


2019-05-06 17:19:29 | 日記

2018-2019年度最新版本的Common Application对于美国大学个人陈述字数限定为650字。虽然Common App的essay题目总是在变化,但是650字的字数规定已经存在了四年之久。在2011-2012年,Common App首次将美国大学Personal Statement限定字数改为500字,但是收到了很多学校的投诉和抗议。很多学校招生办公室都认为字数太少,会影响学生的发挥以及学校的判断。要知道在2011年之前,Common App并没有字数限制,学生可以自由发挥。所以学校常常能收到动辄上千字的申请文书,这种情况给招生人员带来了很多烦恼,也徒增了工作量。正因如此,Common App才开始设定字数,直到现在稳定在650字。

另外,对于不使用Common App招生的学校,通常对申请文书的字数也有很严格的限制。比如加州系学校申请时,需要回答四个问题,每个问题最多350字,总计1400字。同时,有关辅助材料,加州系对于字数也有非常严格的规定,每篇150字到500字之间。


毕竟650字对于我们大部分人来说,如果想要充分展示我们的个性、激情、学术能力和写作能力,这个字数限制是很严格的。尤其对于那些采取“Holistic Review”,即全面考察申请人能力的学校,申请文书是能够展现申请人能力,增进他人对自己了解最好的途径之一。

但是,现实是残酷的,目前无论是Common App还是加州系申请,所有的文章均需要申请人在填写申请表格时粘贴到输入框内,超出字数的部分不会显示。当然,加州系申请还有最低字数限制,为250字。同时,我们也需要注意,650字包含题目以及文章的注脚或附录。

那么为什么美国大学Personal Statement字数限制要求这么严格呢?究其本质,还是与学生的学习能力和写作能力相关。


第二,会写文章的学生一定有能力修改文章,包括删减一些不必要的内容。几乎所有大学写作教授都可能会告诉你,大多数五页的论文都可以被缩短成四页,并在此过程中变得更符合主题。所以当你修改自己的文章时,需要不断问自己哪些想法是真正必要的。这也是Common App和其他大学对申请文书字数有严格规定的原因之一。大学招生官不想浪费时间阅读冗长并且没有重点的文章。




当然,招生人员可能很乐意快速浏览一篇短文,但一篇精美的600字文章将比300字的文章更容易让人留下深刻印象,这也是2013年Common App的字数限制从500字增加到650字的主要原因之一:即成员学院希望他们的申请人有更多的空间来介绍自己。




Paper代写:The 13th

2019-05-06 17:17:59 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The 13th,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了电影《第十三修正案》。艾娃·杜威内获奖纪录片《第十三修正案》描述了奴隶制是如何在美国司法体系中延续的。在第13修正案废除奴隶制和强迫劳动之后,南方经济遭受了严重的打击。然而,奴隶制并没有随着第13条修正案而结束。相反,对美国黑人实施了有组织的犯罪,在没有合法正当理由的情况下监禁他们,或以严重夸大的刑期监禁他们。这种犯罪的目的是继续把美国黑人当作廉价劳动力来操纵。这样的监禁只是奴隶制的延续。

In Ava DuVernay's award-winning documentary, 13th, the continuation of slavery for centuries through the US justice system is depicted. After the 13th Amendment’s abolition of slavery and forced labor, southern economy was severely hit. However, slavery did not end with the 13th Amendment. Instead, an organized crime has been conducted against the black Americans, imprisoning them with no legally justified reasons, or with severely exaggerated sentences. The aim of such a crime was to keep manipulating the black Americans as cheap workforces. Such imprisonment is just a continuation of slavery. It makes people think about how slavery was deeply rooted in the US society back then. Racial propaganda and stereotyping after the 13th Amendment continued to nurturing racism in the south, with the development of KKK and its violence against the black. Another round of imprisonment was initiated by Nixon as a means to suppress the Civil Rights movements after desegregation. Mass media became an instrument to spread fear among the public, associating black people with criminal acts. Instead of sending them to facilities for treatment, punishment was used on drug users. The war against drug is merely a political tool to imprison black activists and opinion leaders.

In a way, slavery was never eliminated in the United States. Instead, it just exists in a different form. Black Americans continue to be victims of racial exploitation and stereotyping. Police violence against the black went unpunished. This is not referring to history, but what is happening right now. The increasing cases of police killings contributed to an increasingly polarized US society. Racism on the state and even national scale has profound influence on the criminal justice system. Industrial factories in prisons become a profit-making machine. The police, the judges and prisons form a flow line as the disguised slavery continue to live on in the country. While black Americans is only 7% of the US population, as high as 40% of the prison population is black. With 5% of the world population, US imprisons 25% of all prisons on the planet. From these disproportions, it isn’t hard to tell that something is serious wrong with the system. While this is partly the responsible of the criminal justice system, which requires immediate reform, the uneven distribution of social resources and wealth is even more difficult to solve. Overall, racial equality in the US still has a long way to go.


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2019-05-06 17:16:52 | 日記


要确保英文论文写作用词的准确性,首先要理解单词的正确意思。只有理解正确,才可以使用正确。另外,不要贪图使用复杂的词语。很多同学在选择词语的时候喜欢在一组近义词当中选择最长的,觉得这样可以展示自己的词汇量。结果往往是词不达意,不适合语境。 比如,如果说一个东西对另外一个东西有影响,我们可以说a negative effect, an adverse effect, a damaging effect, a devastating effect, a destructive effect等等。后面的几个表达都是指影响程度比较大的,比如说环境问题、自然灾害等等。如果说你考试不及格,就有devastating effect那就是夸大其词了。




1.善用Action Verb,做到用词生动

在英文论文写作中,应该尽可能选择短小有力的action verb,才能写出生动有力的文章。比如说,如果想要表达“让某事变得更快”,你第一想法可能是“make it faster”,但是如果我们用动词accelerate来替代的话,会使整个表达更加生动。下面我们再来看两个例子:

His criminal record made him unable to be admitted to the university.

His criminal record disqualified him from being admitted to the university.

我们可以用disqualify来代替make sb unable to。

Ecological imbalances is the biggest threat to the survival of wild animals and plants.

Ecological imbalances threaten the survival of wild animals and plants, even human beings.

用Threanten代替is a threat to,不仅表达更加生动,整体行文也更简洁有力。



(一)He crashed down on a chair which produced a protesting sound.

He crashed down on a protesting chair.


(二)My daughter had to change schools when my work schedule was busy and this made it necessary for me to move houses.

My daughter had to change schools when my busy schedule made it necessary for me to move houses.


The road was frozen and slippery and one could hardly see clearly, so the road accident was caused.

Icy road and poor visibility led to the accident.

(三)He spends nearly 3 hours on watching sports events. The fact that he was completely absorbed in sport interfered with his studies.

He spends nearly 3 hours on watching sports events. His complete absorption interfered with his studies.


He is capable, easygoing and works efficiently. He will surely be promoted.

His aptitude, personality and efficiency guarantee his promotion.



同义词/近义词的使用比如:I first heard this tale shortly after the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976). Later someone told me that the story appeared in a travel magazine.

指代词的使用就更常见了。比如:Perhaps is will suffice to mention the nuclear bomb. Imagine the effect on a reasonably advanced technological society, one that still does not possess the bomb, of making it aware of the possibility, of supplying sufficient details to enable the thing to be constructed.



比如:She had straight A’s and scholarship offers from some of the most prestigious universities in the country.

She had straight A’s and scholarship offers from some of Stanford and Cornell.

在第二句句子中,详细具体地指出了学校的名称。在写作中,要有意识的选择具体的词汇。比如,表达“说”,除了最常见的“say”或“speak”之外,还有很多表达方式,包括exclaim(大声说)、blurt(脱口而出)、stammer(结结巴巴说)等。表达“笑”,除了最常见的“smile”或“laugh”,还有snicker(窃笑)、snort (讽刺、轻蔑地笑)、smirk(傻笑;假笑)、giggle(咯咯地笑)、grin(咧嘴而笑)、chuckle(轻声笑)。




somebody(sb.) suggested that…

sb. advocated that…

sb. propose that…

sb. observed that…

sb. has stated that…

As sb. points out that…

sb. argues that…

sb. concluded that…

researchers have asserted that…

2. It is 和there be句型


It is tempting to ask whether …

It is fairly straightforward to observe that…

There is growing recognition that…

There may be a pressing need for…



make sure // ascertain

come from // stem from

full of // fraught with // be loaded with

similarly // in a similar vein

it is very likely that // there is a very good chance that

explain // elucidate

therefore // thereby



Paper代写:UK individual learning account

2019-05-06 17:15:27 | 日記
本篇paper代写- UK individual learning account讨论了英国个人学习账户。个人学习账户的概念最早是在1997年的劳工宣言中提出的,最根本的实施目的是给每一个有继续学习愿望的国民提供资助。英国政府实施个人学习账户计划是为了国民塑造更好的工作能力,保持国民在劳动力市场的竞争力。让国民参与社会中来,实现对自己职业生涯的规划与管理。另外,提高国民在终身学习上的参与度和成就感,推动终身学习和全民学习的发展,让学习者更关注与期待自己的学习效率,促使民众不断地对继续学习进行投入。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Individual learning accounts are considered an effective means of promoting the acquisition of knowledge, skills and competitiveness. The implementation of the UK's individual learning account scheme enables British nationals to plan and manage their own learning for the first time with the benefit mechanism. It helps nationals to purchase and invest their own learning through the special learning account.

The concept of individual learning accounts was first proposed in the 1997 Labour declaration. In February 1998, the British director of education and employment of the secretary of state David ? brown g in learning times report to congress puts forward the personal learning account plan again, there is also set up industrial university, basic skills, qualification of reform, to carry out the new measures for the workplace learning and regional cooperation, etc. David believes that to cope with the rapid changes in the information age, the British people need to be creative and enterprising, so as to ensure the high quality of the British labor market and sustainable development in the future.

The basic purpose of the individual learning account is to provide financial support to every citizen who wants to continue their study. The long-term goal is to use a percentage of these 1 million accounts to support people in specific industries or those with less education, and to provide financial support for those without qualifications or those with very low professional and technical requirements.

The four specific purposes of the UK government's implementation of the individual learning account scheme are as follows. Second, let the citizens participate in the society to realize their career planning and management; Third, improve the participation and sense of achievement in lifelong learning, and promote the development of lifelong learning and national learning; Fourth, learners should pay more attention to and look forward to their learning efficiency, so as to encourage the public to continue to invest in learning.

The individual learning account program funds a wide range of social workers, including women who want to return to work, school support staff, less qualified youth under the age of 30, ethnic minorities and self-employed people. British citizens aged 19 or above can apply to open an individual learning account. Those under the age of 19 can register for the record first, and only after the age of 19 can they officially register to open an individual learning account. Citizens of other eu countries living and working in the UK, including their spouses and children, are eligible for the individual learning account scheme as long as they qualify to have worked in the UK for five years.

There are three main sources of funds for individual learning accounts: government investment funds, individual investment funds and employer investment funds. Personal learning accounts plan and manage learners' lifelong learning with this benefit mechanism.

The training and business council has invested 150m in 1m individual learning accounts, with the government using the initial funds to provide public funding for each. In the first year, the 1m individual learning accounts initially launched will receive 150 in supplementary funding. Starting from the second year, when the user's total annual tuition reaches 500, the tuition of some courses can be reduced by 20%, and the maximum amount of assistance is 100 per year. For certain courses, such as the basics of writing and computer science, tuition fees can be reduced by up to 80%, with an additional fee of 200 per year.

Individual learning account plans require people to save and borrow for their own continued learning, and learners plan and manage their own learning process. People need to register an individual study account with the study account center first, and then choose a one-time deposit or a long-term fixed deposit to invest in their further study.

The individual learning account program requires employers to fund individual learning accounts for their employees, and employers play a crucial role in the implementation of individual learning accounts. The government encourages enterprises to provide financial assistance to their employees, which can be listed as employee training expenses. In this way, it can not only stimulate their learning needs, but also improve their quality and basic skills.

In addition, the UK government has announced incentives for an individual learning account to encourage individuals and employers to invest in lifelong learning.

Qualified social members need to apply for registration at the individual learning account center first. After the application is approved, they will get a personal learning account card, and users can pay for the expenses generated by learning through such a card similar to a financial smart card, including the nanny fees hired for learning. For the first 1 million successful applicants, the government will allocate 150 pounds of incentive money to the individual learning account as a mutual learning fund, provided that 25 pounds is deposited into the individual learning account in advance.

The individual learning account scheme is administered by the department for educational skills, which contracts out the individual learning scheme to a company called Capita, which is responsible for the implementation of the individual learning account scheme. Capita co-ordinates the implementation of the individual learning account scheme, which is then subcontracted to locally qualified training or learning institutions.

The introduction of the UK's individual learning account scheme reflects the principle that learning costs are Shared by individuals, employers and the government. The establishment of individual learning accounts not only mobilizes the enthusiasm of social members to invest in lifelong learning, but also improves the utilization rate of public education funds, providing a solid economic guarantee for the lifelong learning of the whole British people. According to the survey results commissioned by the department of education and skills of the UK in 2001, the implementation of the individual learning account system is of great help to the unemployed and female learners returning to work, but it is not obvious to the teenagers and minority learners. The two advantages that individual learning accounts have been recognized by the public are the universality of the beneficiary groups and the strong support from the government. In addition, individual learning accounts, which fully respect users' independent choice, are also highly regarded by the public.

The forced termination of the individual learning account program is not due to the innovation of the program itself, but caused by multiple factors, mainly including:

The personal learning plan is implemented too fast and lacks complete planning. The plan was designed and implemented in less than three years, two of which were development proposals for the plan. In the development proposal of the plan, it is mentioned that the plan, as a national policy, should not schedule the introduction and implementation of the plan too tightly, which will hinder the public and potential suppliers from accepting the plan.

The individual learning plan lacks measures to deal with risks. The plan does not use a business model to assess the costs and benefits of operations, nor does it specify security requirements in contracts with institutions and individuals. The omission of this link was due to the small amount of money involved in individual business in the learning account, so the department of education and skills considered at the beginning of the implementation of the project that there was little risk of fraud in the plan.

Private-public partnerships are not to be mishandled. The ministry of education and skills contracted out the individual learning account scheme to Capital and unilaterally considered ita partnership with the company. But the partnership between the education skills department and Capital is far from perfect. Capita is just a specific executing agency of the individual learning account plan, but not included in the project committee by the ministry of education and skills. The company has only the executive power but no decision-making power, so it cannot control the whole implementation process of the plan from a macro perspective. In the absence of a review mechanism, Capital chose to subcontract the individual learning program to local training institutions and mixed some institutions with bad credit, which accelerated the termination of the individual learning account program.

The implementation of the individual learning account plan lacks a monitoring mechanism. Due to the innovative nature of individual learning programs, the ministry of education and development was supposed to step up monitoring of Capital's data and address the growing demand for account opening. As the executing agency of the individual learning account plan, Capital does not periodically review the training qualifications of the training institutions or check the credit level of the learning account holders. Because no abnormal reports were reported, the education and skills department did not update the information about the implementation of the plan timely. For example, 13 contracting agencies registered more than 10,000 accounts, and 20 agencies received more than 1.5 million in subsidies and other information.

In April 2002, SQW and NOP World, two consulting agencies entrusted by the British government, gave a consulting report on the individual learning account plan. According to the report, 80 percent of the 1,000 study account users interviewed believe that such learning plans have effectively encouraged them to continue learning. Despite some drawbacks, the evaluation body believes that the individual learning account scheme has many merits and should summarize and learn from the implementation of the lessons learned and the new revised plan. The 31 authorities involved in the individual learning account scheme believe the government should continue with similar schemes, suggesting that the new scheme should focus more on improving learners' abilities rather than placing too much emphasis on the financial burden of learning. The report also pointed out that for the new individual learning account plan, it should be considered to open to all industries and fields, and increase quality control measures, to track the completion rate and learning effect of learners, and to incorporate learners' Suggestions into the quality control system. In addition, relevant information should be provided to account holders in a timely manner, such as the social credibility of training institutions, course contents and learning Suggestions. Finally, it is also mentioned that the new plan should give priority to supporting the learning and training courses that have already started, and take measures to prevent cheating, such as taking subsidies after the learners finish the training courses.

Following a series of reviews and revisions, the government's white paper, continuing education: improving skills, improving life chances, announced that the new adult learning account programme was launched in the autumn of 2007. In 2010, the British government revised this kind of learning plan again, and started to implement the learner skills account plan, which is still in operation today.

As an effective policy to encourage learners, employers and the government to invest in continuing learning, the personal learning account scheme has played a significant role in promoting lifelong learning in the UK. In addition to the United Kingdom, many countries also implement such learning account system, such as Canada, the United States, Sweden, the Netherlands, Singapore and other countries, these countries use such learning system as an important means to improve national vocational skills.

Personal learning accounts enable people to continuously improve their abilities and meet and adapt to the needs of their posts in the era of rapid development through learning. This approach, funded by individuals, employers and the government, creates opportunities for some low-income groups and unemployed people to continue learning. The individual learning account programme has significantly increased national participation in lifelong learning and has played an important role in developing new public accounts, personal and employer relationships.

There are many lessons to be learned from the implementation of the UK's individual learning account scheme. First, private-public partnerships and co-financing are the trends in individual learning accounts. Government incentives require employers and individual learners to invest more in lifelong learning. It is necessary to take incentives for employers to invest in lifelong education, such as tax cuts, so that employers can see that the investment in lifelong learning can bring benefits to the development of enterprises. Only in this way can employers be motivated. Secondly, the individual learning account plan should let learners know that their learning achievements can be recognized and they can get some financial support. Learners seek better development of their career through continuous learning. Finally, in addition to the design of the plan itself, a good operational and regulatory mechanism is also required to ensure the implementation of the plan, ensuring the learning quality of learners and the smooth implementation of the plan. From the perspective of the development process of individual learning accounts in the UK, every new policy needs to be constantly tested and improved in practice to gradually reach the ideal state.

Compared with the United Kingdom, lifelong learning started late in China, and the supporting policies on national lifelong learning are still blank. Our country can have more than ten years of practical experience of Britain as an important reference. When studying and drawing lessons from international experience, we should avoid such problems as superficialization and eagerness for success. This requires the government to have an in-depth understanding of China's actual situation, formulate specific national policies in line with China's education status, and better achieve the combination of internationalization and localization.


Essay代写:New understanding of American basic education

2019-05-06 17:12:34 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- New understanding of American basic education,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的基础教育。美国实行的是联邦政府、州政府和学区三级管理体制。教育部是教育政策研究和咨询的机构,通过教育立法、经费调拨等方式管理教育。州教育厅对全州教育事业发展有较大的统筹权,但是不介入学校的行政管理。总的来说,美国行政机构对学校干预较少,以此保障教育公平重机制。另外,学校的教师入门门槛高、考核严,课程实施更开放,比较尊重个性需要。

The United States is the implementation of the federal government, state government and school district management system. The ministry of education is an educational policy research and advisory body that administers education through educational legislation and appropriation. The state education department has greater overall power over the development of education in the whole prefecture, but does not intervene in the administrative management of schools. The educational administration below the state level is the school district. The school district education committee is democratically elected by the local residents, and the highest executive officer is the superintendent. All major events in school districts and schools, such as the appointment of proctors, principals, teachers, the use of funds and curriculum, are decided by the education committee. At present, the principals of primary and secondary schools in China generally say that there are too many interventions from the educational administrative departments and the schools have too little space to run their own schools. I believe that we can learn from the basic education management model of the United States and accelerate the pace of streamlining administration and delegating power.

The basic education of the United States, safeguard education fair heavy mechanism. States in the United States invest in public schools according to the number of students and the quality of running schools. Students will be exempted from textbooks, exercise books, pens and school bus fees during their 12 years of compulsory education. Students are required to study in nearby schools during the compulsory education period, which is strictly divided according to the school district. The school does not have key, not key cent. Private schools, most of which are established by churches and students have to pay some fees, are generally superior to public schools. Private schools are basically free from any government supervision, and the influence of the school policy is the parents and teachers' union and some professional private educational institutions. In my opinion, the American mechanism of "school choice is not public, but private" has opened up new ideas for us to solve the problem of "school choice fever".

Basic education in the United States, school curriculum implementation more open. Each school district selects different versions of textbooks according to their own curriculum standards. Schools have a great deal of autonomy under the premise of implementing the curriculum tasks of school districts. Schools can set up flexible and diverse school-based curriculum according to needs. Teachers can freely integrate curriculum resources according to teaching needs in classroom teaching. The state department of education and school district have funds to support teachers to develop characteristic school-based curriculum. Secondary schools adopt a credit system in which students take elective courses. Many schools have set up more challenging pre-university courses for students. The credits of such courses can be directly brought into the university. Seeing the rich and colorful school-based curriculum in American schools, I think we should also develop our own local curriculum and school-based curriculum to provide abundant nutrition for students' development.

Basic education in the United States, with special respect for individual needs. First, according to the characteristics of age set management. The elementary school implements the tutorial system, the middle school implements the class system. In primary school, a teacher is responsible for most of the lessons in a class. In secondary school, students follow their elective courses. The second is to develop each student according to their aptitude. Most school districts organize students to take the PSAT, and many high school seniors use it as a basis for further stratification. Third, the importance of cultivating students' ability of independent management.

American basic education, teachers entry threshold high, strict assessment. After wanting to do a teacher to need to obtain bachelor's degree in the United States, undertake a year or so pedagogical education major is advanced study, pass comprehensive practice again, obtain pedagogical bachelor's degree or master's degree, pass qualification to maintain an exam even, ability obtains teacher's qualification. Teachers' salaries are determined by years of service, education and credits earned from continuing education. The work of each teacher should not only be assessed according to the contract, but also accept the evaluation of students and the random inspection of the principal. Although American teachers have heavy teaching tasks, they do not have to undertake the obligation for students to enter higher education. At present, we emphasize the professional development of teachers, while American teachers, especially primary school teachers, are all general teachers with strong ability to integrate subject knowledge, which is a topic worth thinking about.

