


2021-11-15 10:30:06 | 心理学

C.G. Jung: Healing Descent

The Green Martyrs
The Green Martyrs were those who, leaving behind the comforts & pleasures of ordinary human society, retreated to the woods, or to a mountaintop, or to a lonely island to one of the green no-man’slands outside tribal jurisdictions, there to commune with God. 
Apleasant woodland all about To shield it (the hut) from the wind, How the Irish Saved Civilization And make a home for singing birds Before it and behind.
Thomas Cahill

緑の殉教者(The Green Martyrs)







2021-11-15 09:10:08 | 心理学

C.G. Jung: Healing Descent

Thinking is white, or blue, cold like snow and Intuition is gold or yellow because it is felt to shine and radiate. You can see this in an intuitive person's eyes, in the picture of Goethe by Stieler, for instance. Such eyes do not look at things, they gleam towards them; they see no detail but rather a sort of magic atmosphere round things, an inner perception rather than an outer.

But if you are going to look down a microscope it is useless to gleam in its direction, you need sensation eyes for that, pincette eyes, which will pick out every detail.

C.G. Jung, ETH, Vol. III




 しかし、顕微鏡を見ようとするならば、顕微鏡の方向に向かって光を放つのは無駄なことです。そのためには、細部まで拾い上げることができる感覚的な目、ピンセットの目が必要です。ーC.G. Jung, ETH, Vol. III


2021-11-15 09:08:24 | 心理学

"伝えることができる秘密は、秘密ではない。ある意味では、精神の秘密は、まだ自分で経験していない人には伝わらないので安全です。この文章で言及されている秘密の誤用は、自我が元型的なイメージと同一化した後の膨張を示唆しています。トランスパーソナルなエネルギーが秘密で神聖なものとして認識されなければ、個人的な目的のために使われ、破壊的な効果をもたらします。錬金術の神秘の誤用は、使徒パウロが言う聖体の神秘の誤用に対応しています。「ふさわしくない状態で主のパンを食べたり、杯を飲んだりする者は、主の体と血を冒涜する罪を犯します。人は、自分の分のパンを食べ、杯から飲む前に、自分自身を試さなければなりません(dokimazo-*to prove, assay metals)。食べたり飲んだりする者は、からだを見分けられなければ、自分で自分を裁くことになるからです」(Iコリント11:27-29、NEB)。




錬金術についての究極の記述は、錬金術を世界の創造と同一視しているあるテキストにある。ゾシモスは「化学の象徴は世界の創造の上に成り立っている」と言っています。17 「エメラルド・タブレット」では、錬金術のレシピの最後に「こうして世界は創造された」と書かれています。


“A secret that can be told is no secret. In a sense, the secret of the psyche is safe because it is not communicable to those who have not yet experienced it for themselves. The misuse of the secret referred to in the text suggests an inflation following the ego's identification with an archetypal image. If the transpersonal energies are not perceived as secret and sacred they will be channeled into personal ends and have destructive effects. Misuse of the alchemical mystery corresponds to the misuse of the Eucharistic mystery concerning which the Apostle Paul says, “Anyone who eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily will be guilty of desecrating the body and the blood of the Lord. A man must test (dokimazo—*to prove, to assay metals”) himself before eating his share of the bread and drinking from the cup. For he who eats and drinks eats and drinks judgement on himself if he does not discern the Body” (I Cor. 11:27-29, NEB). 

The alchemical opus was considered a process begun by nature but requiring the conscious art and effort of a human being to complete. 
This state cannot be perfected by the mere progress of nature; for gold has no propensity to move itself so far, but rather chooses to remain in its constantly abiding body. 15 

Nature serves Art with matter, and Art serves nature with suitable Instruments and method convenient for nature to produce such new forms; and although the before - mentioned Stone can only be brought to its proper form by Art. yet the form is from nature. 16 

This is a profound idea. In one sense the opus is against Nature, but in another sense the alchemist is helping her to do what she cannot do for herself. This surely refers to the evolution of consciousness. Although the urge to consciousness exists with nature—within the unconscious psyche— an ego is needed to realize fully that natural urge. It is required that the individual cooperate deliberately in the task of creating consciousness. 

The ultimate statements about the alchemical opus occur in certain texts that equate it with the creation of the world. Zosimos says, “The symbol of chemistry is founded on the creation of the world.” 17 The Emerald Tablet says at the conclusion of its alchemical recipe, “Thus the world has been created.” 
~Edward Edinger "Anatomy of Psyche – Alchemical Symbolism in Psychotherapy", Pg 8.


心理学的に理解すると、これらのテキストは個人と世界を同一視しています。つまり、個性化とは世界を創造するプロセスであると述べているのです。ショーペンハウアーは、その大作『意志と観念としての世界』の冒頭で ショーペンハウアーはその大作『意志と思想としての世界』の冒頭で、「世界は私の思想である」というとんでもないことを言っています。同様に、ユングは意識の「世界を創造する性質」について語っています。このような考えは、危険なまでに独りよがりの膨張に近く、実際、精神病の一般的な内容である。とはいえ、集団的、統計的な基準に飲み込まれないために、個人が必要とする元型的な考えである。集団的思考は、自分が普通であるかどうかにこだわることで明らかになる。規範とは多くの人の平均値であるから、人が独立した独自の存在の世界である限り、規範は存在し得ない。個人の精神は、外界に立ち向かい、意識の伝達者としての任務を果たすために、自分自身の中にある全世界でなければならない。秤のバランスをとるためには、個人が世界と同じ重さでなければなりません。




Understood psychologically, these texts are equating the individual with the world; that is, they state that individuation is a world creating process. Schopenhauer begins his great work. The World as Will and Idea, with the outrageous statement, “The world is my idea." Likewise, Jung speaks of the “world-creating quality” of consciousness. 19 Such an idea is dangerously close to solipsistic inflation, and, indeed, it is a common content of psychosis—the idea that one is the whole world or the center of the universe. Nevertheless, it is an archetypal idea that the individual needs in order not to be swallowed up by collective, statistical standards. Collective thinking is revealed by preoccupation with whether or not one is normal. To the extent that one is a separate, unique world of being there can be no norms, since a norm is an average of many. The individual psyche is and must be a whole world within itself in order to stand over and against the outer world and fulfill its task of being a carrier of consciousness. For the scales to be balanced, the individual must be of equal weight to the world.
This realization of the individual as a whole world often comes over me with considerable force as I am working with patients. It is a valuable counterbalance to doubts about the significance of one's efforts with only a handful of individuals as compared to the world population of several billion.
Although alchemical writings are complex, confused, and even chaotic, the basic scheme of the opus is quite simple. It is as follows: The purpose is to create a transcendent, miraculous substance, which is variously symbolized as the Philosophers‟ Stone, The Elixir of Life, or the universal medicine. The procedure is, first, to find the suitable material, the so- called prima materia, and then to subject it to a series of operations that will turn it into the Philosophers’ Stone.
~Edward Edinger "Anatomy of Psyche – Alchemical Symbolism in Psychotherapy", Pg 9.

 Thanks. A gem of a quote to share in these times when we are challenged to “test our basic cosmic perceptions” to decide what we can and must carry “into a sustainable future.” What is the best of “ALL that has gone before,” which will sustain and regenerate us, and ours, into the future? Please, …?


「私の仕事の主な関心は、神経症の治療にあるのではなく、むしろヌミノースへのアプローチにあります。しかし、ヌミノースへのアプローチこそが真の治療であり、ヌミノース体験に到達する限り、病理の呪縛から解放されるという事実があります。まさに病がヌミノース的性格を帯びるのである。" ~CGユング『書簡集』第1巻、377ページ



"私の仕事の主な関心は、神経症の治療にあるのではなく、むしろヌミノースへのアプローチにあります。しかし、ヌミノースへのアプローチこそが真の治療であり、ヌミノース体験に到達する限り、病理の呪縛から解放されるという事実があります。まさに病がヌミノース的性格を帯びるのである。" ~CGユング『手紙』第一巻、377ページ

"神の経験のヌミノーサムの代わりに、この宗教的な感傷がある。これは生きた神秘を失った宗教のよく知られた特徴である。" ~CGユング、CW11、パラ52。

「つまり、自分たちの存在意義や社会組織の秩序を失い、溶解し、衰退していくのです。私たちは今、それと同じ状態にあります。私たちは、これまで正しく理解できなかったものを失ったのです。.... 私たちは、すべてのものからその神秘とヌミノース性を奪ってしまった。もはや聖なるものは何もない。" ~C. C.G.ユング『発見されざる自己』。P.134




“The main interest of my work is not concerned with the treatment of neuroses but rather with the approach to the numinous. But the fact that the approach to the numinous is the real therapy, and inasmuch as you attain to the numinous experience you’re released from the curse of pathology. Even the very disease takes on a numinous character.” ~CG Jung, Letters Vol. I, Page 377

YES! IMHO: Equating the "approach to the numinous" with "the path toward wellness and wholeness," as we might call our healing journey these days, is offered to US here: a beautiful quote from Jung. Thanks. Wonderful image. as well. Namaste, 🤗

“The opus consists of three parts; insight, endurance, and action. Psychology is needed only in the first part, but in the second and third parts moral strength plays the predominant role.” ~CG Jung, Letters Vol. 1, Page 375.

“The main interest of my work is not concerned with the treatment of neuroses but rather with the approach to the numinous. But the fact that the approach to the numinous is the real therapy, and inasmuch as you attain to the numinous experience you’re released from the curse of pathology. Even the very disease takes on a numinous character.” ~CG Jung, Letters Vol. I, Page 377

“There is this religious sentimentality instead of the numinosum of divine experience. This is the well-know characteristic of a religion that has lost its living mystery.” ~CG Jung, CW 11, Para 52.

"We could have seen long ago from primitive societies what the loss of numinosity means: they lose their raison d'etre, the order of their social organizations, and then dissolve and decay. We are now in the same condition. We have lost something we have never properly understood.... We have stripped all things of their mystery and numinousity. Nothing is holy any longer." ~C. G. Jung, The undiscovered Self. Pg 134.

The numinosum is either a quality belonging to a visible object or the influence of an invisible presence that causes a peculiar alteration of consciousness. ~Carl Jung, CW 11, Para 6

"The time is ripe for the unconscious and conscious dominants to meet each other. The death of the old dominant is indicated by the fact that the king is about to die. This corresponds to the fact that the God-image, the collective dominant of the Western psyche, is moribund. In preparation for its death, it opens up an ancient tomb; in other words it opens up the unconscious. This activates the feminine principle, which had been dead and buried in the very same tomb, in the unconscious. As the tomb is opened, the unconscious is penetrated by consciousness . . . and a revitalization occurs.” ~Edward Edinger.

“The main interest of my work,” writes Jung, “is not concerned with the treatment of neurosis but rather with the approach to the numinous. But the fact is that the approach to the numinous is the real therapy and inasmuch as you attain to the numinous experiences, you are released from the curse of pathology. Even the very disease takes on a numinous character.”
This citation cites everything of essential importance about a Jungian analysis. If it is not possible to establish a relationship with the numinous, no cure is possible; the most one can hope for is an improvement in social adjustment. But then, what is left for the analyst to do?
~Marie-Louise VonFranz, Psychotherapy, Shambahla Publications, 1990

[... 人々が求めているもの、それは自分に揺るぎない価値を与えてくれる元型的な経験です。彼らは他の条件に依存し、自分の欲望や野心に依存し、他人に依存しています。しかし、少女がその経験を持つことができたとき、彼女はもう依存することはありません。自分の中に価値があるので、もう依存することはできないのです。 ]

Here’s a Jungian example of how the approach to the numinous can play out:
[…and that is the thing that people are looking for, an archetypal experience that gives them an incorruptible value, you see, they depend upon other conditions, they depend upon their desires, their ambitions, depend upon other people because they have no value in themselves, they have nothing in themselves, they’re only rational and they’re not in possession of a treasure that would make them independent, but when that girl can hold that experience, then she doesn’t depend anymore, she cannot depend anymore because that value is in herself, and that is a sort of liberation, and that of course makes her complete, you know, in as much as you can realize such a numinous experience, she is able to continue her path, her way, her individuation.]
37.16—Jung begins telling about the wheat field patient…
39.10—she was swaying like the wheat and she was as if in the arms of the godhead, and I thought, now the harvest is ripe and I must tell her. And I told her, you see, what you want and what you project into me because you are not conscious of it (points upward) is that you have the idea of a deity you don’t posses, therefore you see it in me. That clicked. Because she had a lot of intense religious education…
40.00—she had a lot of intense religious education, of course it all vanished later on and something disappeared from her world… her world became merely personal and that religious conception of the world was nonexistent, apparently. And so, she suddenly became aware of an entirely hedonist image that comes fresh from the archetype. She had nothing ideal for a Christian God or for an old testament Yahweh, it was a hedonist God, a God of nature, he was the wheat himself, he was the spirit of the wheat, the spirit of the wind and she was in the arms of that numen, now that is the living experience of an archetype. Now that made a tremendous impression upon that girl and instantly it clicked, she saw what she was really missing, that missing value that was in the form of a protection in myself and made myself indispensable to her, now that is a numinous experience you see… and that is the thing that people are looking for, an archetypal experience that gives them an incorruptible value, you see, they depend upon other conditions, they depend upon their desires, their ambitions, depend upon other people because they have no value in themselves, they have nothing in themselves, they’re only rational and they’re not in possession of a treasure that would make them independent, but when that girl can hold that experience, then she doesn’t depend anymore, she cannot depend anymore because that value is in herself, and that is a sort of liberation, and that of course makes her complete, you know, in as much as you can realize such a numinous experience, she is able to continue her path, her way, her individuation. The acorn can become an oak and not a donkey. Nature will take her course. She will become that which she is from the beginning.
The World Within - C. G. Jung In His Own Words.