2006年9月7日のaudience録音で1部でOPⅠ、2部でOPⅡの再現を行っているライブ。OPⅠについては傑作中の傑作なので当然楽しめるのだが、ジェフは高音部分をつらそうになんとか歌っている感じだ。生で見ると演出もあってドラマティックに感じるのだろうけれど、音源を聴いている限りはOPⅡの楽曲の弱さが実感される。ドクターXを演じるロニーのパートはテープを使っているようだ。音質は○。(No Label 2CDR)
1.Intro music-I Remember Now 2.Anarchy-X 3.Revolution Calling 4. Operation: Mindcrime 5.Speak 6.Spreading The Disease 7.The Mission 8.The Needle Lies 9.Electric Requiem (and Mary's suicide) 10.Breaking The Silence 11.I Don't Believe In Love 12.Waiting For 22 13.My Empty Room
14.Eyes Of A Stranger
1.Intermission music-Freiheit Ouverture 2.Convict 3.I'm American 4.One Foot In Hell 5.Hostage 6.The Hands 7.Speed of Light 8.Signs Say Go 9.Re-Arrange You 10.The Chase 11.A Murderer? 12.Circles 13.If I Could Change It All 14.An Intentional Confrontation 15.A Junkie's Blues 16. Fear City Slide 17. All The Promises 18.Break (applause for encore) 19. Walk in the Shadows 20.Jet City Woman
1.Intro music-I Remember Now 2.Anarchy-X 3.Revolution Calling 4. Operation: Mindcrime 5.Speak 6.Spreading The Disease 7.The Mission 8.The Needle Lies 9.Electric Requiem (and Mary's suicide) 10.Breaking The Silence 11.I Don't Believe In Love 12.Waiting For 22 13.My Empty Room
14.Eyes Of A Stranger
1.Intermission music-Freiheit Ouverture 2.Convict 3.I'm American 4.One Foot In Hell 5.Hostage 6.The Hands 7.Speed of Light 8.Signs Say Go 9.Re-Arrange You 10.The Chase 11.A Murderer? 12.Circles 13.If I Could Change It All 14.An Intentional Confrontation 15.A Junkie's Blues 16. Fear City Slide 17. All The Promises 18.Break (applause for encore) 19. Walk in the Shadows 20.Jet City Woman