The most important decision you make is to be in a good mood.
The most important decision you make is to be in a good mood.
Life is meant to be enjoyed, and to live life to the fullest you must always look at the bright side. The cup isn’t half empty, it’s half full! Learning to shape your perspective positively has the power to transform not only your mindset but the whole world around you. Positivity is a choice, and we promise that it’s one you’ll never live to regret. A good mood and cheerful disposition is contagious. Something as simple as a smile can brighten someone else’s day. Good Mood is always fun. If you are mentally and physically good or in a good emotional state then you are supposed to have a good mood but if you do not have a good mood then it could be anything like having a fight or workload and stress. Having a good mood enables your ability to make more creative and good decisions. A good mood is also important for good health. Let’s get real here—we've all had our fair share of bad days. Maybe you had a heated argument with a friend or family member and it's still got you in a funk, or maybe you just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. When sad days seem to take over, sit down, take a deep breath. The uncertainties in life are so uncertain for us to determine the kind woe we shall be entangled in in the next future. When you stay dormant, your life is at risk; when you dare to take a step, you take a step to take a risk. We have a choice. Yes! a choice to choose to dare to get to our real reasons on earth or to choose to live in mediocrity and conformity, but, we ought to note that, it is riskier to risk nothing when the life we live is always at risk. You create your life by the choices you make every single day. The difference between a great life and a mediocre one is based on how many choices you make every day that are deliberate.
「幸せな人生であっても、暗闇がないわけではありません。悲しみとのバランスがとれていなければ、幸せという言葉は意味を失ってしまいます。忍耐と冷静さをもって物事を受け止めるほうがはるかによい。" ~カール・ユング
「現実から現実への真摯な呼びかけ、目覚めへの真摯な呼びかけは、私たちの中の非常に深いところから来る呼びかけです。それは、気分を良くしたいというよりも、真実を求めているところから来るものです。もし私たちの方向性が、単にその瞬間瞬間に気分を良くすることであるならば、私たちは自分自身を欺き続けることになります。なぜならば、その瞬間瞬間に気分を良くしようとすることは、まさに自分自身を欺くことだからです。なぜなら、その瞬間に気分を良くしようとすることは、まさに自分自身を欺くことだからです。覚醒するためには、常に気分を良くしようとするパラダイムから脱却しなければなりません。もちろん、気分を良くしたいと思うのは人間の経験の一部です。それは人間の経験の一部であり、誰もが良い気分になりたいと思っています。私たちは、より多くの喜びとより少ない痛みを求めるように組み込まれています。しかし、私たちの中にはさらに深い衝動があり、それを私は「目覚めの衝動」と表現しています。~ アディアシャンティ『あなたの世界の終わり』より
"One must not seek happiness. The happiness that one seeks is a usurped one. Organic happiness, the bliss that comes from the center of the earth, that alone is fruitful & that simply comes. Sometimes it surges from the deepest suffering.. When one distances oneself too much from suffering one loses depth, & happiness comes from depth."
~C.G. Jung, Remembrances of C.G., Emma Jung & Toni Wolff p. 54 (by Susan Percheron)
"The greatest amount of good, of happiness, is complete nonsense; the really good life is half happiness and half suffering. And therefore God made for man the full life which is always a little regrettable. Then it is all right, then only one feels that one is really alive: the beauty is beautiful and the ugliness is really ugly, and everything is in its place. "
~C.G. Jung, the Zarathustra seminars
"Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. It is far better take things as they come along with patience and equanimity." ~Carl Jung
If a man's life consists half of happiness and half of unhappiness, this is probably the optimum that can be reached, and it remains forever an unresolved question whether suffering is educative or demoralizing. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 248.
The object of life is not happiness, but to serve God or the Grail. All of the Grail quests are to serve God. If one understands this and drops his idiotic notion that the meaning of life is personal happiness, then one will find that elusive quality immediately at hand. ~Robert A. Johnson
Joy can never ever be prepared, but exists of its own accord or exists not at all. All you must do is fulfill your task nothing else. Joy comes from fulfillment, but not from longing. ~Philemon to Carl Jung; The Red Book; Page 341
"We come into this world not to be happy, primarily, but to learn. Life after life we pass through complicated experiences until in the fullness of living we learn to grow happily. Happiness is the by-product of our harmonious adjustment to the universal plan."
~Manly P. Hall, Reincarnation: The Cycle Of Necessity, Pg.114
(Don’t seek happiness)
“When someone seeks," said Siddhartha, "then it easily happens that his eyes see only the thing that he seeks, and he is able to find nothing, to take in nothing because he always thinks only about the thing he is seeking, because he has one goal, because he is obsessed with his goal.
Seeking means: having a goal.
But finding means: being free, being open, having no goal.”
~Hermann Hesse
"The sincere call from reality to reality, the sincere call to awaken, is a call that comes from a very deep place within us. It comes from a place that wants the truth more than it wants to feel good. If our orientation is simply to feel better in each moment, then we’ll continue to delude ourselves, because trying to feel better in the moment is exactly how we delude ourselves. We think our delusions are making us feel better. In order to awaken, we must break out of the paradigm of always seeking to feel better. Of course, we want to feel better; it’s part of the human experience. Everybody wants to feel good. We are hardwired to seek more pleasure and less pain. But there is an even deeper impulse within us, and that is what I describe as the impulse to awaken." ~ Adyashanti, The End of Your World
"成功を目指してはいけない。狙って目標にすればするほど、失敗することになるのだ。なぜなら、成功は幸福と同様、追い求めることはできず、必然的にもたらされるものであり、それは自分よりも偉大な目的のために個人的に献身したことによる意図しない副次的な結果として、あるいは自分以外の人に身を委ねたことによる副産物としてのみもたらされるからである。幸せは必ず起こるものであり、成功も同じで、気にしないで起こせばいいのです。自分の良心が命じることに耳を傾け、自分の知っている限りのことを実行に移してほしいのです。そうすれば、長い目で見れば、いや、長い目で見ればこそ、考えることを忘れていたからこそ、成功がついてくるということを、あなたは生きているうちに知ることになるだろう。" ~ビクトール・フランクル
“Don't aim at success. The more you aim at it and make it a target, the more you are going to miss it. For success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue, and it only does so as the unintended side effect of one's personal dedication to a cause greater than oneself or as the by-product of one's surrender to a person other than oneself. Happiness must happen, and the same holds for success: you have to let it happen by not caring about it. I want you to listen to what your conscience commands you to do and go on to carry it out to the best of your knowledge. Then you will live to see that in the long-run—in the long-run, I say!—success will follow you precisely because you had forgotten to think about it." ~Viktor Frankl
SEESTRASSE 220 1950年1月24日。
Miss Harriet Hardy, 760 Grizzly Peak Blvd. Berkeley 8. California.
Dear Miss Hardy,
C. G. ユング
SEESTRASSE 220 January 24th 1950.
Miss Harriet Hardy, 760 Grizzly Peak Blvd. Berkeley 8. California.
Dear Miss Hardy,
It is of course a somewhat hopeless task to advise an unknown person of her course of life across the width of the ocean. I only can tell you one thing : that you should not set out to seek happiness for yourself. This would be a straight way to unhappiness. You better ask where and how you could be useful to whom. Happiness is not a thing one seeks. It comes to you as a reward for efforts.
Yours sincerely,
C. G. Jung
〜C.G。 Jung、Remembrances of C.G.、Emma Jung&Toni Wolffp。 54(Susan Percheronによる)
「幸せな人生でさえ、ある程度の暗闇がなければなり得ません。そして、悲しみとバランスが取れていなければ、幸せという言葉はその意味を失います。忍耐と平静と一緒に来るので、物事をとる方がはるかに良いです。」 〜カール・ユング
人間の人生が幸福の半分と不幸の半分で構成されている場合、これはおそらく到達可能な最適なものであり、苦しみが教育的であるか士気をくじくものであるかは永遠に未解決の問題です。 〜Carl Jung、LettersVol。 II、248ページ。
人生の目的は幸福ではなく、神または聖杯に仕えることです。聖杯のクエストはすべて、神に仕えることです。これを理解し、人生の意味は個人的な幸福であるという彼のばかげた概念を捨てると、そのとらえどころのない品質がすぐに手元にあることに気付くでしょう。 〜ロバートA.ジョンソン
喜びは決して準備することはできませんが、それ自体が一致して存在するか、まったく存在しません。あなたがしなければならないのはあなたの仕事を他に何も果たさないことです。喜びは充実感から生まれますが、憧れからは生まれません。 〜フィレモンからカール・ユングへ;レッドブック; 341ページ
〜Manly P. Hall、Reincarnation:The Cycle Of Necessity、Pg.114
「現実から現実への誠実な呼びかけ、目覚めへの誠実な呼びかけは、私たちの内なる非常に深い場所からの呼びかけです。それは、気分を良くしたいよりも真実を望んでいる場所から来ています。その瞬間に気分が良くなることは、まさに私たちが自分自身を欺く方法であるため、私たちは自分自身を欺き続けます。私たちの妄想は私たちを気分を良くしていると思います。目覚めるために、私たちは脱出する必要があります。常に気分を良くしようとするパラダイムの私たちの中で、そしてそれは私が目覚めさせる衝動として説明するものです。」 〜アディヤシャンティ、あなたの世界の終わり