Ore Railからの報告です。スノープロウが豪快に雪を飛ばしている写真です。日本では、なかなか見ないような気がします。
On Sunday morning we headed back north knowing that a deadhead crew
had been called out of Pokey at 03:30 to take the empties west to
Superior. A mixture of clear blue skies with bands of clouds greeted
us. With no train over the line between Prentice and Ladysmith in
over two days, the snow plow drifts would make for some nice shots as
the train rolled through grade crossings. Given the train left so
early, the move was back-lit for the westbound journey.
On Sunday morning we headed back north knowing that a deadhead crew
had been called out of Pokey at 03:30 to take the empties west to
Superior. A mixture of clear blue skies with bands of clouds greeted
us. With no train over the line between Prentice and Ladysmith in
over two days, the snow plow drifts would make for some nice shots as
the train rolled through grade crossings. Given the train left so
early, the move was back-lit for the westbound journey.