

Thesis statement该怎么写

2019-05-16 17:37:03 | 日記
在一篇英文论文中,Thesis statement就是其核心,论文的内容都需要围绕Thesis Statement来展开。要想抓住老师的眼球,那么Thesis Statement必须得新颖出奇才行。那么Thesis Statement该怎么写呢?下面就给大家讲解一下。

1.Thesis Statement清楚地点出全文主轴

Thesis statement,也就是全文的theme,它带着作者对该题目的核心与精神。


2.Thesis Statement可以不收固定文体的约束

首先,如果thesis statement没抓好,任何的文体都不具意义。绝对不要将自己捆绑于某种固定的文体,因为thesis statement是一个活泼、有力的生命体,我们可以用任何的文体来呈现它。例如,我们可以用「论说性」的文体,却加上一首诗,就显的刚柔并济;也可以用「比较性」的文体加上充分的数据,就显的严厉而客观;当然也可以用「直述性」的文体,外加一则「新闻性」的报导,就显的活泼且具深度。

3.Thesis Statement既可以明示,也可以暗示


4.Thesis Statement要为下一段落做好铺垫

只要脑中有料,我们的思绪是不会无缘无故断掉的,所以,只要第一段(也就是thesis statement)有重点,就已替下一段铺好了路;换句话说,对作者而言,全文的走势(flow)早已成竹在胸,完全掌控。所以第二段就水到渠成、欲罢不能、自然而然地延续下来,使全文顺畅若流水。

5.Thesis Statement虽然短,但要具完整性

虽然成熟的句子需精简干练、切忌冗长,但是thesis statement所发出的信息仍必完完整整,缺一不可。在thesis statement之后的段落(也就是body)之中,任何突发的重点,都将破坏文章的flow;当然,会「突发」的原因即在于thesis statement有缺口、欠完整。

6.Thesis Statement令读者欲读之而后快

肤浅幼稚的字汇难以展现文字之美与巧。短短的thesis statement就像一颗镶在皇冠上的钻石,要发光发亮:它的用字遣词不但优美,而且有力;不但呈现全文的主轴,而且精致,让读者着迷。

Thesis statement也是一把钥匙,将读者引进一个神秘而美丽的花园。所以thesis statement不是空泛的、没头绪的,而是扎扎实实,并替文章孕育了丰富的灵魂和生命。

7.Thesis Statement的句型成熟精湛

Thesis statement是整篇论文的核心部分,句型当然要慎而作之!思绪半天挤出的冗长、松散、甚至没有重心的句子组成的段落,吸引力并不会那么明显,而且令人愈看愈累。所以,thesis statement的句型必须是精湛而有力的,大家可以换位思考一下老师想要看到什么样的句子。

以上就是关于Thesis Statement的写作讲解,同学们在确定Thesis Statement的时候,可以根据上面说的去做。



Paper代写:Legalization of marijuana

2019-05-16 17:35:54 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Legalization of marijuana,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了大麻合法化。2012年,科罗拉多州和华盛顿州的选民采取行动,将21岁及以上人群使用和销售大麻合法化。然而,该法案通过后不久,就出现了一些关于这个问题的法律争论。有些人认为大麻在宗教、社会、医疗和政治等方面不适合娱乐用途。法案通过后,大麻在世界各地的法律地位发生了变化,从完全禁止到允许个人使用一定剂量的大麻,导致了世界各地的各种斗争。

The American people initially introduced the Marijuana Tax Act as early as in 1937, which asked people to attain a license before selling, was passed quickly with little argument. Later in 2012, Colorado and Washington’s voters moved to legalize the use and sale of marijuana by those who are 21 and older (Hickenlooper and Governor, 243). However, some legal squabble on this issue emerged shortly after the act was passed. Some people think that marijuana is not suitable for recreational use in many aspects such as religious, social, medical and political aspects. After the act was passed, the Marijuana’s position has changed legally all over the world from a total prohibition to allowing a certain dose used by individuals, resulting in various fights throughout the world. Nevertheless, while there are some supporters, there are also many opponents at the same time.

The supporters support the legalization of marijuana for the following reasons: firstly, the whole prohibition is against the individual freedom to some extent while all countries should defer to its citizens’ self-determination as well as personal freedom. Secondly, the whole prohibition will not prevent customers from purchasing the weed, nor will it prevent business man from producing and selling it. On the contrary, it will increase the marijuana medicine’s final price due to the condition of black market. In addition, it will cause users to commit crimes the marijuana adductors want to fulfill their addictions. Thirdly, the legalization of marijuana will assist in reducing expense in health care by abating the probability of casual ingestion or overdoses of an intended drug by adhering to the drug purity’s normalization that put forward by the state during manufacturing and selling. Fourthly, taking marijuana will do no harm to a third person. Thus, a whole prohibition is unnecessary. While the legalization of marijuana has no harm to a third party, the war on drugs, which will put non-users’ family members or friend into prison, will bring about serious effect on third parties. According to a relevant research, legalization was more preferred to by physicians who themselves had used marijuana, cocaine, and amphetamines while had not used alcohol, cigarettes, or tranquilizers(Linn, Yager and Leaker, 714)..

The opponents also have their reasons. Firstly, the legalization of drugs will increase the number of drug adductors instead of rescuing those existing users. Secondly, drug will bring about harm to third parties, such as raising the risk of health care cost, bringing about violence linked to the use of drugs, neglecting the children due to those drug-addicted parents and so on. Thirdly, drug salesman will sell the drug to children. Many students in high school say that drugs are easier to attain since the legalization of marijuana. Besides, it will give child wrong implication that the use of drug is acceptable (Joffe, Alain and Samuel, e633).

As for me, I am an opponent of the legalization of marijuana. Apart from the harm to children, it will do great harm to people’s health condition. Just as the saying goes, each medicine has its side effect, let alone addicting to the drugs. Worse still, the use of marijuana not only does great harm to the users’ health condition, it will destroy their ability to think logically (Friedlander, Arthur and Robert, 179). Besides, the legalization of marijuana is of no help to disseminate themselves from taking other drugs.

Work Cited

Friedlander, Arthur H., and Robert P. Liberman. "Oral health care for the patient with schizophrenia." Special Care in Dentistry 11.5 (1991): 179-183.

Hickenlooper, Governor John W. "Experimenting with pot: the state of Colorado's legalization of marijuana." The Milbank Quarterly 92.2 (2014): 243-249.

Joffe, Alain, and W. Samuel Yancy. “Legalization of marijuana: potential impact on youth.” Pediatrics 113.6 (2004): e632-e638.

Linn, L. S., J. Yager, and B. Leake. "Physicians' attitudes toward the legalization of marijuana use." Western Journal of Medicine 150.6 (1989): 714.


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2019-05-16 17:33:41 | 日記

















Paper代写:British diplomacy towards China

2019-05-16 17:26:24 | 日記
本篇paper代写- British diplomacy towards China讨论了英国对中国的外交。英国外交素来讲究现实主义,表现为审时度势,努力使自己不处于过分被动、尴尬的境地。由于战后自身力量衰退、对美国依赖加深,英国在许多国际事务上支持和追随美国的立场,对新中国的政策总体上同美国一致,即力图防止中国在亚非地区特别是东南亚地区影响的扩大。另一方面,在中国问题上英国又没有完全按美国意志行事,并不顾美国的反对承认了新中国。英国这一理性的外交举动给中国政府和人民留下了务实与友好的印象,为日后两国关系的发展打下了较好的基础。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

British diplomacy always pays attention to "realism", which is reflected in taking the situation into consideration and trying not to be in an excessively passive and embarrassing situation. This is an incisive summary of the essence and characteristics of British diplomacy by Mr. Chen leimin.

As an established capitalist power and colonial power, Britain has accumulated rich international political experience in hundreds of years of international exchanges and struggles, and forged profound diplomatic tradition and superb diplomatic skills. These intangible diplomatic assets are helpful for Britain to retain certain influence in international affairs. Although the national strength declined sharply after the World War II and the diplomatic space was greatly reduced, the general trend of British diplomacy was to strive for as much initiative as possible in passivity and never give up any opportunity to show initiative. The policy and strategy of "three-ring diplomacy" established in the early postwar period is a strategic choice based on reality, aiming to take as many initiatives as possible in diplomacy, so as to help maintain and restore Britain's great power status. From the perspective of the implementation effect, the strategy was also relatively successful on the whole, which protected the interests and dignity of Britain to the maximum extent in the post-war international politics. In a word, British diplomacy is based on reality, pragmatic and pursues interests.

After the war, Britain's diplomacy toward China was characteristic and pragmatic in addition to its maneuver among the "three rings" and the Soviet union. This can be seen through several large historical nodes. The early founding of the People's Republic of China, Britain's policy of new China has two sides: on the one hand, because of its own postwar recession, the United States relies on deepening, the UK in many international affairs support and follow the position of the United States, the new China policy in general agreement with the United States, which tries to prevent the expansion of China's influence in Africa and Asia, especially in southeast Asia, and actively cooperate with the American plots to thwart Taiwan's return to the motherland, to the far east, status quo and keep the purpose of Hong Kong. On the other hand, on the issue of China, Britain did not act in accordance with the will of the United States and recognized the new China in January 1950 despite the opposition of the United States. There are three main reasons: Britain invested more in old China than any other country, and it wants to keep its investment in China by recognizing the new China. Britain is worried that the excessive deterioration of Sino-British relations will lead to China's military recovery of Hong Kong, so it hopes to establish a dialogue mechanism with the new Chinese government as soon as possible. Britain wants to expand its presence in China at a time when the United States is helping Chiang kai-shek fight communism and Japan is being pushed out of the country by its defeat in the invasion of China. The recognition of the new China reflects the "realism" of British diplomacy. British leaders are keenly aware that the new China is a rising power, and it will be difficult for them to avoid dealing with the communist party of China if they want to safeguard their rights and interests in China. Ought to say, in the severe opposition between ideology and the situation of the cold war tensions between east and west, the first to admit that China is in the western powers will take political courage, is also because of this, the British a rational diplomatic move to the Chinese government and people a pragmatic and friendly impression, for the development of bilateral relations in the future laid a good foundation.

In the late 1970s, China implemented the reform and opening-up policy, which laid a solid foundation for China's economic growth and opened up broader space for the development of its foreign relations. Britain is salivating over the huge potential of the Chinese market and wants to reopen the one it was forced out of after the World War II. However, the problem of Hong Kong between the two countries has formed a constraint on the relationship between the two sides. Britain once set various obstacles for the solution of the problem of Hong Kong in an attempt to obstruct the return of Hong Kong. However, in the end, the situation is better than the people. Faced with the fact that the power structure of the two sides has changed and China has not wavered in its principled position, pragmatism has once again prevailed in the British diplomacy with China. Blair's government, which took office in 1997, adopted a strategy of taking the return of Hong Kong as an opportunity to improve china-uk relations and strengthen bilateral cooperation. The final settlement of the Hong Kong question has freed China and the UK from the burden of history and put bilateral relations on the fast track of all-round development. Within six months, the two countries have exchanged visits between senior leaders, which is unprecedented in the history of china-uk relations. More importantly, through high-level visits, the two sides have deepened mutual understanding, enhanced mutual trust and pushed bilateral relations towards a more stable and pragmatic direction.

In the 21st century, driven by the trend of economic globalization, China's economy has maintained rapid growth and its comprehensive national strength and international status have been greatly enhanced. Some foreign analysts have pointed out that China's increasingly powerful economic influence has gone beyond the regional level and is transforming into an international political advantage, which may even completely change the international strategic pattern after the cold war. Although this view is somewhat exaggerated, it is not necessary to deny the impact of China's development on the existing international situation. What is important is to make a reasonable and correct judgment of China's way and goal of achieving development. Should definitely pointed out that after the reform and opening up of China is the "builders" rather than "reformers" attitude to participate in international affairs, its development is peaceful, the purpose is to promote the international system towards more justice, democracy and the direction of balanced development, thus helping to build a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity. China's path of peaceful development is fundamentally determined by the nature of its socialist country and conforms to the trend of The Times of world peace and development.

China's desire and policy for peaceful development are clear and sincere, and have been recognized and appreciated by more and more countries in the world. Due to political and ideological prejudice, some western countries have doubts about China's development, advocate and spread the "China threat theory", and even interfere and restrict China's economic, political and cultural development. Nevertheless, in a world full of more wisdom and rationality, even the western society is not monolithic, and practical British people realize that China's development is an irresistible trend, which is both a challenge and an opportunity for Britain.

While in office, Blair stressed time and again that some people in the west see China's development as a threat, but he believes that China's development is both a challenge and an opportunity. For the development of China's "challenge", Britain's cognitive perspective is different from the United States and other countries, the latter tend to exaggerate China's possible geopolitical consequences caused by the development, while the British pay more attention to the environment, energy and resources to the world, and hope to cooperate with China to address climate change, energy security and other global challenges. In May 2007, British foreign secretary Margaret beckett pointed out in a speech delivered at the party school of the CPC central committee entitled "building a harmonious world: uk-china relations and its contribution to addressing international challenges": "we see China as a strategic partner in the UK... Britain and Europe also have a stake in China's continued economic boom. I would like to quote a concept used by the Chinese leadership, which is that the UK and China are not only strategic partners, but also partners in scientific development. She added, "in a globalized world of interdependence, China's success is good for the world, and China's failure hurts everyone." Beckett's remarks illustrate the Blair administration's pragmatic foreign policy of turning challenges into opportunities in response to China's development.

Since brown took office in 2007, he has continued to pursue a pragmatic approach to China. Brown, who was chancellor of the exchequer in Blair's government, has visited China many times and supported the development of friendly and cooperative relations with China. He has said in public speeches that China's peaceful rise is not a threat and noted that "Britain's foreign policy objectives cannot be achieved without working closely with China".

It is worth mentioning that under the background of the current international financial and economic crisis, the brown government attaches great importance to and makes positive comments on China's role and supports China and other large developing countries to play a bigger role in international institutions. In addressing other global challenges and reform of the international system, the brown government also attaches great importance to China's role and appeal, and advocates that the international community should increase assistance to developing countries and support technology transfer and financial cooperation in the fields of climate and environment. It can be said that the China policy of the brown government has continued the pragmatic friendship of the Blair era and made new progress at the same time.

It is a new credo of contemporary international diplomacy that diplomacy serves economy. The realization of this diplomatic goal requires transcending the differences of social systems between countries and getting rid of the shackles of ideological differences. China and the UK have different social systems and different ideologies and values, but this has not prevented the UK from developing relations with China. The reason lies in the fact that the UK emphasizes that diplomacy serves the economy and adopts the strategy of prioritizing economic interests under ideological differences. Above all, Britain's pragmatic diplomacy with China is mainly driven by economic interests.

From the outset, there have been strong economic motivations for Britain's China policy. As mentioned earlier, one of the important considerations for the UK to recognize the new China is to maintain its investment and expand its market in China. According to relevant statistics, the import and export volume of china-uk trade was 23 million us dollars in 1949. After the UK recognized the People's Republic of China, the direct trade between China and the UK and the trade between mainland China and Hong Kong both recovered and developed significantly in 1950, with the volume of trade about three times that of 1949. The comparison of these figures shows that pragmatic diplomacy with China has brought significant economic benefits to the UK. Economic considerations also played an important role in helping Britain finally make rational decisions about Hong Kong.

The Blair government sees great opportunities in China's rapid economic development and hopes to pursue practical cooperation with China for economic benefits. During his first visit to China in 1998, Blair issued a joint statement with Chinese leaders, which established the development framework of china-uk comprehensive partnership and laid a political foundation for china-uk economic cooperation. After his next visit to China in 2003, Blair agreed with the Chinese side to set up an interactive group on bilateral relations, which brought together wisdom from all sectors of society and put forward new proposals on trade and investment, finance, energy, education, culture, science and technology, environment, including climate change and sustainable development. Mr Blair also reminded the eu of its pragmatic approach to trade disputes with China. In 2005, for example, when the sino-eu textile trade negotiations were floundering, Blair stressed that the eu should view China's development rationally. There is, of course, a domestic interest behind this, as the UK stands to gain a lot from developing the Chinese market from a trade and economic perspective. Mr Blair has successfully exploited the historic opportunity of China's peaceful development to secure tangible benefits for the UK, as evidenced by the annual rise in trade between the two countries during his tenure.

Mr Blair's successor, Gordon brown, is an economic and fiscal man with a deeper understanding of the opportunities that China's development presents to Britain. In a speech to the Chinese academy of social sciences in February 2005, brown, then chancellor of the exchequer, said, "some may see China and global integration as a threat. I see China's rise and deepening global integration not as a threat but as an opportunity. It's an opportunity because China is a huge market with huge opportunities for British companies; A dynamic market that prepares Britain to meet and respond to the challenges of the new world. It is an opportunity because China's development helps us understand the need for change and enables the British people to seek change. Since brown's government came into office, it has attached great importance to economic diplomacy with China, and British trade and investment with China have been growing steadily. In 2007, the bilateral trade volume between China and the UK reached 39.44 billion us dollars, an increase of 28.6%, among which China's exports reached 31.66 billion us dollars, an increase of 31%, and imports 7.78 billion us dollars, an increase of 19.5%. By the end of 2007, the UK had invested in 5,834 projects in China, with an agreed amount of us $28.58 billion and an actual amount of us $14.78 billion. In recent years, the economic and trade disputes between China and the eu have increased, but the brown government insists that China's development will do more good than harm to china-uk economic and trade relations, and the British business community is increasingly aware of the interests of cooperation with China. The UK is now the eu's largest investor in China and the eu's third largest trading partner with China.

While further exploring the Chinese market, the brown government also tried to expand the common interests with China through diversified means, so as to promote the institutionalization and institutionalization of bilateral cooperation to a new level. In 2008, the two countries held the first china-uk economic and financial dialogue at the deputy prime minister level. In the shadow of the current international financial and economic crisis, the mechanism has highlighted its significance and value. On the one hand, the British economy dragged down by the financial crisis and recession, the international monetary fund forecasts released data show that the British economy will contract by 2.8% this year, under the worst recession in the developed country, in this case the UK more realized the importance of cooperation with China, hoping to use the Sino-British trade in order to boost their stagnant economy. On the other hand, due to the impact of the international financial and economic crisis, trade protectionism is on the rise in the world. However, China and the UK have reached consensus on reforming the international financial system and opposing trade protection, and share common interests. Therefore, the above mechanism provides a good platform for deepening bilateral exchanges and cooperation. In March 2008, wood, director general of the asia-pacific department of the British foreign office, said at a meeting of the uk-china trade association that Britain needs China to maintain stability and development, and China is Britain's partner in advancing the reform of the international financial system and opposing trade protectionism. China also needs Britain's cooperation to resist trade protectionism, defuse some diplomatic challenges and promote overseas investment and trade. The second china-uk economic and financial dialogue was held in London in May 2009. The two sides reached many important consensus on cooperation in finance, trade, investment, energy and environment. Darling, the chancellor of the exchequer positive comments on China to promote the implementation of the group of 20 financial summit in London consensus the constructive role played by, say China in tackling the international financial crisis, the reform of the international financial system to reflect the current state of the world plays an important role, he also emphasized in the current situation of the importance of both countries work together, according to the British side looking forward to further close cooperation with China.

Ideology and values differences is the biggest sticking point leading to twists and turns in china-eu relations in recent years, but with some sort of reverse method, the sino-german relations in contrast, the overall china-uk relations remain stable and obtain further development, its reason lies in the better processing the political differences and the relationship between the economic interests, and take the ideological differences of pragmatic strategy of economic benefits is preferred. It can be predicted that with the continuous development of China's economy, china-uk relations will be closer and the role of economic factors in Britain's diplomacy with China will be further strengthened. Of course, it should be emphasized that the economic relations between China and the UK in the new era are based on equality, cooperation and mutual benefit.


Essay代写:American hotel landscape

2019-05-16 17:22:44 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- American hotel landscape,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国酒店景观。在市场竞争激烈的今天,酒店已进入一个品牌竞争的时代,美国许多知名的酒店经过多年的发展,不仅具有极强的品牌影响力,还形成了一定的品牌风格,并通过建筑设计、特别是景观设计的多种元素,来不断强化和充分体现这种风格。其实最能突出酒店特色和风格的要数主题酒店和休闲度假酒店。主题酒店和度假酒店是酒店个性化和主题化的发展趋势,也是未来酒店产业发展的新方向。

With the development of tourism, the domestic hotel industry has also developed vigorously. The hotel has gradually evolved from a place that provides accommodation for people to a modern service place that integrates accommodation, catering, conference and entertainment. Today's hotel industry is called "tourism industry". The United States is the birthplace of modern hotels, its hotels in landscape design and business model are in the forefront of the world, there are a lot of domestic hotels to learn from.

Today, in the fierce market competition, the hotel has entered a era of brand competition, many of the famous hotels in the world after years of development, not only with a strong brand influence, also formed a certain brand style, and through the architectural design, especially in a variety of elements of landscape design, to continuously strengthen and fully embodies the style. And the most prominent hotel characteristics and style to the theme hotel and resort hotel. The following mainly introduces the design characteristics of these two types of hotels.

Theme hotel refers to the architectural style of the hotel, landscape design and decorative arts, to a specific theme to reflect, so that customers get rich in cultural feelings of personality, at the same time the theme will be skillfully integrated into the service project, so that customers get joy, knowledge and excitement of a hotel type. Speaking of theme hotel, it must mention in Las Vegas, known as "of themed hotels" Las Vegas, is Nevada's largest city, is a gambling as the center set tourism, shopping and vacation industry as one of the world entertainment mecca, is also the hotel industry the most developed regions, the world's biggest 16 hotels, Las Vegas has 15, theme has become a Las Vegas hotel industry's soul and life, every theme hotel which represents a scenic spot, they photograph echo, constitute a beautiful scenery line.

Theme hotel is usually to grab an eye, the iconic shape as their main building, especially in the world luxury hotel is set in a Las Vegas, ordinary hotel easily annihilation in lighting gorgeous buildings, theme of outstanding and memorable logo appears especially important, in the six miles on the Las Vegas strip, condensed the essence of the world. Although the theme of Las Vegas theme hotel is various, each theme can ensure the echo with the external environment of the hotel, so that the combination of artificial environment and natural environment into a comprehensive art, to achieve the overall aesthetic effect of the landscape. In order to better highlight the theme culture of the hotel, the hotel usually provides different styles of service according to its different theme, so that the service and the hotel design concept of mutual integration, give a clear and intuitive feeling and experience. Here, all the hotels are showcasing their unique charm. For example, the "New York -- New York" hotel completely moved New York Manhattan to Las Vegas, where the statue of liberty, the Empire State Building, times square and the famous roller coaster are gathered, which makes the whole hotel full of the modernity and luxury of New York's upper east side. Paris hotel is decorated in the doorway of the arc DE triomphe and the Eiffel Tower in proportion to the reduction, let people as if from the United States all of a sudden through to the fashion capital of France, Paris, give a person a kind of time and space dislocation wonderful feeling; Pyramid hotel has a 30-storey high, black glass pyramid and two high-rises composed of stairs, in front of the door is a huge sphinx, here, the mysterious ancient Egyptian civilization and modern construction technology perfect integration together, let a person as if in the mystery of ancient Egypt; There is located at the southern end of the Las Vegas strip Excalibur Hotel, its appearance looks like a medieval European castle, with the medieval legend of king Arthur as the theme, red, yellow and blue are visible, the spire of the as the spire of the iconic strewn at random discretion, in far away places can see, it is not only an ornament of the Las Vegas strip street view, also become the symbol of a memorable building.

In addition to highlighting the theme, reasonable transportation organization is also very important, especially for large luxury hotels, reasonable transportation organization will make the hotel run more orderly. The theme of Las Vegas hotel can set up multiple entry, every entrance to connect urban trunk road, vehicle in and out of the hotel, convenient all directions excalibur hotel, for example, set up a total of six entrances, to the Las Vegas strip as the main entrance and tropicana road intersection, the location of the other street there are one or two times. Parking is arranged near each entrance, and cars entering from each entrance can easily park, avoiding the interference of cars on the inside of the hotel. Each entrance building has a hotel theme logo that presents the hotel's character from every Angle.

The traffic in and out of the hotel is generally divided into people and cars, which makes the pedestrian flow into the hotel not be disturbed by the traffic flow. The excalibur hotel has a dedicated pedestrian walkway at the main entrance that connects to a pedestrian overpass that leads directly from the Las Vegas strip to the excalibur hotel. Also on foot from the overpass is the new york-new york hotel and tropical garden hotel across the street. In this way, each hotel is connected by an overpass so that people do not have to cross the street to reach the hotel. Accessibility is greatly increased. It also avoids the mutual interference of people flow and traffic flow.

The gardens of the Las Vegas theme hotel are designed according to different themes to form many distinctive landscapes, among which the water is the essence of the garden, with clear reflections on the water, small Bridges across the water, flexible space and beautiful natural environment. Las Vegas hotels and the environment is highly imaginative creation, some hotels are both "cloning" and innovation, both rich imagination, and pay attention to the preservation of cultural heritage. On the basis of the original regional architectural style, the space is endowed with new functions. Innovative designs emerge in an endless stream, which strengthens the integration of various cultures and creates colorful landscape art.

Display in the hotel design is very important in hotel design, should cause enough attention of domestic hotel decoration, hotel interior display design is an important part of environmental art design, to beautify the environment, for the purpose of hotel can reflect the hotel's artistic conception and atmosphere environment, it forms a very rich, mainly including various statues, vases, hang a picture, flower, etc., and involves a very wide range of modelling art form. Good interior decoration can not only beautify the space environment, reflect the characteristics and culture of the hotel, but also create economic sources for the hotel, which is particularly important in the increasingly fierce competition in the hotel industry. Hotels with characteristics and culture can often win the favor of tourists. For example, the Venetian people hotel built an artificial lake inside to create an environment surrounded by water around the small city of Venice, and built a small bridge and bell tower in Italian style, using gondola and boatmen singing Italian opera and showing the Italian style to tourists. Bello palace hotel creates a colorful and lush world of flowers by planting different kinds of flowers in the room, which is amazing. The choice of furnishings must be in line with the overall atmosphere and cultural context of the hotel atrium space. Display art plays an important role in improving the overall cultural atmosphere of the hotel and emphasizing the unique temperament of the hotel. Therefore, the design of display art in the atrium of the hotel is of great practical significance to the development of the hotel.

Resort hotels provide various service functions such as accommodation, catering and entertainment for leisure tourists. Different from urban theme hotels, most of them are not located in the city center. They are generally located in the suburbs or near natural scenic areas with a wide range of distribution, providing tourists with a fully relaxed accommodation space with a beautiful environment.

The landscape design of American leisure hotel focuses on the beautiful and elegant environment, mainly to create a quiet and comfortable rest space for guests. It should be an attractive and elegant sight. So in the design main consideration from the entrance of the hotel, restaurant, lobby and guest room in the garden, resort hotel adopt decentralized or courtyard layout, construction of lower layer and multilayer is given priority to, a decentralized arrangement is spread buildings in the garden environment, each building surrounded by beautiful scenery, surrounded by around while the courtyard layout along the garden layout, using synthesis courtyard building wai, form a central garden, inside the garden landscape to create a new world. Each landscape element is naturally integrated into the layout of the building. At the same time, for the green landscape within the enclosed space, it can also form a microclimate on its own, which plays a great role in building the overall living comfort and space atmosphere of the hotel. In a large scale hotel courtyard, there can be many buildings enclosed space, in each different enclosed space, to create a different theme of the architectural landscape, so that people can fully feel the atmosphere of the whole hotel garden, but also to experience the different space of trees, stones, water by the unique flavor. The radisson hotel, for example, is an American leisure resort with a fountain and pool at the entrance of the garden, forming a dynamic water scene, which, together with the plain and elegant pavement, has a sense of simplicity and seclusion. The garden features two natural swimming pools with tropical plants along the sides, parasols and lounge chairs, creating a casual garden atmosphere. At the same time beautiful environment and through the doors and Windows of the interior, so that the building and the environment blend into each other, as an organic whole.

The reasonable organization of traffic lines in the courtyard of the hotel is particularly important. Because the visual effect is the most important. The landscape changes from every road and Angle. So that customers enjoy relaxed, happy, leisure mood at the same time, can get close to the nature of the good feeling. In the design process, guests should be given clear guidance, from the hotel courtyard to the other places of the line is very clear. Among them, the route leading to the rest space can be slightly zigzagging, because it can better increase the viewing pleasure and viewing effect in the courtyard.

The plants in the courtyard of the hotel are mainly arranged in a natural way, following the principles of ecology, emphasizing the naturalness of the overall environment and highlighting the characteristics: the plant landscape of different gardens should be reasonably matched, and the plant landscape design should emphasize the richness of the levels, so as to achieve the purpose of using the landscape plants to organize the space and enrich the spatial levels. In terms of space, it attaches importance to communication and flow, forming a landscape sequence full of natural and ecological flavor, creating a harmonious ecological environment and providing pleasant leisure space. The origin of ornamental plants in the courtyard of the hotel is mostly in tropical and subtropical regions. These plants are shade tolerant or shade loving, and are very adaptable to the artificial environmental conditions with strong adaptability. In the hotel landscape design of the most common plant species are: palm, mulberry, lily, bromeliaceae, orchid, cactus and so on, in addition to many ferns. These plants are combined together to create a harmonious ecological environment and provide a pleasant leisure space.

The courtyard of the hotel is not only the art of space, but also involves arts and crafts, sculpture, landscape and other art forms. It is the synthesis of all these art forms. Garden pieces often appear in the atrium space of the hotel, common forms include sculpture, pavilion, bridge, wall and so on. The garden sketch content in the hotel should closely follow the theme, foil the atmosphere, according to the theme positioning to choose the corresponding material, natural stone, grass, rattan, hemp and other materials, as well as some local characteristics of the material, as an ornament, add a lot of fun for the landscape.

In order to meet the needs of all people, many public places in the United States have barrier-free access, and the hotel is no exception. All areas in the hotel for guests to use will be specially designed for the disabled access. In public toilets, there are also toilets for the disabled, urinals and washstands. In China, the popularity of related facilities still needs to be improved, designers need to consider how to meet the needs of different users in the design, so that they feel convenient, safe, comfortable and fast when using, domestic designers should strengthen the thinking of this aspect.

Theme hotels and resort hotels are the development trend of personalized and thematic hotels, and also the new direction of the development of China's hotel industry. When we learn excellent cases from foreign countries, we should also combine the national conditions, grasp the domestic aesthetic level and consumption level, and create a high-quality hotel under the current Chinese economic and cultural background.

