1986年4月18日スウェーデンでのライブ。ステージ左側からのオーディエンスショットで画質、音質はまあまあ。Gはクレイグで、彼のギタータイムは退屈。このツアーの目玉は巨大ドラゴンで、ここでもロニーのドラゴン退治が見られる。(NON LABEL 1DVDR pal)
1.Intro 2.King of rock and roll 3.Like the beat of the heart 4.Donエt talk to strangers 5.Hungry for heaven 6.Last in line/Heaven and hell/Holy diver 7.Vinny Appice solo 8.Heaven and hell/Craig Glody solo/Claud Schnell solo 9.Sacred heart/Last in line (reprise) 10.Rock and roll children/Long live rock and roll/Man on the silvermountain 11.Stand up and shout 12.Rainbow in the dark 13.We rock
1.Intro 2.King of rock and roll 3.Like the beat of the heart 4.Donエt talk to strangers 5.Hungry for heaven 6.Last in line/Heaven and hell/Holy diver 7.Vinny Appice solo 8.Heaven and hell/Craig Glody solo/Claud Schnell solo 9.Sacred heart/Last in line (reprise) 10.Rock and roll children/Long live rock and roll/Man on the silvermountain 11.Stand up and shout 12.Rainbow in the dark 13.We rock