Infants can develop the potential for independence only after a period of mother-child symbiosis.
Infants who are able to be sufficiently spoiled by their mother tend to be rich in self-reliance. At our clinic, it feels like parents who have a good relationship with their child are interested in every move their baby makes.
A patient mentioned that when her child cries excessively without any apparent reason, she holds her child for 48 hours straight. If the crying persists, she will consult a hospital. This may not seem extreme, as I believe parents with good parent-child relationships practice this as usual.
Unlike other animals, human babies are born in an immature state. They are born without a sense of self that should have developed in the womb, so they perceive their mother as a part of themselves. Then, they form their sense of self through their mother as a mirror and eventually separate from her after a certain period of time.
If a mother forgives her child no matter what they do, a relationship is formed where the child unconsciously builds a sense of safety and security even in the absence of the mother.
As a child recognizes the presence of the mother even when she is absent under their unconsciousness, they become able to feel safe and secure even when away from her. If this separation from the mother occurs naturally, it can be said that the majority of parenting has been successful.
Infant who are spoiled enough will definitly become independent. Mother who take everything about her baby has good mother- child relationship.
A patient said that when her infant fuss without meaning, she holds her child for 48hours. Then her infant continues fuss, she said consult a hospital. This story is not extream. I think parents who is good mother/ father - child relathinship practice practices as usual.
Human babys born more inmature than other animals. They born with an ego that has not yet been developed, so they recognized mother part of themselves. And they form ther ego with their mother, then separete from them.
When the rerationship with mother who forgives babys no motter how what they does occers, they feel the functions of safe base without mather under unconsciousness.
When babys bigin to feel mother under unconsciouness everywhere where mother is absent, they are able to act without ther mother. When they separete naturally, parenting success perfectly.