

弧状列島,リスク, 徴用工問題、Recruitment problem,世界のバランス崩す行動 “behavior that breaks the balance of the world”?

2019-09-05 20:16:07 | 連絡
徴用工問題、Recruitment problem
韓国の暴挙は「戦後秩序の否定」: South Korea ’s violence is “denial of post-war order” 
Is the Bun administration aware of “behavior that breaks the balance of the world”?
飯田浩司のそこまで言うか!: Do you say that to Koji Iida? 
9/5(木) 16:56配信 

辛坊さんも指摘していましたが、それは1965年の日韓請求権協定の否定にとどまりません。As Sinbo pointed out, it is not just a denial of the 1965 Japan-Korea Claims Agreement. :
協定の下敷きとなった連合国との戦後賠償の取り決め、サンフランシスコ講和条約の否定につながります。Arrangements for post-war compensation with the Allied nations that underlie the agreement and denies the San Francisco Peace Treaty.
さらに言えば、かつての欧米列強の植民地支配について、被支配民とその子孫に賠償を認める前例をつくることになります。Furthermore, the former Western power colonial rule will create a precedent that grants compensation to the ruled people and their descendants.
 すなわち、「戦後秩序への挑戦」なのです。In other words, it is a “challenge to post-war order”.
Therefore, Mr. Sato affirmed that he would immediately take countermeasures.
勘違いしてはならないのは、一連の輸出管理の見直しとはまったく別の案件だということです。One thing that should not be mistaken is that it is a completely different project from a series of export control reviews.
当欄でも以前指摘しましたが、輸出管理の見直しは安全保障上の観点によるもので、いわゆる徴用工問題への報復でも何でもありません。As I pointed out earlier in this section, the review of export control is from a security perspective, and there is no retaliation for the so-called recruitment problem.
戦後、われわれ日本は愚直なまでに戦後秩序のルールを順守し、平和国家として国際社会とともに歩んできました。After the war, we Japan was obstinately observing the rules of post-war order, and as a peaceful nation, we have walked with the international community.
「平和を維持し、専制と隷従、圧迫と偏狭を地上から永遠に除去しようと努めていゐる国際社会において、名誉ある地位を占めたいと思ふ」という憲法前文の精神、言い換えればリベラル国際主義を追い求めてきたわけです。In pursuit of the spirit of the preamble to the Constitution, in other words, liberal internationalism, in an international society that strives to maintain peace, to remove tyranny and slavery, oppression and narrowness from the earth forever. That's why. After the war, we Japan was obstinately observing the rules of post-war order, and as a peaceful nation, we have walked with the international community.