

Essay代写:The Influence of the Law of Demand and Supply and the Price of Elasticity of Demand

2019-05-15 17:31:23 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The Influence of the Law of Demand and Supply and the Price of Elasticity of Demand,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了需求与供给规律、价格弹性对需求的影响。在制定定价策略时,公司必须对需求规律有一个扎实的了解,并且考虑到供给定律,当商品价格高时,生产者倾向于生产更多的商品,因为以更高的价格卖出更多的商品有助于增加收入。另外,需求弹性价格告诉我们价格的变化如何影响需求量。对需求规律、供给规律和需求价格弹性有一个扎实的了解,可以帮助公司更好地预测不同定价策略的潜在结果。

When considering a company’s business performance, profitability is one of the most important factors. Profitability is mostly influenced by revenue and cost. Therefore, if a company wants to enhance its performance, it should find out ways to maximize revenue and minimize cost.

Revenue is determined mainly by two important factors, price and the amount of units sold. As the law of demand suggests, if all other factors don’t change, the higher the price, the less people will demand that good (Hayes). Therefore, when a company is making pricing strategies, the company has to have a solid understanding of the law of demand. The decision makers should realize the fact that although a higher price can lead to a higher margin, a higher price can also cost a lower total revenue. However, if the high margin is able to compensate for the lost amount of units sold, the company may consider produce less and price high since usually the less produced, the lower the cost. To sum up, the company needs to forecast the demand of the price, and then make a decision based on the estimated revenue of different combination of price and demand and the related cost. For example, a pen manufacturer can sell its pen at $5 or $2 per unit. Assuming that the manufacturer is able to sell 200 units at $5 and 500 units at $2. Thus, the manufacturer can get a revenue of $1000 each way. Considering the cost related, the manufacturer can get a higher profit when sell its pen at $2. Nonetheless, if the company cares more about its market share, then selling the pen at $2 can also be a good solution to maximize its revenue.

According to the law of supply, when the price of a good is high, producers tend to produce more because to sell more at a higher price can help increase revenue (Hayes). However, if all the producers increase the production of the goods, the supply will reach and even outnumber the demand. As a result, the price will drop. What’s more, if a company fails to sell all the good in time, the company will incur different kinds of cost, like storage fees, production fees, damage and so on. Therefore, the profit will decrease. To avoid increasing cost due to the drop of demand, the company needs to forecast whether the high price of the good will be permanent or temporary. If the high price of the good won’t last long, the company needs to calculate whether the increase in profit can compensate for the increased cost. If the high price of the good is permanent or repetitive, the company can design a production pattern to meet the demand pattern.

The price of elasticity of demand tells us how the change of price influences the amount of demand. If a product is price inelastic, then the company may be able to charge a higher price without worrying a lot about losing sales. However, if a product is price elastic, the company needs to be very cautious in increasing price because a small increase in price may greatly decrease the amount of units sold.

The price of elasticity of demand will change due to a lot of factors. For example, for a FMCG company, its products are usually price elastic since there are countless substitutions available in the market. However, the company can decrease its price elasticity of demand through effort in branding. Marketer of the company can work hard to switch the company’s products from price elastic to price inelastic (Gallo). By training customers into loyal customers or increasing the cost of switching products, the products can be more irreplaceable for its customers. The change of price of elasticity can be a standard to measure marketers’ performance.

Price inelastic goods may become price elastic over time. For instance, oil is usually regarded as a price inelastic goods because people can hardly dramatically decrease their oil consumption in a short period. Therefore, even complaining about the price increase, consumers still need to use oil. However, if the oil price keeps increasing, consumers may try to switch a source of energy or figure out ways to decrease its oil consumption. As a result, the demand of oil will gradually decrease with a growing decreasing rate. Therefore, for companies that produce price inelastic goods, they need to consider both the short-term and long-term influence of their pricing strategies.

To conclude, a solid understanding of the law of demand, the law of supply and the price elasticity of demand can help a company better forecast the potential results of different pricing strategies.


Gallo, Amy. A Refresher on Price Elasticity. August 21, 2015. December 2, 2017.

Hayes, Adam. Economics Basics: Supply and Demand. December 2, 2017.


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Assignment代写:Community university should Charge Tuition Fee

2019-05-15 17:30:09 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Community university should Charge Tuition Fee,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了社区大学的学费问题。社区大学是学生接受高等教育成本最低的方式,这为更多的学生提供了学习的机会。然而,学费并不是学生应该关心的唯一因素,老师和学校设施也很重要,这需要很多钱。所以社区大学应该收取合理的教育费用,这将有利于社区大学,学生和政府。

Community university play a very important role in American education system, which develops the popularization of higher education. However, the charge of community has been a debate since last century. Higher Education Opportunity Act came in act in 2008, which influences American students since it releases the burden on tuition now. (McPherson, Peter and Shulenburger, David, 2008) In mu point of view, it is better for the community universities to take a reasonable charge from the students and to make community universities better places for students to learn and make themselves a bigger development zone.

Government’s financial support is limited and tuition and other payments by students are great supplement for colleges’ operation. It is true that the community mainly aims at those students who come from low-salary families since the tuition is quite low compared to public and private universities, but the cost of community should be shared by both the government and students since it would need a large amount of money to run a school orderly. Firstly, the community universities need to use the financial support to maintain a better educational resources. For example, students of computer science and physics have to use lab and equipment to learn, and if community universities do not charge they cannot bear such a large amount of cost. On the other hand, teachers, tutors as well as teaching assistants need financial aid to make their job better since they have to survive too. The financial support of government and relevant organizations is limited and they may have other things to support other than community universities. More importantly, it would be better for community universities to operate well. If the community universities is free of charge, they will face a big dilemma to determine which student should be admitted, since they can only admit a limited number of students every year. Therefore, if they are free and open to all the students who want to learn at community universities, it would be in chaos and hard to manage all the things.

We cannot deny the importance of community colleges, but it does not mean all government support should go to them. As government’s support is the major financial income of community universities, and the overall budget of a government is limited and there are many other fields that required the money, so it is important to consider the effects and influence from a broad perspective. From the Bush to Obama government, this proposal whether the community should be free, has been talked many times and till now, community universities still charge. According to this long process of debate, making community universities free has impacts on many other fields such as banking systems and the policies of government, which are hard to make true in a short time. Further, there are many other fields that need the taxpayer’s money such as the nursing homes and the development of infrastructures. To be honest, the government has done many efforts to improve the current situation of those students who are from poor families such as providing specific loans for them.

Currently, some people would argue that if the governments do not make the community universities free, there would be many students have no access to higher education, which for me really is an obvious misunderstanding. According to a research by Gilboa, Yaakov, and M. Justman in 2009, the effect of university tuition and student loan policies on students’ entrance into universities or colleges is very small. Students who cannot pay the tuition have many access to complete their education so long as they want. According to research by Sallie Mae(2014), the proportion of students financing themselves over 60%. During 2003 to 2004, the average students loan is 3600, while the students in public university is 4100, which is higher than average rather than community universities. The fact is that to make the students have “free lunch” would be detrimental for their mental developments and make them build up wrong values systems. They would try their best to get access to free school.

Works Cited:

Gilboa, Yaakov, and M. Justman. "University tuition subsidies and student loans: a quantitative analysis." Israel Economic Review 7.7(2009):1-37.

McPherson, Peter and Shulenburger, David. "University Tuition, Consumer Choice and College Affordability: Strategies for Addressing a Higher Education Affordability Challenge. A NASULGC Discussion Paper. " National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges(2008):90.

“How America Pays for College.” Sallie Mae’s National Study of College Students and Parents. 2014. Sallie Mae.


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2019-05-15 17:27:38 | 日記








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Paper代写:English regionalism theory

2019-05-15 17:25:35 | 日記
本篇paper代写- English regionalism theory讨论了英国地方主义理论。乡绅社会,即郡社会,是英国地方主义研究的核心和基础。郡内的地产是乡绅发展的基础,在人际交往过程中,血缘关系、同区域、同身份的人具有明显的认同感,独立的乡绅就是在这种认同感基础上建立起来的,对抗王权与贵族的力量也来源于此。中央与地方的关系是地方主义研究的关键问题,主要包括地方独立于中央的程度和范围;认同感与地域、血缘间的关系;凝聚力与地域、血缘间的关系;郡社会的概念、特点和表现;认同感是如何在郡乡绅中产生的。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

In the 1960s, Britain and other countries began to deeply study the theory of localism. The first study mainly focused on the study of Stuart dynasty, deeply discussed the nature of political society in England, and analyzed its formation reasons and social background, which laid a certain foundation for the subsequent research. In the 1960s, the theory of localism gradually developed and formed a pluralistic and multi-perspective research school. The traditional theories of localism include whigs and tories, who made an in-depth analysis of the causes and influencing factors of the British revolution in the 17th century. On this basis, other theories gradually grew stronger. Relevant scholars have shown that the county was the most typical representative unit in England in 1640. It was filled with a strong atmosphere of regionalism, and the contradiction between regionalism and centralization was the main reason for the revolution. Alan Everett is the main representative of the contradiction between regionalism and centralization. He thinks that independent counties constitute England together, and each county is an independent individual, showing distinct loyalty. He always adhere to the theory that "the development and progress of society is not static, it is constantly, in Elizabeth, stew Ⅱ heyday, the development of the county is the main form of expression, Hanover dynasty also shows this feature. It's impossible to say exactly when this gradual change took place, but it's real.

The gentry society, that is, the county society, is the core and foundation of the study of localism. The property in the county is the basis of the development of the gentry. In the process of interpersonal communication, people with blood relationship, region and identity have obvious sense of identity. Independent gentry is established on the basis of this sense of identity. The gentry is the most obvious sign and feature of the county society, and the community is also constituted by the county. County society actively participates in the governance of local society, is a harmonious and stable social system, and puts forward the interests of all parties. The relationship between the central government and the local government is a key issue in the study of localism. The relationship between identity, region and blood relationship; The relationship between cohesion, region and consanguinity; The concept, characteristics and performance of county society; How identity arose among the gentry;

Some scholars deeply studied the formation time of the gentry class, and believed that the gentry class had initially formed in the 13th century. Poole pointed out that "in the 13th century, the social nature and pattern changed from the original military nature to administration and justice. The army became professional, and military obligations could be solved through money. As a result, the administrative and judicial practice became the main focus of the county."

The change in the nature of the military took a step away from the cavaliers, allowing them to focus their attention and energy on government affairs and better serve the government. Their role has also shifted -- to play as much of a dual role as possible, one that is as important in county government as it is in the countryside. In the political life of the state, the role of the knights of the west gradually emerged, accelerating the process of land inheritance and transfer, improving the social and legal system, gradually getting rid of the control and constraints of the Lord, and becoming an independent individual. The gap between different classes is gradually reduced, and social relations are becoming more important. The needs and patterns of local interests have changed. In the past, they were dominated by knights and gradually transformed into representatives of the gentry class. Cours believed that in the 13th and 14th centuries, the gentry had gradually turned into a political force in the administration of local society, and its role and influence could not be ignored.

With the progress of the society, more and more scholars joined in the study of regionalism. In the 1960s, relevant studies began to develop rapidly, forming a complete theoretical research system of medieval history. In addition to the positive impact, there have been many voices of criticism and opposition. The author concludes that the criticism of "county society" not only considers that the understanding of the role of the county court is not deep enough, but also negates the relationship between the sense of identity and the scope of interests.

In the 1980s, Clive holmes deeply studied the theory of "county society" and localism, and put forward different views from the perspectives of government management and squire communication. In 1640, he thought, most of the gentry in Kent were small gentry, 800 strong, but not big gentry. The big squire was the county squire, and the little squire was the parish squire. The contact and marriage scope of the small squire were limited to the neighboring areas, and its influence was not enough to form the social identity. The squire family was the main source of the social identity of the county, but its influence and influence scope were not enough.

In 1998, Peter Fleming and Anthony gross published a book analyzing and evaluating the system of government in England, published by hamblyton press. The book reappraised the value of the county, and made an in-depth analysis of the structure of the English government system and the role of each component. As society develops, agents or stewards can be appointed to attend. In the second half of the 14th century, the gentry did not show obvious integrity, and the exposition of public opinions and opinions also needed to be dialectically treated. He thinks, the effect of county administration and influence are not huge, its effect and position still need to be studied in depth.

The study of localism has a history of nearly 40 years, and a large number of scholars and experts have joined in the study of local theories. The study of this theory promoted the study of medieval history and gradually formed a complete theoretical system of history, which enriched the field of historical research, especially the concepts of "gentry society" and "county society", and injected fresh academic knowledge into the theory of historical research. The development process of history is a complex matter, including not only the overall characteristics, but also the obvious individual characteristics. Geographical location, social progress, economic development level and so on will affect the historical development. At present, there is no unified conclusion on the definition of squire. Different schools and scholars hold different views, which increases the difficulty of research and requires more scholars and experts to join relevant research.


Essay代写:Research on effective teaching in the United States

2019-05-15 17:22:57 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Research on effective teaching in the United States,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国有效教学的研究。有效教学是为了提高教师的课堂工作效益、强化过程评价和目标管理的一种教学理念。美国有效教学的研究始于20世纪上半叶,涌现出许多研究成果,对教育实践产生了巨大影响。教育改革的核心是教学改革,教育工作的关键是教学。教师在教学活动中占据重要地位,是教学活动的发起者和组织者。因此,美国研究有效教学的学者关注的是具备何种品质的教师才能进行有效教学。

The study of effective teaching in the United States is a process of gradual deepening, which has experienced three stages: revealing the characteristics of teachers who carry out effective teaching, discussing effective teaching behavior, and formulating effective teaching standards. Reviewing the process of effective teaching research in America is of great significance to the deepening of education reform and the improvement of education quality in China.

Effective teaching is a kind of teaching idea which aims to improve the efficiency of teachers' classroom work, strengthen process evaluation and target management. The research on effective teaching in the United States began in the first half of the 20th century. The core of educational reform is teaching reform, and the key of educational work is teaching. Reviewing the process of effective teaching research in the United States and summarizing the experience and lessons that can be used for reference in China is of great significance for solving problems such as backward concepts, outdated teaching contents and methods, ineffective effects and even negative effects in China's basic education, and further promoting the deepening of education reform and improving the quality of education.

Teaching has always been a concern of western educators, and the study of teaching thought has existed in the west since ancient times. The research on effective teaching in the United States started in the 1830s and has gone through three stages so far. The first stage mainly reveals the characteristics of effective teaching teachers, the second stage mainly studies the effective teaching behavior of teachers, and the third stage mainly studies the standards of effective teaching behavior.

Teachers are the initiators and organizers of teaching activities. Therefore, the first concern of American scholars who study effective teaching is what kind of quality teachers can carry out effective teaching. In 1931, Cattell asked 254 education officials, teacher trainers, teachers and students to identify the most important qualities a good teacher should have. According to the survey results, the most outstanding qualities of a good teacher are personality and desire, intelligence, sympathy and strategy, open mind and sense of humor.

Getzels and Jackon, psychologists at the university of Chicago, argue that not only should teachers be identified for the qualities they need to teach effectively, but that such qualities should also be measured accurately. They looked at more than 800 research projects measuring teacher quality and found that most of these were standardized psychological tests that examined teachers' psychopathology and had no meaning for effective teaching in schools. For this reason, they further discussed that effective Teaching teachers should have personality characteristics, and their Research results were included in the Handbook of Research on Teaching.

Ryan and his colleagues observed that between the extremes of enthusiasm, self-discipline, infectiousness and imagination, and apathy, disorganization, boredom and conformism, teachers who were closer to the former were more likely to teach effectively, and those who were closer to the latter were more likely to teach inefficiently.

By the early 1970s, a large number of research results about the characteristics of teachers who conduct effective teaching emerged. To sum up, these characteristics are divided into two aspects. The first aspect is the macro physical and psychological characteristics, such as tidiness and charm, kindness and kindness, wisdom, open-minded, sense of humor and so on. The second aspect is the micro characteristics reflected in the teaching process, such as understanding students, strict requirements, rich knowledge, flexible teaching methods and so on.

This research on effective teaching from the perspective of teacher quality was criticized by some scholars soon after its publication. These scholars believe that although the quality of teachers is a necessary condition for effective teaching, it cannot guarantee that the teaching of teachers with these qualities is effective and successful. There is no direct correlation between good teacher quality and teaching effect. Research on effective teaching from the perspective of teacher quality is called black-box Research because it mechanically links teacher quality with student performance and completely ignores teacher performance in class.

Since the 1960s, with the deepening of effective teaching research, scholars have deepened their understanding of the limitations of the research from the perspective of teacher characteristics. They realized that compared with the characteristics of teachers, the teaching behavior of teachers in class has a greater impact on the teaching effect and has a closer relationship with students' performance. In the 1970s, Dunkin and Biddle put forward the teaching research model including predetermined variables, environmental variables, outcome variables and process variables, to further explain the relationship between teachers' teaching behavior and teaching effect. The predetermined variables refer to teachers' formative experience, training experience and teacher characteristics. Process variables include two aspects: teachers' teaching behavior and students' learning behavior. There is a close relationship between process variables, especially the teaching behavior of teachers, and outcome variables. Therefore, to become a good teacher, in addition to good quality, to create a vibrant classroom atmosphere and orderly external environment, but also need effective teaching, seeking to maximize the growth of students teaching strategies.

Under the influence of deng jin and bodel's model, many scholars have shifted the research focus to the teaching behavior and related problems of teachers and published many results that have important influence on teaching practice.

The teaching process includes two aspects: the teacher's teaching and the student's learning. Without the active participation of students, the teaching process of teachers cannot be started, let alone effective. American scholars pay much attention to students' study. Famous psychologist and nie the learning content is divided into intellectual skills, verbal information, and cognition strategy, motor skills, attitude, a total of five kinds of types, discusses the condition of effective learning these skills, and on this basis to build the contains the teaching goal, teaching process, teaching methods, teaching results, including the teaching theory system.

Bruner pointed out that there is no essential difference between the process of students learning existing knowledge and the process of scientists exploring the unknown world of human beings. All knowledge must be discovered actively by students and internalized into the existing knowledge structure. He believes that "discovery learning" needs "discovery teaching". Teachers should create scenarios to stimulate students' positive thinking, encourage students to explore and discover, train students to find problems, put forward hypotheses, and verify and compare methods.

In order to correct the deviation in bruner's theory, bloom put forward the theory of "mastery learning". He believed that with the right conditions and enough time, all but two or three percent of the students with disabilities could learn what one could in the world. Therefore, as long as the teacher carries on the diagnosis appraisal to the student original knowledge structure and decides the teaching plan according to this, the mobilization student positive emotion, USES the feedback correction mechanism, can realize the effective teaching.

Under the guidance of learning theory, many scholars in the United States have conducted experimental studies and realized that there are obvious differences in students' experience, family socioeconomic status, language and other aspects. Independent learning is an important way to achieve the all-round development of all students. Through independent learning, students take the initiative to enter the learning process, reason about the learning content, and think critically, so as to achieve more complex learning effects.

Research on students' learning process shows that teachers' teaching behavior has a great influence on students' learning performance, and the quality of teaching effect is directly determined by teachers' teaching behavior in class to a large extent. Therefore, by means of direct observation, researchers have summarized some teaching behaviors that can produce the best teaching effect.

In 1973, on the basis of reviewing more than 50 studies, the psychologist Rosenthal foster summarized 10 teaching behaviors that can produce the most effective teaching effect: clear description, instruction and explanation; Using different teaching methods; Be enthusiastic about the teaching content and students, and show enthusiasm through speeches, gestures and eyes; Guide students to discuss and encourage them to express their opinions; Teaching students to take learning tasks seriously; Prepare lessons carefully and create learning opportunities for students; Structured reviews are often used to organize, introduce, and define activities; Ask questions and give explanations at different levels of cognition; Less use of critical opinions; Specify materials of appropriate difficulty, etc.

In 1986, brophy goodall, a famous expert in teaching theory, wrote the chapter of "teacher behavior and student achievement" in the handbook of teaching research edited by whitlock, which divided teaching behavior into several types, such as making plans, presenting information, questioning students, answering and feedback. After that, they jointly published the book perspective classroom, which discussed how to impart knowledge in the best way, stimulate students' learning motivation, organize classroom teaching, effectively deal with classroom problems, promote the interaction between students, implement differentiated teaching, and evaluate the teaching behaviors frequently adopted by teachers, such as students. This book has been revised and republished ten times and is regarded by American teachers as a classic reference for effective teaching.

Once in the state of teacher certification assessment agency G.D.B orich in book effective teaching methods, summed up the clear teaching, task oriented, diversified teaching, guide students in the learning process, to ensure the success rate of five key teaching behavior, in addition to using the ideas of students and strength, organization, asking questions, explore, teachers' influence and other five kinds of effective teaching related auxiliary teaching behavior. According to baldridge, to be effective in teaching, teachers must clearly explain and present teaching contents, carry out teaching activities in a flexible and diverse way, organize teaching closely around teaching tasks, increase students' time and mental investment in the teaching process, and improve students' success rate in understanding and completing homework. In this book, baldridge also deals with the theoretical issues of teaching objectives and goals, classroom management, student evaluation, etc., and expounds direct teaching strategies, indirect teaching strategies, and questioning strategies.

The promotion of effective teaching methods and the implementation of effective teaching strategies need the active participation of teachers, but the standardization and guidance of teacher evaluation mechanism is undoubtedly of great significance. In addition, the unsatisfactory performance of American students in international student tests is also an important reason for the revision of effective teaching standards in the United States. For a period of time, the existing teacher evaluation system cannot distinguish between efficient teaching and mediocre teaching, effective teaching and ineffective teaching. Excellent teachers cannot be recognized and encouraged. Teachers with poor teaching quality cannot be found in time. Therefore, it has become the focus of effective teaching research in the United States since the 1990s to develop effective teaching evaluation standards suitable for primary and secondary schools and promote research in related fields.

In 1998, the center for education, diversity, and excellence, funded by the office of education research and enhancement at the U.S. department of education, published a report entitled "teaching matters: standards for effective teaching practices." The report, by Stephanie Stoll Dalton, is the result of a collaboration with more than two dozen institutions and universities. In order to ensure that students of different cultural backgrounds and RACES can receive a good education, the report proposes the following five standards for effective teaching at the basic education stage.

Teachers and students work together to design activity plans, group students according to their individual differences, monitor and support the active collaboration among students.

Develop language competence and improve cultural literacy through classroom teaching. The teacher should listen to the students to talk about familiar topics, provide help for language development through demonstration, guidance, exploration, retelling, explanation, questioning, praise and other forms, connect language development with cultural literacy and subject knowledge through a variety of activities, and encourage students to express their views in subject language.

Teachers should start the teaching activities with the content that students are familiar with, design meaningful teaching activities for students, and help students to connect and apply the knowledge they have learned in family and community.

Teachers should make sure that students have a holistic understanding of what they have learned, put forward challenging requirements for students, design teaching tasks that can promote students' thinking to a higher level, and help students complete relatively complex learning tasks closely related to real life experience.

The teacher has a clear academic goal when talking with the students. He guides the students to express their own opinions, judgment and reasoning in the conversation. He helps the students to learn by asking questions, retelling, praising, encouraging and other ways in the conversation.

Charlotte Danielson, formerly of the educational testing service and the author of classroom behavior assessment standards, wrote "improving professional practice: a framework for teaching" in 1996 for the American supervisory and curriculum development association. Given that teaching is a highly complex activity process, the report describes the conditions or standards to be met by teachers in four areas: design and preparation, classroom environment, teaching and professional responsibility. For example, in the field of teaching, teachers should be able to communicate clearly and accurately with students through oral and written language, use the skills of question and discussion, enable students to participate in the teaching process, provide useful feedback to students, and adjust the teaching plan according to the actual situation of students. To facilitate implementation, the four areas are subdivided into 22 parts and 66 elements. Each element has "unqualified", "qualified", "skilled", "excellent" four levels of specific requirements.

