胃生検の小部屋 Cottage for Gastric Biopsy


PPI-related gastropathy

2020-07-04 | 胃腫瘍様病変
 本ブログでは古くは2009-04-21と2016-10-30にparietal cell protrusion, parietal cell hyperplasiaを、2015-09-06に白色扁平隆起をテーマにして投稿しています。今回はそれらの合わせ技です。
 胃底腺粘膜の腺窩上皮には限局性の過形成がみられ(lozalized/polypoid foveolar hyperplasia)、胃底腺ではparietal cell protrusionを伴う拡張がみられます。
 胃炎の京都分類という教科書では、PPI-related gastropathyという洒落た述語が提唱されています。

Biopsy obtained from an elevated lesion of the body of a patient taking PPI for a long time. Please click.
In this blog, I posted “parietal cell protrusion; parietal cell hyperplasia” on 2009-04-21 and 2016-10-30, and “white and flat elevated lesions” on 2015-09-06. This time, it's a combination of them. Localized foveolar hyperplasia and dilatation of fundic glands with parietal cell protrusion are seen.
In the text book of “Kyoto Classification of Gastritis” , a stylish term “PPI-related gastropathy” is proposed.

Series 113 "Ninja (SHINOBI) Train" running on the JR Kusatsu Line and Kosei Line in Shiga Prefecture. It may be Koka style.
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