

The Mysterious Affair at Styles 6

2023-04-01 00:22:29 | スタイルズ荘の謎

“Look here, Mary, there’s the deuce of a mess. Evie’s had a row with Alfred Inglethorp, and she’s off.”

“Evie? Off?”


「エヴィが? 出ていく?」

John nodded gloomily.

“Yes; you see she went to the mater, and—Oh,—here’s Evie herself.”



Miss Howard entered. Her lips were set grimly together, and she carried a small suit-case. She looked excited and determined, and slightly on the defensive.


“At any rate,” she burst out, “I’ve spoken my mind!”

“My dear Evelyn,” cried Mrs. Cavendish, “this can’t be true!”

Miss Howard nodded grimly.




“True enough! Afraid I said some things to Emily she won’t forget or forgive in a hurry. Don’t mind if they’ve only sunk in a bit. Probably water off a duck’s back, though. I said right out: ‘You’re an old woman, Emily, and there’s no fool like an old fool. The man’s twenty years younger than you, and don’t you fool yourself as to what he married you for. Money!

「十分あり得るわよ! エミリーに言っちゃったこと、彼女すぐには忘れないか許さないかね。でも染み込んでいってもいいわ。アヒルの背中を落ちる水くらい簡単に流しちゃうかもしれないけどね。はっきり言ったのよ。『あなたは歳を取った女なのよ、エミリー、年寄りのバカほどのバカはいないわ。彼は20歳も若いのよ。なんであなたと結婚したのか、自分で誤魔化さないで。お金なのよ!

Well, don’t let him have too much of it. Farmer Raikes has got a very pretty young wife. Just ask your Alfred how much time he spends over there.’ She was very angry. Natural! I went on, ‘I’m going to warn you, whether you like it or not. That man would as soon murder you in your bed as look at you. He’s a bad lot. You can say what you like to me, but remember what I’ve told you. He’s a bad lot!’”

たくさん渡さないことね。農夫のレイクスはすごく若い奥さんをもらったわ。あなたのアルフレッドに、あそこに何回行ったか聞いてみなさいよ。』彼女、すごく怒ったわ。当然よね! それでも続けたの。『聞きたくなくても言っておくわ。あの男はあなたを見るのと同じくらいすぐにあなたを殺すわよ。彼は悪人よ。好きなように言ってればいいけど、私が言ったこと忘れないで。彼は悪人よ!』」

“What did she say?”

Miss Howard made an extremely expressive grimace.



“‘Darling Alfred’—‘dearest Alfred’—‘wicked calumnies’ —‘wicked lies’—‘wicked woman’—to accuse her ‘dear husband!’ The sooner I left her house the better. So I’m off.”

“But not now?”

“This minute!”




For a moment we sat and stared at her. Finally John Cavendish, finding his persuasions of no avail, went off to look up the trains. His wife followed him, murmuring something about persuading Mrs. Inglethorp to think better of it.


As she left the room, Miss Howard’s face changed. She leant towards me eagerly.

“Mr. Hastings, you’re honest. I can trust you?”

I was a little startled. She laid her hand on my arm, and sank her voice to a whisper.




“Look after her, Mr. Hastings. My poor Emily. They’re a lot of sharks—all of them. Oh, I know what I’m talking about. There isn’t one of them that’s not hard up and trying to get money out of her. I’ve protected her as much as I could. Now I’m out of the way, they’ll impose upon her.”
