I'm using ChatGPT recommended by my son who is studying English writing.
I think it is good on an interactive basis. I usually use LINE, so I’m used to use like this chat base system. It is good for me to study with someone too.
It is so difficult to study English composition by myself because there are so many subtle nuances in English. But ChatGPT teaches me politely, and I can easily ask questions because of the chat-based system.
But some people are worried that relying too much on ChatGPT could cause individuals to lose their ability to think for themselves, which is why some countries have banned its use.
I can't rely on ChatGPT to do all of my thinking for me because I enjoy writing. However, I think of ChatGPT as my tutor or friend, and studying English with it might be more enjoyable than it is now.
先が思いやられます >_<
Firstly, I wrote the following
I'm using ChatGPT recomended by my son who is studying Englixh writing.
I think it is good on an interactive basis. I usually use LINE, so I’m used to use like this chat base system. It is good for me to study with someone too.
It is so difficult to study English conposition by myself because there are so many subtle nuances in English. But ChatGPT teach me politely and I can ask easily because of chat base system.
But Some one worried about rely on ChatGPT lose the ability to think for themselve, so some country bans to use ChatGPT.
I can't entrust thinking things to ChatGPT because I like writing, I think ChatGPT my tutor or my friend, may be it will fun to study English than now.

