

The Mysterious Affair at Styles 32

2023-04-11 22:04:06 | スタイルズ荘の謎

“My mother kept most of her important papers in this despatch-case, I believe,” he said.

Poirot drew out the small bunch of keys.



“Permit me. I locked it, out of precaution, this morning.”

“But it’s not locked now.”


“See.” And John lifted the lid as he spoke.





Milles tonnerres!” cried Poirot, dumbfounded. “And I—who have both the keys in my pocket!” He flung himself upon the case. Suddenly he stiffened. “Eh voilà une affaire! This lock has been forced.”

「なんということだ!」ポアロは驚愕して叫んだ。「私が・・鍵はポケットに入れていたのに!」そして鞄に飛びかかると、固まってしまった。「ああ、わかった! これはこじ開けられたのだ。」


Poirot laid down the case again.



“But who forced it? Why should they? When? But the door was locked?” These exclamations burst from us disjointedly.

Poirot answered them categorically—almost mechanically.

「でも誰が? 何のために? いつ? ドアは鍵がかかっていたのに?」このような疑問がばらばらに飛び出した。


“Who? That is the question. Why? Ah, if I only knew. When? Since I was here an hour ago. As to the door being locked, it is a very ordinary lock. Probably any other of the doorkeys in this passage would fit it.”

「誰が? それが問題だ。なぜ? ああ、それさえわかれば。 いつ? 私がここにいたのは1時間前だ。ドアは鍵がかかっていた。普通の鍵だ。この通路の他の部屋の鍵が合うかもしれない。」

We stared at one another blankly. Poirot had walked over to the mantelpiece. He was outwardly calm, but I noticed his hands, which from long force of habit were mechanically straightening the spill vases on the mantelpiece, were shaking violently.


“See here, it was like this,” he said at last. “There was something in that case—some piece of evidence, slight in itself perhaps, but still enough of a clue to connect the murderer with the crime. It was vital to him that it should be destroyed before it was discovered and its significance appreciated. Therefore, he took the risk, the great risk, of coming in here. Finding the case locked, he was obliged to force it, thus betraying his presence. For him to take that risk, it must have been something of great importance.”


“But what was it?”


“Ah!” cried Poirot, with a gesture of anger. “That, I do not know! A document of some kind, without doubt, possibly the scrap of paper Dorcas saw in her hand yesterday afternoon. And I—” his anger burst forth freely—“miserable animal that I am! I guessed nothing! I have behaved like an imbecile! I should never have left that case here. I should have carried it away with me. Ah, triple pig! And now it is gone. It is destroyed—but is it destroyed? Is there not yet a chance—we must leave no stone unturned—”

「ああ!」ポアロは憤りを見せて言った。「それがわからない! 何かの書類なのは間違いないが、ドーカスが昨日の午後見た紙切れだったかもしれない。そしてこの私は・・」彼の怒りが爆発した。「なんと惨めな! 私は何も見越していなかった! 完全に愚かだった! ここに鞄を放置すべきではなかったのに。持ち運ぶべきだった。ああ、大大大馬鹿だ! もうここにはない。破棄されてしまった。いや、破棄されたか? まだチャンスはあるのか・・しらみ潰しに探さなければ・・」

He rushed like a madman from the room, and I followed him as soon as I had sufficiently recovered my wits. But, by the time I had reached the top of the stairs, he was out of sight.


Mary Cavendish was standing where the staircase branched, staring down into the hall in the direction in which he had disappeared.


“What has happened to your extraordinary little friend, Mr. Hastings? He has just rushed past me like a mad bull.”

「あなたの変わったお友達、どうしてしまったの、ヘイスティングスさん? 怒った牛みたいに通り過ぎていったわ。」

“He’s rather upset about something,” I remarked feebly. I really did not know how much Poirot would wish me to disclose. As I saw a faint smile gather on Mrs. Cavendish’s expressive mouth, I endeavoured to try and turn the conversation by saying: “They haven’t met yet, have they?”



“Mr. Inglethorp and Miss Howard.”

She looked at me in rather a disconcerting manner.




“Do you think it would be such a disaster if they did meet?”

“Well, don’t you?” I said, rather taken aback.





The Mysterious Affair at Styles 31

2023-04-11 17:31:29 | スタイルズ荘の謎

“Well, you might do something. Find out how he did it. He’s a crafty beggar. Dare say he soaked fly papers. Ask cook if she’s missed any.”


It occurred to me very forcibly at that moment that to harbour Miss Howard and Alfred Inglethorp under the same roof, and keep the peace between them, was likely to prove a Herculean task, and I did not envy John. I could see by the expression of his face that he fully appreciated the difficulty of the position. For the moment, he sought refuge in retreat, and left the room precipitately.


Dorcas brought in fresh tea. As she left the room, Poirot came over from the window where he had been standing, and sat down facing Miss Howard.


“Mademoiselle,” he said gravely, “I want to ask you something.”

“Ask away,” said the lady, eyeing him with some disfavour.

“I want to be able to count upon your help.”




“I’ll help you to hang Alfred with pleasure,” she replied gruffly. “Hanging’s too good for him. Ought to be drawn and quartered, like in good old times.”


“We are at one then,” said Poirot, “for I, too, want to hang the criminal.”

“Alfred Inglethorp?”

“Him, or another.”




“No question of another. Poor Emily was never murdered until he came along. I don’t say she wasn’t surrounded by sharks—she was. But it was only her purse they were after. Her life was safe enough. But along comes Mr. Alfred Inglethorp—and within two months—hey presto!”


“Believe me, Miss Howard,” said Poirot very earnestly, “if Mr. Inglethorp is the man, he shall not escape me. On my honour, I will hang him as high as Haman!”

“That’s better,” said Miss Howard more enthusiastically.



“But I must ask you to trust me. Now your help may be very valuable to me. I will tell you why. Because, in all this house of mourning, yours are the only eyes that have wept.”

Miss Howard blinked, and a new note crept into the gruffness of her voice.



“If you mean that I was fond of her—yes, I was. You know, Emily was a selfish old woman in her way. She was very generous, but she always wanted a return. She never let people forget what she had done for them—and, that way she missed love. Don’t think she ever realized it, though, or felt the lack of it. Hope not, anyway. I was on a different footing. I took my stand from the first.


 ‘So many pounds a year I’m worth to you. Well and good. But not a penny piece besides—not a pair of gloves, nor a theatre ticket.’ She didn’t understand—was very offended sometimes. Said I was foolishly proud. It wasn’t that—but I couldn’t explain. Anyway, I kept my self-respect. And so, out of the whole bunch, I was the only one who could allow myself to be fond of her. I watched over her. I guarded her from the lot of them, and then a glib-tongued scoundrel comes along, and pooh! all my years of devotion go for nothing.”

『私はあなたにとってすごい価値があるの。役に立つわ。でもお金じゃないの、手袋でも劇場の切符でもない。』彼女は理解できなかったし、たまに怒ったりしてた。私が馬鹿みたいに高慢だってね。そうじゃないの、説明できない。とにかく、私は自尊心を失わないの。それで、みんなの中で、私だけが彼女を気に入ってたのよ。彼女を見守った。みんなから守った。そこへ口の達者な悪党が来たら、プーっ! これまでの私の献身が水の泡よ。」

Poirot nodded sympathetically.

“I understand, mademoiselle, I understand all you feel. It is most natural. You think that we are lukewarm—that we lack fire and energy—but trust me, it is not so.”



John stuck his head in at this juncture, and invited us both to come up to Mrs. Inglethorp’s room, as he and Mr. Wells had finished looking through the desk in the boudoir.


As we went up the stairs, John looked back to the dining-room door, and lowered his voice confidentially:

“Look here, what’s going to happen when these two meet?”



I shook my head helplessly.

“I’ve told Mary to keep them apart if she can.”



“Will she be able to do so?”

“The Lord only knows. There’s one thing, Inglethorp himself won’t be too keen on meeting her.”



“You’ve got the keys still, haven’t you, Poirot?” I asked, as we reached the door of the locked room.


Taking the keys from Poirot, John unlocked it, and we all passed in. The lawyer went straight to the desk, and John followed him.



The Mysterious Affair at Styles 30

2023-04-11 13:32:24 | スタイルズ荘の謎

“Ah, I am glad she has come. There is a woman with a head and a heart too, Hastings. Though the good God gave her no beauty!”


I followed John’s example, and went out into the hall, where Miss Howard was endeavouring to extricate herself from the voluminous mass of veils that enveloped her head. As her eyes fell on me, a sudden pang of guilt shot through me. This was the woman who had warned me so earnestly, and to whose warning I had, alas, paid no heed!


How soon, and how contemptuously, I had dismissed it from my mind. Now that she had been proved justified in so tragic a manner, I felt ashamed. She had known Alfred Inglethorp only too well. I wondered whether, if she had remained at Styles, the tragedy would have taken place, or would the man have feared her watchful eyes?


I was relieved when she shook me by the hand, with her well remembered painful grip. The eyes that met mine were sad, but not reproachful; that she had been crying bitterly, I could tell by the redness of her eyelids, but her manner was unchanged from its old gruffness.


“Started the moment I got the wire. Just come off night duty. Hired car. Quickest way to get here.”

“Have you had anything to eat this morning, Evie?” asked John.





“I thought not. Come along, breakfast’s not cleared away yet, and they’ll make you some fresh tea.” He turned to me. “Look after her, Hastings, will you? Wells is waiting for me. Oh, here’s Monsieur Poirot. He’s helping us, you know, Evie.”

「だろうと思った。おいで、まだ朝食を片づけてしまっていないし、新しい紅茶を淹れさせよう。」そして私に向かって言った。「彼女を頼むよ、ヘイスティングス? ウェルズを待たせているから。ああ、ポアロさん。彼が手を貸してくれているんだ、エヴィ。」

Miss Howard shook hands with Poirot, but glanced suspiciously over her shoulder at John.

“What do you mean—helping us?”

“Helping us to investigate.”




“Nothing to investigate. Have they taken him to prison yet?”

“Taken who to prison?”



“Who? Alfred Inglethorp, of course!”

“My dear Evie, do be careful. Lawrence is of the opinion that my mother died from heart seizure.”

「誰って? もちろんアルフレッド・イングルソープだよ!」


“More fool, Lawrence!” retorted Miss Howard. “Of course Alfred Inglethorp murdered poor Emily—as I always told you he would.”


“My dear Evie, don’t shout so. Whatever we may think or suspect, it is better to say as little as possible for the present. The inquest isn’t until Friday.”


“Not until fiddlesticks!” The snort Miss Howard gave was truly magnificent. “You’re all off your heads. The man will be out of the country by then. If he’s any sense, he won’t stay here tamely and wait to be hanged.”


John Cavendish looked at her helplessly.


“I know what it is,” she accused him, “you’ve been listening to the doctors. Never should. What do they know? Nothing at all—or just enough to make them dangerous. I ought to know—my own father was a doctor. That little Wilkins is about the greatest fool that even I have ever seen. Heart seizure! Sort of thing he would say. Anyone with any sense could see at once that her husband had poisoned her. I always said he’d murder her in her bed, poor soul. Now he’s done it. And all you can do is to murmur silly things about ‘heart seizure’ and ‘inquest on Friday.’ You ought to be ashamed of yourself, John Cavendish.”

「わかってる」彼女は彼に詰め寄る。「医者の言うことを聞いてたんでしょ。聞くもんじゃない。あいつらに何がわかる? 何もわかっちゃいない。もっと危険にするだけだ。私はわかってる。私の父が医者だったからね。あのウィルキンスは私が見た中でも一番の馬鹿だ。心不全ですって! 言いそうなことだ。ちょっと考えれば、夫が毒を盛ったとわかる。私はいつも言ってたんだ。彼女はベッドで殺されるって、かわいそうに。それが起きてしまった。それでいて、みんなで『心不全』だとかぼそぼそ言って、『金曜に死因審問』ですって。恥を知りなさい、ジョン・キャベンディッシュ.」

“What do you want me to do?” asked John, unable to help a faint smile. “Dash it all, Evie, I can’t haul him down to the local police station by the scruff of his neck.”



The Mysterious Affair at Styles 29

2023-04-11 00:25:02 | スタイルズ荘の謎

“Yes. See here.” He took out the charred fragment we had found in the grate in Mrs. Inglethorp’s room, and handed it to the lawyer with a brief explanation of when and where he had found it.


“But possibly this is an old will?”

“I do not think so. In fact I am almost certain that it was made no earlier than yesterday afternoon.”



“What?” “Impossible!” broke simultaneously from both men.

Poirot turned to John.



“If you will allow me to send for your gardener, I will prove it to you.”

“Oh, of course—but I don’t see——”

Poirot raised his hand.




“Do as I ask you. Afterwards you shall question as much as you please.”

“Very well.” He rang the bell.

Dorcas answered it in due course.




“Dorcas, will you tell Manning to come round and speak to me here.”

“Yes, sir.”

Dorcas withdrew.




We waited in a tense silence. Poirot alone seemed perfectly at his ease, and dusted a forgotten corner of the bookcase.


The clumping of hobnailed boots on the gravel outside proclaimed the approach of Manning. John looked questioningly at Poirot. The latter nodded.

“Come inside, Manning,” said John, “I want to speak to you.”



Manning came slowly and hesitatingly through the French window, and stood as near it as he could. He held his cap in his hands, twisting it very carefully round and round. His back was much bent, though he was probably not as old as he looked, but his eyes were sharp and intelligent, and belied his slow and rather cautious speech.


“Manning,” said John, “this gentleman will put some questions to you which I want you to answer.”

“Yessir,” mumbled Manning.

Poirot stepped forward briskly. Manning’s eye swept over him with a faint contempt.




“You were planting a bed of begonias round by the south side of the house yesterday afternoon, were you not, Manning?”

“Yes, sir, me and Willum.”



“And Mrs. Inglethorp came to the window and called you, did she not?”

“Yes, sir, she did.”

“Tell me in your own words exactly what happened after that.”




“Well, sir, nothing much. She just told Willum to go on his bicycle down to the village, and bring back a form of will, or such-like—I don’t know what exactly—she wrote it down for him.”




“Well, he did, sir.”

“And what happened next?”

“We went on with the begonias, sir.”




“Did not Mrs. Inglethorp call you again?”

“Yes, sir, both me and Willum, she called.”

“And then?”




“She made us come right in, and sign our names at the bottom of a long paper—under where she’d signed.”

“Did you see anything of what was written above her signature?” asked Poirot sharply.



“No, sir, there was a bit of blotting paper over that part.”

“And you signed where she told you?”



“Yes, sir, first me and then Willum.”

“What did she do with it afterwards?”



“Well, sir, she slipped it into a long envelope, and put it inside a sort of purple box that was standing on the desk.”

“What time was it when she first called you?”



“About four, I should say, sir.”

“Not earlier? Couldn’t it have been about half-past three?”


「もっと早くはなかった? 3時半ぐらいではなかった?」

“No, I shouldn’t say so, sir. It would be more likely to be a bit after four—not before it.”

“Thank you, Manning, that will do,” said Poirot pleasantly.



The gardener glanced at his master, who nodded, whereupon Manning lifted a finger to his forehead with a low mumble, and backed cautiously out of the window.

We all looked at each other.



“Good heavens!” murmured John. “What an extraordinary coincidence.”

“How—a coincidence?”



“That my mother should have made a will on the very day of her death!”

Mr. Wells cleared his throat and remarked drily:

“Are you so sure it is a coincidence, Cavendish?”




“What do you mean?”

“Your mother, you tell me, had a violent quarrel with—someone yesterday afternoon——”



“What do you mean?” cried John again. There was a tremor in his voice, and he had gone very pale.


“In consequence of that quarrel, your mother very suddenly and hurriedly makes a new will. The contents of that will we shall never know. She told no one of its provisions. This morning, no doubt, she would have consulted me on the subject—but she had no chance. The will disappears, and she takes its secret with her to her grave. Cavendish, I much fear there is no coincidence there. Monsieur Poirot, I am sure you agree with me that the facts are very suggestive.”


“Suggestive, or not,” interrupted John, “we are most grateful to Monsieur Poirot for elucidating the matter. But for him, we should never have known of this will. I suppose, I may not ask you, monsieur, what first led you to suspect the fact?”


Poirot smiled and answered:

“A scribbled over old envelope, and a freshly planted bed of begonias.”



John, I think, would have pressed his questions further, but at that moment the loud purr of a motor was audible, and we all turned to the window as it swept past.


“Evie!” cried John. “Excuse me, Wells.” He went hurriedly out into the hall.

Poirot looked inquiringly at me.

“Miss Howard,” I explained.


