


2019-05-27 17:22:37 | 日記

想要英语写作表达好,第一步,就是放下我们原有的语言表达的固有习惯,去习惯并掌握英语表达的重点。那么对于英语来说,什么是“good writing”?

It’s plain and it’s strong. It has a huge vocabulary of words that have precise shades of meaning; there’s no subject, however technical or complex, that can’t be made clear to any reader in good English—if it’s used right.




The words derived from Latin are the enemy—they will strangle and suffocate everything you write. The Anglo-Saxon words will set you free.




“Dear member: The board of governors has spent the past year considering proactive efforts that will continue to professionalize the club and to introduce efficiencies that we will be implementing throughout 2009.”








主动语态下的动词表示一个特定的动作:JOHN SAW THE BOYS。

这个事件只发生过一次,而且我们总是知道who did what。是JOHN进行了“SAW”。

但如果换成被动语态,就会变成:THE BOYS WERE SEEN BY JOHN.

它更长,语调更弱:它需要三个单词(WERE SEEN BY而不是SAW),而且不是那么精确。我们不知道约翰看到男孩多久一次?每天?每周一次?

主动语态能给句子一个昂扬向上的动力向前进,但是被动语态则缺少这份推动力。“momentum is given to a sentence by active verbs and the sentence is pushed forward by them”


I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of nature, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.


这段话中活跃着:went, wished, front, see, learn, die, discover.这类的动词。这段话中44个单词有39个是一个音节,有一句话中,有五个单词有一个以上的音节。

Short is always better than long.


A decision was made to go to the woods because of a desire for a deliberate existence and for exposure to only the essential facts of life, and for possible instruction in its educational elements, and because of a concern that at the time of my death the absence of a meaningful prior experience would be apprehended.


“I went to the woods because”


“A decision was made.”

好好用起主动语态下的动词吧,active verbs. They are your best friends.


Clarity, Simplicity, Brevity, Humanity

I have four principles of writing good English. They are Clarity, Simplicity, Brevity, and Humanity.

——Writing English as a Second Language


If it’s not clear you might as well not write it.




“Oh, Mr.Zinsser, you’re so funny,”



At night, lying in bed, I would let the slogans drift away, to be replaced with a series of images, romantic images, of a past I had never known.

这段话是美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)在他的回忆录“Dreams from My Father”中写的。

So remember: Simple is good. Writing is not something you have to embroider with fancy stitches to make yourself look smart.



“Short is always better than long. Short sentences are better than long sentences. Short words are better than long words.”

举个非常不恰当的比方,想想现在多少人一看到长篇大论,哪怕知道是好文章,都会自动收藏不看。换位思考下,对于老师来说,他更喜欢又臭又长死脑细胞,实际上啥也没谈的“官样文章”,还是简单明了轻松阅读的Essay呢?不要写你在交谈中不会说的话,写作就是在纸上或屏幕上与其他人交谈。真的take it easy!别整复杂了!


简而言之,就是做自己。永远不要试图成为你在写作中不愿成为的人。Never try in your writing to be someone you’re not.不要为了试图变得“更加优越”,而失去了自己。




Paper代写:Prohibition in USA

2019-05-27 17:20:38 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Prohibition in USA,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的禁酒行为。美国禁酒的禁令带来了严重的社会问题,因为它不能消除人们的饮酒欲望和需求。由于联邦政府禁止酒类市场,所以黑市发展很快。据说,非法生产和销售酒类带来了巨大的利润,以至于有人用婴儿车走私葡萄酒和白兰地。特别是,美国的黑社会利用销售盗版酒,迅速发展壮大。与此同时,警察变得越来越腐败,犯罪率也在上升。

With the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution being promulgated on January 16, 1920, USA started the Prohibition which stipulated that manufacture, transportation, sales, import and export of alcoholic beverages were illegal. But after implementing for nearly fourteen years, the Twenty-first Amendment announced the abolition on December 6, 1933. Although this reform made futile efforts, it influenced the social life of the United States in all aspects. In order to fully understand the social background of the Prohibition, it involved many aspects including religious, political, social and cultural factors.

Puritanism was the main source of American culture. Native American whites who were nurtured in the spirit of Puritanism from childhood opposed to extravagant indulgence and advocated thrifty Puritan tradition. After all, wine was the root of all evils.

Actively taken part in the temperance movement, feminists considered that excessive drinking was an important reason of familial violence. They advocated using temperance to change husbands’ behavior to create good circumstances for children’s growth and provide equal status for women in the family(Blocker).

With the process of industrialization and urbanization, the United States overtook Britain to become the world’s largest economic entity at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Alongside economic advances, the problems such as large influx of immigrants and the social contradictions became more conspicuous than ever. The Puritans opposed to excessive drinking, but blacks, Jews, and Asian immigrants who opened up pubs were the largest consumer of alcohol.

The Prohibition brought serious social problems because it could not eliminate people’s drinking desire and demand. Because the federal government banned alcohol market, the black market developed very quickly. It was said that great profits brought by the illegal production and sales of liquor to such an extent that someone used a baby carriage to smuggle wine and brandy. Particularly, the American underworld became strong relying on bootleg liquor(Von Drehle, 2010). At the same time, the police had become increasingly corrupt and the rate of crime was rising(Sismondo, 2011).

The story of Boardwalk Empire set in Atlantic City in the 1920s. After the enactment of the Prohibition (1920-1933) by the federal government, the public sale of alcoholic goods became a kind of illegal behavior. In this context, various gangs launched a fight for control of the black market.


1. Blocker, American Temperance Movements: Cycles of Reform, p. 16.

2. Christine Sismondo (2011). America Walks into a Bar: A Spirited History of Taverns and Saloons, Speakeasies and Grog Shops. Oxford UP. p. 181.

3. David Von Drehle (May 24, 2010). “The Demon Drink”. Time. New York, New York. p. 56.


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Compare & Contrast Essay写作讲解

2019-05-27 17:18:58 | 日記
Compare & Contrast Essay,就是对比类的论文,是美国大学比较常见的一种论文作业形式。当然,对Compare & Contrast Essay熟悉的小伙伴肯定是没什么难度,但对于初到美国留学的新生,可能一下子写不出来,下面就给大家讲解一下Compare & Contrast Essay写作。

什么是Compare and Contrast Essay?

Compare and contrast essay,即对比比较文。顾名思义,就是分析两个或两个以上话题,找出它们的相似点和不同点。Compare是找出话题间的相似点,contrast则是找出话题间的不同点。被讨论的话题可以是一本书中的人物、去过的地方、某个概念或想法、或者任何有一定程度的相似性的事物。被对比和比较的话题可以是有紧密关联的,例如斑马和马;也可以是差距巨大的,例如披萨和沙拉。

Compare and Contrast Essay的类型

一般来说,compare and contrast essay有三种形式:

1. Block Method or Subject by Subject

这种形式的compare and contrast essay就是先集中论述完第一个话题的全部对比比较的点,再来从相同的对比比较点去论述第二个话题。这种形式让你可以一次集中论述一个话题,但是难点是行文至最后才能明确辨析出讨论话题的相似点和不同点。




1)Topic 1话题1

-Aspect 1对比比较点1

-Aspect 2对比比较点2

-Aspect 3对比比较点3

2)Topic 2话题2

-Aspect 1对比比较点1

-Aspect 2对比比较点2

-Aspect 3对比比较点3


2. Point-by-Point Method

这种形式的compare and contrast essay写作是以对比比较点为主线,每次都只从一个点出发来对比比较两个话题。




·Aspect 1对比比较点1

-Topic 1话题1

-Topic 2话题2

·Aspect 2对比比较点2

-Topic 1话题1

-Topic 2话题2

·Aspect 3对比比较点3

-Topic 1话题1

-Topic 2话题2


3. Compare then contrast

这种形式的compare and contrast essay就是先集中比较两个话题的相似点,再集中对比两个话题的不同点。这种形式强调的是对比不同点,但是由于文章是以比较相同点开始,所以要维持住读者的兴趣比较困难,因此更需要多下功夫。




·Comparison of Topic 1 and Topic 2话题1和话题2的比较(论述相似点)

-Comparison 1(Topic 1&2)相似点1

-Comparison 2(Topic 1&2)相似点2

-Comparison 3(Topic 1&2)相似点3

·Contrasts of Topic 1 and Topic 2话题1和话题2的对比(论述不同点)

-Contrast 1(Topic 1&2)不同点1

-Contrast 2(Topic 1&2)不同点2

-Contrast 3(Topic 1&2)不同点3


如何写作Compare and Contrast Essay?


在Body正文段落中,你需要摆出具体的证据来支持你的主旨。以一个主要观点开头,也就是该段的主题句。接下来写下支持性该观点的论点,并用研究数据或信息来逐条展开,论述每一个论点。最后以一个支持主要观点的总结句结束本段。尽管每篇compare and contrast essay的正文段落数量因所选择形式以及相似点和不同点的数量而不尽相同,但是每个正文段落都可按照同样的思路行文。


Compare and Contrast Essay写作常用词汇


-In addition




-Just as

-Same as

-Compared to

-As well as

-At the same time



-Even though


-On the contrary

-In contrast


-On the other hand



以上就是关于Compare & Contrast Essay的写作讲解,希望留学新生看完之后,都能写好Compare & Contrast Essay,然后拿到一个好分数。


Paper代写:Pharmaceutical higher education in the UK

2019-05-27 17:16:56 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Pharmaceutical higher education in the UK讨论了英国的药学高等教育。英国的药学高等教育以培养药师为目标,学校教学偏重于药师职业所要求的知识和技能,或者为学生进一步深造攻读研究生打好基础。英国药学高等教育是以培养药剂师为主要目标,设立了完整的临床药学专业学位人才培养体系,学校教学偏重于药师职业所要求的知识和技能。因药学学科的特殊性,英国药政总局制定了统一指导性的教学大纲,还对所有药学院提出了课程设置的基本原则,制定了药学学生及见习药师必须遵守的行为守则及道德职业标准。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

British pharmacy higher education aims at cultivating pharmacists, and the teaching in schools focuses on the knowledge and skills required by pharmacists, or lays a good foundation for students to pursue further studies for postgraduate studies. The British pharmaceutical education system is mainly divided into 4-year master of pharmacy and 5-year master of pharmacy. The former training mode can be called "4+1" mode, i.e., 4-year pharmacy students become pre-registration pharmacist after graduation, and after one year of training, they can get registered pharmacists nationwide. The advantage of this training mode is that students have continuity in their study. After learning all the theoretical courses, they can be fully put into practice and complete the one-year pre-registration training. The latter mode is called sandwich course mode, which takes a total of 5 years. The practical training is interspersed in the third and fifth years of the five years. After the two-year master of pharmacy course, the pre-registration training is conducted for half a year, followed by the two-year master of pharmacy course and the half-year pre-registration training. After the completion of the 5-year course, you can directly apply for the national registered pharmacist. The advantage of this training mode is the close connection between theory and practice, which enables students to continuously test and apply theoretical knowledge in practice, and students will also get certain economic income during the practice.

To become a registered pharmacist in the UK, you must have the following three conditions: 1 year internship in hospital pharmacy, community pharmacy or pharmaceutical factory; Passed the national unified licensed pharmacist examination. British pharmacists have a wide range of employment channels, including community pharmacy, hospital pharmacy, pharmaceutical enterprises and academic research. At present, most pharmacists in Britain are engaged in pharmaceutical services in pharmacies. About 70% of them work in pharmacies and pharmacies, and 20% of them work in hospitals. The main responsibilities and contents of British pharmacists are to provide drug information services, open outpatient clinics for pharmacist consultation, ensure people's medication safety, control the drug budget and other aspects.

In view of the particularity of the discipline of pharmacy, the UK food and drug administration has formulated and compiled a unified guiding syllabus, which is adopted by the 24 pharmaceutical schools it has identified. The MPharm courses of the school of pharmacy are required to be extended within the six areas specified in the syllabus. These six fields are mainly from the basic medical knowledge, the role of drugs, drug safety, drug manufacturing and supply, the operation of medical system and professional duties. Different universities can set up different contents of pharmaceutical knowledge expansion according to their own resources and characteristics, including foreign pharmaceutical systems, pharmaceutical research, clinical pharmaceutical services, health and social services, pharmacoeconomics, drug recovery and natural environment protection, etc.

In addition to the syllabus, administration of the drug administration made the unification of the basic principles of curriculum, requires all college of pharmacy to abide by, including course content should be set to match the current medical development, moral education and practical experience, and apprentice pharmacist for medicine students to develop the student code of conduct and ethics professional standards, all students must be strictly observed. The UK pharmaceutical administration has also standardized the assessment and assessment of students, and established relevant assessment and assessment systems. For example, clinical competence test is adopted to test students' professional competence by simulating clinical scenarios.

Based on the syllabus, there are four types of courses: professional basic courses; Professional courses; Humanities and social studies; Practical courses. Each college of pharmacy can set up colorful and expanded courses according to its own teachers, software and hardware conditions, and guide students to take elective courses according to their own interests and future development direction.

The university of Manchester in the United Kingdom is ranked 14th in the QS rankings of world pharmacy, and its pharmacy major is world-class. The following is an example of the courses of the university of Manchester in the United Kingdom to introduce the methods and directions of the school of pharmacy in the cultivation of pharmaceutical talents.

The main objective of the undergraduate programme at the university of Manchester school of pharmacy is to develop qualified pharmacists who will have the knowledge and practical skills to enter the field of pharmacy in the future. The school's curriculum combines theory with practice, and students go to community and medical institutions for practice every year.

The major of Pharmacy in the university of Manchester is divided into MPharm, MPharm, Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmacy Practice, etc. There are two types of undergraduate pharmacy programs: a four-year master of pharmacy program and a five-year master of pharmacy program, the first year of which is designed for students with no pharmaceutical background. Both programs focus on clinical pharmacists. The following is a brief introduction of the 4-year pharmacy curriculum: the first year is the basic study of pharmacy, including 5 courses including introduction to pharmacy, introduction to professional experiment, introduction to human physiology, public health microbiology, and comprehensive professional practice. The teaching content in the second year is more close to clinical practice, including courses such as drug development and prescription development process, legal professional practice and dispensing, pathology, pharmacology and therapeutics, pathogen infection and prevention/treatment in public health, and professional comprehensive practice. In the third year, I will continue to learn drug development, pathology, pharmacology and therapeutics, professional comprehensive practice and other courses, on the basis of which I will learn new drug research, evaluation and review skills, and how to communicate with patients correctly and effectively. In addition, I will learn drug design, delivery and use. In the fourth year, the course is more practical. In addition to knowledge preparation for further internship, students need to complete a research project and write a paper, and participate in practical work in hospitals or pharmaceutical companies. The employment and graduation rate of the university of Manchester pharmacy is about 98%. After four years of training, students need one year of pre-registration training and pass the GPhC to become pharmacists. The employment direction of the graduates is mainly as follows: working as a pharmacist in a community pharmacy, working as a hospital pharmacy in a hospital, working as a drug management and drug research in the industrial field.

With pharmacists as the main goal, UK pharmacy higher education has established a complete professional degree training system for clinical pharmacy, and the teaching in the school focuses on the knowledge and skills required by pharmacists. Since 1997, the UK has focused its pharmaceutical higher education on the training of MPharm for clinical rational drug use. After years of reform, it has gradually improved the talent training model. In developed countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States and Japan, clinical pharmacy degree is a necessary condition for the qualification of pharmacists in the country. The UK spends a lot of money on pharmacists' education. About 200 million pounds are invested in pharmacists' education and training every year, half of which is invested in MPharm education. Official attention and steady investment are the strong backing for the steady development of British pharmacist education, which also guarantees the quality of teaching and ensures the stability of pharmacist talent team to a large extent.

The British higher pharmacy education system is perfect and the education management is standardized. Due to the particularity of the discipline of pharmacy, the UK food and drug administration has formulated a unified and guiding teaching syllabus, proposed basic principles for the curriculum of all pharmaceutical colleges, and formulated codes of conduct and ethical professional standards that pharmaceutical students and trainee pharmacists must abide by. Based on the syllabus, the courses are mainly divided into four types: professional basic courses, professional courses, humanities and social courses and practical courses. Standardized management at the national level ensures the quality of pharmaceutical talents training.

Both 4-year master of pharmacy courses and 5-year MPharm courses, British higher pharmaceutical education attaches great importance to internship and practical training, emphasizing the training and training of students' hands-on ability and practical ability. There are comprehensive practice courses in the curriculum every year, and the school will arrange students to carry out social practice activities in communities, hospitals and pharmaceutical factories. In order to be admitted as a registered pharmacist, the UK food and drug administration requires pharmaceutical graduates to have a one-year internship in a hospital pharmacy, community pharmacy or pharmaceutical factory.


Essay代写:America's energy independence

2019-05-27 17:15:10 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- America's energy independence,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了美国的能源独立。在上世纪70年代,中东战争引发了第一次世界石油危机,从保障美国能源安全考虑,美国总统首次提出美国“能源独立”的设想。作为国家的长期战略目标,此后历届美国政府,都将“能源独立”当作一种历史使命,采取不同方法,从不同角度,积极付诸实践。美国“能源独立”的核心是充分利用国内、国外有利条件,建设一个有利于美国的能源安全保障体系。

The core of U.S. energy independence is to make full use of domestic and foreign advantages to build an energy security system that benefits the United States, from which China can draw useful lessons. In recent years, due to the success of shale gas, shale oil and other unconventional oil and gas exploration and development, new breakthroughs have been made in the research and development of new energy technologies. The comprehensive energy self-sufficiency rate of the United States has increased from 69% in 2005 to 81% in 2011, and new progress has been made in promoting the "energy independence" strategy of the United States, which has attracted extensive attention at home and abroad.

The United States is the country that consumes the most energy per capita in the world. Although it is rich in resources, it is not self-sufficient and completely independent in terms of its current situation. Energy consumption in the United States is dominated by oil, natural gas, coal, nuclear power, and hydropower, supplemented by liquid fuels converted from solar energy and some biomass. According to the 2012 new energy outlook released by the us energy information administration, coal and electricity in the us were completely self-sufficient in energy consumption in 2011, among which coal accounted for 22.1% of the us primary energy consumption and 8.9% of the total output. Nuclear and hydro power are 100% self-sufficient. Natural gas self-sufficiency is rising, to 93.6% in 2011, with only a small amount imported from Canada. In 2011, the United States consumed 833.6 million tons of crude oil and produced 282.1 million tons of crude oil. Together with other liquid fuels, it produced 72.2 million tons of crude oil. The self-sufficiency rate was 41.3%.

The United States is the world's oil and gas resources development, the use of earlier countries. Most of the conventional oil and gas fields are in the late stage of development, and the production space of the old fields is limited. The us has 2.833bn tonnes of proven remaining recoverable oil reserves, matching China's 2.7bn tonnes, according to the latest data from the us geological survey. Such a resource base cannot support the us to achieve self-sufficiency in crude oil production. Even with new discoveries in the gulf of Mexico and Alaska, it will be difficult to produce more than 500 million tons of oil a year, the highest in U.S. history. Therefore, it is unrealistic, at least for the time being, for the United States to achieve 100 percent "energy independence," especially in terms of oil supply, independent of the international market and completely self-sufficient.

Although it seems impossible to achieve "energy independence" at present, the United States still sticks to the goal of "energy independence", which is the strategic thinking and vision of Americans. Strategic goals are formulated in accordance with the needs of strategic development. Failure to achieve them for the time being does not mean failure in the future.

The "energy independence" of the United States is not proposed today. Back in the 1970s, the Middle East war triggered the first world oil crisis. In order to ensure the energy security of the United States, President Nixon put forward the idea of "energy independence" of the United States for the first time. As the long-term strategic goal of the country, successive American governments have since taken "energy independence" as a historical mission, adopted different methods and actively put it into practice from different perspectives.

The success of us shale gas development is a case in point: the us drilled its first shale gas well in 1821, 38 years before the first well. Because the technology was not up to scratch and could not be exploited industrially, the development of gas was put on hold and conventional oil was developed instead. Until Nixon proposed "energy independence," people realized that as a large energy consumer, it was not safe to rely too much on imports, so they began to tackle technological challenges and try to enter the field of unconventional oil and gas. Since then, for more than 40 years, successive us administrations have used policy levers to leverage the energy market and encourage companies to invest in unconventional oil and gas. We will encourage technological innovation and vigorously develop practical new technologies. We will make overall plans for the construction of the basic pipeline network and gradually improve the investment environment. Under the leadership of the government, we will improve the market supervision mechanism, strengthen supervision, and promote coordinated development of resources development, energy conservation and emission reduction, and environmental protection. To ensure the safety of oil and gas supply in the United States by making sure that resources can be replaced, supply can be guaranteed, energy conservation measures can be taken and risks can be controlled.

As can be seen from the development history of the oil and gas industry in the United States, the essential meaning of "energy independence" in the United States does not mean that the energy supply of the United States is completely independent and dependent on itself, forming a closed self-circulation economic circle, but a strategic goal and a guiding ideology. Its core is to make full use of domestic and foreign advantages to build an energy security system that benefits the United States. The specific content includes based on the domestic market, strengthen the exploration and development of local resources, increase the local supply, reduce the excessive dependence on foreign imports of oil supply; Encourage energy conservation and efficiency improvement, reduce energy consumption per unit and improve energy efficiency; We will develop new technologies, vigorously develop new and clean sources of energy, optimize the energy mix, and enhance China's capacity for energy substitution. We will strengthen energy diplomacy, build and consolidate international markets conducive to securing U.S. oil supplies, and safeguard the national interests of the United States.

The increase of energy self-sufficiency in the United States and the reduction of oil imports have increased the proportion of natural gas in the primary energy consumption, not only improving the energy consumption structure, reducing pollution and improving the environmental quality, but also ensuring the supply and lowering the price of natural gas. At $1.90 per million British thermal units, the price of natural gas in America is about a third of that in Europe and an eighth of that in Asia. Such a low natural gas price will surely strengthen the inherent power of the us economic recovery and create favorable conditions for the us to resume manufacturing and revitalize the real economy. Increasing energy self-sufficiency, reducing imports of crude oil and natural gas, and reducing the energy trade deficit are bound to reduce the financial pressure on the United States, which is conducive to the economic recovery of the United States. As many as 350,000 jobs could be added to the U.S. petrochemical industry simply because of lower natural gas prices and higher operating rates.

We will promote new changes in the international oil and gas market landscape, and the trend toward greater regionalization. The United States will increase its energy self-sufficiency and reduce the amount of oil imported from the Middle East. It will no longer make great efforts to directly control the oil sales channels in the Middle East and other oil-producing regions, as it did in the past. As a result, oil-producing countries will have more opportunities to contact Oriental demand countries such as China, India, Japan and South Korea, and the international oil consumption market will gradually move eastward. The United States pursues the strategy of "energy independence", which actually magnifies the geopolitical relationship. There are virtually three sectors in the international market. Second, it is a European supply and demand zone with the oil-producing countries in Russia, north sea, north Africa and central Asia as the main force and the eu member states as the consumption objects. Third, the west coast of the Pacific is likely to form the Middle East, central Asia, southeast Asia and the Asia supply and demand zone with China, Japan, South Korea and India as the consumption centers. Of course, not because of the plate and the fragmentation of the global market integration pattern. However, under the influence of the "energy independence" strategy of the United States, it is inevitable that the future international market will form a region with a focus on supply and demand.

American natural gas export may impact the pricing model of international natural gas market. Due to transportation barriers, there is no uniform international price for natural gas sales. Due to the different consumption levels in different regions, the prices are all set in the regional market. With the gradual maturity of LNG production technology and the formation of large-scale production, the natural gas resource countries represented by Russia advocate that the price of natural gas should be linked to the international oil price, and the price of natural gas and LNG will increase day by day. Driven by the strategic thought of "energy independence", the natural gas industry in the United States develops very fast and the price is very low. Once a large number of exports are made, the pricing model that the price is linked to the price of crude oil is bound to be impacted, which has a significant impact on the pattern of the international natural gas market.

