胃生検の小部屋 Cottage for Gastric Biopsy


Trastuzumab, HER2, 胃癌, ToGA study (2)

2010-02-03 | 胃分化型腺癌
トラスツズマブの胃癌での実用化が近くなってきました。このためには病理医がhuman epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)検査を判定する必要があります。胃癌におけるHER2検査に関する集まりが旧GHQビルの近くでありました。胃癌は乳癌に比べてheterogeneityが大変強いのが大きな問題点です。

Her2 IHC Scoring Proposal –acc. Pre-ToGA Study
DakoCytomation HercepTest™ (mod. for Gastric Cancer)
0: No / membrane staining in <10% of tumour cells
1+: Faint / barely perceptible membrane staining in >10%; cells only stained in part of their membrane
2+: Weak to moderate complete or baso-lateral membrane staining detected in >10% of tumour cells
3+: Moderate to strong complete or baso-lateral membrane staining in >10% of tumour cells
Biopsy samples with cohesive either IHC 3+ and ⁄ or FISH+ clones are considered positive. Irrespective of size, i.e. <10%
(Hofmann et al. Histopathology 52:797-805, 2008)
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