


2023-05-16 12:14:00 | 日記
I have been growing hydrangeas with care for three years, and they look like they will finally bloom.I am so happy! The flower language of hydrangea is "capriciousness, pride and patience". I don't like rainy season, but I like hydrangeas.💙💜




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2 コメント

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Unknown (amie30)
2023-05-16 14:08:05
Thank you for your message. I am so glad!Every morning when I wake up, I check the hydrangeas. But I don't know why pink and blue are starting to bloom in one planter. Is there a mixture of alkaline and acidic soil? I'm guessing.
It rains continuously during the rainy season, but that is one of the beauty of Japan's four seasons. Please take good care of yourself.🍀
Good seeing (Jiro)
2023-05-16 13:52:15
I have read that it is very happy to feel it from you.
Hydrangeas are beautiful flowers and they come in many colors.
It's also known for their ability to change color depending on the pH level of the soil they are planted in.
It’s interesting that you don’t like rainy season but like hydrangeas because they are often associated with rainy season in Japan. ( ^)o(^ )
I hope you enjoy your beautiful flowers indeed.
