense of entitlement to power.

"Patriarchy is a social structure, not a conspiracy among men.
It is not always intentional; men need not intend to oppress women. Men too are subject to the enormous pressures of a social system that creates paths of least resistance consistent with patriarchy, such as going along with the locker room chatter about babes. Men as well as women are damaged by patriarchy. For example, masculine men are hurt when they learn to repress emotions and to deny their needs for connection and intimacy in order to avoid being punished as sissies and to maintain the control necessary to protect themselves from other men.
Although a man can be treated differently from a similarly situated woman (which is sex discrimination as it is defined by our courts), a man cannot be oppressed as a member of the group men in a patriarchal culture because men as a group are not oppressed. To be sure, subgroups of men can be oppressed. For example, feminine and gay men are routinely oppressed as such, as are African-American, Latino, and Asian-American men. And individual men are hurt by patriarchy, as noted in the preceding paragraph. But patriarchy does not oppress men as men.
What of men drafted and required to serve in combat? Such policies must oppress men as men. But, as Allan Johnson has noted, "a group cannot oppress itself' unless oppression loses its core meaning and simply becomes synonymous with being harmed.

集団はもちろん、"自らに傷を負わせ、その構成員は社会における自分の立場から苦しむことができる "のです。しかし、「op-pression」が集団に基づく社会的不平等を指すのであれば、ある文化の中で支配的な集団が、その文化の中でその集団のメンバーとして抑圧されることはありえません。アラン・ジョンソンがこの点を述べているように、"op-pressionはグループ間に存在する関係であって、グループと社会全体の間に存在するものではない "のです。戦争であっても、男性は男性として抑圧されているわけではありません。

💯 PPLは、「家父長制社会」にも、その地位を享受する女性(ファーストレディ)が含まれていることを理解していません。
そして、あなたが雄弁かつ非論理的に主張したように、社会的リーダーシップのいかなる概念も、意図しない結果と影響を含みます。なぜなら、その適用と実施は、決して1サイズのシナリオではなく、また混乱なく実施されることはないからです......... したがって、家父長制は、文明や人間の奴隷や抑圧を通して最も広く普及しているため、中傷的な概念となります。しかし、現実には、社会的枠組みに「悪」はありません。それをそうさせるのは人間であり、集合意識によって作り出された概念ではありません。


例 ほとんどのシチュエーションでの描写です。

~ロバート・ムーア博士(1942-2016)米国のユング派精神分析学者、心理学教授、コンサルタント、理論家、作家、ダグラス・ジレット(米国の作家)『King, Warrior, Magician, Lover. Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine, HarperOne, reprint 16. 1991年8月

A group can, of course, "inflict injury on itself, and its members can suffer from their position in society." But if "op-pression" refers to group-based social inequalities, the dominant group in a culture cannot be oppressed as members of that group in that culture. As Allan Johnson puts this point, "[o]ppression is a relation that exists between groups, not between groups and society as a whole." Even in war, men are not oppressed as men.
Individual men are hurt by war, of course, and war does "oppress racial and ethnic minorities and the poor, who are often served up as cannon fodder by privileged classes whose interests war most often serves." War cannot oppress men as a group (as men), however, because it does not demean or undermine patriarchal masculinity.
Instead, war glorifies patriarchal masculinity and supports the ability of men as a group to dominate others."
~Mary Becker.

💯 PPL fail to realize that even a "Patriarchial Society" includes the Women, ahem 1st Ladies, who enjoy their Status.
And as you've so eloquently & unegotistically asserted, any notion of Societal Leadership will contain unintented consequences & ramifications, because its application and implementation is never a 1 size fits all scenario, nor is it ever implemented without corruption.........therefore, Patriarchy becomes the slanderous concept because it has been most prevalent throughout civilization, and human slavery & oppression, but the reality is that NO societal framework is "Evil," it's Humans that make it so, not the notion conjured up by the collective conscious.

Well… this is a sorta grey area on the subject of ‘evil’. Material things cannot be evil but Systems are not material things, they are entities of sorts that only operate by participation of humans. A system can be established so that each person is only a part of the process that contributes towards the evil acts.
So in a sense, systems can be considered evil.

Example ? Most sitcom portrayals.

"Patriarchy is the expression of the immature masculine. It is the expression of Boy psychology, and, in part, the shadow – or crazy – side of masculinity. It expresses the stunted masculine, fixated at immature levels.
Patriarchy, in our view, is an attack on masculinity in its fullness as well as femininity in its fullness. Those caught up in the structures and dynamics of patriarchy seek to dominate not only women but men as well. Patriarchy is based on fear – the boy's fear, the immature masculine's fear – of women, to be sure, but also fear of men. Boys fear women. They also fear real men.
What is missing is not, for the most part, what many depth psychologists assume is missing; that is, adequate connection with the inner feminine. In many cases, these men seeking help had been, and were continuing to be, overwhelmed by the feminine. What they were missing was an adequate connection to the deep and instinctual masculine energies, the potentials of mature masculinity. They were being blocked from connection to these potentials by patriarchy itself, and by the feminist critique upon what little masculinity they could still hold onto for themselves."
~Robert Moore, Ph.D. (1942-2016) US American Jungian psychoanalyst, professor of psychology, consultant, theorist, author, Douglas Gilette, US American author, King, Warrior, Magician, Lover. Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine, HarperOne, reprint 16. August 1991
"The consequence of the patriarchal male's haughtiness toward women leads to the inability to make any genuine contact with the Feminine, i.e., not only in a real woman but also with the Feminine in himself, the unconscious.
Whenever an integral relationship to the Feminine remains undeveloped, however, this means that, due to his fear, the male is unable to break through to his own wholeness that also embraces the Feminine.
Thus the patriarchal culture's separation from the Feminine and from the unconscious becomes one of the essential causes for the crisis of fear in which the patriarchal world now finds itself.”
~Erich Neumann, The Fear of the Feminine and Other Essays on Feminine Psychology


“Along with the breakdown of meaningful ritual process for masculine initiation, a second factor seems to be contributing to the dissolution of mature masculine identity. This factor, shown to us by one strain of feminist critique, is called patriarchy.
Patriarchy is the social and cultural organization that has ruled our Western world, and much of the rest of the globe, from at least the second millennium b.c.e. To the present. Feminists have seen how male dominance in patriarchy has been oppressive and abusive of the feminine—of both the so-called feminine characteristics and virtues and actual women themselves. In their radical critique of patriarchy, some feminists conclude that masculinity in its roots is essentially abusive, and that connection with "eros"—with love, relatedness, and gentleness—comes only from the feminine side of the human equation.
As useful as some of these insights have been to the cause of both feminine and masculine liberation from patriarchal stereotypes, we believe there are serious problems with this perspective. In our view, patriarchy is not the expression of deep and rooted masculinity, for truly deep and rooted masculinity is not abusive. Patriarchy is the expression of the immature masculine. It is the expression of Boy psychology, and, in part, the shadow—or crazy—side of masculinity. It expresses the stunted masculine, fixated at immature levels.
Patriarchy, in our view, is an attack on masculinity in its fullness as well as femininity in its fullness. Those caught up in the structures and dynamics of patriarchy seek to dominate not only women but men as well. Patriarchy is based on fear—the boy's fear, the immature masculine's fear—of women, to be sure, but also fear of men. Boys fear women. They also fear real men.
The patriarchal male does not welcome the full masculine development of his sons or his male subordinates any more than he welcomes the full development of his daughters, or his female employees. This is the story of the superior at the office who can't stand it that we are as good as we are. How often we are envied, hated, and attacked in direct and passive-aggressive ways even as we seek to unfold who we really are in all our beauty, maturity, creativity, and generativity! The more beautiful, competent, and creative we become, the more we seem to invite the hostility of our superiors, or even of our peers. What we are really being attacked by is the immaturity in human beings who are terrified of our advances on the road toward masculine or feminine fullness of being.
Patriarchy expresses what we are calling Boy psychology. It is not an expression of mature masculine potentials in their essence, in the fullness of their being. We have come to this conclusion from our study of ancient myths and modern dreams, from our examination from the inside of the rapid feminization of the mainline religious community, from our reflection upon the rapid changes in gender roles in our society as a whole, and from our years of clinical practice, in which we have become increasingly aware that something vital is missing in the inner lives of many of the men who seek psychotherapy.
What is missing is not, for the most part, what many depth psychologists assume is missing; that is, adequate connection with the inner feminine. In many cases, these men seeking help had been, and were continuing to be, overwhelmed by the feminine. What they were missing was an adequate connection to the deep and instinctual masculine energies, the potentials of mature masculinity. They were being blocked from connection to these potentials by patriarchy itself, and by the feminist critique upon what little masculinity they could still hold onto for themselves. And they were being blocked by the lack in their lives of any meaningful and transformative initiatory process by which they could have achieved a sense of manhood.
We found, as these men sought their own experience of masculine structures through meditation, prayer, and what Jungians call active imagination, that as they got more and more in touch with the inner archetypes of mature masculinity, they were increasingly able to let goof their patriarchal self- and other-wounding thought, feeling, and behavior patterns and become more genuinely strong, centered, and generative toward themselves and others—both women and men.