

About breech presentation point (San Yin Jiao (SP6))

2023年05月25日 | English
Very beautiful morning glow!! 
At the front of Jingu Gaien Gingko Avenue.

 I mainly use moxibustion on two acupuncture points for breech presentation treatment. The points are Sanyinjiao (SP6) and Zhiyin (BL67). 

 Now, let me explain about San Yin Jiao (SP6) 

 San Yin Jiao is situated on the spleen meridian, above the inner ankle, and is a very famous acupuncture point for treating gynecological disorders. 
  This point is not only used to turn a breech position but also for menstrual disorders and infertility. In fact, this acupuncture point is related to the stomach and intestines. Gynecological problems often arise from an imbalance between the organs within the abdominal cavity, specifically the uterus and the gastrointestinal tract. 

 San Yin Jiao is an excellent acupuncture point for improving the relationship between these two organs. It is important that the stomach and intestines do not hinder the fetus' movement when it attempts to turn into the head position.

