聞いてください、シスター、聞いてください。聖なる男性の呼び声が聞こえませんか?彼のエッセンスはあなたの周りにあります。彼は苦しんでいます、シスター。それはあなただけではありません。家父長制は、彼の善良さと大胆さを、戦う価値のあるものから切り離してしまったのです。あなたと 私たち。精神です。聖なる全体性です。
彼は自分のすべてをあなたに与えたいと思っているのです。彼はあなたに与えたいと切望しています、シスター。目の前で戦斧を振り回しているのに、どうしてそんなことができるの?あなたは聞いてもいないのに ご存知でしたか? あなたのエッセンスのバームが 彼の魂のネクターになることを? あなたの愛情のこもった配慮は彼の心に幾千もの太陽の光をもたらす栄養素なのです あなたの誠実な愛のためなら、彼は自分の命を捧げるでしょう。
He is a lover par excellence. But he understands – balls to bones – that love does not imply pacifism. His love is his honor, his honesty, and his sincerity in an otherwise dishonorable, dishonest, and insincere world.
Militaristic men beware; the time for congratulating yourselves on being conquerors of the world will soon be at an end. Your unsustainable ideals and parochial idols are fast disintegrating all around you. Soon there will be nothing left of your so-called invulnerable constructs of power. It’s time to make way for the healthy New Man, the vulnerable New God, and the truer power of the sacred masculine.”
Redefining the Sacred Masculine
[…] And hear me now. Patriarchy does not equate to Masculinity. What we are fighting is not men, Sisters. Maybe you think you know this. But do you really? If you do, let it be known through your actions. Put down your daggers, put down your spears against the Masculine. For after you have had your righteous rage (and yes, I grant that you must have it), there is work to be done. The rage without ending is not the solution, Sisters. Stop!
Stop brandishing knives around your aura, and keeping at bay the good men you sorely yearn to unite with. Stop callously offering up to a false altar the hearts of the Lovers, Kings, Magicians and Warriors as the wrongful and bloody sacrifices for the historical mistakes of us all.
Patriarchy is a paradigm, my Sisters. A paradigm which both men and women have allowed to be. For far too long, each side of the gender coin has forgotten itself, forgotten its power and its sacredness. The patriarchal paradigm was a co-creation. Misogyny is a co-creation. To deny this is to deny your own power, to cast yourself into a space of victimhood which is getting old, Sisters. So old. We cannot, and will not, be both Goddesses and victims.
We must choose the path of highest and deepest truth.
The war against the Sacred Masculine must come to an end, Sisters. Awaken your powers of listening and compassion which are wise beyond measure. Centuries of patriarchal oppression does not require centuries of penance, Sisters. Feel this. Do you know your essence is an all-encompassing, healing, sacred balm? We cannot be in our fullness until we understand this.
Listen, Sisters, listen. Can’t you hear the Sacred Masculine calling? His essence is all around you. He is in pain, Sisters. You are not the only one. Patriarchy has separated his goodness and his boldness from the one thing worth fighting for. You. Us. Spirit. The Sacred Wholeness.
Get off your narcissistic Goddess high horses and listen. You say you want a Warrior. You say you want a Shiva to your Shakti. Then bring him into you. He is yearning for you, he profoundly aches for you, just as rawly and wildly as you ache for him — with a staggering ardor and devotion that knows no bounds.
He wants nothing more than to give you his everything. Universes he yearns to give to you, Sisters. How can he do that when you wield battleaxes before him? You are not even listening. Did you know that the balm of your essence is the nectar of his soul? That the grace of your loving attention is the nutrient which sparks a thousand sunshines in his heart? He would give his life for your honest love.
Stop wasting time, sisters. Both yours and his. If you cannot organically give the man before you the honor of your fullness, have the heart to turn yourself to the one you can. Even if this means being alone for some time, and waiting in radiant expectation for your One. Do not ask the beautiful man before you to pay penance at your feet for the disempowered mistakes of your grandmothers and grandfathers. Quit that blame game.
The dance between the Divine Masculine and Feminine is not a transaction. There can be no tit for tat. Stop asking your men to fill a bottomless cup.
You are the Great Mother. Can you imagine the contraction you cause when you cast your sons into the role of Sinner? How can he ever reach you when you have damned him to purgatory?
Instead, open, Sisters. Allow the men around you to be worthy. See their radiant worthiness. Many ask, Where are all the good men? Many think men are not evolved enough. You think they can’t handle all of you? That you are too much woman for them? I call bullshit, Sisters. This says more about your blindness than their faults.
女神よ、あなたの高い馬を降りて聞いてください。聖なる男性性が呼んでいるのです。| レベレソサエティ
女神よ、高貴な馬を降りて聞いてください。聖なる男性性が呼んでいる。| レベレソサエティ
女神よ、高貴な馬を降りて聞いてください。聖なる男性性が呼んでいます。| リベル・ソサエティ
男性は力を与えられていますが、満たされてはいないのに、またしても男性を被害者にしています。優先順位というものがあります。第一の優先順位は、家父長制の中で力を失っている人々、つまり女性の搾取と抑圧を終わらせることです。男性は、女性を従属させ、軽視している限り、バランスを取り、内なる女性性を受け入れることはできません。アンドリュー・ビールの言う家父長制とは、5000年以上にわたって支配されてきた社会システムのことです。その定義は以下の通りです。"家父長制の定義は、「一族や家族の中での父親の優位性、妻や子供の法的従属性、男系の世襲や相続の計算によって特徴づけられる社会組織」であり、広義には「男性による不釣り合いに大きな力の支配」である。" 出典は以下の通りです。メリアム・ウェブスター あなたが私をブロックし、要求されてもそのブロックを解除しようとしないのは、あなたが言うところの家父長制に合致した行動です。
😅 それは説明してもらわないと困るな。家父長制理論」とはどういう意味で、どのように論破されたと考えているのでしょうか。
J Or
Fire in the Belly: 男性であることについて」本著:サム・キーン
お腹の中の火。お腹の火:男であることについて by Sam Keen
Fire in the Belly: On Being a Man book by Sam Keen: サム・キーン著「男であることについて
The Sacred Masculine is everywhere, Sisters, longing to be welcomed into your hearth, to be warmly embraced in the intoxicating divinity of your velvet purity. Let go of the excuses. Give him safe harbor. Give him grace. Open your arms. See him. You have nothing to prove, and everything to give.
Underneath it all, beneath the centuries of war, fighting and separation, all he wants is what you want too. The hieros gamos — the divine marriage of opposites. His dissolution into your arms, and you into his. He wants to be the hero in the story, Sisters. He wants to be your White Knight. But he cannot do that while you are blind with rage and fear. Open your eyes.
Grace him with the presence, the love and the affection which will exalt him into that greatness. He will not fail you. He is only inches away from you every second of every day. He is behind you. He is beside you. He has protected you in ways you will never know of or appreciate. He has offered you his life essence. Welcome him into you, Sisters. […]
Goddess, Dismount Your High Horse and Listen: The Sacred Masculine Is Calling. | Rebelle Society
Goddess, Dismount Your High Horse and Listen: The Sacred Masculine Is Calling. | Rebelle Society
Goddess, Dismount Your High Horse and Listen: The Sacred Masculine Is Calling. | Rebelle Society
, Again this makes men the victim when it is men who are empowered, however not fulfilled. There are priorities, the first priority is to end the exploitation and suppression of those who are disempowered in a Patriarchy, i.e., women. Men will never achieve balance and embrace their inner feminine as long as they subjugate and disrespect women. Patriarchy, Andrew Beal, is a social system that has dominated for more than 5000 years. It is defined as follows: "Patriarchy definition is - social organization marked by the supremacy of the father in the clan or family, the legal dependence of wives and children, and the reckoning of descent and inheritance in the male line; broadly: control by men of a disproportionately large share of power." Source: Merriam Webster. The fact that you have blocked me, and, on request refuse to remove that block, is an action consistent with patriarchy as you describe it.
Radical feminism is destroying the masculine rather than upholding sacred male archetypes, which are timeless. Patriarchy theory has been debunked so many times and in so many ways, we need to consider other reasons for systemic oppression.
What's lacking is Intelligent Co-operation. radical feminism is sadly too large a swing in the opposite direction. I choose to honour the male - my son is one and I never wish to denigrate him
i’m a member of a small spiritual group on FB. There’s a lady in the group, intelligent, university degree... seems a decent human being in so many ways. But any man who makes a comment about a female... and this could be entirely positive as there are no female put down in this group... but this fiercely intelligent woman flies into the men and deconstructs almost anything that is said... it does get quite tiresome after a while.
I used to be very supportive of feminism... but over the years, i must admit, that socio-political feminism, seems to lack Soul.
A swing in the opposition direction... where they want all men declawed or feminized in order for them to feel safe.
"Patriarchy theory has been debunked"
😅 You're going to have to explain that one. What you mean when you say "patriarchy theory" and how you think it has been debunked.
Feminism is the result of generations of women having an extended conversation about how gender has been constructed throughout history, and making a new way for the future. Men need to engage in the same process. But not just as a reaction to feminism with a victim mentality. Feminism started the conversation, as men we have an opportunity to undertake our own exploration.
J Or
Fire in the Belly: On Being a Man book by Sam Keen
Fire in the Belly: On Being a Man book by Sam Keen
Fire in the Belly: On Being a Man book by Sam Keen
「最終的には、愛とは、私たちが語るような感傷的なものではありません。単に感情的なものではありません。愛とは、創造的で、すべての人に対する理解ある善意です。それは、いかなる個人をも打ち負かすことを拒否することです。あなたが愛のレベル、その偉大な美しさと力のレベルに到達したとき、あなたは邪悪なシステムを打ち負かそうとするだけです。たまたまそのシステムに巻き込まれた個人は、愛するが、そのシステムを打ち負かそうとする。~マーティン・ルーサー・キング・ジュニア 1957年11月、モンゴメリー
"私たちの誰もが、人類の黒い集団の影の外に立っていない。" ~カール・ユング CW10 297ページ パラ572
人が人間性に戻る道を見つけるもう一つの方法は、自分の罪が集団と共有されていると感じることであり、自分の罪を国家化することであり、そうすれば彼らは国家的なコンプレックスを持つだけである ~カール・ユング、『現代心理学』第1巻、133ページ
"現代の大きな問題は、世界に何が起こっているのかを理解していないことである。私たちは、自分の魂の闇、無意識に直面しています。まるで、個人的なものから元型的なものまで、私たちの影が私たちをつかみ、無意識の中で自らを演じながら、その姿を現しているかのようです。このプロセスは無意識のうちに起こっているので、特に危険です。自分が何をしているかを意識せずに無意識を形にして行動すると、それは常に破壊的なものになります。自分の性格が同じ悪に染まってしまう危険性を揺るぎなく確信していない限り、誰も全国的な悪に対する免疫を持っていません。いつの間にか眠ってしまい、知らず知らずのうちに闇の手先になってしまう可能性を認識することは、自己失調症という悪しき虫の餌食にならないための心理的な免疫を得ることなのです。" ~カール・ジョン-CW10
[you seek only to defeat evil systems. Individuals who happen to be caught up in that system, you love, but you seek to defeat the system]
"In the final analysis, love is not this sentimental something that we talk about. It’s not merely an emotional something. Love is creative, understanding goodwill for all men. It is the refusal to defeat any individual. When you rise to the level of love, of its great beauty and power, you seek only to defeat evil systems. Individuals who happen to be caught up in that system, you love, but you seek to defeat the system." ~Martin Luther King, Jr. Montgomery, Nov. 1957
“None of us stands outside humanity’s black collective shadow.” ~Carl Jung, CW 10, Page 297, Para 572.
“The mistake you make, don't you see, is in thinking one can live in a corrupt society without being corrupt oneself. After all, what do you achieve by refusing to make money? You're trying to behave as though one could stand right outside our economic system. But one can't. One's got to change the system, or one changes nothing. One can't put things right in a hole-and-corner way, if you take my meaning.”
~George Orwell, Keep the Aspidistra Flying
Another way by which people can find their way back to humanity is to feel that their sins are shared with collectivity, to nationalize their sins and then they have only a national complex! ~Carl Jung, Modern Psychology, Vol. 1, Page 133.
“The great problem of our time is that we don’t understand what is happening to the world. We are confronted with the darkness of our soul, the unconscious. It is as if our shadow, both personal and archetypal, has gripped us and is revealing itself to us as it plays itself out through our unconscious. This is particularly dangerous because this process is happening unconsciously. When we act out and give shape and form to our unconscious without being consciously aware of what we are doing, it is always destructive. Nobody is immune to a nationwide evil unless he is unshakably convinced of the danger of his own character being tainted by the same evil. Recognizing our potential, at any moment, to fall asleep and unwittingly become an agent of darkness is to become psychically immunized from falling prey to the malevolent bug of egophrenia." ~Carl Jung- CW 10